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  1. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/vp-harris-tiebreaker-votes-senate-were-key-inflation-boosting-biden-policies-expert VP Harris' tiebreaker votes in Senate were key to inflation-boosting Biden policies: expert "Guess who cast the tie-breaking vote? Vice President soon-to-be President Kamala Harris, and now it’s the law of the land," Biden said of the $739 billion spending bill that passed the Senate by 51-50 thanks to the Harris vote in August 2022. However, since Harris – now the Democratic presidential nominee – cast the tie-breaking vote as president of the Senate, the cost of rent has climbed 13%. In comparison, the cost of new mortgages climbed 36% in those two years, according to estimates assembled by Americans for Tax Reform. Further, the cost of baby food shot up by 13%, while frozen vegetables increased by 14%. The ATR, a conservative-leaning group, crunched numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Federal Reserve. The cost of transportation, butter, bread, flour, and breakfast cereal all increased by single digits since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. Over the last two years, some prices such as gas, transportation, energy, chicken, and milk declined, according to the ATR’s numbers. However, since Biden and Harris took office in January 2021, prices for every sector measured by ATR’s stats leaped by at least double digits. New mortgage rates since Biden-Harris came into office skyrocketed by 156% and rent shot up by 22%. Gas has gone up by 35%, energy has gone up by 33%, and transportation increased by 28%. The cost of eggs has increased by 53%, baby food has gone up by 30%, frozen vegetables are up 28%, bread is up by 24% and the cost of milk is up by 17%. Shortly after becoming vice president in March 2021, Harris also cast the tie-breaking vote on the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which also led to printing more money amid rising inflation. Legally elected President Trump is running against HER record. She cast the tie breaking votes to bring all this misery on America. She cannot run on her record. It is the WORST in the history of this country.
    2 points
  2. Mass immigration means bringing in so many immigrants so quickly we are unable to integrate them and they start forming their own separate ethnic ghettos, not learning our language or ways, and carrying on their own culture as if they were back home. And immigration Canada has been warning that this is precisely what has been happening for the last ten years.
    2 points
  3. Policies, jobs, border security and many others are all important issues for the election. But this question cannot be shrugged off and ignored either: can it be the new normal, and standard of American politics from now and on? Should it be? Where will it lead, and end? There's nothing normal about one of the candidates. This fact cannot be ignored and forgotten. Can a pathological, sick liar be the leader of a functional and functioning democracy? Can we just forget everything and pretend that nothing happened? There's no ignoring this question because if we do, it will stay here and will come back with more, and more. If it isn't condemned and dismissed now by the society, it will be the new normal. And then, we would absolutely see more of it, and worse. Among many issues, the sane America has a choice to make. It will not go away. And it has nothing to do with partisan, ideological or any other lines. It's very simple and entirely present: what is normal, in politics?
    1 point
  4. Does the Trump campaign have a few more surprise additions on the way?
    1 point
  5. So why did he approach the Harris team first and only go to Trump after he was ignored?
    1 point
  6. When the first settlers landed the first person they came across was a lady. The captain asked the lady "where are we". She replied "I Am Erica'.
    1 point
  7. Myata is a greasy little slanderer with no balls or brains. That's why CNN et al are right up his alley. Myata: "Trump referred to immigrants as animals! Trump just referred to white supremacists as very fine people! YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP!" Well, truth is CNN can, and they did, and id10ts like you don't just fall for it, you repeat for years. "Just keep the lies comin', CNN. I can't get enough of them." - myata
    1 point
  8. Quebec separatism is a many decades old issue. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/separatism It dies down then rises up again, like a phoenix. It all depended on if and what Quebec gets from Ottawa. Truth is, if the rest of Canada had been able to vote on Quebec separatism, Quebec would have been long gone LOL
    1 point
  9. And yet you completely ignore that Biden and Harris spent the first couple of years saying if they lose it will be because Republicans steal the election, that Democrats to this day still say Trump stole the election from Clinton (as Clinton says too) and they stole it from Gore (which Gore still says too). This is just dumb rhetoric you only choose to fear monger about when Trump says it. Biden and Harris chose to appease him.
    1 point
  10. Such a credible source, "I'm promising you the third way", just three months on. The reality tells us everything, and it always catches up with a vengeance if ignored. Bitter losers pretending to be having fun together. It could be funny in a ridiculous way if it weren't so repulsive.
