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Will eliminating vaccine mandates and vaccine passports reduce the freedom for the majority?

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22 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

2. Yes, I see. It gets boring when someone gives responses you cannot easily dismiss out of hand.

When he's faced with responses that he can't answer @Michael Hardner just goes silent.

If you don't want to hear from him anymore, ask him why we should be force-vaxing 5-39 yr olds, or for some proof of all the swastikas and confederate flags that he tells us are at the rallies. 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

Trudeau did nothing of the sort… 

Fair enough…. I got you mixed up with one of the others here….  Taxem, or someone…. 

So why would the Canadian federal government need to build COVID hospitals?


Can you tell me why they need to be vaxed TB? Do you know that the people in this demographic suffer from mycarditis more than the others? 


You don’t know what vaccines are for?  To try and reduce the spread. 


Blah blah force-vaxing blah blah

No one is being forced, unless you completely change the meaning of the word.  Like @Goddesswho thinks vaccines are akin to rape and murder.  

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10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Did they look like your cousins?

That reminds me of a joke…. 

If @WestCanMan’s parents get divorced, are they still considered siblings?

Usually it’s a small town that’s inserted into the joke, not a person….  It’s funnier if you’re there…. 

Edited by TreeBeard
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3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. I don't know how you could back that up.

1. I'd say ask all those that have lost their business, or those about to, over restrictions and mandatory closures  due to mandates, IE gyms, theaters, dine in restaurant, non essential business,... Ask them if they had a choice would they have put the mandates in place  and close or stay open to enjoy a revenue source... 

I note that any provincial run business were allow to stay open liquor store, and dope stores they made a bundle on the pandemic. A case could be made that these items are not essential to life... well maybe this is Canada. 

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So why would the Canadian federal government need to build COVID hospitals?

Already answered.


You don’t know what vaccines are for?  To try and reduce the spread.  

I asked you to say something intelligent about why we should be force-vaxing kids and that's your answer?

Make them take the vax that is known to have dangerous side effects just to reduce the spread, even though they will still spread covid after they're vaxed? That was the exact opposite of intelligent. 


No one is being forced, unless you completely change the meaning of the word.

Vax or lose your job, no EI no CERB for you, and then go try to find work in your field, knowing that unvaxed people are being pushed out of your field.

You think that's not 'forced'?  

That was the exact opposite of intelligent. 


 Like @Goddesswho thinks vaccines are akin to rape and murder.

That was the exact opposite of intelligent. 

I see a pattern here. 

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5 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Fair enough…. I got you mixed up with one of the others here….  Taxem, or someone…. 

So why would the Canadian federal government need to build COVID hospitals?

You don’t know what vaccines are for?  To try and reduce the spread. 

No one is being forced, unless you completely change the meaning of the word.  Like @Goddesswho thinks vaccines are akin to rape and murder.  

1. thats punching below the belt...

3. and to keep our hospitals from being over whelmed...so individuals do not feel the full effect of the virus...The odds of young people under 25 getting sick from the vaccination are astronomical In 39 million people in Canada 17 children have died  from covid and they had other sicknesses as well, so why are we forcing them to be vaccinated them, so they don't spread it, everyone can spread it. The rest i agree get the shot have that little bit of insurance... 

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29 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

That reminds me of a joke…. 

If @WestCanMan’s parents get divorced, are they still considered siblings?

Usually it’s a small town that’s inserted into the joke, not a person….  It’s funnier if you’re there…. 

You think such comments are endearing?  They just make you even less likeable.  

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

When he's faced with responses that he can't answer @Michael Hardner just goes silent

Actually not true. I had a good debate with him this morning where in the end he admitted he was mistaken. Not a lot of folks on here have the ability to do that.

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10 minutes ago, Accountability Now said:

Actually not true. I had a good debate with him this morning where in the end he admitted he was mistaken. Not a lot of folks on here have the ability to do that.

he simply does that on rare occasions

99% of the time, he's not in anyway reasonable

and he only changes his mind on trivial things

never anything important that he is obviously wrong about

for example, in your case he changed his mind about a certain statistic

not the idiotic conclusion he arrived at, using a statistic to back it up

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14 minutes ago, Accountability Now said:

I thought it was a fairly important point we were discussing but I’ll let you be the judge on that 

his opinion on the mandates hasn't changed

he just is afraid to cite bad stats now to support that position

and no matter how many stats you show him that the few benefits of the mandate are outweighed by the many costs

he cannot be persuaded

a rational person would change their opinion on the mandates when presented with such evidence that they are wrong

not MH though, because he isn't reasonable, he just likes to pretend that he is

he feigns it to fool himself as much as anyone else

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12 hours ago, taxme said:

The covid vaccine passports is just the beginning of what is known in the bible as the number 666. The mark of the beast which really means that no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless one has the mark of the beast, an RFID like chip  implanted somewhere on someone's body. We are well on our way to this happening if we do not wake the hell up soon and see it and take action fast to try and end all of these covid mandates and restrictions. They both have done more damage to we the peasants than the covid bug could have ever done. 

