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Question for Trudeau Haters....

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On 8/1/2022 at 2:07 PM, herbie said:

My ass!
The Canada of yore is no more. Good riddance to bad rubbish, like all the rest of "yore". Are you one of those people who think we should restrict immigration to only England because they're all gonna be white and have Cockney accents?

You're completely outed, pal. This is just proof that you've been sucked in by Trudeau's idiotic and hateful screed.

FYI: whether you've taken your vax and stfu about it, taken it and advocate for it, taken it and heartily approve of forcing others to take it, taken it and heartily approve of every fascist measure that our government has undertaken to inflict the vax on everyone, didn't take it and stfu about it, didn't take it and argue against it, didn't take it and put a bumper sticker on your car which in some way denounces Trudeau for his fascist policies, or went all the way to Ottawa to voice your displeasure over vax fascism, in no way is any of those preferences proof of your views on racism. It's like saying that you can tell whether or not someone is homophobic by the way they hang their toilet paper roll.

Our PM lied to you about anti-vaxers' alleged racism and misogyny for the exact same reason that Hitler told similar lies about the Jews. You're now a useful idiot, parroting the turd and denigrating anti-fascists on his behalf.

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26 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Our PM lied to you about anti-vaxers' alleged racism ...

We already explained this: because the Convoy people were careless in naming racist evangelist Pat King as an organizer, they have to accept that criticism.

This is tiny tot stuff that grownups don't have to be told.

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2 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

We already explained this: because the Convoy people were careless in naming racist evangelist Pat King as an organizer, they have to accept that criticism.

This is tiny tot stuff that grownups don't have to be told.

No, you didn't explain anything, you gave a bogus, bullshit excuse.

Being an anti-vaxer is in no way an indication of one's racist inclinations. Period. Full stop.

Standing up to vax-fascism was extremely important, and Pat King gets a tip of the hat for fighting vax-fascism just like Stalin gets a tip of the hat for fighting against the Nazis. We can still hate PK and JS later.

Trudeau had absolutely no good reason to make such an ignorant and inflammatory claim. He is a hatemonger, and that wasn't the only example of his hatemongering either. 

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

We already explained this: because the Convoy people were careless in naming racist evangelist Pat King as an organizer, they have to accept that criticism.

This is tiny tot stuff that grownups don't have to be told.

Okay, first off, he was one small piece of the protest.  His views are his own.  Also, what is Race Replacement Theory?  Why is it racist?   What are his “white supremacist” credentials?  Seriously, before you go around slamming someone because of some half-baked ideas made on a video clip replayed on CTV and CBC to defame a movement of millions, make sure you have a clear and correct characterization of a person.  I don’t think you do.  He didn’t use discriminatory language. You seem intent on painting a picture that I just don’t think is fair or accurate. In any event, I don’t know and either do you. If you want to see people’s reputations and lives destroyed because of such actions or clips, presented without context, you’re going to support the cancellation of a lot of people.  I thought we had free speech.  Apparently not.

People generally want to be good.  They need to grow and learn and be part of discussions in order to do so.  Simply condemning people without reference to more than a few statements, even if ridiculous or misguided, is how you sow division and resentment.  It easily lapses into new forms of discrimination, which is never okay, no matter the colour of the person at the end of it.

Don’t feed harmful rhetoric.  Even key figures on the left see the harm in Trudeau’s characterizations of the protesters, many of whom were vaccinated, hardworking, and highly inclusive people.  An unvaccinated person can still be hard-working and inclusive.  This is why we must respect individual rights, constitutional rights.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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52 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

An unvaccinated person can still be hard-working and inclusive.  


I'm unvaxxed. Me and the other unvaxxed person at work are the only 2 working consistently.

All the vaxxed are getting sick and testing positive over and over and over and over......

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4 minutes ago, Goddess said:


I'm unvaxxed. Me and the other unvaxxed person at work are the only 2 working consistently.

All the vaxxed are getting sick and testing positive over and over and over and over......

It’s always been about immunity.  My hypochondriac 4x vaccinated friend keeps getting Covid.  It’s hard not to see a psychosomatic element here.  It’s become part of his identity.  I just ignore the odd one-day congestion or feeling rundown as I always have.  Much of our “crisis” with absenteeism is manufactured now because of outdated screening and persistent fear-mongering.  It really does feel like a segment of society has checked out and the government is basically okaying it.  They don’t seem to want to show up for work either.  

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

We already explained this: because the Convoy people were careless in naming racist evangelist Pat King as an organizer, they have to accept that criticism.

This is tiny tot stuff that grownups don't have to be told.

