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CouchPotato last won the day on November 22 2024

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  1. You should switch to using all lower case letters to fight capitalism.
  2. No. Why on earth would it have anything to do with them being ashamed? They already have a name that everyone referred to them by. Why not keep it? Also Ustations just sounds stupid. That doesn't make them ashamed of the country, though. They have a name that works and sounds nice. Why would they change it now? It would be kind of like Prince. You'd be talking about Ustations and someone would say, "The hell you on about?" And you'd have to say "the people formerly known as Americans."
  3. This could be my moment.
  4. Hopefully he removes term limits and is person of the year in 2028, 2032, etc.
  5. In 2021 Jordan Neely punched a 67 year old woman after she exited the subway. He broke her nose and fractured her orbital bone. As part of a plea deal over this, Jordan was given free housing and access to healthcare treatment. He left after 13 days.
  6. It's only 200 bucks. And you can buy one and get the second at half price!
  7. I really hope he gets off, but even if he does this is still terrible. Why would anyone want to protect innocent people ever again?
  8. I think America just wasn't ready for her. Some people spoke about her as if she was too ditsy to be president, but if anything, she was too smart. The truth is the American people simply have a limited understanding of who can do what. And while she didn't let that limit her on a personal level, it did limit her from becoming president. Kamala is simply ahead of her time. And someday when the American people are able to think more holistically, they might elect a woman of similar holisticity to chart the course for America in a more holistic manner.
  9. I don't think this theory holds any water. I mean, his mom left him and she was sort of a bohemian so therefore he is jaded about West Coast liberals? It's a lot of speculation based on nothing. Also, I have heard Tucker Carlson speak fondly of west coast hippie-type liberal he remembers in his youth. Not to mention he was a dead head. Here he is with Jerry. You can be critical of things without hating them. It might be hard for people on the left to understand as they are so consumed with hatred. You could learn a lot about love and humanity from Tucker. Perhaps, someday you will.
  10. But as MSNBC and CNN have shown you do lose ratings for lying on TV.
  11. I suppose it's easy to be confused about this. Most mainstream journalists these days lack honesty and integrity, while Tucker is overflowing with both. So, in that sense, he doesn't seem like a journalist. But he is one nonetheless. Quite possibly the greatest of all time.
  12. Opinion Journalism is a type of journalism. He also does interviews like the awesome one he did with Putin.
  13. So, basically, Tucker was a resilient child who overcame heartbreak at an early age and went on to become one of the most successful journalists of his generation. Meanwhile, his liberal mother was an irresponsible drug addict who abandoned him at 6. Sounds about right.
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