This is not a fantasy game anymore. This covid game is for real, and it's intentions are to make everyone slaves for the globalist elites whom will own everything, and we the peasants will own nothing. That is what this globalist great reset is all about. Global communism. And Cowardly and fugitive Castro Trudeau is a big supporter of the great reset. 

if we lose this truckers convoy battle than we had all best get prepared and ready for that 666 chip to be planted on our bodies. It will happen guaranteed. This is part of a conspiracy that no one can deny. Only obedient peasant slaves and fools will obey and deny. ?


Don't forget the coming............................................CLIMATE CHANGE MANDATES!

Lest anyone doesn't have a clue what mandates entail all the fear-mongering on this supposed mother of all end times!  "TIME IS RUNNING OUT!"  they say.

Yeah, right.  Meanwhile, they've now been sending space flights like there is no tomorrow!  They're even talking about SPACE TOURISM!  And, who's going to be mandated for the carbons?  The common people. 


This freedom convoy isn't just about covid - in my view.    Let this worldwide convoy nip all these deluge of upcoming socialistic mandates in the bud!

Edited by betsy
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14 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

considering how low the rates of hospitalization are

even for the unvaccinated

a vaccine mandate is not warranted

the benefit is far less than the cost

by several orders of magnitude


The vaccinated are now majority in hospitalizations.  That's what it says in the news yesterday.

Furthermore, boosters are worth squat.  Trudeau is the poster boy for that.  He had a booster. And if his kids have had it too, well - one of his kids had covid.

I think the leaders have used covid as a "trial run" and, for grooming people to be receptive to mandates.  CLIMATE CHANGE MANDATES would be the next one.   Both are based on.......FEAR.



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1 hour ago, betsy said:


The vaccinated are now majority in hospitalizations.  That's what it says in the news yesterday.

Furthermore, boosters are worth squat.  Trudeau is the poster boy for that.  He had a booster. And if his kids have had it too, well - one of his kids had covid.

I think the leaders have used covid as a "trial run" and, for grooming people to be receptive to mandates.  CLIMATE CHANGE MANDATES would be the next one.   Both are based on.......FEAR.

they simply change the rubric to a perceived problem that people fear as justification to expand government control

it's never about science, it's always about compliance

that's the far left response to any problem under the sun

more central planning is the only answer

even if central planning caused the problem, it's only because there wasn't enough of it, or the wrong central planners were in charge

if you just give them enough money and power, we'll fix everything

then they falsely claim that anyone who disagrees with their method of addressing the issue

simply doesn't care about the issue

and all the people who care agree with them


it's a cult that doesn't care about any of the causes it claims to care about

that's just PR spin to sell their centrally planned boondoggles

by falsely associating those boondoggles with a popular cause so more people buy it

when they finally run the good name of that popular cause into the ground

they simply move to another cause to sell their bullshit and run the same scam again


all they really care about is having power over the lives of others though

so long as they run everything, utopia will spontaneously emerge, they claim

so give up all independence and autonomy and let them run your lives

or you are evil and standing in the way of their post-scarcity utopia


unfortunately tons of people fall for this obvious scam

no matter how many times it's run on them

they never learn and beg to be fleeced again

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On 2/8/2022 at 1:41 PM, blackbird said:

Ok you've had your say and proved you live in an alt reality.  Everything you say is grossly exaggerated. 

You are the one that is living in a lost reality. Covid is over. It's dead. Are you not getting things yet? The world has had enough of covid. It's very obvious to see that you only listen to the likes of the lying media TV channels like CTV/CBC/Globull/CNN that have enjoyed spreading propaganda and brainwashing for over two years now on people like you who refuse to try and listen to the other side of the story. 

Everything told to us about covid has been exaggerated. We were told that we should all get fully vaccinated and we will never get covid. A bloody lie. Vaccinated people are still getting covid. Hello. 

You need to get out of your fantasy covid world and get back to reality. Enough already with this covid bullshit. The whole world has gone trucker. What the hell are you waiting for? ?


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