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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2024 in Posts

  1. He left a better country than the one he took over. Just like what PP is going to do. R.I.P.
    5 points
  2. Here are the three things that I most admired about him as PM: 1. Strong stance against Apartheid 2. Free Trade 3. Replacing the hidden 13.5% manufacturers' sales tax with the GST. The unpopularity of this move is the main cause of the PC subsequent downfall, however it was a great move for the country.
    3 points
  3. The Macdonald Laurier Institute did a survey and asked Canadians what they thought of the PM's woke beliefs that are being pushed onto us by the academics and unions and now the corporate elites. Surprise, Canadians don't approve! 85% are opposed to teaching children there is no such thing as biological sex. 92% don't believe in separating children in schools into 'privileged' and 'oppressed'. 70% don't agree that Canada is racist. Two thirds of Canadians oppose removing statues of Sir John A MacDonald. The same numbers oppose transgender women in sports And, when separated between Left and Right, the study makes it very clear it's the Left pushing identity politics and cancel culture. https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/20240129_Culture-wars-Kaufmann_PAPER-B-v2-FINAL.pdf
    2 points
  4. You are what you claim to hate.
    2 points
  5. indeed I do not judge in His ministry together love thine enemies
    2 points
  6. I have known a couple of trans people. I called them what they wanted to be called and made them feel normal and welcome. That’s an important aspect of my faith as a Christian. I don’t judge them. I know the Church’s teachings on gender are that we are our biological gender and should embrace our natural reality. My faith also teaches that we don’t judge people. We don’t know what someone else is dealing with until we walk in their shoes. Kindness is always important.
    2 points
  7. It's not even close, the left is far more intolerant. Especially of opposing viewpoints. Who always tries to shut down conservative speakers? The Left. Who engages in censorship on social media? The Left.
    2 points
  8. Who's tolerant of homosexuality? The Left Who's tolerant of Muslims? The Left Who's attacking gay rights? The Right Who's attacking a woman's right to choose? The Right Who's for institution of a Muslim ban? The Right Who supports a candidate who called the Coronavius the "Kung Flu"? The Right Who's intolerant of science? The Right I don't need some stupid think tank to tell me who's intolerant. The Right is intolerant.
    2 points
  9. Further: In vitro fertilization, just like ordinary pregnancy, involves fertilizing eggs which don’t become humans. Often 40 eggs are fertilized, and they’re implanted into a uterus four at a time, hoping that one takes hold. The process is repeated until one reaches viability, and the remaining fertilized eggs remain frozen in case the couple chooses to have more children. Hence, the life-creating procedure of IVF is murder under Alabama law.
    2 points
  10. this is a cultural revolution very much like the Cultural Revolution in China it's not just Canada, it's the entire Western world being overthrown therein so it doesn't actually matter what the majority opinion is because the cultural revolutionaries are imposing their agenda by force
    2 points
  11. Oh, it definitely happened. Not a single big rig in all of NYC. The Lamestream Media is just covering it up.
    2 points
  12. There you go again using derogatory words against people who often put you in your place. The people you are advising a need to ignore are just wannabe chuds who like to shout their drivel from the rooftops. Yet when they are called out for their nonsense here you are defending them.
    2 points
  13. Basically. I was liberal my entire life, and Trudeau nudged me to the right. I don't see myself ever voting liberal, again.
    2 points
  14. Pretty good actually. I would say the crash and burn of the Liberals is a dead cert.
    1 point
  15. Cool. I grew up closer to Yorkville. I went to the free school in Rochdale at the corner of Bloor and Huron. The Hell's Angles provided security. They weren't too woke either but they didn't mind us kids.
    1 point
  16. That exceeds robolimit's programming.
    1 point
  17. Oh yeah I forgot you're one of those nutters who thinks the devil is a real guy.
    1 point
  18. No it isn't. "Not Christian" and "Dystopian" are one in the same.
    1 point
  19. Your OPINIONS don't get to define what is right and wrong behaviors. Thanks for demonstrating the intolerance of the right.
    1 point
  20. Mulroney’s verbal skills - he always spoke in well-formed sentences - and those brown envelopes from Mr. Schreiber led many to dismiss him as a con man, Lyin’ Brian, but he got an awful lot done: the Free Trade Agreement was a watershed moment for both Canada and the US, paving the way for NAFTA; the much maligned GST is still with us; and the US-Canada Air Quality Agreement that tamed the acid rain threat gets far less attention than it deserves. What an unlikely rise from Baie-Comeau. Was he our first PM from a working-class background? Although it’s the fate of most politicians, even prime ministers, to fade into obscurity, I think the tributes being paid to him are more than the usual boilerplate responses: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/brian-mulroney-death-politicians-reactions
    1 point
  21. Yep. Good old Exflier babbling away from a position of grotesque ignorance. As usual...
    1 point
  22. Who threatened a black professor at Harvard because he didnt dance to the leftist tune? Who says blacks aint black if they are sure who they are viting for? Who whines pisses and moans whenever someone they disagree with is invited to speak at a university? Who refuses to talk to family members because they voted for trump? Honest to goodness if you had a brain you might be dangerous
    1 point
  23. Extremely funny that the OP article whines about liberal intolerance but doesn't list a single actual real world example. Then there's this: The best example of folks who think that liberal democracy is not legitimate can be found on the right with their belief that any election that does not deliver the result they want is inherently illegitimate and the result of malfeasance.