    1 point
  11. One of DUI's "tells" is that when he knows he's wrong he makes grade 3 level 'fart' jokes about sex. It's like a defense mechansim. You see it frequently when people have low self esteem or have serious confidence issues in their own sexuality. Basically it's like he has low grade Witzelsucht.
    1 point
  12. By 'garbage' responses, you mean like if someone kept insisting something was true after being provided with real facts without ever offering any evidence of their own? Nope no shortage of that. And you do run like a coward from those who show you up.
    1 point
  13. frankly, if Kaiser Bill had actually been in command, he would have sued for peace after failing to break the blockade at Jutland the problem for Germany was that the Kaiser had effectively been deposed by a military Junta led for all intents & purposes by Erich Ludendorff from 1916 onward whom was actually the one who led the German Empire to destruction to include the death of his own son, during the failed Operation Micheal offensive in the spring of 1918
    1 point
  14. Well, if you were not ignoring or hiding from my posts... So many of you folks on the left sit on here complaining about a lack of a response when you all hide from the very posters who provide them.
    1 point
  15. Funny you should mention that. I made a large family breakfast just yesterday. Pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, toast and tea. I gave the 2 year old a small pancake with butter and syrup, and a strip of bacon and some eggs. Our niece started to say she won't eat it but...the young girl saw the rest of us enjoying the breakfast and dug right in on her own. Kids not only need discipline...they crave it. Like any animal...if they don't see a clear leader...they assume the position.
    1 point
  16. Yes many conversations need to happen if we want to avoid facing this kind of choice over and again. Democracy will not persist without objectivity, reason, responsibility and strong standard of integrity. It is a machine used by grown up citizens to manage their common matters - nothing like a wishing well.
    1 point
  17. We need more Democratization not less. We need the public to understand things, not just choose based on their tastes. Advertising has created a culture of narcissists where every dumb choice is sacrosanct.
    1 point
  18. This is a fat, thick red line here and ignoring it will do nothing to remove it. "It's me or it's rigged": normal politicians in a democracy just don't say that. And then they don't do what one of the candidates have done. Maduros say things like that, and do them. No way it could be normal, in a first world democracy. Ultra etc. right in Europe, they don't say that: they recognize and understand democracy and he just doesn't. He has no respect for democracy if it wouldn't give him what he craves. There's no way around it, to ignore or misunderstand it. Just because one party completely failed its responsibility to the people doesn't make it any more normal or legitimate. It's not a normal political candidate, in a democracy. There's nothing normal about that. And now, it's a done deal, the record. The only question that remains: could this be the new normal?
    1 point
  19. Have you read anything by Hitler? Watched any speech? Out of your list, Hitler was the most socialist.
    1 point
  20. Wow. Kinda surprised the Babylon Bee went there.
    1 point
  21. It has to do with Trump's position on women's reproductive rights... duh. Not only legalizing baby slaughter but sterilizing people with their products.
    1 point
  22. There are more homosexuals in the gop than the dnc
    1 point
  23. Have you not been paying attention on this forum? There have been plenty of other criticisms of him on here. Of course, you are on here making up crap about not hitting his head on a teleprompter. He was nowhere near. Yes, actually. They have been reporting on him being neurodivergent.
    1 point
  24. The teleprompter wasn't that close, and Tim wasn't looking anywhere close to the direction of President Teleprompter.
    1 point
  25. Facts from a court of law: -Paul Pelosi did not let the intruder in. Depage broke through glass-panelled doors to access the Pelosi home -Paul Pelosi was not the intended target. Nancy Pelosi was. DePage was proven mentally ill, and has a list of other targets to assault, including Hunter Biden and other prominent Democrats. -Depage just said he assaulted Pelosi's husband "to send a message to Democrats." You can go back to your YouTube conspiracy videos, and believe what you want. However, it's all misinformation that is aimed at the gullible and impressionable.