Ya, because it is grown up to paint an entire group with one brush.

Justin is a liar, does that mean all liberals are lairs?

Bin Ladin was a Muslim does that mean all Muslims are terrorists

Michael sometimes defends the liberal government does not make you a liberal does it?


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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

1. Being an anti-vaxer is in no way an indication of one's racist inclinations. Period. Full stop.

2. Trudeau had absolutely no good reason to make such an ignorant and inflammatory claim.

3. He is a hatemonger, and that wasn't the only example of his hatemongering either. 

1. Saying 'period full stop' is not a magic incantation to make my points disappear.

2. He didn't need a "good" one, just one that would play with his audience.

3. Boo hoo.  The purpose of the Convoy was "F*CK Trudeau" remember?  Stop crying foul for him returning fire.  Nobody cares.

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2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

1. Okay, first off, he was one small piece of the protest.  His views are his own.  

2. Also, what is Race Replacement Theory?  Why is it racist?   What are his “white supremacist” credentials?  

3. Seriously, before you go around slamming someone because of some half-baked ideas made on a video clip replayed on CTV and CBC to defame a movement of millions, make sure you have a clear and correct characterization of a person.  I don’t think you do.  

1. That doesn't address what I said.  

2. Yes, it's a very racist theory that says white people are purposely being replaced by non whites.

3. I didn't slam King.  I don't care if he's racist or not.  I am explaining again for the back of the room why the Convoy criticisms have a footing.  

You people confuse my analysis with my opinion.  I don't like Trudeau either... AGAIN, this is all basic.


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It don't matter in the black or white of the extreme right even if you don't like Trudeau, have and never would vote for him if you don't join the chorus of hatred, you're the enemy.

Like you can call someone a fascist dictator all you like, but can't explain how the leader of a minority gov't can be one.
You can sit there all you like and believe Justin just spouts rules at whim as it only shows your own ignorance of both fact and how our political system works.
Just as pointing to desecrating war memorials, Terry Fox statues and disturbing the peace for weeks on end was 'only a few'.
You can continue to insist the protest was about freedom in spite of all evidence then and until now it was an anti-Trudeau, anti-gov't rally. A "Diet Pepsi" version of Jan 6th

Go ahead, continue to believe you have the support of more than a  small number, that making sure the most extremist Conservative leader will be the best. Trudeau won't need to crown himself Emperor, he'll get democratically elected forever.

Edited by herbie
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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. That doesn't address what I said.  

2. Yes, it's a very racist theory that says white people are purposely being replaced by non whites.

3. I didn't slam King.  I don't care if he's racist or not.  I am explaining again for the back of the room why the Convoy criticisms have a footing.  

You people confuse my analysis with my opinion.  I don't like Trudeau either... AGAIN, this is all basic.


2.  So would that include calling out racist policies like having racialized-only hiring?  Lol.  Sounds like a who’s racister competition.  I guess this is what happens when people see race and racism everywhere they look.  

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58 minutes ago, herbie said:

It don't matter in the black or white of the extreme right even if you don't like Trudeau, have and never would vote for him if you don't join the chorus of hatred, you're the enemy.

Like you can call someone a fascist dictator all you like, but can't explain how the leader of a minority gov't can be one.
You can sit there all you like and believe Justin just spouts rules at whim as it only shows your own ignorance of both fact and how our political system works.
Just as pointing to desecrating war memorials, Terry Fox statues and disturbing the peace for weeks on end was 'only a few'.
You can continue to insist the protest was about freedom in spite of all evidence then and until now it was an anti-Trudeau, anti-gov't rally. A "Diet Pepsi" version of Jan 6th

Go ahead, continue to believe you have the support of more than a  small number, that making sure the most extremist Conservative leader will be the best. Trudeau won't need to crown himself Emperor, he'll get democratically elected forever.

What desecration of statues?  It’s as bad as saying the protesters were Nazis because someone compared Trudeau to Hitler.  Lack of critical thinking.  Go back to CTV/CBC news.

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Just now, Zeitgeist said:

1.  So would that include calling out racist policies like having racialized-only hiring?  

2.  I guess this is what happens when people see race and racism everywhere they look.  

1. Would what include ?  Is there racialized-only hiring and how much is there ?  Don't ask me to explain White Replacement Theory too much because it's another cracked conspiracy theory I can't understand.

2. Well, maybe some people do see racism everywhere BUT 'White Replacement Theory' is pretty clearly racist bullshit.  As I said, it seems to be the basis for people disparaging the leadership of the Convoy.  If your response is to defend WRT then maybe your political acumen is as good as Pat King's I guess.

