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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2023 in all areas

  1. Yes you are twisting words around as you see fit, how about using them in the same context as i was... Just minutes ago you refused they even existed, now they are just predictions, predictions on how they want to see the world in 2030... why even put them out there if they were so far out there... is that an act that normal organization put out there, or is it just to feed the theories you talk about...Cause it adds nothing to their credibility... Are you denying there is not one global leader that has not adopted any of the WEF ideas or programs...Justin has been copying them for a while now, and just down south has brought in the same type of programs under the same names. And yes i would say he is an idio* as well. WOW meat consumption is up, would have nothing to do with there being more people on the planet...and how do you explain what is happening in Europe right now with restricting how many farm animals they can process, becasue of COW FAR*S... This is how our conversation typical end...you shouting me or anyone that has a difference of opinion down, then directing them to STF* and accuse them of shouting from the roof tops, i think if you read any of my posts thats not what i am doing. at all. .. you just can not help yourself, and can not believe someone can have a different opinion...or interest...
    3 points
  2. You’re describing the scary overreach that has become ubiquitous in government and organizations in Canada today. It’s put a chill on free speech because everyone is afraid of being canceled, losing their jobs and reputations, etc. Canada has dropped down in freedom rankings for these reasons. We are increasingly told what we should think and how we should live in top-down totalitarian fashion. Anyone who has studied history should know where this attack on free thinking leads. We can refer to the Spanish Inquisition, McCarthyism, the various purges in communist and fascist countries. Disagreement on matters of opinion has become grounds for mistreatment by employers, media, etc. I don’t know exactly when this got out of control in recent years, but the pandemic response certainly heightened the situation. It always starts for “good” reasons: ending racism, communism, sexism, public health emergencies, environmental catastrophe, etc. Having free exchange and debate of ideas suddenly became misinformation, conspiracy, and so on. The shift against freedom today is supported by cutting edge surveillance, data collection, and enforcement systems. That’s why we should be highly critical of new centralized controls, such as digital state currencies. Government and big businesses are working closely together like in the days of the fascist regimes to make sure citizens follow the path of “good” behaviour.
    3 points
  3. KXL was delayed a year by Barry. The Donald approved it all as soon as he took office. Biden killed it finally as soon as he took office. I didn't say this was a new battle...clown-boy...I said in 2012 they...you...were not actively squelching the oil industry. Clown-boy...
    3 points
  4. Given the clear grab for power that took place during covid and the overreaction in the form of unproven and unscientific NPIs and the desire to re-shape the world for now a climate "crisis", is it completely irrational to suspect that the interventions and grabs for authoritarian power for the climate "crisis" will be any different? They want everyone driving electric vehicles - which few can afford - and want everyone on digital IDs for easy tracking of locations and carbon footprints. So, some can sense a time coming, very quickly, where we are confined to a 15-Minute radius of your home, and if you try to drive further, your car shuts down and your digital ID both reports you and takes money directly from your account to fine you. Governments WILL have that ability, that is a fact. The question is - will they? Some say that given the excesses, authoritarianism and overreactions to covid, it shows their hand. So far, the only rebuttal I've heard is "Oh, for gawd's sake, they'd never do that to us." Except they just did. And they loved every minute of it.
    3 points
  5. A Pfizer employee, and a high up one at that makes some startling admissions. And there is even a bit of humour in it when the man in question brings up the diversity of the camera crew!? I was wondering if this guy was actually working for Pfizer and apparently he is. Was Jordon Trishton Walker a Pfizer Executive? - USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page. Who says we can't have a laugh when we hear news stories?
