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You take the SAEs recorded, which amounts to less than 1% of people who took part in the trial. 

You compare it to the placebo group (who also experience SAE) and you calculate the difference and declare you have a X% more likely chance of an SAE when taking the COVID vaccine. 

It's Junk Science. 

BTW, why isn't the Placebo group Zero? Is it possible these are things that just happen to people in the course of life, and have absolutely NOTHING to do with the Vaccine. 

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3 minutes ago, Boges said:

It's Junk Science. 

Ah, I see. I guess you know more than Sander Greenwald, who wrote most of the epidemiology textbooks.

Carry on.

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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

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13 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


The Covid-19 inoculation might be a LOT of things. A vaccine is not one of them. If you're like me, you might be old enough to have the variola scratch on your left arm. That worked exactly as intended. Once vaccinated, you neither got nor transmitted variola.

This is not true with the coof shot.

The Oxford dictionary still defines a vaccine as "giving immunity against a specific pathogen", but people growing up in this covid generation think of "vaccines" as shots which merely "raise one's ability to fight infection by a modest amount".

We tend to think of dictionaries as "rule makers" but they're actually just a record of how the majority of people use a word.

Seeing as leading members of the scientific community have been using the word vaccine to describe the Pflacebo, I'm pretty sure that the definition of the word "vaccine" will eventually be changed to reflect the way it's commonly used by vaxtards today. 

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If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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21 hours ago, Boges said:

You take the SAEs recorded, which amounts to less than 1% of people who took part in the trial. 

You compare it to the placebo group (who also experience SAE) and you calculate the difference and declare you have a X% more likely chance of an SAE when taking the COVID vaccine. 

It's Junk Science. 

BTW, why isn't the Placebo group Zero? Is it possible these are things that just happen to people in the course of life, and have absolutely NOTHING to do with the Vaccine. 

Okay, what about the other links to studies in this thread, there’s got to be 40+.  

Here’s another one for you.  Almost 2000 clinical trials for the Covid vaccines around the globe were all funded by federal governments or the Pharma corporations themselves.  Conflict of interest, anyone?


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4 minutes ago, sharkman said:

Okay, what about the other links to studies in this thread, there’s got to be 40+.  

Here’s another one for you.  Almost 2000 clinical trials for the Covid vaccines around the globe were all funded by federal governments or the Pharma corporations themselves.  Conflict of interest, anyone?


Only if you're a crazy conspiracy theorist that assumes governments are looking to control the populace by developing a vaccine. 

Which many are no longer pushing as hard. 

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2 minutes ago, dialamah said:

So many experts, politicians, heads of State, medical personnel and families of dead people are in on the conspiracy - amazing!


Millions were convinced the Martians were invading when Orson Wells did War of the Worlds.

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The study, conducted by researchers in Thailand and not yet published or peer reviewed, is being misrepresented. It examined cardiovascular side effects among 301 Thai students, ages 13 to 18, who received a second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Cardiovascular side effects — from heart palpitations to myopericarditis, a type of heart inflammation — were found in roughly 29% of the patients. However, the most common effects were rapid heart rate and shortness of breath, and the paper notes that the “clinical presentation of myopericarditis after vaccination was usually mild, with all cases fully recovering within 14 days.” Only one case of myopericarditis was “confirmed.” 

The study has almost “no value,” said Dr. Eric Adler, cardiologist and director of cardiac transplant and mechanical circulatory support at University of California, San Diego Health. He noted that the study included no placebo to compare the results to. Its findings are also consistent with the general medical consensus, he said: there is an increased risk of myocarditis, which is inflammation specifically affecting the heart muscle, among young males following COVID-19 vaccination, but the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks.


Side effects were mostly mild and there was no placebo treatment done. If being told you were getting a vaccine where some mild side effects are possible, would the placebo effect not provide some symptoms. 

Only one case of myopericarditis actually came from this study. 

Again heart issues are a noted side effects amongst adolescent males. I'll even concede that vaccinating children is pointless right night. But this idea that the vaccine is killing people is unfounded bunk. 

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2 hours ago, Boges said:

would the placebo effect not provide some symptoms. 

Yes, this is the most common excuse given. Dialamah and Aristedes and Treeguy  all have said the same thing - everyone experiencing adverse events - they are either lying or "it's not the vax!"

It seems the #1 side effect of the vaccine is a lot of "coincidences."

2 hours ago, Boges said:

But this idea that the vaccine is killing people is unfounded bunk. 

