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Five of swords

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  1. Ah yes. 'Formerly-. Although I have seen videos of cannibalism in haiti, and many military vets stationed there are traumatized by it
  2. https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780199657681.001.0001/acref-9780199657681-e-8860#:~:text=Voodoo formerly involved human sacrifice,
  3. You never need to worry about people who hate you irrationally. They are just fools and harmless. Worry about people who have rational hatred.
  4. You mean hamas would reclaim their rightful homeland, and jews are worried palestinians would treat them the way jews treat palestinians. Still, it would end the war...
  5. Arabs are semites and jews are not lol. Anyway you seem to be suggesting that opposing jews makes someone an !diot, which simply does not follow.
  6. Being a China stooge would make Joe far more admirable than what he really is. At least he would be standing for something.
  7. But I just don't care if a jew is. Like I said, if they can't deal with the consequences of making enemies, then they shouldn't make enemies.
  8. If any only if 100% of consumer purchases come from china...
  9. Jews should not be allowed security. Do white people get their own security at schools when jewish teachers talk about how evil white people and white civilization is? Let the jews fend for themselves like white people have to.
  10. No. Israel is bombing hospitals, sniping pregnant women, cutting off access to food and electricity and water, etc. Easily creating circumstances calculated to kill at 2 million people in Gaza, or at least force them to flee to the west, where the hope is that they assimilate.and forget they are palestinian. Funny how you easily accept that people just die in war...but getting punched at a pro Israel demonstration is beyond the pale? Please. I don't care about him.
  11. Israel is currently committing genocide by making gaza unlivable. So jews should expect that some surviving palestinian will want to punch them. That's quite normal. I'm glad he's being charged, I dont even really care if it was self defense or not. If jews don't want people to Haye them they shouldn't commit genocide.
  12. What the hell are you talking about? Actually, fascist dictators were quite good at keeping their word.
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