    1 point
  24. Who's tolerant of the homosexual agenda? The left Who's tolerant of islamic terrorism? The left. Who's facilitating the homosexual agenda? The left. Who's facilitating the woman's right to choose fetus slaughter? The left Who's for maintaining US Christian identity? The Right. Who supports the candidate who puts down leftists scumbags every chance he gets? The Right Who's intolerant of left-wing activists posing as legitimate scientists? The Right Yes you do. You're a leftoid; a lemming; you don't know where your head ends and the left's ass begins.
    1 point
  25. The estimated count since Biden assumed his role as illegitimate President is around 20 million illegal aliens. That should be 20 million counts of treason for opening the door and waving these criminal invaders in. "The number of illegal immigrants in the country has roughly doubled under President Biden. The United States had some 10.2 million illegal immigrants in 2020, and another 10 million have entered during Biden’s presidency. If the 20 million illegal immigrants were all in one state, it would be tied with New York for the fourth most populated state. And here’s even worse news. If Biden wins a second term in office and there is no serious reform of U.S. immigration and asylum laws — both of which are very real possibilities — we can expect a continuing increase in the rate of immigrants crossing the border illegally." https://thehill.com/opinion/4423296-matthews-illegal-immigrants-double-under-biden-and-thats-just-the-start/
    1 point
  26. There's only one cult in this country, and it's the democrat party. God will expel you devil worshippers this November and America will once again begin to heal.
    1 point
  27. While I am opposed to the denigration of Sir John A., and as a person who was born and raised in the most privileged segment of society, I am not in a position to comment on the school curriculum, you keep banging on about gender. What the poll shows is that a majority of Canadians are opposed to freedom and the Mr. Groot is obsessed with other people's gender. Why do you care so much about gender? For the first time in history, we have the ability to match our physical gender with our psychological gender. That is something to celebrate. What you refer to as woke is freedom. Are you saying you are anti-freedom?
    1 point
  28. wow - it's really weird but your link says it was kim campbell running. It's almost as if i was right all along You dork. Not a loss that bad. No, that was on her. Other than he gave her no time. It's possible but slim. IF trudeau pulled the same trick and bailed 6 months before an election it could happen. But as things stand its possible he could maybe go down to 20-30 seats in a 'perfect storm' but more than that is probably fantasy. Falling to about 45 seats is more believable.
    1 point
  29. I used to relate to liberal voters. Now many aren't recognizable to me. Kind of like having a friend try meth for the first time, and bumping into them again years later, as they ask you for change: "I used to look up to you..." Same shock to lose someone to those deep waters. My sibling is far left, but we get along as we don't talk politics. But hearing their kids at times, make me cringe, at how they decry fat shaming, slut shaming, and how their skin color is why they struggle, as they sit in their huge house, with every single electronic at their fingertips. Anxiety at if they will die due to climate change, or all the other causes keeping them being these balls of stress. Just the entitlement, at watching how some of these kids talk to their parents. How this generation seems to feel like it can educate you on all issues, with no life experience, skills or anything. Of course, the most "knowledgeable" don't work, never traveled and are limited to Google for knowledge. Also, can decry what's wrong with society, alphabetically. Non contributing, but feel they can change things and improve the world. How could I not move right? Either I grab the crack pipe and join, or stay away from meth altogether, knowing what it does to the brain.
    1 point
  30. They do always seem to be trying to get into his legal briefs. Ahhh yes - the 'dicker ticker tape'
    1 point
  31. Leftists talk about Trump's penis non-stop. They have legal teams dedicated to it. When Biden came into the WH, and CNN turned off the covid death tracker at the bottom of the screen, they added a pecker tracker.
    1 point
  32. So what stage are you at here, puppy dog? Do you at least understand that the topic here is the fact that the prof is getting death threats just for posting facts, and not the fact that he only released data for one city? Can you finally comment on whether or not that's f'd up? Why is destroying harmful false narratives bad in your opinion?
    1 point
  33. A great orator and statesman who understood the value of Canada.
    1 point
  34. He's got mexican slave labour to fetch his eggs for him. But the good news is they're free range too. And slightly brown now that i think about it....