I think the point is - no one is checking.  So how do they know?  If you don't look, if you don't check things out, if you don't autopsy, if you just keep insisting that signals are nothing but "coincidences" that require zero attention, if you make it difficult for doctors and patients to report and issue warnings and take away their licenses when they do....of course, you're not going to find anything.  It's not just the vaccine, Boges, it's the total lack of accountability on the part of the bureaucracy pushing the vaccines that is becoming extremely worrisome.  And if you look at recent Big Pharma history and how its been cozying up to the CDC and FDA - this has been pointed out as a problem many years before this experiment, the the fox has been assigned to guard the henhouse years ago and this is obviously a problem.

When the funeral industry and the insurance industry is seeing dramatic rises in claims, deaths and paying out for disabilities to the tune of 40% increases.......this is a very strong SIGNAL that needs to be paid attention to.

YOU are the third stage clinical trials - the human trials.  You are being experimented on at least until 2023.  Frightening to see MSM tell Canadians "Hey, everybody!  Great news!  Come get your 5th jabber!"

I mean, the first 4 didn't work, didn't stop infection or spread. 5 shots in one year.  Of an experimental vaccine. And the institutions that are supposed to be compiling and analyzing data on all you trial participants are instead pushing jab after jab after jab.....

What could go wrong?

I notice one of your reasons for rejecting one newer study is the small sample size (completely ignoring the Qatari study with over 100,000 participants, "crickets" on that one.) while fully accepting the small sample size of the trials over a year ago when EUA was being pursued.  So..... small sample size for EUA to force vaccinate billions of people = OK with you.  Small sample size showing results of force vaccinating with an experimental jab = Ignore the results, sample size too small.

C'mon, Boges - Ethically.  Morally.  Honestly - do you agree with forced vaccinating of large swathes of people, holding their jobs, careers and livelihoods hostage, with an experimental vaccine that has never been brought to market because the animal trials all failed.  For a virus with a 99.5% survival rate for everyone not in the usual seasonal flu higher risk categories and that has an IFR only slightly higher than the seasonal flu and for which there has been NO CHANGE in world population and said population has actually increased in the usual amounts for each year of this so-called pandemic.

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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

Yes, this is the most common excuse given. Dialamah and Aristedes and Treeguy  all have said the same thing - everyone experiencing adverse events - they are either lying or "it's not the vax!"

It seems the #1 side effect of the vaccine is a lot of "coincidences."

I think the point is - no one is checking.  So how do they know?  If you don't look, if you don't check things out, if you don't autopsy, if you just keep insisting that signals are nothing but "coincidences" that require zero attention, if you make it difficult for doctors and patients to report and issue warnings and take away their licenses when they do....of course, you're not going to find anything.  It's not just the vaccine, Boges, it's the total lack of accountability on the part of the bureaucracy pushing the vaccines that is becoming extremely worrisome.  And if you look at recent Big Pharma history and how its been cozying up to the CDC and FDA - this has been pointed out as a problem many years before this experiment, the the fox has been assigned to guard the henhouse years ago and this is obviously a problem.

When the funeral industry and the insurance industry is seeing dramatic rises in claims, deaths and paying out for disabilities to the tune of 40% increases.......this is a very strong SIGNAL that needs to be paid attention to.

YOU are the third stage clinical trials - the human trials.  You are being experimented on at least until 2023.  Frightening to see MSM tell Canadians "Hey, everybody!  Great news!  Come get your 5th jabber!"

I mean, the first 4 didn't work, didn't stop infection or spread. 5 shots in one year.  Of an experimental vaccine. And the institutions that are supposed to be compiling and analyzing data on all you trial participants are instead pushing jab after jab after jab.....

What could go wrong?

I notice one of your reasons for rejecting one newer study is the small sample size (completely ignoring the Qatari study with over 100,000 participants, "crickets" on that one.) while fully accepting the small sample size of the trials over a year ago when EUA was being pursued.  So..... small sample size for EUA to force vaccinate billions of people = OK with you.  Small sample size showing results of force vaccinating with an experimental jab = Ignore the results, sample size too small.

C'mon, Boges - Ethically.  Morally.  Honestly - do you agree with forced vaccinating of large swathes of people, holding their jobs, careers and livelihoods hostage, with an experimental vaccine that has never been brought to market because the animal trials all failed.  For a virus with a 99.5% survival rate for everyone not in the usual seasonal flu higher risk categories and that has an IFR only slightly higher than the seasonal flu and for which there has been NO CHANGE in world population and said population has actually increased in the usual amounts for each year of this so-called pandemic.

I don't think the Trials are particularly relevant now. Considering the real trial is the 90% of Canadians who've had at least 1 shot.

