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Trudeau Gets Slammed At NATO Meeting

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4 minutes ago, cougar said:

Are you for real ????

Nobody was fired because they did not get vaccinated?   Nobody was refused service because they were not vaccinated?  Nobody's ability to travel was affected because they were not vaccinated?

Nobody was forced to get vaccinated?

Millions of Canadians got vaccinated against their will or belief, just so they can keep their jobs, be able to visit their family members in remote places or to not be deemed outcasts by friends and the community.

You are wasting your time talking to this liberal talking head. Instead of him supporting the truckers, and the millions of Canadians who supported those truckers, and the belief that people should have choice, this liberal talking head prefers to support what our Marxist politicians have done to the people of this country. Those politicians are the ones that need to be attacked and mocked. They are the ones that are responsible for destroying millions of Canadians lives. 

And for what? To be able to push experimental vaccines on innocent Canadians who believed their covid lies. Plenty of sick brain dead people made plenty of money off of covid. Marxist Trudeau was one of them. Bloody sad indeed. 

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6 hours ago, ironstone said:

1. That criticism you speak of was pretty mild in my opinion and they were clearly reluctant to mention it. It would have been much more intense had a Conservative been at the centre of it.

2. Politicians on the political left have a much longer leash to play on.

3. Trudeau is a pretty dismal leader and there is no getting around that fact. I personally wouldn't call him a dictator but he is a piss poor PM to put it charitably.

1. Mild, in that it's weaker than calling him a fascist - but people actually care about the relevance and truth of statements you see.  So it may have been "mild" when the Globe revealed that the PMO was trying to lessen the charge against SNC Lavalin but his polls immediately dived as people were reminded of the Sponsorship scandal (real politics, probably before you were born, also "mild", defeated the Liberals).  So politics may be different than you think it is.

2. I assume you mean the NDP and I agree, because they don't get elected.

3. Please note that I will not argue with you on that.

I have read enough TNC, though, so I'll pass on that link.

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

That was the dumbest thing I ever saw on the internet until I read your next sentence. 

If someone said "We will take you car unless you get pseudovaxed" would that constitute force in your opinion? 

Is your car worth more than your job? Would you consider it force if the gov't just unilaterally dispossessed you of your car?

If you lose your job would you be able to pay your mortgage? Could you feed your kids? OF COURSE THAT'S FORCE WHEN YOU UNILATERALLY STRIP SOMEONE OF THEIR ABILITY TO PROVIDE FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILIES! 

Don't forget that once a person gives up their job during covid, it becomes almost impossible to get a new job because it's much more reasonable to have vaccination as a requirement for employment than it is to require vaccination to keep your job.

Do you know that people who gave up their jobs for refusing the jab were unable to collect CERB and EI? It was basically financial ruin or pseudovaccination for hundreds of thousands of Canadians. OF COURSE THAT'S FORCE!


The right to refuse medical treatments unless you give your informed consent is important. You supported it when those rights were being stripped away from other people, so that right no longer exists. In the future, you can be FORCED to take medications now regardless of whether or not you want them. 

Your complete lack of moral awareness and wisdom are in large part responsible for the removal of one of our most important, basic human rights. 

A waaaay out there over reaction. LOL

The comment to was to a person that claimed the "dictator" should remove mandates.

So, lets get to your comments.

"We will take you car unless you get pseudovaxed" ...who said and did that??

"If you lose your job would you be able to pay your mortgage?:". What work place, government, agency or department  prevented you from working? Oh wait, the unions demanded government workers get vaccinated so the feds (and provincial and municipal) complied with their demands. And some companies made those decisions based on the health and welfare of their employees. 

Interesting enough, now that mask 'mandates have dissipated, there are so many unions (particularity teachers but others as well) and workers in many places that are upset at the governments for taking that away. My take on that is, well, you are adults so make a decision and wear it or not. No one cares anymore.

"Do you know that people who gave up their jobs for refusing the jab were unable to collect CERB and EI? " Really? That is a load of BS. If you quit your job, you got whatever everybody else that quit their job gets (regardless of reason for quitting).

"The right to refuse medical treatments unless you give your informed consent is important."  Who took away that right? No one. if you refused covid vaccination, then  you suffer the legal consequences. Most didn't, some did.

"In the future, you can be FORCED to take medications now regardless of whether or not you want them."   Where did you get that??? Who said that?