    2 points
  6. I think i have apologized enough for my over sight, time to let it go... Now we are into playing word games, Yes the WEF is a forum, made up of some very influential people, who according to your suggestions they are not very influential at all... which is why our government has used dozens of their ideas, ya no influence at all....And i did not point out a singular agenda, i originally pointed out dozens...including a WEF web sight that has 8 to 10 items they promote, not some 4 Chan site... and you have yet to look at, makes me think this conversation is going exactly where all our conversations go round and round until i get dizzy....It is easy to sit back and tell the world they are full of shit, but you have not provided one single piece of evidence to back your claim...instead your follow your own moto and deny deny deny... And just as a side note, not once have i promoted this topic as a conspiracy theory, what i have said countless times was the topic interests me and i want to follow it, and what i posted was what i thought was strange or unusual... you seem to think those items i did post are normal behavior... Beware this is not a Chan4 theory...it is an actual WEF U tube video... I found the video becauase some of you are having issues with reading... n a promotional video, the World Economic Forum summarizes the eight predictions in the following statements: People will own nothing. Goods are either free of charge or must be lent from the state. The United States will no longer be the leading superpower, but a handful of countries will dominate. Organs will not be transplanted but printed. Meat consumption will be minimized. Massive displacement of people will take place with billions of refugees. To limit the emission of carbon dioxide, a global price will be set at an exorbitant level. People can prepare to go to Mars and start a journey to find alien life. Western values will be tested to the breaking point.. 8 predictions for the world in 2030 | World Economic Forum (weforum.org) Whoops did it again... these must be fake news
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. That is not the case that's been discussed in this topic. You say something you think without any association to your employer, never mentioning them from you home, during your free time. Next morning the employer runs a "tribunal" on the grounds that it may have affected their "reputation" and fires you. That would be clearly, a) arbitrary dismissal, and you should be able to sue the employer, including damages for violating your constitutional rights; b) a gross violation of the constitutional rights. But wait, there's more. Who would be the employer here, in most cases no other than the government itself. Governments in violation of constitutional rights? So should they be allowed to use those pads, "professional associations" to do the same job on their behalf? The solution is easy, define jurisdictions clearly and specifically: only clear professional misconduct, in direct execution of professional duties is in the jurisdiction of "associations" and "tribunals". And for everything else, for overstepping jurisdiction even by a half a step or inch, their a..es can (and should be) sued off, that time sure, for damaging reputations, exemplary damages for overstepping authority all of that. Only this way the society can make "because we can" folk learn because they will always come to believe that yes, they can and try it again. Persistently, tirelessly and regularly. That's a fact, nothing to discuss here, proven, certified and stamped by history.
    2 points
  9. OMG get off your high horse. Were you right about something for once in your life and now you can't let it go? I can't even believe some of you guys didn't change your usernames again after all the things you said about covid that turned out to be just as stupid as they sounded.
    2 points
  10. 'On the Origin of the Deadliest Pandemic in 100 Years' . . . . . Elaine Dewar. Excellent book . . . gives the timeline, dates, places, and names.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Good god, planned cities are not a new thing in much of the world and none of them are ghettos. You really need to get a grip.
    2 points
  13. Just because the thread title says something, does not make it true. The source of your article? Fox News. Yeah, believe them to tell you honestly that they crushed their competitors.
    2 points
  14. You obviously don't know what is going on. Quebec does receive special favour in every area and has soveriegnty in the area of species at risk as well. "For example, Quebec does not participate in the development of Canada-wide policies and mechanisms for the conservation of species at risk, and as such, will not implement the proposed Pan-Canadian Approach. Quebec intends to work in complementarity with the federal government in setting priorities for the recovery of species in precarious situations, within already existing mechanisms." Overview of the Pan-Canadian approach to transforming Species at Risk conservation in Canada - Canada.ca
    1 point
  15. That proves nothing. You are trying to make this a partisan issue between federal parties. This has nothing to do with that. This is all about federal creep into provincial jurisdiction which is now interfering in the forest industry in B.C. That's what matters. B.C. needs sovereignty over its natural resources including all wildlife and the use of our natural resources. So does Alberta and Saskatchewan.