But a 10,000 sample size is actually quite high, What I was questioning was using the sideeffects reported by less than 2% of the sample size and using those figures to establish a trend. Especially when the placebo group also reported some similar side effects. 

It's not like authorities are ignoring side-effects. I knew blood clots were a possibility when I got the AZ shot. They actually don't even offer that shot in Canada anymore because it's not as safe as the mRNA shots have been found to be. And this myocarditits thing is a real potential side-effect. I actually think Denmark is smart for not offering it for younger people. 

But don't confuse the situation now with the situation in 2021. This virus was much more pathogenic then and I do believe the vaccines saved many lives. 

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2 minutes ago, Boges said:

I don't think the Trials are particularly relevant now.

EUA was based on and continues to be based on, those original trials, which were rushed and lacking.  The trial data that Pfizer was forced to cough up - does not look good and both the CDC and FDA has said they were mislead as to the results.

I think that's extremely relevant.

"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

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Let's talk masks.

Masks as covid control was never science.  The worst part is that....we already knew this before covid.

We knew it because lots of people study masks and mask efficacy.  They just are not, mostly, doctors. They are industrial hygienists and forensic engineers and they have been minutely studying mask efficacy, aerosols, and particles for a century at least.  It’s a highly evolved discipline used every day in millions of workplaces and if anyone had bothered to ask, it could have told us that this was rubbish right from day one.

Incidentally, this is WHY the world's pandemic plan - which was tossed out the window along with known science, called for decisions to be made during a pandemic by more than just one entity.  Doctors, economists, engineers, etc - all were to be consulted. Decisions were not too be made by ONE public health employee who had no experience in any of these things.

To start - the sub-micron sized covid virion is so small compared to the weave of a mask, it's like trying to stop birdshot with a chain link fence.

Even if a virus is in droplets, the pressure and explosive force that strains droplets or virion clusters though a weave (even in a perfectly fit mask) acts as a nebulizer.

This puts the virus into the air as a finer aerosol and aerosols do not behave the way people imagine. Their range is not short. They do not fly in some 6 foot line. They hang. For a virus the size of a covid virion (0.1-0.3 micron), hang time is on the order of 1-2 weeks. That’s not a typo. Weeks.


And this matters because the simple fact is this: your mask does not fit and it never will. It would be dangerous if it did. You’d risk asphyxiation or dangerously low O2.

A 1% edge gap is 50% leakage. A 2% gap (which is far better than you will achieve) is 75%.

Your mask is probably leaking 90-95%  of aerosolized virus that then hangs in the air for a week.

See this study in Aerosol Science and Technology, 2021:

Full article: Aerosol filtration efficiency of household materials for homemade face masks: Influence of material properties, particle size, particle electrical charge, face velocity, and leaks (tandfonline.com)

There is no way your mask protects you.  Or anyone else.

See this study from 2020:  Landmark Danish study finds no significant effect for facemask wearers | The Spectator

They do not even work on surgeons in a medical theater, so the idea that they will “protect you from me” in the grocery store or on the sidewalk is ridiculous. It also shows that the idea of capacity limitations and social distancing is simply.....a performance.  We’re all going to the grocery store. Everything we breathe out, masked or no, is in the air for days or weeks. Taking turns a few at a time is just annoying, not effective.

This is why, using masks in a real life setting and measuring clinical outcomes has been shown, over and over, to do nothing to stop respiratory disease.  Granted, the mechanics sound plausible if you do not really understand them AND it makes for great performative pseudoscience and social conditioning.

The mechanics of the whole system, as practiced by actual humans, are simply not capable of making even a tiny difference. This was known. The WHO said so in 2019 in a metastudy that everyone used to believe and then suddenly ignored and why the WHO tweeted this in March, 2020:


So, this idea that “experts” thought that masks were “warranted” based on “the science” and that there was some longstanding guidance or expectation that masks were going to be be effective......is a lie.

You know why you never heard about this during some bad flu season in the past? Because pretty much every expert in the world knew that it did not work. It was not even  argued. In fact, putting masks on people who are not exhibiting symptoms was always contra-indicated.

So.   Why have they been seized upon and presented as such a MORAL imperative?  I mean, some people who wouldn't wear them were BEAT UP ON THE STREET and yelled at and prevented from going about their everyday lives. 

Because it was the low energy path for politicians to appear proactive and for the self-righteous to virtue signal. It cost less than full lockdowns - which were ineffective and far too obviously damaging to keep up as a charade. It was an effective in-group/out-group wedge that could be used to political advantage.

Masked staff, a street full of faceless people, stores and planes with mask mandates and hectoring compliance, every one of these things not only dissolves human communication and empathy by eliminating powerful non-verbal lines of communication, they scream “This is not normal! Crisis! Crisis! Be afraid, danger is all around us!”