Bottom line, the question still remains, what charter rights or basic human rights were illegally impinged upon??

As they say, opinions are like assholes and everyone has one. You  have yours (with emotion) and I have mine (without emotion)




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3 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

I would call Trudeau a dictator and the apologists on here who defend him illustrate why Canadian democracy is in so much trouble right now.  The denial is deep, so just in case you forgot:

- froze bank accounts of supporters of a protest and charged them retroactively for doing something that wasn’t a crime when they did it: making a financial contribution to a political movement

- introduced the Emergencies Act to allow police to act lawlessly against peaceful protesters after blockades were cleared

- refuses to even discuss the removal of vaccine mandates and passports, even as their existence raises the cost of deliveries during supply chain issues and hyperinflation

- continues to add punishing carbon taxes when fuel prices are already soaring 

- calls unvaccinated and protesters unscientific, racists, and misogynists, with unacceptable views, asks, Do we make a space for these people?

- refuses jobs to people who disagree with his position on abortion

- locks in a 3 plus year coalition government with a far left party that is introducing policies the public never signed off on

- plays a highly dubious role in the World Economic Forum where he’s been touted as a favourite, his deputy PM is a trustee, and the WEF leader has said he has infiltrated more than half of the Cabinet

- publication bans and removal of videos showing the mistreatment of protesters

- open admiration for the Chinese dictatorship

- interference and cancellation of the Justice Minister in the SNC affair

- conflict of interest involvement with WE where family members got jobs and money from government funding

-attempts to introduce bills that will allow for the censorship of speech online that the government deems unacceptable

- undermining of Canada as a nation state by failing to defend its value against claims of colonialism and demands for endless reparations

- declares Canada the first post-national state (Is Canada still a sovereign country ruled by an elected government?)



I believe that MH and exFlyer are both talking heads for the liberal party. They just won't admit that this is so. They both appear to have no problem with what their dear lord and savior Marxist Trudeau has done to this country because both never condemn the dictator for what he has done to Canadians. They prefer to attack and mock anyone here who condemns Trudeau here. They appear to look for excuses for the liberal Marxist turd. Just saying. 

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19 minutes ago, cougar said:

Are you for real ????

Nobody was fired because they did not get vaccinated?   Nobody was refused service because they were not vaccinated?  Nobody's ability to travel was affected because they were not vaccinated?

Nobody was forced to get vaccinated?

Millions of Canadians got vaccinated against their will or belief, just so they can keep their jobs, be able to visit their family members in remote places or to not be deemed outcasts by friends and the community.

Yes, I am for real.

You had a choice. Comply with your company's requirements or not.

Yes, if you were denied service because you did abide with the establishments rules, so be it, your choice.

Yes, no one was forced to get vaccinated, it was your choice.

Millions of Canadians got vaccinated to prevent illness, to prevent spread, to protect their families, to stay employed and in compliance with their employer and/or union requirements and for other personal reasons.

So, those that chose not to understood the consequences and made their own adult decision including to be "deemed outcasts by friends and the community."

Being a grown up is such a pain in the ass :)


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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

 Not a dandy, just realistic and living today, not yesterday.

The thousands of protester had the right and demonstrated that during the protest. Some, that wanted more, are paying the price of not abiding by the laws.

Yup, the emergency measure act was the only way the few protesters that would not abide by the laws (existing laws) could be moved.

Yup but, an American truck driver could not get back home without   severe restrictions either .... under American law.

Most of the restrictions and mandates were all Provincial jurisdiction. The exception was federal entry into Canada mandates. So, in essence, the truckers were pissing on the wrong hydrant.

Not "many European members" but a few certainly have. No problem with that as we here in Canada also have disparaging comments for some European members as well. Tit for tat.

The trucker crap is all over, it is now old news. Don't live in the past and make your displeasure known during the next election. Move on with your life because this horse is been beaten to death and will npt change LOL




FYI, this covid crisis is not over yet. Until all covid mandates and restrictions are eliminated, the crisis and fight is still on, baby. Just because you want to pretend that this covid fight is over, too many others the fight still lives on for them. 

We must keep fighting for those Canadians, who have been denied the ability to take a train or plane to be able to go visit some sick relative or good friend in Canada, or around the world, must come to an end. A serious crime has been committed against those Canadians who were not vaccinated. Those responsible for this crime must be arrested and charged for their crimes against humanity. Nothing less will do. Vengeance must be the goal of we the people so that crimes like this do not ever happen again against we the people. Works for me. 