    1 point
  16. Where did I refuse what "existed"? Quote me. They're predictions, and they were labeled as predictions. They weren't labeled as goals. They weren't labeled or even promoted as agendas. Because that's all the WEF does! ? They talk about stuff, share ideas, theorize, debate etc. The Danish author (a nobody) who wrote "own nothing and be happy" has gone on the record that she wasn't promoting anything, and that her article was only an attempt to start a discussion of the pros and cons of ongoing technological/economic/societal changes she was seeing. It was a nothing-burger and promptly forgotten until some 4chan incel dug it up and started meming about it, where it went viral. The conspiracy circus then decided that this article/video from a bunch of forgotten nobodies was THE agenda for the WEF, which has been amplified by every gullible conservative online ever since despite the nonsensical leaps in logic you need to make to believe it. None of this makes any sense whatsoever when you consider that the WEF is just a once-a-year event, but once you've jumped down the rabbit-hole and decided instead that it's a powerful organization pulling the strings of government around the world year-round, you can convince yourself of anything I guess.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. The point is that he was a successful investor before she was in office and he continued to be one after. That's his profession. He kept working at his profession like most spouses of congresspeople and continued to make lots of money doing so--a consistent pattern of success. So there's no mystery about how she got millions of dollars richer over the last 40 years, which is what seemed to confuse the poster to whom I replied there. As for whether there is a potential conflict of interest, the answer is yes--for anybody in office with higher stakes the higher you go. The Pelosi's have been pretty vocal about separating their work lives. They know they have to make the disclosures and know that every move will be publicly (and hostilely) scrutinized, so they are not going to make any sketchy moves. He doesn't need to cheat to succeed, and frankly, what are small gains in a huge portfolio are not going to be worth doing prison time or losing office. That just doesn't make sense as a choice. I don't think there's anything particularly suspect about the moves Paul Pelosi made. It's not like he placed a bet on some unknown company before it landed a market-making defense contract or something. He made bets on two enormously popular Blue Chip stocks who were not going to be moved significantly by a govt contract and IIRC, ended up losing money on both.
    1 point
  19. We may actually be in agreement in that these activities should be considered conflicts of interest. And both sides engage in unethical behavior.
    1 point
  20. He's in denial. We've already established that yes, these kooks have major influence on investment and governance
    1 point
  21. If ^this was TRUE, Trump FAILED to do his Constitutional DUTY and enforce that LAW. But the FACT is, Biden was implementing official US policy. Meanwhile, Trump ACTUALLY DEMANDED a QUID PRO QUO of an announcement of an "investigation" into Biden from Zelenskyy before Ukraine received Congressionally AUTHORIZED military aid. Conditioning an official obligation ON CAMPAIGN HELP is ILLEGAL EXTORTION. IN FACT FOREIGN CAMPAIGN HELP IS ILLEGAL. If Trump actually knew about illegal acts by Biden OR HIS SON, he could have had the DoJ INVESTIGATE, but what he really wanted with THE ANNOUNCEMENT for HIS CAMPAIGN BULLSHIT.
    1 point
  22. Thanks for the constructive opinion, I and my staff will take it under advisement for future posts..., I was not aware that the you were made one of the forums content moderators, and judges of characters...once again i will instruct myself and my staff to be more considerate of your sensitivities. For future exchanges, i might want to add, i am here on this forum for my education, (apparently i need a lot of it,) i am not here to make friends or take long showers with members of the left or those that think they are in the center. I try to keep an open mind about most topics, but being told what topics i can or will be judge on is nothing I am interested in.
    1 point
  23. Right? How does the topic of communism enter into a discussion of free speech? So random...
    1 point
  24. Is anybody up on this ESG thing? If so explain it to me. Near as I can figure it stands for an Environmental, Social and Governance agenda amongst the big investment companies. Currently 30% of such companies have bought in. At the present time it seems more voluntary but there's a push to make reporting mandatory. That seems to be the current trend. So who gets the big money for investments will be decided somewhere by somebody or some thing and all seeking investment opportunities will submit to mandatory monitoring. Have too many lights on? Getting sued by a tranny? Not submitting to authority with acceptable vigor? No cash for you. Or at least that's the direction it's going. My big question on it is how long before it filters down to the rest of us? How long before the money and other managers of your life such as banks and electric companies are managing your money and activities based on something like your ESG score? Apparently if you ask the question you're a tin foiler requiring pariah status from great tolerant thinkers like herb and Mikey. So what? These sorts of question need to be asked by the open minded.