    1 point
  26. It was heading that way for a while and now looks like the time of the choice have arrived. It may not be the final one; but surely it's going to be the one that matters and will contribute to the outcome. Democracy is not a popular show, Romans have learned that and there's nothing new there to revisit. Democracy requires of the citizens reason; the ability of critical thought; responsibility; and always too. Circus democracy will not last because it lacks the foundation: the reason, the responsibility, and the principles. This is a crossroads and as any challenge of Time it cannot be ignored or shrugged away. There's no point in pretending that it isn't there and nothing much is happening. It won't work because the choice will be made in any case. Either it's condemned and rejected; or it is the new normal. We choose. And if there's a part of the society that have come to think (or repeat, thoughtlessly) that democracy is overrated; that they would be fine with electing not a democratic leader bound by laws and principles, but a king. First, yes anyone has the right to think what they like and even choose it. But there's a mandatory add-on that has to come with it, no can't be refused: the consequences. See, there's nothing for the king in being elected. He/they may be fine just as they are and "you won't have to vote again". Just think of it (and if that's too much trouble, look). So no that option doesn't exist: you will end up with an emperor and no one will be asking. We get what we invest in, not the dream images and that's exactly as always, no surprises. None of this is dark prophesies, exaggeration, scaring etc all only clear and logical cause to consequence chain. None of this is complicated, so no such escape either. Sure, we knew.
    1 point
  27. Lmao...these libs don't get it. Trump is the response candidate. There would be no Tro without decades of abuse and insanity from the left. We picked Trump to fight back. The days of white papers and intellectual responses are gone because the only response we get from the left is a visceral emotional hate filled attack. Why should we respond thoughtfullness? You guys don't think, you react. So, yes, you will continue to get Trump like candidates until you stop acting like children.
    1 point
  28. Again, your post could be replaced by a photo of a black dog pooping on a keyboard without losing any of its lustre.
    1 point
  29. No it wasn't, it was to clarify there was no strike by workers. And look how fast the govt jumped for its corporate massuhs. Boy if Trudeau had acted that fast on the stupid convoyers, I might respect him.
    1 point
  30. She'll just give Michelle Obama's speech in a few months. Worked out last time.
    1 point
  31. lol again with the total absence of self awareness. Amy Schumer is a Zionist freak, no thanks. You mean like "Just Say Yes" Nancy Reagan? Well sure, the ability to say "leave the cash on the nightstand" in multiple languages is useful in a career like hers.
    1 point
  32. This forum is now focused on insults and overrun with low discussions. I'm very sorry to see this - both in democracy and on here. And, yes, I am drawn into it too... Not happy about any part of that...
    1 point
  33. this thread shows why folks do not take internet discussion forums seriously.
    1 point
  34. Its comical... I work with Canadians regularly. Not one of them has ever told me how much they love their health care system. Not one. In fact, just this week one was complaining about how it is impossible to go to the hospital ER or any other facility to get seen unless you are literally dying because the lines are so long. I know it is anecdotal... for folks in America, the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. Doesn't make our system perfect, it has a lot of flaws, but the solution to a convoluted bureaucracy controlled by government is not to make it a bigger convoluted bureaucracy even more controlled by government.
    1 point
  35. F*ck you dumbass - i've proved everything i've said and you haven't proved a single thing you've said in the slightest. You just returned to the same bullshit as if it's true when it isn't. I have proven quite clearly what Americans spend on healthcare and that over 90% have insurance coverage each year Any 5-year-old should be able to explain why the rest of your post is wrong and a poor attempted thinking So I'll leave it to you to find one to explain it. So you're Lying through your teeth. Americans have health care even relatively poor ones have coverage and they have the right to buy additional health care on top of that We know what Americans spend on health care. We know what Canadians spend on health care. Canadian coverage also doesn't cover everything But unfortunately people can't really buy more other than their medication Everything else is complete bullshit. That's why you're getting frustrated. You know that you're wrong and you're mad that simply repeating a lie doesn't make it magically true And I get it just fine. For me this is simple. The one who has to try and twist and turn to desperately find some way to fit it into his psyche is you. To the point where you lie even in the face of information that's been provided to you from legitimate sources And you still can't answer that simple question. Sorry kid, this conversation was just a little bit too "Big boy" for you. Go play with your Lego and come back next time and try harder
    1 point