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24 minutes ago, taxme said:

What is wrong with your brain? Is it all just about you? I have heard of stories, and probably there are many more stories like this, where some Canadian that has not been vaccinated is not allowed to take an airplane or a train to go visit some sick family member who lives thousands of miles away because they were not vaccinated. This is truly a crime against humanity. Hello? 

You need to give your dull brain a head shake and get back to reality. Stop protecting these Marxist politicians who could careless about Canadians, and you also. This was never about a virus at all in the first place. It was all about pushing experimental vaccines and Trudeau made plenty of money from his investments in those vaccines. Wake up, fool.

For people like you to mock and attack those freedom loving truckers, and the millions of Canadians that supported those truckers, it is thanks to liberal dead beats like you that we still have not got back all of our freedoms and rights that we once had before covid. When those covid restrictions and mandates are all gone, then I will know that freedom has once again been restored. We are free at last to get back to the good old normal days that we once enjoyed. Works for me. ? 



I am not protecting anyone for anything, just saying to you and a few others that it is what is is and ll your whining and crying and bitching and moaning get ]s you what? Oh yea a few thanks on this forum which with two bucks gets you a small coffee LOL

The trucker protest is over.

Trudeau made a deal with Jagmeet and like it or hate it, we got him for another 3 years.

COVID is dissipating and the regulations are slowly disappearing and will soon be gone.

I mock no one, never once "mocked" the protest. Just said when you hang in there too long, your start to stink. After 4 weeks the smell was strong.

I too long for the good ole days but, I am not so optimistic it will ever be the good ole days again.


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6 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Yes, I am for real.

You had a choice. Comply with your company's requirements or not.

Yes, if you were denied service because you did abide with the establishments rules, so be it, your choice.

Yes, no one was forced to get vaccinated, it was your choice.

Millions of Canadians got vaccinated to prevent illness, to prevent spread, to protect their families, to stay employed and in compliance with their employer and/or union requirements and for other personal reasons.

So, those that chose not to understood the consequences and made their own adult decision including to be "deemed outcasts by friends and the community."

Being a grown up is such a pain in the ass :)


Now I know that you are a super secret agent for the Marxist liberal government. ?

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

FYI, this covid crisis is not over yet. Until all covid mandates and restrictions are eliminated, the crisis and fight is still on, baby. Just because you want to pretend that this covid fight is over, too many others the fight still lives on for them. 

We must keep fighting for those Canadians, who have been denied the ability to take a train or plane to be able to go visit some sick relative or good friend in Canada, or around the world, must come to an end. A serious crime has been committed against those Canadians who were not vaccinated. Those responsible for this crime must be arrested and charged for their crimes against humanity. Nothing less will do. Vengeance must be the goal of we the people so that crimes like this do not ever happen again against we the people. Works for me. 

Never said COVID is over. As a matter of fact, I think it will be here for a number of years to come.


A public health initiative was taken for COVID. Public health restrictions have been here before. Nothing new. What is new is the vocalization of a few and social media.

No crimes were committed. People had choices. Consequences were within those choices.

Aha, so it comes down to vengeance. Getting even with those you disagree with. Punish those that you feel done you wrong.  You should get into politics, i am sure you will have followers. :)


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1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:


I am not protecting anyone for anything, just saying to you and a few others that it is what is is and ll your whining and crying and bitching and moaning get ]s you what? Oh yea a few thanks on this forum which with two bucks gets you a small coffee LOL

The trucker protest is over.

Trudeau made a deal with Jagmeet and like it or hate it, we got him for another 3 years.

COVID is dissipating and the regulations are slowly disappearing and will soon be gone.

I mock no one, never once "mocked" the protest. Just said when you hang in there too long, your start to stink. After 4 weeks the smell was strong.

I too long for the good ole days but, I am not so optimistic it will ever be the good ole days again.


And I do personally believe that this covid bullshit is not over yet. I have this sneaky suspicion that a covid like event will be back in the fall. Some of our politicians have pretty much said already that they may have to bring back mandates and restrictions if another type of covid virus comes along in the fall. Comrade Tam has hinted at this. 

We even have an idiot in the Human Rights Commission here in BC that says that mask mandates should be brought back. There are plenty of morons out there who still want covid mandates to stick around. We must be weary of what these morons might be able to get away with and are up too. Things may look great now, but only time will tell if this will last. Keep an eye on this coming fall. ? 