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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Would what include ?  Is there racialized-only hiring and how much is there ?  Don't ask me to explain White Replacement Theory too much because it's another cracked conspiracy theory I can't understand.

2. Well, maybe some people do see racism everywhere BUT 'White Replacement Theory' is pretty clearly racist bullshit.  As I said, it seems to be the basis for people disparaging the leadership of the Convoy.  If your response is to defend WRT then maybe your political acumen is as good as Pat King's I guess.

What a load of nonsense 

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10 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

What a load of nonsense 

meanwhile the Democrats openly state that they intend to import non white immigrants to expand their base

reason being, an increasing number of Black, Asian & Latino voters are abandoning the Democrats

and without their racist policy of courting blacks to vote the Democrat plantation aristocracy

the Democrats will stand no chance against the Republicans

tho even this is backfiring, as the working class immigrants are realizing that the Democrats are the slave holders

the Liberals in Canada of course, have no policies of their own

they are simply the farm team for the Democrat corporate plantation slave owners now

Canadian Liberals dragging Canada into the arms of John Cotton himself


sic semper tyrannis

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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

meanwhile the Democrats openly state that they intend to import non white immigrants to expand their base

reason being, an increasing number of Black, Asian & Latino voters are abandoning the Democrats

and without their racist policy of courting blacks to vote the Democrat plantation aristocracy

the Democrats will stand no chance against the Republicans

tho even this is backfiring, as the working class immigrants are realizing that the Democrats are the slave holders

the Liberals in Canada of course, have no policies of their own

they are simply the farm team for the Democrat corporate plantation slave owners now

Canadian Liberals dragging Canada into the arms of John Cotton himself


sic semper tyrannis

The Republicans are the party of freedom for all.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

Ok, I just take this statement to mean you have no response.  Not sure why... maybe you need someone to assist you.

Nope.  I think you’re into identity politics.  I’ll always support calling out hate.  We also have to be careful not to stoke it.  Candice Owens says that a lot, that we must avoid fanning the flames of racism.  There were probably some racists among the protesters, but that doesn’t define most people most of the time, in any ethnic or racial group.  However, if people decide to make so much about race and racism, they can.  

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The Democrats are in the business of turning people into victims, so that they can pretend to be their saviours.  Meanwhile they don’t really like the people they pretend to save.  It’s about spewing phoney virtue rhetoric whilst keeping the masses firmly in their place, in fact limiting their opportunities and taking them for themselves.  Saying the right things but doing the opposite because they’re the haves.  I see the game.  Latinos, Blacks, and other minorities see the hypocrisy. Who is actually racializing minorities?  It’s the party that calls them racialized.  What they’re really calling them is victims, as though there’s something wrong with them.  They’re instilling a lesser than mentality.  Total opposite of the Republicans, the opportunity for all party.  

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9 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Okay, first off, he was one small piece of the protest.  His views are his own.  Also, what is Race Replacement Theory?  Why is it racist?   What are his “white supremacist” credentials?  Seriously, before you go around slamming someone because of some half-baked ideas made on a video clip replayed on CTV and CBC to defame a movement of millions, make sure you have a clear and correct characterization of a person.  I don’t think you do.  He didn’t use discriminatory language. You seem intent on painting a picture that I just don’t think is fair or accurate. In any event, I don’t know and either do you. If you want to see people’s reputations and lives destroyed because of such actions or clips, presented without context, you’re going to support the cancellation of a lot of people.  I thought we had free speech.  Apparently not.

People generally want to be good.  They need to grow and learn and be part of discussions in order to do so.  Simply condemning people without reference to more than a few statements, even if ridiculous or misguided, is how you sow division and resentment.  It easily lapses into new forms of discrimination, which is never okay, no matter the colour of the person at the end of it.

Don’t feed harmful rhetoric.  Even key figures on the left see the harm in Trudeau’s characterizations of the protesters, many of whom were vaccinated, hardworking, and highly inclusive people.  An unvaccinated person can still be hard-working and inclusive.  This is why we must respect individual rights, constitutional rights.  


You don't need to explain either yourself or common sense to a little guy who has no principles. 

You're correct...and Mikey's nothing more than a libbie tweenkie.

You wouldn't eat artificial food...don't waste time on it either...

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11 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

We already explained this: because the Convoy people were careless in naming racist evangelist Pat King as an organizer, they have to accept that criticism.

This is tiny tot stuff that grownups don't have to be told.

no they don't

accusations of racism, are as usual, totally fabricated

to slander the protesters as a whole

and it's children like you who buy into it

the adults know it's bullshit

Edited by Yzermandius19
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