  36. Are you saying that troop composition is not already known...exact numbers are not known , but rough numbers are already known to everyone with intra net access...and i'm betting well known to Russia and Ukraine allied...Although this guy is also an airchair warriors he does bring up some interesting points... Can you honestly tell me, that Ukraine is going to hold this area, and if so for how long....So what is the real gain here ? This gain is temporary at best, Russia has not really responded to this incursion other than sending bits and pieces from various units...But thinking Russia has all of it's troops tied up in ukraine is simply a wishful dream...What is scaring NATO right now is that very question Why has Russia not fully responded and what are they going to do... This is the second incursion into Russia, If Russia does reinforce the borders, Ukraine will have to do the same...and for a nation that is strapped for troop where are they going to get them from...if Ukraine don't reinforce those same borders will be porous for the russians to open up new fronts Germanys cutting its support to Ukraine by more than Half, as a cost cutting measure....I wonder how long other nations will take to follow suit...and i have said before what about all the uncertainty of the US election...what do you think will happen in a trump win ? https://ca.news.yahoo.com/analysis-cutting-germanys-military-aid-204446790.html https://www.euronews.com/2024/08/19/analysis-cutting-germanys-military-aid-to-ukraine-will-have-a-major-impact Yes i have been talking about Russian gains, and not to take anything away from Ukraine incursion, it is working out much better than they planed for....i mean they have currently over 4 brigades worth of troops there...some of their best troops , against russian conscripts...But then again ask your self honestly do you think Russia is going to do nothing? and when they do something do you think they will be able to hold....now stack that against what if these same troops were used to push Russian troops out of Ukraine or reinforce current Ukrainian forces on the defensive lines......And where did these Ukrainian troops come from, they came from the front lines, so some where they weaken their lines to put in place this incursion... Yes the first time since WWII Russia has been invaded...It is fantastic they are making history....but really where does that medal go on your uniform...and what does it get you in this conflict... I guess in a few weeks we will see if it was truly worth the cost...like you i don't have a crystal ball, but i do follow those that have better insight than i do... If thats how you see me then so be it, call me whatever you want, but show me where the my facts are wrong, and i'll provide you with a source to back that up....Do you really think that Ukraine on its own can compete with Russian resources, and manpower....do you really think NATO is providing enough support ? Has russian losses affected it's determination to take ground? Is Russia taking ground ? Do you think the F-16 are going to be a game changer ? How many is Ukraine getting ? How many do you think they'll really need ? NAto supply is but a a drip to what it was once...how many NATO tanks have been donated in the last 6 months...How many Air defense systems, how many IFV, western nations are doing two things at once here, rearming themselves first, what is left over is given to Ukraine...I mean i know your an american, but my country is sitting on more equipment that needs to be replaced and we have given only 8 possible 12 leopard IIA4M tanks...we could have given them the whole fleet for what it cost to replace them all.... Now Germany is cut it's aid in half, it won't be long before others follow Germany is not the only nation deep in debt....And Canada is not alone in cheaping out on donations there are plenty of others.... The question to surrender would depend on IS NATO going to step up and give them the equipment to go on the offensive....because that is the only way to throw a nation off your territory... IS Russia making gains in territory ? Look like i said before Ukraines position is not a positive one,to many moving pieces to many things are being relied on.... just look at the facts, they all point to things are not looking good at the moment....and if you see a temporary russian land grab as making great changes on the battlefield you're wrong, it looks good right now, but in a month will you still see it as a positive... And i'm not really to concern about how people see my motives....And i'm not here to convert the masses to seeing it my way, I'm call them as i see them, everyone has a choice to respond or ignore...This conflict is not all rainbows and unicorns as the media sometimes portrays...
    1 point
  37. Democrats won't certify the vote when Donnie wins
    0 points
  38. No. It will not be the new normal. Either we elect Harris and the GOP tries somebody sane next time, or… We elect Trump, and our Constitutional system is permanently destroyed. Not hyperbole. Even though the Constitution clearly states that the President can be tried for crimes, the Supreme Court ruled that he cannot be. That is dictatorship, plain and simple. It destroyed Rome and it will destroy America.
    0 points
  39. No the problem is thinking you can't drive yourself to work in a Smartcar because you really want an F350 4x4.
    0 points
  40. Gee that's a lot different than the original reports. What a shock... Oh and the 911 call and body cam stuff we saw back then has been conspicuously scrubbed from Google. But... huh...Paul sure sounds distressed eh?
    -1 points
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