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

I believe that MH and exFlyer are both talking heads for the liberal party. They just won't admit that this is so. They both appear to have no problem with what their dear lord and savior Marxist Trudeau has done to this country because both never condemn the dictator for what he has done to Canadians. They prefer to attack and mock anyone here who condemns Trudeau here. They appear to look for excuses for the liberal Marxist turd. Just saying. 

I cannot speak for MH but I can truly say to you that I am far from a Trudeau fan. I am neither a Liberal devotee nor a Conservative pimp.

What I care about is truth in speech and in actions. I do not like Trudeau and even s his hand puppets in office. Having said that, enough Canadians voted for him to keep him as PM. Now, he has some more hand puppets in the NDP party.  Sad but we are stuck with this guy for 3 more years.

The conservatives have shown that they cannot get their shit together amongst themselves. Some in the leadership race have taken to American style smear campaigns for leadership. I detest that type of campaign and will not vote for the ones that resort to that. This is within their own party not even against other parties and opposition.

What I try, in this forum, is to make people validate their comments and statements and I try to hold them to account for their comments..  If it is an opinion, so be it, everyone is allowed opinions but to claim and try to justify opinions as fact is going to be challenged.

I am not a political person, just one that calls out folks that have no backing for their comments, especially those that try and use social media as valid sources.. I will defend whoever is in charge of conservatives and even Trudeau or Bloc or whatsiface at PPC if they have a good solid reasoning and plan.  One party I will never defend or accept is NDP. They have done too much financial and social damage in provincial politics for me to accept any plan from them..

Edited by ExFlyer
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3 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Yes, I am for real.

You had a choice. Comply with your company's requirements or not.

Yes, if you were denied service because you did abide with the establishments rules, so be it, your choice.

Yes, no one was forced to get vaccinated, it was your choice.

Millions of Canadians got vaccinated to prevent illness, to prevent spread, to protect their families, to stay employed and in compliance with their employer and/or union requirements and for other personal reasons.

So, those that chose not to understood the consequences and made their own adult decision including to be "deemed outcasts by friends and the community."

Being a grown up is such a pain in the ass :)


You’re a nightmare 

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5 hours ago, taxme said:

Just because someone believes that there may be some kinds of conspiracies going on somewhere in the world does not have to mean that they are wearing one of those "tinfoil hats"? What is wrong with anybody questioning something?

Should I not be allowed to question some of the bull that you post here? 

Now the new requirements to enter the military is that one pretty much has to be gay or trans, people of color, or be politically correct to sign up. The Canadian military appears to not want any straight white males all that much in the military anymore because they may be of the tinfoil hat variety and are not with the lieberal way of thinking. 

You should watch the Chinese or Russian military parades and see who is marching in those parades. They all look the same. There are no short or tall soldiers. There are no fat or skinny soldiers. and they all look the same in their facial features. Those two military's are not into political correctness like the Canadian military is.  

Anyway, I never had any desire to join the military. Joining the military is just for people who want to look like they are out there to try and save the world and try to look like hero's. So far, that has not worked out yet. I refuse to go and get myself injured or killed for the globalist cabal elite and their puppet on a string politicians who really could careless about what happens to some military soldier. While the globalists and the politicians sit back, it is the soldiers that end up being injured or killed. War is all just politics. Phuk that bull chit. 

What is needed though, from our Canadian military, is for them to go into parliament and take that dictator and the rest of that commie ilk in the liberal party out of there and all in handcuffs and off to the gulag. Now that would make me proud of my Canadian military. It would give me something to gloat about. ?

Taxme, it is not one or two conspiracies, there are dozens you have brought forward, and yes some of them do require a tinfoil hat just to read let alone be bringing them forward here...

You go right ahead big fella, you can call me out on anything you want, at anytime  I don't have any holes in my hands and feet, and not perfect a id do screw up on a regular basis, and for the most part will admit when I'm wrong...

Liberals had to distract Canadians form other major issues so they took up DND as their project child...Even i will admit their is a need for culture change within our military, i do not fully agree with the liberals direction and the need to be more inclusive as far as their going with it... There been a priority to hire different types of women, ethic races, genders, for over a decades now,

The liberals fail to realize that the military is not for everyone, and not everyone is attracted to the military, regardless of the jobs inside...as long as the politicians have their charts on the walls and quotas it is always be like that... those that do join for the most part are white males, with mostly A type personalities for combat arms, and B type personalities for the support trades...those that do not fit into those categories well you can't squeeze a square peg into a round hole...and will find out for themselves that it is not a job for them and move on...or encouraged to move on...