    1 point
  25. I imagine you would favour a wealth tax ?
    1 point
  26. There's a wide chasm between mentioning the idea and potential benefits of bug farming, vs an actual plan or even a desire to replace traditional farming, especially in places where food is plentiful like Canada and Europe. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would understand that pushing bugs onto our plates and taking away our BBQs is not happening. As I said, this was "mentioned" on the WEF website back in 2016, and for some reason eating the bugs, owning nothing and being happy didn't become THE AGENDA until it was dug up and went viral in 2021.
    1 point
  27. No. There's a faction on both sides of this issue that can't let go of the Pandemic. On one side you have the #COVIDisntOver crowd who are perfectly happy with masking as good public health going forward and on the other side you have people, like member Goddess, who believe it's the vaccine that has caused the excess death we've seen, not COVID, and anything that says otherwise is a conspiracy from the WEF Cabal.
    1 point
  28. Thank you Michael, added a word that should have been there all along: "effective independent checks and oversight". Now "any" there is fully justified.
    1 point
  29. This sort of natter would make more sense if you could actually tell me what I'm wrong about, coherently make your point, or even attempt to answer a challenge to your argument. What are we specifically doing to "squelch fossil fuels" today that we weren't doing 10 years ago, or even 3 years ago, before the WEF became the newest incarnation on the Illuminati?
    1 point
  30. It's in a garage next to a "sports car" but needs to be vetted.
    1 point
  31. It does send a message. Unfortunately for everyone, that message is that Hawley is a sophomoric twit instead of a leader or statesman. Which is not news, but still... You know there are a bunch of other proposed pieces of legislation with this general intent floating around, right? Including a Dem+Rep teamup that has been around for a while. I think Elizabeth Warren has one. I'm sure there are several more I've never heard of. Those would be sincere efforts, whereas this is just a publicity stunt. Hawley is a classic "bro" though and has no idea his antics make him look like a jackass.
    1 point
  32. Or maybe it's a case of "fools seldom differ".
    1 point
  33. So, despite the complete lack of evidence, you continue to believe claims made by certain people. You've pre-determined that there's an unsupported "truth" out there and you're just waiting to see if it somehow "prevails," despite no reason to expect it to do so. So, basically a weird religion. You're gonna believe it passionately, regardless of the facts in evidence. And are you seriously asking why I, or others, would vocally oppose the effort to undermine and even end fair and free elections? It's hard to imagine that is a sincere question. It's sort of like asking why one would oppose termites instead of just ignoring them. They oppose them because they don't want the house to collapse.
    1 point
  34. When I vote by mail I’m able to look up the status of my ballot to ensure that it was received and counted. Here’s the thing: Your election denial is not based on fact, it is based on pure conspiracy and conjecture. “Ahh! But the ballots could have been lost, the machines could have been hacked, aliens could have contaminated the drinking water, etc etc” You have chosen to believe in a conspiracy theory. Of course there’s no way for us to disprove your belief in pure fantasy, but that’s all it is. It is make-believe. “If I win the election, I won. Otherwise, we’ll all pretend I won.” Your belief system is that you cannot possibly lose an election, but your side has been losing more than you’ve been winning. Every time we ask you for proof of your statements, your answer is that it’s just around the corner, the truth is out there, the Kraken will be released. It’s all BS that you’ve bought into and it is not going to get your people elected.
    1 point
  35. Gosh I think you should give it up. Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?
    1 point
  36. Gosh I guess if qualify the argument as "actively squelching" (whatever that actually means) you can portray it however you want. What, specifically, qualifies as "actively squelching?" ?.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. The US DoD has said that it almost certainly came from the Wuhan lab and the gain of function work that Fauci was funding. The only reason we can't be 100% sure is because the Chinese have refused to release information.
    1 point
  39. Next they’ll try to keep us from leaving the country. Oh wait, some memories seem to be returning…
    1 point
  40. Jeezuz K Riest there's a lot of people dead set against doing anything that might make things better. It's only you that have little puppet strings in your brain that people can 'control' and exercise 'power' over and see plots everywhere. Normal people don't.
