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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2024 in all areas

  1. Not championing it, but when this truck was rolling around - no investigation, no outrage.
    3 points
  2. I dunno. Is religious genocide compatible with secular democracy? Religious genocides are central to the theme of islam. Mohammed did it himself. Is religious bigotry compatible with secular democracy? Religious bigotry is central to the theme of islam: it's the reason why hijabs are forced on all women in areas that are dominated by muslims. It's kind of hard to overlook all the above. The only way to truly understand the character of a person or group is by seeing what they do when they're in a position of power.
    2 points
  3. To be clear, the Palestinians ALSO have the West Bank and Gaza. If you look at a map of Israel and subtract the massive Negev desert, the Palestinians have nearly as much land as the Israelis. They could build a great nation with it, if only they gave up this stupid Jihad nonsense. Their most sacred site is the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, which Israel has kept open to them. Israel could have closed it off, but they didn’t. When Palestinians controlled the area, Jews were not free to pray at the Western Wall.
    2 points
  4. Islam is more than just a religion IMO, it's a complete system that includes religion, laws, customs and traditions. And it works. From about 610AD its contributed literature, architecture, universities, medicine / hospitals, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics etc to the world. The question remains though, is fundamental Islam compatible with secular democracy? That's not to say it can't be, only that it takes more tolerance (on all sides) to achieve than what I perceive as being likely... especially if the tenants of secular democracy are held to be desirable and beneficial for all. The same might be said about Christianity, particularly Catholicism. But again, haven't we already determined that secular democracy is what we want? Don't we go to some pains to separate church and state? Woke ideology has become another form of religion (again IMO). Turn it on its head for a moment and imagine the howls of indignation if schools were conducting bible story time instead of drag queen story time. Imagine them holding after class bible studies and secret baptisms without parental permission. I'm guessing you would object to that. So before screaming "Islamaphobia" and "hate speech" on any number of topical issues, I'd invite you to substitute the same issue under consideration to one of a Christian action of similar flavour and deed; as opposed to Islamic in flavour and deed. If you can do that with impartiality you may come to see that the objections to overt, in your face Islamic actions are not so different than what I perceive your own might be if Christianity was captured in the same reticle.
    2 points
  5. that is just preaching to the leftist choir I don't think it wins any converts, in fact, on the whole I would suggest that it backfires Islamists are scaring people, including liberals, playing them as being the victims is not working, imo for example the Hamas encampments at the universities, that is all backfiring with the public I would surmise that the majority would be perfectly happy for the cops to go in there and crush them I would assert that the silent majority is actually still very pro Zionism nobody in Canada fears that the Israelis are going to attack them on Canadian soil Islamists on the other hand . . . it just takes one mass casualty Islamic terrorist attack, and things are going to whipsaw back on the left with a vengeance the left getting into bed with Sunni Islamists is the left putting its own neck in the noose by all means, let them hang themselves with their own rope
    2 points
  6. No, the reasons come from acknowledging the reality that letting in people from deeply misogynistic, homophobic, antisemitic countries with NO screening other than checking for crime records and to see if they're on a terrorist watch list is insane. Not only do they not fit in with our culture and values but they usually don't have the necessary job skills to ever earn sufficient income to pay for their own government services like healthcare. And since so many wind up poor, unable to earn much due to lack of job and language skills, they overflow jails and prisons. All of the foregoing is deeply politically incorrect to the left but none of it can be contradicted with facts.
    2 points
  7. No, the reasons come from the very large amount of violent crimes being committed by the people we are allowing to come into our country and Canadians are starting to notice it. People will get more vocal.
    2 points
  8. I think you'd be surprised by the number of people who are deeply unhappy with both the levels and types of people coming into Canada. People will get more vocal.
    2 points
  9. 1 point
  10. Islamic Republic which has taken the nation of Iran hostage may demonstrate well what they do when an Islamic group takes power. If not yet convinced then look at Taliban in Afghanistan. Not convinced yet? Then how about ISIS?