It not about trying to save the world, or being a hero, it's about serving a great cause like our nation, and it's foreign policy a chance to serve the people of Canada, and people less fortunate than us. now mix that up with doing cool stuff, like jumping out of airplanes, blowing shit up, equipment meant for combat...but it is not all cool or fun, seeing war up close and personal , the smells, the noises, the bloody sights, the taste, the feel , well that shit we could all do without, but there is always someone in this world that needs help, and sometimes you got to carry a big stick to help...

In Afghanistan i had the great fortune to met a little girl during one of our patrol rest stops, she was with a large group of kids that gathered around to get candy , that we all carried, anyways i noticed she was standing in the back ground , i was sitting next to our terp, and he waved her over, i shared my lunch with her. She had lost her hands , cut off by the Taliban for going to school, they had raped her mother in front of her, and killed her father...She had learned to write with no hands, and was still going to school despite what had happened....she wrote me a thank you note in pashto.

i still have it on my wall and use it as a motivator, when things get tough... that note got me through 3 tours of Afghanistan...i believe for the 14 years we were there we did make a difference, and i would do it all over again... Not everyone shared my experiences....but i did give all of us a moral booster to know we had made Afghanistan a better place for a brief time.

What the military needs is the support of the people, it is long over due, and until that happens, nothing is going to change... want to get rid of Justin and his merry band of bandits, vote him out...and no a vote for the PPC although it sounds cool it is not doing anything...but give Justin another edge... 

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9 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I agree.

It is difficult to have a non confrontational conversation with some of these zealots. No opinion is worthy unless it is theirs.

I am not a Trudeau fan, nor a Conservative whomever is in charge at the time fan but regardless of an opinion, there are many here what will shit on you just for stating an opinion or asking for verification.

I was completely amused at the American political atmosphere during the Trump invasion and tenure. I was so glad to be Canadian and not be part of that circus and here we are (at least in this forum), emulating American style political theater.

It is one thing to have strong feelings and opinions on issues but if you have them surely one should recognize that other have them too and that they should be able to express them without being chastised.

This is not just a problem here on this forum it is every where, the lines are clearly drawn, the left and the right, with some undecided in the middle...and no one would dare talk to the other side long enough to form a shared opinion...that would require one to end everything, and be casted out to another island of doom and despair.

Everyone on this forum is divided into those 3 categories , very few will stop and listen to anyone from a different group, and if they do it is only for a moment, then back to the old group...And it is not just this forum it is pretty much every where you go...debating anything does not happen it turns into a shit show quickly. 

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

A waaaay out there over reaction. LOL

Not at all dude. You're not the only person here or in the MSM who's said "No one was forced to take the vax", which is the exact opposite of the truth.


The comment to was to a person that claimed the "dictator" should remove mandates.

That doesn't make what you said true, so what's your point.


So, lets get to your comments.

"We will take you car unless you get pseudovaxed" ...who said and did that??

I never accused anyone of saying that. I was making the point that taking your job away if you don't vax is the exact same thing as taking your car away if you don't get vaxed. It's not a legitimate option in a free, democratic society.


"If you lose your job would you be able to pay your mortgage?:". What work place, government, agency or department  prevented you from working? Oh wait, the unions demanded government workers get vaccinated so the feds (and provincial and municipal) complied with their demands. And some companies made those decisions based on the health and welfare of their employees. 

No, not true. 

The gov't came right out and said that members of the military had to get vaccinated. Ditto for police, ditto for hospital workers. 

I'm not aware of any privately owned companies forcing employees to get vaxed or lose their jobs. I don't think it's actually legal. 


"Do you know that people who gave up their jobs for refusing the jab were unable to collect CERB and EI? " Really? That is a load of BS. If you quit your job, you got whatever everybody else that quit their job gets (regardless of reason for quitting).

It's not a load of BS at all. People who left for not vaxing were not eligible for CERB. People who "voluntarily" left their jobs because they refused the vax weren't eligible for EI. No one can just quit their job and get EI. The gov't had people over a barrel and gave 'em the Weinstein. 


"The right to refuse medical treatments unless you give your informed consent is important."  Who took away that right? No one. if you refused covid vaccination, then  you suffer the legal consequences. Most didn't, some did.

