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Emergency Act commission


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13 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I was going to ask which headline you got that info from, but then I realized I don't care.

I got it from evidence that was posted by you people.


I have a whole thread of data and studies that show otherwise.

What did the W.H.O. say when you presented it to them?

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9 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Not even the King can make rules for himself on a whim, just because he can.

Well maybe not, but a Canadian majority PM on the other hand... just as seen, with own eyes. Even pseudo majority.

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8 hours ago, myata said:

Well maybe not, but a Canadian majority PM on the other hand... just as seen, with own eyes. Even pseudo majority.

It is inappropriate to prejudge the findings of the Commission. Regardless of their findings, we need to come up with legislation more appropriate to this type of crisis. Freedom is important but so is law and order. The way to respond to government policy you disagree with is to take part in politics, not threatening to shoot the Minister of Finance in the head. We are better at politics than any other country in the world. Use that skill, not threats or violence.

There is no such thing as a "pseudo" majority. A Minority is a minority is a minority. The House can bring down the government at any time. In the words of Premier W.A.C. Bennett, "Every vote is a free vote, but if we lose, there will be an election."

If you want to bring down the government, donate to the NDP. They are supporting the government because the NDP doesn't have enough money to fight an election. You have to make it worth the NDP's while. However, now that they have propped up the Grits, history indicates the NDP will get hammered in the next election.

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Back on topic.

So, today is the start of the debacle organizers Q&A's. Sounds like the police services were not the only ones that were disorganized and in conflict with each other.

Chris Barber

"He is a self-described internet "troll" who admitted to posting racist, anti-Muslim memes online. He also displayed a Confederate flag in his businesses. He said those flags are still there in his garage, but not on display.

"There was no official leader of the convoy, Barber said.But they hadn't even arrived in Ottawa before rifts between the organizers began, Barber told"

"It was a power struggle a lot of the time," he said."

"Barber said he was often at odds with another organizer, James Bauder, who runs a group called Canada Unity. "

"Barber said some of them became concerned about the role of Pat King, another organizer."



"I can honestly say that if anyone learned anything or grew during the convoy, it was me. I was a different person nine months ago. Coming out here and seeing the amount of love, all different colours, all different races ... it changed me," he said.

Barber said he also struggled to control a contingent of French-speaking protesters who set up at the intersection of Rideau and Sussex streets near Ottawa's Chateau Laurier hotel."


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Just finished watching the testimony.

Few thoughts: 

1. What a joke that tax payers are essentially funding a civil lawsuit by having that nut bag lawyer show up

2. Looks like the looney tunes are suing single mothers for donations to the convoy.. Ottawa citizens show they are a joke. 

3. The judge is a joke.. allowing ridiculous smears to be read into the record. Nothing to do with invoking the EA.. just looking for media sound bite. 

Ottawa has turned our country into a joke. That lawyer really is a pos and how he's even participating is strange. 

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law & order flows from the rule of law

when you have a government which violates the rule of law, acts above the law with impunity

the legitimacy of the government collapses

this leads to increasing civil disorder

eventually we all end up in a failed state

there's only so much corrupt, inept & unlawful governance a society can withstand, until it incites chaos

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On 11/1/2022 at 7:35 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

You don't seem to understand. You will spread it to other people. You also seem to be pretty cavalier with the lives of people with co-mobidities and the elderly. 

And you seem pretty cavalier with the freedom of the vast majority of people.

If you, some of the elderly and some with these co- morbidities, figure you need to hide...then hide. I doubt more than a handful will miss you.

Edited by Nationalist
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1 hour ago, Contrarian said:

Maybe this guy? Was the end game to make this man monarch? 

Listen to this: 

'This town is full of a bunch of people who really don’t like people who speak out,' King said of Ottawa's citizens who didn’t appreciate the convoy protest.