    1 point
  41. I want to present 3 pieces of data which continue to build the case that this FDA, under Peter Marks, is acting recklessly with its push to boost, in perpetuity, 18 year old men who had COVID19. This week, internal emails show Marion Gruber, former head of FDA vaccine science frustrated with Marks. She specifically highlighted the myocarditis issue. Myocarditis appears to occur at least 1/10k with boosters, and subclinical troponin elevation is likely 100 times as high (based on 2 studies). This concern was ignored. FDA under Marks has changed the date Pfizer is required to turn in postmarket safety data. From Dec to June. This is the study to look for troponin in young men. These data were needed in 2021— their continued delay is catastrophic. If the rate of myocarditis is 1/10k hospitalized (consistent with Sharff’s estimate for the last booster), how can the benefit outweigh this in a 16 year old man who had COVID? He does not have even an absolute risk of 1 in 10k hospitalization from reinfection. This is now a harmful intervention until proven otherwise. Links in article: Peter Marks' FDA is Playing Games with Young Men's Health & Maximizing Pfizer's Profits (substack.com)
    1 point
  42. Thank you for a well thought out post. Seems you've put more thought, effort and research into it than what we are used to from folks like Moonbox or Eyeball.. That's a CoNsPIRaCYYYy ThEOrY
    1 point
  43. At least this guy believes climate change is real so there's that.
    1 point
  44. Yes it was published 3 years ago so pandemic was just getting going. Also this person is a very old retired researcher in agricultural biology. It's fine, but I'm already leery of academics who post in other fields after reading Jordan Peterson's ridiculous assessment of climate science. Overall it's a weird idea to say let's look back at the pandemic to see what we can do better, and so here's a paper that talks about it.. from 2020.
    1 point
  45. Imagine an Edmonton of two million people where you can live inside a “15-minute district,” with easy access to everything you need by any mode of transportation. Restaurants, parks, grocery stores and retail stores all within reach inside your own bubble within the larger city. For those constant whiners that can't even read and whose minds are a conspiracy of their own. Nowhere does it say you can't own a car or your not allowed to visit your daughter, those are delusions of your mental impairment. Not any great conspiracy, this has been planning policy in many places for decades under the name 'neighbourhoods'.
    1 point
  46. Thank you for finally admitting your post is pointless, halfwit.
    1 point
  47. I made an honest mistake, i admitted i was wrong what is it you want....This mistake however changes nothing else about my criticisms of the WEF. I have been questioning WEF policies, it is you that have swept the entire post under the table, becasue you find their policies Normal , perfectly normal... we have already establish the WEF has major influence around the globe, with global leaders and their cabinet members. Or maybe i got it all wrong maybe they go for the food and entertainment...You seem to suggest they are trying to make me eat bugs...and that is just retarded...and yet it is one of the WEF objectives why would they put it in their platform if it was not.... Silly i know... what about no one having any property, the state owns it all want something you rent it and it is delivered... no homes, no cars, no personal property, how's that work for you? Does this practice sound familiar. I know it is normal ideology right, feeds right in there with other Canadians ideology...like our entire economy is based on consumer demand thats out the window i guess, once again nothing scary here relax Armyguy everything is going to be OK... On the good side i won't have to worry about what to wear, , what to eat, where to live, what to drive, car insurance, it is all going to be provided by the state... the same state that can not even give us proper health care, look after the elderly, provide us with a decent security apparatus, well anything really to do with running a country...Nothing to worry about, it is never going to happen... and yet WEF already has polices that we are tabling or that have been tried already, Carbon tax how is that working, just transition, the new one, have you read the latest report on job losses this is going to destroy..it is in the millions... Jack Mintz: A 'just transition' out of energy? Ask the people of Hanna about that (msn.com) These are ideas being pushed by the WEF, do you see any of them being any good ? name one, who am I'm kidding your not going to read this far...
    1 point
  48. It actually makes a lot of sense, knowing that the FBI was spying on him and his guests.
    1 point
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