There are no legal consequences for refusing the injection of an unwanted serum into your body. You either give your informed consent or you don't, and there's no such thing as a legal consequence not giving your consent.


"In the future, you can be FORCED to take medications now regardless of whether or not you want them."   Where did you get that??? Who said that?

You just did it in this very post. Are you kidding me?

According to your understanding of how the law should work, the gov't can say "We will take your job away if you don't take this vaccine" and you have no recourse. 

How about if you've worked somewhere for 15 years and you have 6 weeks of holidays, full benefits, a good pension plan and the gov't says "Stick this needle in your arm"? What can we do in your perfect world? 

What's the difference between the gov't saying: "You will lose your job if you don't take the vaccine" and "We will take away your house, your car, and all of the money in your bank accounts if you don't take the vaccine"? Sure, one is worse, but they're both extremely bad, and if you are unable to work for long enough you'll lose all those things anyways - it's just a matter of time.

Did you know that in most provinces in Canada, if you don't pay your property taxes for 3 years, your house gets auctioned off? I'm not sure about Quebec, but that's the case everywhere else.


Bottom line, the question still remains, what charter rights or basic human rights were illegally impinged upon??

As they say, opinions are like assholes and everyone has one. You  have yours (with emotion) and I have mine (without emotion)

OMG dude, you have no idea what precedents were just set by the last round of fascism. The gov't can unilaterally freeze your bank accounts without the knowledge or consent of any judge in the country. A pillar of our democracy has been rendered useless. 

The gov't can force you to take whatever vaccines they want now, the precedent has been set. These covid vaccines HAD SERIOUS KNOWN SIDE EFFECTS AND WERE NOT WORKING when people were being forced to take them. 

The Nuremburg Code says that it's a war crime to force people to take drugs which haven't gone through successful trials. That's actually the case with the pseudovaxes, because they didn't complete their trials. That's why people had to sign a waiver to take the vax. 

In the case of people who were forced by the government to take the vax as a condition to keep their jobs, the waiver that they signed will be meaningless, as coercion makes contracts unenforceable upon the affected parties. People who were harmed by the vaccines will actually be able to sue, it's just a matter of whether they get to sue the gov't or the drug companies. And a lot of young, healthy people who didn't need protection from covid were harmed. 

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40 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

This is not just a problem here on this forum it is every where, the lines are clearly drawn, the left and the right, with some undecided in the middle...and no one would dare talk to the other side long enough to form a shared opinion...that would require one to end everything, and be casted out to another island of doom and despair.

Everyone on this forum is divided into those 3 categories , very few will stop and listen to anyone from a different group, and if they do it is only for a moment, then back to the old group...And it is not just this forum it is pretty much every where you go...debating anything does not happen it turns into a shit show quickly. 

Everyone is divided by the belief/delusion that the thing dividing us is somewhere on the same horizontal plane we're all on when its mostly above us.

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7 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You had a choice. Comply with your company's requirements or not.



Well, I am sure you can get certification for being clinically insane.

Imagine I start raping girls but before doing it I offer them a choice - they agree to be raped or they get killed.

Most will chose to be raped, and those who wanted to be killed, I kill.

Following your own logic, at the end of the day nobody can touch me and charge me with either rape or murder, because I "gave them options".

And because every choice has consequences.


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7 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You had a choice. Comply with your company's requirements or not.

If your boss wanted you to run around naked and bark like a dog would that be a legitimate requirement? Should non-compliance result in you losing your job?

If your boss told you to smoke some crack with him would that be a legitimate requirement? Should non-compliance result in you losing your job?

If your boss told you to do 8 tequila shots with him would that be a legitimate requirement? Should non-compliance result in you losing your job?

FYI the requirements have to be lawful & legitimate, and "Inject a serum into your arm which confers no benefits upon you, may cause serious side effects, and is proven to be partially to completely ineffective in the small group of people who actually need it" isn't legitimate at all. 


FYI - the vax doesn't stop healthy people from dying because covid doesn't kill healthy people

FYI - the vax obviously doesn't stop people from spreading covid because vaxed people still get sick enough to die from it. You don't have to be a virologist to understand that when people are sick enough to die from something, they're infectious.

FYI - the vax obviously doesn't stop people from dying of covid because thousands of fully vaxed people died of covid. 

FYI - the vax has very serious side effects among people who aren't even in the demographic that needs protection from covid. Why should they take it? 