King is a controversial figure in the convoy movement and in addition to the “catch a bullet” video, he has made other videos talking about violence, as well as videos saying that there was a plan to depopulate the Anglo-Saxon race. He faces several criminal charges for his involvement in the Freedom Convoy.

but sure here comes the explanation: 

Several other organizers have said this week they tried to distance themselves from King and felt he wasn’t helpful. He denied testimony from other organizers who said they had asked him to leave the convoy before it arrived in Ottawa.

Full article: 

Let me guess, he was an undercover agent? ? or was he ready to be placed as a radical monarch to save the "race"?

Here is a Hollywood picture of him: 


How do you expect a system to react when a parallel force has such representatives, puts up a document before going to Ottawa and says that Ottawa Canadian Citizens don't matter from my estimation. 

So in a way -> he was there to "wake up" Ottawa via an occupying force (followers through fear mongering + idealists)? to borrow a term from a man that stands for law and order,@Queenmandy85.

Pat King is the new "woke". 

Yesterdays show with the convoy attorney and leaders in full performance was funny as hell.

They were as disorganized and confused as the police were. They contradicted each other, they lied to each other, they told different stories and one even said he is a different person now than the one on the Hill in February LOL Wow, he has seen the light ???

Clearly, there were so many different reasons for being at the protest, no one got their message across and they others did not like it. The messages got lost with the infighting.


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As I said, a letter to Members of Parliament would have delivered their message with the same result. The occupation had very little support. Over 80% of the adult population got vaccinated because they understood it would help keep them alive and out of hospital. People lost their jobs because they were so desperate to get the vaccine, they jumped the Que. Over 80% of truckers were vaccinated.

Even if you  doubt the efficacy of the vaccine, if it helps you keep your job, why not get it?  

The occupiers were wrong and violated thousands of innocent residents rights. 

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41 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

As I said, a letter to Members of Parliament would have delivered their message with the same result. The occupation had very little support. Over 80% of the adult population got vaccinated because they understood it would help keep them alive and out of hospital. People lost their jobs because they were so desperate to get the vaccine, they jumped the Que. Over 80% of truckers were vaccinated.

Even if you  doubt the efficacy of the vaccine, if it helps you keep your job, why not get it?  

The occupiers were wrong and violated thousands of innocent residents rights. 

A mischaracterization. People got vaccinated because the government threatened them.. full stop

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

Yesterdays show with the convoy attorney and leaders in full performance was funny as hell.

They were as disorganized and confused as the police were. They contradicted each other, they lied to each other, they told different stories and one even said he is a different person now than the one on the Hill in February LOL Wow, he has seen the light ???

Clearly, there were so many different reasons for being at the protest, no one got their message across and they others did not like it. The messages got lost with the infighting.


Nah. Mandates dropped with the protest. Only ones that stayed were from the vindictive little boy as prime minister. 

The only thing your side has is character assassination. It's pathetic to watch actually. But par for the course from the vile scumbags on your side. 

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29 minutes ago, West said:

Nah. Mandates dropped with the protest. Only ones that stayed were from the vindictive little boy as prime minister. 

The only thing your side has is character assassination. It's pathetic to watch actually. But par for the course from the vile scumbags on your side. 

Ha Ha Ha.

They are being asked questions and have to answer under oath. If it is character assassination, it is self inflicted wounds LOL

Not my side, it is the convoy debacles participants answering...it is them, doing it to themselves :)

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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Over 80% of truckers were vaccinated.

Over 95% of German population voted for Nazis. What? Without any meaningful choices and with massive propaganda scare, what does it prove? Bare nothing, of course ... except that propaganda works.

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On 11/2/2022 at 10:08 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

If you want to bring down the government, donate to the NDP.

Bulls%it, and you know it. You can't win in a pretend, unreal quasi-democracy. Winners are known upfront before any vote". One and two, difference under a microscope pick one, sorry no other options. Why would anybody bother who's has eyes to see and brain to admit it?

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3 minutes ago, myata said:

Bulls%it, and you know it. You can't win in a pretend, unreal quasi-democracy. Winners are known upfront before any vote". One and two, difference under a microscope pick one, sorry no other options. Why would anybody bother who's has eyes to see and brain to admit it?