Wearing these masks is not alleviating the underlying anxiety of those demanding them, it’s validating it.

There are risks we take every day.  The idea that we “owe” society some level of complete protection in some absolute sense is never true. It’s an absurdist moral pretext.

Most of us drive. Driving places those around you at risk. Risk could be FAR lower if no one were allowed to exceed 20 km, even on the highway. Yet there is not one group claiming we ought to do this despite the fact that the lifetime risk of not just injury, but death by automobile in the US is 1 in 107.

Risk of dying from the seasonal flu is (1 in 6400 annually), another risk society long since voted it did not care enough about to mitigate beyond “stay home if you don’t feel well.” you probably have a better chance of dying by slipping and falling in the shower.

We are so used to the flu killing 8000 Canadians every year, that no one even notices it. And if we counted flu the way we count covid, test for covid, report covid, test every death for covid, and counted any death with a positive genetic flu trace as a “flu death” we’d up that number by 5-10X.

We certainly never cowered at home, closed the national economy, cancelled everything, and forced masks and distancing on people. We’ve never considered “zero flu”, because doing so is absurd.

So what on earth are we playing at here with this “vax then keep masking and distancing” nonsense? 


It makes zero epidemiological sense.  Anyone pushing it is either a full fledged idiot or a liar pushing some other agenda. Neither seems a sound qualification for being in charge of (as @taxmewould say) "we the people".

This is not science, it’s Scientology.

A young, healthy person might well chose not to vaccinate. And that might be a risk minimizing choice for them when faced with an experimental vaccine that does have some risks. An older, higher risk person might look at those same vaccine risks and find them to be easily worth it. That’s between you and your doctor.

This is just manipulation of perception run riot. The media and health officials have been such relentless purveyors of panic and outright lies that public perception of covid danger is 10-50X the reality.

my sympathy for the "Mask Karens" is extremely limited. And for government and public health officials, it's even less.  They pushed this, they did it to us. They continue to cheerlead for MORE FEAR!! and even now seem unable to let go and realize that covid risk is now FAR below flu and always was for the young and healthy and especially for children.

Get past the derangement and get to the facts:

  • Even people at high risk for covid are at lower risk to it than they are to flu

  • Most of us were lower risk to it all along.

This is LONG since over. Wake up and realize it. Wake up and smell the freedom and if it is not given to you, take it. It was always yours, not theirs.

You’re a citizen, not a subject.

And take off the mask (unless you have an actual medical issue for wearing it).  You look like an adult clutching a "wubbie".


Edited by Goddess
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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

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So the government of Canada is currently pushing the narrative that going back to lockdowns, masking, restrictions, etc are a real possibility for this fall.  And they are pushing booster after booster after booster and I won't even get into the madness of vaccinating children at all.  They refuse to let go  of the travel restrictions and everything else that has made life hell for the last almost 3 years.

3 years.

Of YOUR life.

And they wanna keep it going.

The argument is that vaccines, despite what was promised, are not enough for you to get your life back. There is no “normal”.  Just a “new normal” of constant distancing and masking and vigilance with further restrictions and digital IDs to track health held over our heads continuously. They have explicitly invoked 100% as a standard.  Check out this piece of propaganda:


100% is an impossible outcome.  But as you can see above, that is what you are currently being conditioned to believe.

So let’s look at where we are by setting up some standards. I am not going to accept “getting a mild flu-like illness” as some massive risk. We’ve lived with flu for 1000’s of years and we take little care to avoid it. We do not distance, mask, or lockdown. We stay home when we are sick and we (maybe) wash our hands a bit more during flu season.

The human race has long since expressed its clear risk preference on flu-like illness.

The Hong Kong Flu (1968-1969)) was, in population adjusted terms, worse than covid for deaths. Ask your grandparents if they even remember it. They certainly did not cower from it or lock down. That was the year that Woodstock took place. During a “pandemic” worse than this one.

So let’s look at covid risk:

The global IFR looks to be about 0.15%. John Ionnidas, who has been among the best on this, set the number.  (See here:  Reconciling estimates of global spread and infection fatality rates of COVID‐19: An overview of systematic evaluations (wiley.com))

What is your chance of getting it? As long as you are not around people who actually have symptoms, it’s vanishingly low, even if you share a home with them. It’s 0.7% and that is for prolonged exposure and shared facilities/bathroom/food/etc. (See here:  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33315116/)  That study showed this:


For those not well versed in the terminology, this is measuring secondary attack rate in households. Secondary attack rate is the likelihood that one infected person will pass the infection on to another person who is exposed to them. If it’s 100%, you’ll give it to everyone, every time. If it’s 0%, it will not spread. The SAR(secondary attack rate) for SARS-2 covid, was 16.6%. So, 16.6% of people in any given household could expect to be infected if one member of the household had covid. OK.