    1 point
  11. Lists crimes from all over the world to imply they're done by immigrants to Canada. Nice try. Lists Islamic crimes from all over the world to imply Islam itself caused them. Nice try. Lists Islamic crimes from all over the world to imply all believers are zealots not like most of us that only go to church for weddings and funerals and still identify as Christians. Uh Huh. Lists crimes from all over the world to imply immigration needs to be reduced as all immigrants are Islamic. Again, nice try. Lists crimes from all over the world to imply refugees trying to escape them are coming here to do the exact thing they risked their lives to get away from. Nice try. Listed by an Evangelical Christian Zealot that loathes other denominations of his own religion.
    1 point
  12. Again, I recognized it as an attempt at humour, it just wasn't funny. Sucked in would mean that I thought it was real.
    1 point
  13. You mean the fantasy that you dreamed about? Yes, they spy on the MAGA CULT because they carry out Trump's demands for VIOLENCE ROUTINELY.
    1 point
  14. the message was purposely vague it doesn't actually identify any particular group yet Levant knew that the leftists in Toronto would take the bait by filling in the blanks invoking "hate speech" so I'd say it was mission accomplished in terms of what Levant was intending
    1 point
  15. this seems more like a stunt intended to provoke left wing Toronto government and police into an overreaction
    1 point
  16. Anyone chanting that who was not born here should have been arrested and handed over to Border Services to be deported forthwith.
    1 point
  17. I honestly don't think hamas is getting what they wanted at all. I think what they wanted is the same thing they've gotten every other time they picked a war with Israel. I think they wanted six to 12 weeks of fighting, a few thousand deaths, and then the UN to step in and give them a bunch of goodies and tell them how terrible they have it and they walk away with some casualties and a few less buildings but generally speaking not that much damagenew powers and recognition. That is not what has happened. Things have gone so stunningly poor for them, that even if the war stopped now it would probably take them many many decades to rebuild their tunnels and forts and their prestige etc etc. Now they have to find a way to stay alive and stay in power. And Israel is just not going to be interested, and the united nations and the united states have not so far been excited about the idea of leaving Hamas in place. And Israel's position that no peace agreement can be discussed without Hamas leaving is pretty strong. I think Hamas was very surprised by this. I think they are probably desperately trying to figure out a way where they can stay in power and end this with some species of at least appearing to have won some kind of victory
    1 point
  18. It takes a sociopathic level of empathy to look at ten thousand dead children and say "Well, they shouldn't have voted for Hamas." The fact is that most Gazans didn't vote for Hamas. Literally half of the people there today weren't even born yet, let alone of voting age. And Hamas never won a majority. They were supposed to share power, but seized control through violence and there hasn't been an election since. What's certain is that the indiscriminate murder of tens of thousands of Innocents will breed a bigger crop of terrorists, more resolute and more desperate--and that half the world will now think of as freedom fighters.
    1 point
  19. I think there is a double standard to this. Israel is attacked. Crickets. I don't recall the protests about cheering Gazans. Nothing. Israel retaliates? The rest is history. Calling Hamas animals, isn't acceptable publicly. Screaming "from the river to the sea", in essentially chanting for the entire destruction of Israel, again. Very weak public denunciation. The message is harsh, but the pointing to the hypocrisy and double standard, is spot on. Hate speech doesn't belong in Canada, period. Regardless of what side of the fence that you're on.
    1 point
  20. Trump himself is hinting not so subtly at violence if he doesn’t win as are many of his supporters. We all know there will be right wing violence in the event of a Biden victory. And there is already a well established track record of right wing terrism in America: abortion clinic bombings, the Jan 6 attack, the Whitmer kidnapping attempt, Trump supporters making death threats against all sorts of public officials and judge. Meanwhile groups like proud boys, oath keepers, patriot front continue to organize and threaten violence. And of course historically domestic terrorists like Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph were both right wing ex-military motivated by right wing causes. it’s only going to get worse A government department doing its job and stating the facts is not the president “targeting” people.
