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America under President Trump

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

But this is about Mass Shootings, which are on the rise. And these types of killings are more concerning as innocent civilians just going about their business are the target.


Oh, so it's OK to shoot other "civilians" going about their business ?    Police officers are not "innocent" ?

I'm sure the people of Chicago will be glad to know that...less concerning !

Trump did not cause more "mass shootings" in the U.S. (or Canada).



Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:

Oh, so it's OK to shoot other "civilians" going about their business ?

I'm sure the people of Chicago will be glad to know that...less concerning !

Yeah, like you care about Gang Violence in Chicago. :lol:

People know not to go to South Chicago because it's a dangerous area. But a Walmart in El Paso? Is that a dangerous place? 

Gang Violence seems to be a reality in all major metropolitan areas. It's most certainly a critique of Liberals that they don't particularly care about that type of crime. 

That being said, the biggest way to fix that type of crime is for Americans to STOP DOING DRUGS!!! I suspect that won't happen anytime soon. 


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3 minutes ago, Boges said:

Yeah, like you care about Gang Violence in Chicago. :lol:

People know not to go to South Chicago because it's a dangerous area. But a Walmart in El Paso? Is that a dangerous place?


I don't live in Chicago (or Toronto)....but they both serve as routine examples of higher gun shootings in more liberal cities with strict gun control.

El Paso use to have much higher crime rates...before the border wall went up.

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very very interesting, is he the first one? :o


Dayton shooter Connor Betts described himself as a 'leftist' who hated Trump, wanted Elizabeth Warren for president and was PRO-gun control, his now-suspended social media accounts show







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On 8/1/2019 at 11:34 AM, GostHacked said:


USA raised tariffs, then China did, then the USA did, then China did  then the USA did ......   this is the definition of a trade war.

And Trump could careless about trade with China. China needs America. America does not need China. Make it too expensive to import Chinese products into America and Americans will benefit and will start up their own business enterprises in America and create more jobs in and for Americans. Which is what Trump has been trying to do for years now. Products made in America and make America great again. Importing products from another country will only make that country poorer and the other country richer. Canadians should be a bunch of wealthy people today but thanks to our dear leaders it would appear as though those leaders have tried to make Canada and Canadians poorer while making other countries richer. There is a big problem in this country. Many of the new immigrants to Canada only come here to make wealth for themselves and then many of them send some of the money that they make in Canada back to their own families in other country's. That is money lost to the Canadian economy. Importing people from poor countries has not been all that great for Canada. More like a disaster in my words. 

If Canada only had a Trump like leader here in Canada imagine what could happen? Products made in Canada and maybe then create more jobs for those two million unemployed Canadians? So far, all we get from our dear leader is more tax dollars by the hundreds of millions to be blown on helping other countries develop their infrastructures and importing a bunch of legal and illegal refugees that are sucking our Canadian tax dollars and economy dry.

The reason why most Canadians and Americans despise Trump is because they have never seen a real conservative leader in action. Canada needs a business leader to run  this country and not a feminist socialist apologetic leader like what we have with Trudeau. Trump is a business man. Trudeau was a drama teacher. Who do you think would be better to run a country? I say a business leader. Personally, I think that trade should be left up to the people who run a business and let them make their own trade deals with other business man and women in other countries and not the government. The government only wants to add tariffs to products coming into their country because it creates more tax dollars for them to just grab and blow anyway. Maybe I have it all wrong here but just what has the government got to be involved in making trade deals anyway? Should that not be left up to the people in business? Just wondering. 

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3 hours ago, Boges said:

Since his sister was one of the victims. I suspect this shooting was more personal than anything. 


Well then, why shoot other people for no reason if you have your sister in your gun sites already? A hand gun would have been sufficient, don't you think? Me thinks she just happened to be there at the wrong place at the wrong time. This leftist liberal democrat retard guy was out to kill people because he had this hatred for Trump. The leftist liberal media has the American and Canadian people believing that Trump was the reason why this shooting occurred. Yet these same kinds of shootings happened in America long before Trump became President. The alt-left liberal media has an amazing way and ability in influencing public opinion and with most people they will believe 100% what the lying liberal media will tell them. They the people just never seem to get it and they probably never will if they keep listening to those fibbers of the truth like CNN and MSNBC and even our beloved the CBC. I am thankful for having FOX News around and be able to listen too because I know that I can always get the other side of the story from them. I am jealous that America has a man like Trump as their President. 