Spit it out. What are trying to say? Please elaborate in plain English. Are you saying Mr. Poilievre and Prime Minister Trudeau are the same? If you want something different, choose someone who believes the same things as you do and work to get them a nomination and then convince people to vote for them. If they fail to get elected, you need to face up the the fact that too many people think you are wrong. 

The reason people in government follow the policies they do is because over the decades, experience has shown that government has a very narrow range of options. When you are in opposition, everything is possible. When you get into government you discover that most of those great ideas you promoted won't work. 

Mr. Poilevre is having a wonderful time telling the grits they are doing it all wrong, but he knows that isn't true. The Government is having to make decisions that are going to hurt. Cutting spending is a recipe for defeat. Pierre is happy to let the Liberals do what needs to be done so he can take office after the economy is recovering. He is banking on the Liberals cutting spending so he doesn't have to. If the Liberals do not get the economy under control, Mr. Poilivevre will have to and accept he will be a one term PM.

The verdict of the Commission could have a major impact on both parties. If the invocation of the EMA did not meet the threshold, the government will have to deal with similar disruptions in future. If the NDP pull their support and the CPC wins, they will need to urgently come up with a response when the next wave hits. The CPC has tossed out the tool box. They can't bring back mandates and they can't control further illegal actions with the EMA. Mr. Poilievre has painted his party into a corner. I'm glad I decided to become a potter instead of Prime Minister.


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34 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Are you saying Mr. Poilievre and Prime Minister Trudeau are the same?

The system is the same. Total absence of independent checks, in principle. Total lack of accountability. Can't prevent anything - only useless, sad and boring commissions months or years after the fact that do nothing, like absolute zero nothing, except useless boring talk. That system is the same whatever face and sticker you stick on it. And you at least suspected that. Now, all clear?

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The verdict of the Commission could have a major impact on both parties. If the invocation of the EMA did not meet the threshold, the government will have to deal with similar disruptions in future. If the NDP pull their support and the CPC wins, they will need to urgently come up with a response when the next wave hits. The CPC has tossed out the tool box. They can't bring back mandates and they can't control further illegal actions with the EMA. Mr. Poilievre has painted his party into a corner. I'm glad I decided to become a potter instead of Prime Minister.

I don't see how the EMA could have met the threshold.  At best it was a wildly liberal interpretation of legislation that was intended to deal with much more serious problems than hooligans in Ottawa.  

What the inquiry should demonstrate, however, is both the incompetence of our bureaucracy, legislators and law enforcement, along with the dispelling of the myth that this was purely a kumbaya gathering of peaceful freedom lovers.  The way the different organizers and leaders have scrambled to distance themselves from the others has been pretty awkward after the fact.

Regardless, I think the most important part of this inquiry should be the misuse of the EMA and how shockingly poor the protests were handled by our various levels of government and law enforcement.    

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31 minutes ago, myata said:

The system is the same. Total absence of independent checks, in principle. Total lack of accountability. Can't prevent anything - only useless, sad and boring commissions months or years after the fact that do nothing, like absolute zero nothing, except useless boring talk. That system is the same whatever face and sticker you stick on it. And you at least suspected that. Now, all clear?

What have they done that you believe they should be held to account for? 

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4 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

I don't see how the EMA could have met the threshold.  At best it was a wildly liberal interpretation of legislation that was intended to deal with much more serious problems than hooligans in Ottawa.  

What the inquiry should demonstrate, however, is both the incompetence of our bureaucracy, legislators and law enforcement, along with the dispelling of the myth that this was purely a kumbaya gathering of peaceful freedom lovers.  The way the different organizers and leaders have scrambled to distance themselves from the others has been pretty awkward after the fact.

Regardless, I think the most important part of this inquiry should be the misuse of the EMA and how shockingly poor the protests were handled by our various levels of government and law enforcement.    

I will wait to see what Mr. Justice Rousseau has to say.

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