    1 point
  21. And rightards make their BS accusations about Biden - without anyone diagnosing that in person - and Biden passes his cognitive test. Donyou see your hypocrisy? Of course you don’t So you’re fixating on the fact that he wasn’t dumb and irresponsible enough to hold superspreader rallies at the start of the pandemic 4 years ago? Hilarious. Nobody “has to do” rallies and “speaking off the cuff for hours at a time” is not the great feat you think it is: it's the ultimate display of narcissism and what Hitler, Castro, Mussolini and other dictators were known for. They are both far too old to be POTUS. America’s gerontocracy including Pelosi and McConnell who only recently stepped down due to health problems is a symptom of American democratic decline in recent decades. I don’t think anyone can say Trump speaks well. If you’re comparing him to Biden, maybe, but the latter is more likely to be delivering a prepared speech while Trump just gives a meandering unhinged rant with no planned direction or purpose to adoring and uncritical followers so it’s hard to compare apples to apples. We know that even when Biden was young he was gaffe-prone. At the debates we will have a better comparison. Of course Biden’s age will be an issue, he will be 86 at the end of a second term which would have been unthinkable only a few years ago. But an unhinged mor0n like Trump also would have been unthinkable. Neither one is an ideal choice for President…simply being able to day that is proof Im not “Biden’s boy” contrary to your claims. But given the sinister motives of Trump and his pack of grifters and extremists, a Biden administration with a figurehead POTUS being “handled” by his staff is the least worst option and possibly not even a first given what we know of Reagan’s second term.
    1 point
  22. No one is talking about banning fish farms. They're only being asked to grow their fish in closed containment systems so the pollution they cause, and the lice and pathogens they spread can be filtered out and the water can treated before being put back into the sea. Existing farmers are complaining closed systems will cost them too much and that they'll simply move to some other country that will let them do what they want. Meanwhile... Closed containment salmon farmer sets sights on British Columbia https://www.fishfarmingexpert.com/akvafuture-as-british-columbia-canada-salmon-farming/closed-containment-salmon-farmer-sets-sights-on-british-columbia/1542735
    1 point
  23. Sage advice for a lying piece of sh*t, like you. Michael Softener has zero shame. It's why he runs around this forum claiming to be a conservative when he's really a hardened leftist.
    1 point
  24. $20 million to tell people in Ghana not to shit on the beach. Thanks, Canadian taxpayers!
    1 point
  25. We can't pretend you speak English. Honestly you could write for by the speeches
    1 point
  26. Won more than jaggers did and he's hardly nothing. Plus being ndp leader was at the end of a very long and distinguished career. You might dislike his politics (ye IS right of trudeau after all, but who isn't) but you can't dismiss him like that and be taken seriously The only reason you're trying to say he's "nothing" is because you don't like his opinion. That's how sad you are.
    1 point
  27. They did target them through the IRS and they're probably doing other nefarious things hidden from the public eye. Not all of it is discreet, they're pretty open about wanting to send their main political opponent to jail by any means necessary. Can't forget about rigging the election laws either.
    1 point
  28. Not surprising to find out that Trump supporters tried to violently overthrow the government on January 6, and people like you who hate America support it.
    1 point
  29. I debate the arguments you present. The problem is you then insist you never presented them, then go on to present them again. It's the same every time, You say something, then say you didn't say it, then say it. Yes you said that people blamed their shittty conditions brought about by the treaty on democracy That's ALSO what i said you said. So you actually said what i said you said. What a shock. What i ALSO said is that you have not demonstrated why they would blame democracy when it was the kaizer who started the war and the allies who imposed those conditions. Things actually got BETTER by FAR under hitler, who came into power during the 'democracy'. So quit pretending you didn't say what you said ffs. If you say something that is stupid or wrong just move on instead of denying it and then repeating the stupid The treaty had NOTHING to do with the rejection of democracy. Zero zip nada. So lets stop pretending that it did and quit denying that's' what you said. Sigh. You literally attribute the nazi's rise to power to events that took place AFTER they rose to power. And you don't see how that's relevant to your agument. Let me guess - you believe the nazi's had a time machine? LOLOLOL Or better yet, you never said they rose to power!!! ROFLMAO!!