In Canada we the people are not allowed to have a news station like FOX News around. We did have one close to it called the Sun News Network a few years back but the leftist liberals in the CRTC got rid of them because they did expose and told the other side of the story. And now the leftist liberal media has been bought up taken over by liberal Trudeau. Who can dare say that Canada believes in freedom of expression anymore. The CBC,CTV and Global should join together now and call themselves the new Canadian Pravda news media in Canada. Those journalists and reporters working for those news outlets mentioned should be bloody ashamed of themselves. In Trump's America the 1st Amendment will always be protected. Americans should be dam lucky that they have a President Trump running their country and not a Trudeau running their country. Aw well. This is the new Canada, don't you know. :(

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

Well then, why shoot other people for no reason if you have your sister in your gun sites already? A hand gun would have been sufficient, don't you think? Me thinks she just happened to be there at the wrong place at the wrong time. This leftist liberal democrat retard guy was out to kill people because he had this hatred for Trump. The leftist liberal media has the American and Canadian people believing that Trump was the reason why this shooting occurred. Yet these same kinds of shootings happened in America long before Trump became President. The alt-left liberal media has an amazing way and ability in influencing public opinion and with most people they will believe 100% what the lying liberal media will tell them. They the people just never seem to get it and they probably never will if they keep listening to those fibbers of the truth like CNN and MSNBC and even our beloved the CBC. I am thankful for having FOX News around and be able to listen too because I know that I can always get the other side of the story from them. I am jealous that America has a man like Trump as their President. 

That took a turn. You have no evidence to support that. But if you believe that, then you'd concede the El Paso shooter killed people because of his love for Trump and racism. 


In Canada we the people are not allowed to have a news station like FOX News around. We did have one close to it called the Sun News Network a few years back but the leftist liberals in the CRTC got rid of them because they did expose and told the other side of the story. And now the leftist liberal media has been bought up taken over by liberal Trudeau. Who can dare say that Canada believes in freedom of expression anymore. The CBC,CTV and Global should join together now and call themselves the new Canadian Pravda news media in Canada. Those journalists and reporters working for those news outlets mentioned should be bloody ashamed of themselves. In Trump's America the 1st Amendment will always be protected. Americans should be dam lucky that they have a President Trump running their country and not a Trudeau running their country. Aw well. This is the new Canada, don't you know. :(

Sun News wasn't economically viable. One could argue they should have been given the same automatic carriage as other news networks. Regardless they couldn't hack it on their own in the "free market."

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38 minutes ago, Boges said:

That took a turn. You have no evidence to support that. But if you believe that, then you'd concede the El Paso shooter killed people because of his love for Trump and racism. 

Sun News wasn't economically viable. One could argue they should have been given the same automatic carriage as other news networks. Regardless they couldn't hack it on their own in the "free market."

Hey, you are the one that mentioned his sister, not me. If his sister was his target then why shoot other innocent people around him? That makes no sense to me. You wrong, man. 

Sun News was a thorn in the leftist liberal medias butts. But apparently, most people preferred to watch and listen to the alt-left news outlets instead. I guess that is because of the brainwashing that most Canadians had been getting from the leftist liberal media for decades and who truly believed that news outlets like Sun News were just full of a bunch of racist radicals. Just like today, I believe that most Canadians watch CNN or MSNBC to get their news from which is sad because they obviously prefer to listen to bs rather than real and honest news from news outlets like FOX News. The Sun News network was a Paul Demarais creation and he was maybe getting to much flack from the liberal government in power for him to handle. Or the advertisers were being pressured by someone or some group to stop advertising on The Sun News network. Hey, we never know, eh? 

Edited by taxme
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On 8/1/2019 at 11:34 AM, GostHacked said:


USA raised tariffs, then China did, then the USA did, then China did  then the USA did ......   this is the definition of a trade war.

Now, China is not the top US trading partner:rolleyes:.  People needs to understand this war is the waiting game. China wants to wait it out.

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9 hours ago, scribblet said:

What radical measures should be taken in Chicago for instance where shootings and gun violence is endemic but no one wants to talk about that.  Gun violence in Toronto is rising too even with Canada's strict gun control. 

I've read that Chicago's murder rate is down since the 1990s but spiking upwards now.   One of the reasons is because of the fallout from a police shooting, so cops are no longer aggressive so  don't go into the shooting area until the shooting stops.  Since cops won't be given any benefit of doubt now they are being 'cautious'.
However, in the 1990s, Chicago’s murder rate would approach 900-1000 every year. It obviously has dropped since then.
 Just one story

https://www-chicagotribune-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-met-chicago-weekend-violence-20180806-story,amp.html?amp_js_v=0.1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE=#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.chicagotribune.com%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Fbreaking%2Fct-met-chicago-weekend-violence-20180806-story.html

https://www.inquisitr.com/5017376/chicago-gun-violence-leaves-59-shot-8-dead-since-friday/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A google%2FyDYq (The Inquisitr - News)&utm_content=Yahoo Search Results



I can't speak for Chi but I have a friend who's a cop in Toronto. 

