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Five of swords

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  1. A centrist is just a coward who hopes to not make anyone angry Anyone who describes themselves as left or right is not engaged in anything political they just consume different media
  2. Fascism obviously acknowledges the existence of 'minorities', by the way. It simply clearly defines which people it fights for and which people it does not. Thus one of the first statements Hitler made was that jews are not germans. He cares about germans and he feels no responsibility to care about jews. Non germans were allowed to live in natsoc germany...but under a different set of laws and a different set of rights. If they didn't like it then they were encouraged to leave. It was that simple.
  3. Self defeating. Someone has to have the monopoly of violence as well as the power to interpret what exactly is 'unsafe'. You also need to have your resources protected from foreign nations. And you do not owe protection to people who are not your citizens. These issues cannot be solved by writing down your arbitrary ethical construct about what you think governments SHOULD do (ignoring so much of what they MUST do)
  4. Well clearly, especially if what you are claiming is true, there is nothing ridiculous about the fbi being obsessed with white people. White people have the greatest justification from abstract principles, such as the right to self determination, to engage in political violence. Any responsible law enforcement agency should recognize that and do whatever it can to inb4 it.
  5. I would never advocate for any illegal act...but I do think it is necessary to point touthow absurd it is for you to imply axiomatically that something is necessarily wrong with political violence. The original founding myth of the usa, the American revolution of 1776, was an example of political violence. The new founding myth of the usa, world War 2, is also an example of political violence. If white people are not engaged in political biolence...but the fbi is lying and says that we are...wouldn't that suggest that actually we should be a bit embarrassed by the fact we are not? I guess we can pretend we are noble for following the law...but at the same time we should own the fact that we are failing to overthrow agencies like the fbi that openly oppress us.
  6. Dude..I am a national socialist. I am the last person who would oppose state management of the economy. That was not the subject at hand. What I am mocking is your idea that anyone who identifies as 'left' cares one bit about causes. If you were serious and engaged in politics at all then you would actually seek to solve the problem of monied elites exploiting workers and consumers. Instead you focus on crying whenever Trump makes a mean tweet. You are not serious. You are not engaged in politics. And you do not know or care about cause and effect. As I said...nobody who cares about the left or right directions do.
  7. The 'half' of the story you are talking about is just people debating over whether blacks or homosexuals got their feelings hurt more by the last thing Trump said. People interested in politics do not consider such discussions useful.
  8. 'Guns' isn't a problem that needs a solution. Aren't you instead trying to solve crime? And pretending guns commit crime instead of people?
  9. So to remind you, this is the claim you are pretending you 'backed up': "They are a complete joke. All they are is a check of a database that gets its information from individual states. They only apply to federally licensed dealers and if they don't get a result in 3 business days they get to sell the gun anyway. There is no check of private sales. They are slightly better than useless."
  10. So after I explained that, you actually just repeated it...which is comical...and then just cry instead of even attempting to address any of my points
  11. Then you can't do politics. Without cold blooded murder, power doesn't exist.
  12. Basic logic.i already explained why your post was 1) irrelevant to either of our claims 2) a stupid non sequitor and 3) bad at math
  13. You are making very basic logic fails.
  14. My God. You ******. What % of the usa is convinced felons and of that number what % would bother trying to buy a gun? I'm guessing only the ones who are as stupid as you, who thinks there is no real background check. And furthermore, your initial claim involved a lot more than some arbitrary rejection rate. Show me where your link supports your absurd and specific claims. Your math is also stupid because a legal gun owner might purchase multiple guns.
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