    1 point
  30. The last century our ancestors knew what brutal, aggressive fascism is and they put a stop to it at an enormous price. Their sacrifice bought us a few decades of relative peace and prosperity - not forever and no such guarantees exist. Can we make a different choice, and try a different path? Of course: it is in our hands. Is there any guarantee or promise that there will be a happy end, a miraculous salvation as in a movies we like? Not a chance. Sure, we knew. From apologizing brutal, aggressive, fully Hitleresque incarnation of our day fascism; justifying it and helping it when it needs it most how far it is to losing all will and resolve to stand to it, when it comes to us? Not far at all. On what ground: moral, principled, integrity? could this folk stand to fascism rather than making all kinds of stinky deals with it, until they are consumed by it in entirety, and nothing of integrity, principle and freedom remains? We can think about that now. Now, we have the time. Only the citizen's test.
    1 point
  31. No, how an administration interprets the asylum rules is not pure fiction. The Biden administration had loosened those rules to allow for more people to claim asylum and be let into the country easily. The majority of those who do abscond and never show up for their hearings. Then Democrats support so-called sanctuary policies where they refuse to cooperate with helping to identify and apprehend any of these people, and to the point of this thread, even when they are criminals who broke the law. Thus... we have a defacto open border. Thus we encourage more people to come here and do this which is why we have record amounts of people doing just that... and why we have even more who do so illegally because most of the Border Patrol is hung up processing all these people into the country. It is an open door, by design, supported by Democrats. The fact that you sit here pretending otherwise is all part of the ruse to continue supporting this by denying it is happening.
    1 point
  32. Post the 10 Commandments in every Evangelical Church in America. And put a big red X on each one Donald Trump has broken.....
    1 point
  33. Putting the Chair of Monsanto as head of Environment Canada is more to his liking. Why that extremist can't possibly know anything about the environment he's as non-credible as David Suzuki.
    1 point
  34. This is comical. Lets do a quick review: You: Claim Trump did not say anything for over 3 hours. Me: Yes he did, here let me show you You: No, that doesn't count, and here, if you move the timeline around to a point that Trump was still giving his speech, it was 3 hours! Me: Um, no, that is still only 2 hours and you moved the timeline up to when he was still giving his speech You: OMG DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WhY yOu TaKe ThIs So LiTeRaLy?! Me RuN aWaY nOw! DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
    1 point
  35. Evil Government Shuts Asbestos Mine, Thousands Out if Work. OMG hates anything to do with environmental protection yet wants the horrible interfering govt to 'fix' housing and inflation. Schizoid. They have 5 years to move inland. 5 whole years. 5 years to comply and continue, 5 ears for workers to look for new jobs, 5 years for natives to appeal and probably win exemptions. But NOOO it's another Apocalypse Today!
    1 point
  36. Ahhhhh, there it is! I was waiting for you to post an example of the science you are following. Everything makes sense now.
    1 point
  37. A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination - ScienceDirect "325 autopsy cases" "We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination."
    1 point
  38. We all know what you prefer: straight up lies and disinformation. That's why you're a Russian collusion stooge and a mostly peaceful protests stooge and a Jussie stooge and a Jan 6th stooge and a no inflation stooge and a no BSL4 lab stooge and a safe and effective vax stooge, etc, etc. Do you never tire of stepping on rakes? Do you honestly believe that Joe is NOT what he's being made out to be? After 4 years you still think that Joe is of sound mind?
    1 point
  39. Oh look who's back to fake-quoting again That 'resistance' group you're supporting, are they 'resisting' women and children? Because that's who they killed in their terrorist attacks.
    1 point
  40. Personally, that doesn't bother or even affect me, I can still put a candle in the window anytime I want. I still call Canada Day "Dominion Day" and if you're coming to my house on 1 July that's what the email will say in the subject line. If you're offended by that and/or think it should all be cancelled because of 215 graves that remain undiscovered then cool, stay home and mind your own damn business. I don't think that's unreasonable. Things like white poppies (and other such forms of protests) though are different, they're intended to be disrespectful and they serve as one example of what I mean. I don't do that to others and I expect the same consideration in return. So... expecting me to wear a hockey jury with a rainbow coloured pride flag emblazoned on it will ultimately lead to disappointment, I'm not going to do that. In return for that consideration I don't demand that people stand up during the national anthem, I don't throw rocks at people who burn the flag, I don't insist other people's kids attend remembrance day ceremonies, wear T-shirts that say "Jesus saves" etc etc and on and on. So really, it comes dow to picking a fight when all you have to do is.... absolutely nothing.
    1 point
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