They used to "card" people, based on reports that were sent in by civilians, but the policy was deemed to be one of police racism, so it was banned. Basically if you saw some thugs standing around your back alley, or if you had a business and they were loitering around the front driving away business, you could call the cops and they'd come and id them, ask them some basic questions, file it in a report. Now the police can't do much without witnessing an actual crime themselves or getting a report of an actual crime.

Criminals hate carding, period. When the police have the right to get your information from you, and they have the right to frisk you if you're not complying with lawful questioning, it means that criminals lose some of their anonymity and it's more dangerous for them to carry concealed weapons. 

Policing is more dangerous now, criminals are more emboldened to carry guns, and gun violence is - not surprisingly - up.


So people need to choose:

Do people hate carding and other "stop and frisk" programs which have been proven effective against gun-related homicides, or do they hate the fact that kids are being murdered? Most of the dead kids in Chicago are black ( https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-chicago-homicides-data-tracker-htmlstory.html ), 281 compared to 34 whites, so there are about 9x as many blacks killed in Chicago.

Almost all of the violence against black people comes from other black people. Only about 72 blacks were killed by police in the last SIX years, so about 12 per year, but if you listen to the news they do all the killing of black people.   https://www.chicagotribune.com/investigations/ct-chicago-police-shooting-database-met-20160826-story.html 

Somehow the majority of people want kids to be able to carry guns around without risk of arrest by police, they also want gun violence down. It's like saying that you hate global warming and yet you have multiple homes, a jet, and a yacht. It's Lib logic. IE, mostly emotion-based with a few misleading/misinterpreted stats. 


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5 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Understanding statistics and math is definitely not your strong suit. Stick to counting fish.

Stick to counting fish...you should see DFO's capacity for doing this, that said I wouldn't be surprised to find you work for them.

My bad that I screwed up the difference between the share of homicide due to guns and the gun homicide rate BC countered with last night (posting past my bedtime I guess), but it'll be interesting to see what that chart looks like when it incorporates data collected since 2013. The trend of the rate due to guns seems bloody obvious; "guns alone accounted for nearly 98 percent of the observed homicide rate increase between 2014 and 2016"


Since 2014, the number of non-gun homicides rose by less than 2 percent, from 4,864 in 2014 to 4,947 in 2016. But during those same two years the number of gun homicides rose by more than 30 percent, from 11,000 to well over 14,000.


Gun homicides dropped in 2018 but I'm willing to bet 2019 blows by that like 2014 blew by '13 



Guns' share of total homicides has surpassed 70 percent only twice before in the past century — in the early 1920s, at the start of Prohibition (when the federal data covered about 80 percent of the population), and in the early 1990s, at the peak of that decade's crime wave. During both of those eras, the total homicide rate approached 10 deaths per 100,000 or more. The current spike in gun homicides relative to other homicides is unique, in that it's happening during a period of relatively low homicide rates (6 per 100,000) overall.



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Was President Trump right about Baltimore...in a word...yes.   While certainly no sparkling example when I routinely spent time in Baltimore (Charlie Weaver and his Orioles were a major draw from the surrounding D.C., Maryland, Delaware, and northern Virginia area), it was still a far better city than now.   Good job Democrats !



Was Trump Right About Baltimore?

President Donald Trump's claims suggesting that Rep. Elijah Cummings' Baltimore-area district is "considered the worst run and most dangerous" has been called racist. But whether Trump's claims have any merit is an empirical matter settled by appealing to facts. Let's look at a few.

In 2018, Baltimore was rated one of the "Rattiest Cities" in the nation ...

...What about safety? In 2017, St. Louis had the nation's highest murder rate, at 66.1 homicides per 100,000 residents. Baltimore came in second, with 55.8 murders per 100,000 people. The unpleasant fact is that predominantly black and Democratic-run cities have the worst records of public safety....

...What about education in Baltimore? In 2016, in 13 of Baltimore's 39 high schools, not a single student scored proficient on the state's mathematics exam....




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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I mean the politics behind the killing, ie. Mexicans are the 'worst people', rapists etc.

I find that these shootings have done nothing more than increase the political divide to greater extremes. Political discourse today is just a bunch of outraged people talking at each other, making baseless accusations at every opportunity. The victim's bodies were not even cold yet before the political accusations started flying.

Does anyone else see how repugnant this situation is becoming, or am I the only one?

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23 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Does anyone else see how repugnant this situation is becoming, or am I the only one?


No, as even mainstream Democrats are concerned about the radical views and methods used by "progressives", becoming a major drag on the party's appeal to independent U.S. voters.    The NYT caved under pressure from progressives to alter a headline after the El Paso shooting and Trump's call for unity, as it was seen as being too favourable to Trump.   The battle has been enjoined and rages at every level of private and public discourse, with Trump more than happy to feed the fire.