    1 point
  35. This is pretty simple. There is a law which states that if you give false information when securing a loan then even if no party is harmed the state can still file a charge against you. The reason that they do this is so that if somebody attempts to genuinely defraud a bank but then pays off the loan when they're caught the state can still Levy fine against them to discourage others. They are grossly abusing this law to attempt to drain Trump of campaign finances for his election. The Democrats will be quietly saying "if you give him donations for his campaign won't he just use it to pay his bills?" The banks had a solid idea of his net worth. He probably reused the same applications again and again and again and didn't even glance at it. The banks obviously didn't care, if they were genuinely concerned they would have sent over an appraiser but obviously the exact value of the property was not something they were worried about. In addition the actual resale value of the property has not been questioned by the judge or the prosecution. They feel that because the amount that his property taxes state the property was worth is different that is sufficient, but the value of every single property everywhere in North America is different than its tax assessed value This is a Witch Hunt. They are weaponizing the courts to try and hurt him for political reasons. Some have suggested that because Trump is a bad person and they don't like him and they feel that he has done bad things in the past that this excuses this kind of behavior.
    1 point
  36. Drone-striking a family and pretending they were terrorists was scandalous imo. Lying about his involvement in Hunter's business dealings in China was a scandal. He didn't stop lying about the Biden's business with the Chinese gov't when he was in office. Leaving behind $100B in weapons and attack helicopters and armoured vehicles and ammo and ordnance was a scandal, even if it was just a scandal of his own incompetence. Eventually the Americans will fight another war against their own military hardware, or watch their hardware used to commit another genocide just like islamic state did with Obama's weapons. Isn't it weird that between Obama and Biden they've gifted islamic state and the Taliban/AL Qaeda $150B in military hardware? What's the deal? As if the war in Afghanistan wasn't bad enough, the talis just came out of it with more weapons than they ever had before. Opening the border from Mexico and then trying to push $80B through congress to fix it was a scandal. In general Biden's presidency has been a scam against the American people. It's been a crisis of mismanagement and stupidity. There are two wars going on right now because of Biden.
    1 point
  37. Oh dear, a triggered response bereft of any thought process.
    1 point
  38. TBH considering a fertilized embryo a child is a bridge too far, even from a diehard pro-life POV. I'm not gonna get into how stupid it is to say that girl who was raped has to bear that child to term, but anyone who believes that "people can't be forced to make a cake with two guys on top" can't also say that an egg that was fertilized in vitro has too be inserted into someone and carried to term. If a girl breaks up with the donor, how could you possibly say that she has to have that egg inserted and then go the distance? Dumb, de dumm dummmm. I think some of these arguments are just made to divide people. That judge is as bad as Chutkan.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. There will never be enough people stupid enough to side with the anti-vaxxers. This society believes in vaccinations for good, sound scientific reasons that have been validated for generations. People who can't accept that are free to emigrate.
    1 point
  41. Conservapedia IS NOT a legitimate source. It's a PARTISAN HACK website where your MAGA CULT posts their FANTASIES.
    1 point
  42. See... it doesn't work that way. Donald Trump doesn't complain when he used legal technicalities to get away with not paying his contractors millions of dollars. He's used our legal system for decades to cheat people. And now he can't cheat it, and he's upset. The facts of this fraud case are crystal clear. And instead of reading your BS right-wing rags, you *COULD* read the actual court documents, which are public record. They're called "FACTS." And the FACTS are that Donald Trump systematically defrauded lenders and tax authorities for decades, not on the order of 20% but on the order of 300% and more. He did it for so long, and got away with it for so long, that he doesn't think it's a crime to sign your name on a piece of paper that says you swear that what you say is true. Donald Trump BROKE THE LAW, so he has to PAY THE PRICE. Just like the little people have to do. Pay your car registration late, they nail you. Pay a traffic or parking ticket late, they nail you. Well... he got nailed. Plain and simple. That's how it goes.
    1 point
  43. Yup. We should have identified them as clear and present threats to pubic health and shunned them for not getting with the program like everyone else. Maybe then they'd get it. Hopefully someday we'll figure out how to put vaccines into our water or in an aerosol and just dust everyone.
    1 point
  44. He's calculated, but operating within a dictatorship where the information that flows to the top has been what Putin wants to hear, rather than the reality. He'd never have invaded Ukraine in the first place if not for the misguided belief it would be over quickly, that the Ukrainians wouldn't resist tooth-and-nail, and that the Russian "bear" was even remotely as capable as everyone had previously understood. Exactly. Whoops. The self-serving delusion that democracies are soft and incapable of showing resolve or defending themselves is one that has led many dictators to their doom.
    1 point
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