What's interesting is in the subset analysis. They then split the infected cohort into 2 groups: those with symptoms and those without. The variance turns out to be massive. Symptomatic carriers had an SAR of 18%. Asymptomatic carriers had an SAR of 0.7%. Not only is that a nearly 26X variance, but it shows that the likelihood of an asymptomatic carrier spreading disease to you is less than 1% overall even in what looks to be one of the highest risk vases around: living together.

Asymptomatic spread is almost non-existent.

So, if we take as our risk standard 0.15% X 0.7% from high exposure to asymptomatics, we’re at 0.00105%. (1 in 95,000)

If we take the upper risk bound of 18% spread from symptomatic carriers, it’s 0.027%. (1 in 3,703)

This is the basic risk window against which to start to consider covid risk.

If you are young, healthy and avoid actually cohabitating with sick people your risk is likely 1/10th to 1/100th the lower bound. So you’re getting into the 1 in a million-one in 10 million range.

For you,  a vaccine would need to be almost 100% safe to outweigh the miniscule benefit it even COULD provide you. Far from being an irrational choice, it might well be the clear and obvious personal risk minimizing choice to NOT take an experimental vaccine.

The idea of being forced to vaccinate in order to mitigate a risk far lower than death by bee sting seems outlandish.

If you are obese, diabetic, or have some other set of risk factors, perhaps this looks very different and the vaccine benefit far outweighs the risks. (Ask your doctor. I am not looking to give anyone medical advice here.)

But maybe others must live in fear of you as a carrier. Especially if you're  now vaccinated, your chances of getting covid have increased dramatically.

So what is there left for masks to even work on?  If I am asymptomatic and shop near you, my chance of spreading disease to you is easily less than 0.7%. That would be for living with you, sharing food, furniture, bathrooms, and possibly a bed. I have no reliable stats on how much lower, but 10-100x is likely the correct magnitude.

The idea that I owe it to you to limit my life, to change your outcomes by less than the chance of getting struck by lightning is a preposterous moral inversion even if these mitigations are REALLY effective (and they aren’t.) Your base risk is so low that nothing I do can affect it in any manner.

Over a lifetime of 80 years, your chances of dying in a car crash is 0.9%. 


Let’s then compare that to the risk of 0.15% IFR X 10% (contraction risk based on 90% success rate on a vaccine).

That’s 0.015%. 

1/60th the chance you’ll die in a car crash over your lifetime.

Even if you got covid twice, it’s 1/30th. And this assumes you had a 100% chance of getting covid. We can compare covid deaths to lifetime risks for this reason. 

We’re already WAY below risk levels that humans clearly find acceptable.


If you have average risk for covid, you need to ask yourself:

  • If the mitigation recommended is 50% effective, it will reduce my risk by about 1/2 my risk of death from  dying in a car crash, even if I use extremely adverse assumptions.
  • Am I willing to pay whatever price this is to get that benefit?
  • Is there any moral or utilitarian basis whatsoever to force others to pay large costs to get me these infinitesimal or possibly illusory benefits?”

Any honest, rational person must answer those questions before even seeking to DISCUSS whether mitigations work (and the data there is pretty terrible). Most, including masks and lockdowns, do nothing that is even measurable.

So let’s stop all this fake safety theater. It never made sense and no reasonable health official with an even rudimentary grasp of risk factors and cost benefit, the literal bedrock of public heath decision making, could possibly be pushing a vax then mask and distance policy for any but those with the very highest risk.

This is not medical policy, it’s political propaganda and these sorts of 100% demands are a dead giveaway. This is the truly big lie to push you over the line into trading all your freedom for the illusion of safety. 

Edited by Goddess

"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

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16 minutes ago, sharkman said:

So Fauci has announced he’s leaving his position with the federal government as of December of this year.  That won’t save you from justice, you piece of trash.

I'm planning on a post about him and his good buddy, Dascak and what they were working on at the WIV.

Dascak is pure evil.

Fauci funds him.

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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

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11 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I'm planning on a post about him and his good buddy, Dascak and what they were working on at the WIV.

Dascak is pure evil.

Fauci funds him.


Dascak...like father like son. The father was a Ukrainian Nazi that volunteered to be executioner at the Janowska death camp. The son likes playing with deadly viruses...and releasing them, apparently.

That fascist hobbit, Dr Fauci, indeed funds him.

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