The identity politics of the past is now on steroids because of social media and the obsolescence of legacy news media bureaus and their collapsing funding model.    Print news and ownership is dying at local levels, with the vacuum being filled by a torrent of special interest(s) chaos.

This is what democracy looks like ?



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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

I find that these shootings have done nothing more than increase the political divide to greater extremes. Political discourse today is just a bunch of outraged people talking at each other, making baseless accusations at every opportunity. The victim's bodies were not even cold yet before the political accusations started flying.

Does anyone else see how repugnant this situation is becoming, or am I the only one?

Well this is just how terrorism works, the terrorists know that the public will take the bait.

Thing is, the shooters might not have a political motivation, they may simply be narcissists seeking attention and they know that if they put some manifesto out which will incite the political tribes, that is simply a way of maximizing their infamy which they crave, if they can't be famous for anything, they can at least be infamous by these means.

I mean, terrorism has evolved from the days when terrorists made demands in return for hostages or whatever.

It's like 9-11, the ultimate objective was to provoke America into an overreaction.

Edited by Dougie93
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11 hours ago, taxme said:

And Trump could careless about trade with China. China needs America. America does not need China. Make it too expensive to import Chinese products into America and Americans will benefit and will start up their own business enterprises in America and create more jobs in and for Americans.

I already explained that if Trump does not have a plan to bring manufacturing back to the USA, then the tariffs on China will impact Americans wanting to buy cheap Chinese built products. I also explained that when/if manufacturing comes back, most of it will be highly automated to reduce the number of people that are needed. Those old good paying manufacturing jobs are never coming back. They left 20-30-40 years ago because American labor was too expensive for American corporations and manufacturers. So American corps began outsourcing.

It was American corps outsourcing manufacturing that cause much of this. But we can continue to blame China for it.

Apple has not manufactured a product in North America in 20+ years.



As the NYT explains, no country, and certainly not the US, can compete with the scale of the Chinese supply chain, the sheer number of skilled workers, the infrastructure that can move things around quickly, or the relatively cheap labor pool. Those jobs aren’t coming back any time soon, if ever. Ironically, it was Tim Cook in his former role as Apple’s chief operating officer that helped lead the global shift to foreign manufacturing some 15 years ago with the outsourcing of iPod assembly to Foxconn.




Cook said "political pressure" doesn't push Apple to add U.S. jobs, as it's something the company is already doing. As Cook often says, Apple could "only have been created in the United States," and Apple wants to give back. "Businesses should be more than just building revenues and profits," Cook said. "They should be building people."

This is the company that recently released a monitor stand that costs $1000. That's just the stand. I can buy a lot of PC parts for 1000 bucks.


He said he does not believe the narrative around "doom and gloom" is correct, but he does believe government and businesses need to work together on job retraining and creation for industries that are being automated. "We should not all sit around waiting for government to tell us what to do," he said.

And that is why they were among the first to outsource most of their manufacturing to China. The USA does not have that kind of manufacturing power.

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15 hours ago, taxme said:

Hey, you are the one that mentioned his sister, not me. If his sister was his target then why shoot other innocent people around him? That makes no sense to me. You wrong, man. 

You're trying to make sense of a mass shooting? Apparently he was obsessed with Violence. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/08/06/ohio-shooting-dayton-gunman-had-researched-violent-ideologies/1936937001/



Sun News was a thorn in the leftist liberal medias butts. But apparently, most people preferred to watch and listen to the alt-left news outlets instead. I guess that is because of the brainwashing that most Canadians had been getting from the leftist liberal media for decades and who truly believed that news outlets like Sun News were just full of a bunch of racist radicals. Just like today, I believe that most Canadians watch CNN or MSNBC to get their news from which is sad because they obviously prefer to listen to bs rather than real and honest news from news outlets like FOX News. The Sun News network was a Paul Demarais creation and he was maybe getting to much flack from the liberal government in power for him to handle. Or the advertisers were being pressured by someone or some group to stop advertising on The Sun News network. Hey, we never know, eh? 

I watch Sun News. It wasn't that great, but it got it's chance and couldn't stay viable. I can't say I miss it.  

It played on the outrage machine too much. Can you cite anything that would indicate advertisers were being told not to advertise on Sun News? 

There's still Conservative media in this country. 

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12 minutes ago, Boges said:

You're trying to make sense of a mass shooting? Apparently he was obsessed with Violence. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/08/06/ohio-shooting-dayton-gunman-had-researched-violent-ideologies/1936937001/


I watch Sun News. It wasn't that great, but it got it's chance and couldn't stay viable. I can't say I miss it.  

It played on the outrage machine too much. Can you cite anything that would indicate advertisers were being told not to advertise on Sun News? 

There's still Conservative media in this country. 

Some conservative media outlet exist, but they are outliers, and these outliers are not indications that most media in Canada is not heavily biased in a leftward leaning direction.

Edited by Yzermandius19
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