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    Internet, politics, weblogging, and technology.

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  1. All good questions - the forum rules and guidelines are being revamped as we speak and I will be announcing some changes moderation/rules shortly.
  2. I have a hard time taking any complain seriously, if you're just going to continue to argue about semantics. Thread is closed.
  3. @User - How about you stop calling someone a pedophile over a badly worded statement. @phoenyx75 - How about you ignore someone who calls you a name.
  4. Try rotating your phone to landscape, rather than portrait, and the quote button should appear.
  5. Fixed For some reason signatures were turned off for Guests (those not registered or members not logged in).
  6. Hmm, I can see my own signature... Is anyone else having this issue? Have you tried rebooting your machine, viewing the site on your phone, etc?
  7. Is this not your sig?
  8. Agreed - @paradox34, try harder at posting something actually unique.
  9. I suspect the problem is that you're still in the moderation queue, and the auto moderation (due to certain words being used) cause a conflict with moderation queue. I'm afraid there is no auto draft option - so your long lengthy post is likely gone. Seeing that you are not a spammer, I've elevated your account to full member status, so you'll no longer be subjected to the moderation queue. That should solve your problem. Thanks
  10. You mean no one has commented on your new forum thread? Send me a link to the thread below.
  11. You're approved now! Sorry for the delay, things got away on me.
  12. @Gaétan The thread title is poorly constructed. If you want people to actually contribute to your threads, you need to provide more context than two words. Also, a two sentence post isn't going to attract much either - so I would edit this thread/post and provide more context.
  13. Couple of options: Go here: https://repolitics.com/forums/settings/links The next option is to click the blue dot next to the thread title - it'll take you to the first unread post. I hope this helps!
  14. Mae Bryantot just posted spam (I think)

    But why didn't I get a chance to cop her ?   I reported her like a regular person would

    1. Greg


      I haven't had a chance to activate that yet. I marked the account as SPAM

  15. ya, right. This place is the absolute worst... 🙄 Seriously, you've been here a few weeks and you suddenly have everything figured out?
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