Look at that list and tell me where there's justification to say: "Everyone needs to be forced to take the vax. If people refuse the 'vax' then they should lose their jobs!"

I get that the covid fear porn has you by the balls, but look at the relevant facts. 1) Covid doesn't kill healthy people, and 2) the vax doesn't stop them from spreading it. We're effing done right here. Just from those two FACTS alone there's no need to add more, but guess what, 3) the vax also causes great harm to the young people who don't need it.

What fucking part of this don't you understand? Do you think that covid does kill healthy people? Do you think the vax stops them from spreading covid? Do you think that the vax doesn't cause any serious side-effects? What's your major malfunction E-F? 

Only a complete retard would say that force-vaxing people is justified right now. It would be completely random for the pseudovax to suddenly start working in a meaningful way. In fact, if a new variant came along, which was dangerous to healthy people and which was thwarted by the vax, it would be far more likely that it was an engineered virus which was intentionally released than that it was a new variant which is the product of organic mutations.

In layman's terms, the vax is shit and it's always going to be shit unless a new strain of the virus is designed specifically to harm people who didn't take that previously worthless shit. 

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Only a complete retard would say that force-vaxing people is justified right now.

Amen to that.  This is what I am talking about.

But we do have a retard at the steering wheel.   He went to the EU to teach them how the carbon tax was both helping the environment and the economy at the same time.

What a retard - needs to be locked up and replaced immediately.

Edited by cougar
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11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Not at all dude. You're not the only person here or in the MSM who's said "No one was forced to take the vax", which is the exact opposite of the truth.

That doesn't make what you said true, so what's your point.

I never accused anyone of saying that. I was making the point that taking your job away if you don't vax is the exact same thing as taking your car away if you don't get vaxed. It's not a legitimate option in a free, democratic society.

No, not true. 

The gov't came right out and said that members of the military had to get vaccinated. Ditto for police, ditto for hospital workers. 

I'm not aware of any privately owned companies forcing employees to get vaxed or lose their jobs. I don't think it's actually legal. 

It's not a load of BS at all. People who left for not vaxing were not eligible for CERB. People who "voluntarily" left their jobs because they refused the vax weren't eligible for EI. No one can just quit their job and get EI. The gov't had people over a barrel and gave 'em the Weinstein. 

There are no legal consequences for refusing the injection of an unwanted serum into your body. You either give your informed consent or you don't, and there's no such thing as a legal consequence not giving your consent.

You just did it in this very post. Are you kidding me?

According to your understanding of how the law should work, the gov't can say "We will take your job away if you don't take this vaccine" and you have no recourse. 

How about if you've worked somewhere for 15 years and you have 6 weeks of holidays, full benefits, a good pension plan and the gov't says "Stick this needle in your arm"? What can we do in your perfect world? 

What's the difference between the gov't saying: "You will lose your job if you don't take the vaccine" and "We will take away your house, your car, and all of the money in your bank accounts if you don't take the vaccine"? Sure, one is worse, but they're both extremely bad, and if you are unable to work for long enough you'll lose all those things anyways - it's just a matter of time.

Did you know that in most provinces in Canada, if you don't pay your property taxes for 3 years, your house gets auctioned off? I'm not sure about Quebec, but that's the case everywhere else.

OMG dude, you have no idea what precedents were just set by the last round of fascism. The gov't can unilaterally freeze your bank accounts without the knowledge or consent of any judge in the country. A pillar of our democracy has been rendered useless. 

The gov't can force you to take whatever vaccines they want now, the precedent has been set. These covid vaccines HAD SERIOUS KNOWN SIDE EFFECTS AND WERE NOT WORKING when people were being forced to take them. 

The Nuremburg Code says that it's a war crime to force people to take drugs which haven't gone through successful trials. That's actually the case with the pseudovaxes, because they didn't complete their trials. That's why people had to sign a waiver to take the vax. 

In the case of people who were forced by the government to take the vax as a condition to keep their jobs, the waiver that they signed will be meaningless, as coercion makes contracts unenforceable upon the affected parties. People who were harmed by the vaccines will actually be able to sue, it's just a matter of whether they get to sue the gov't or the drug companies. And a lot of young, healthy people who didn't need protection from covid were harmed. 

My first sentence is still correct. "A waaaay out there over reaction. LOL" and I will add that your conspiracy theories are waaay out there too.

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10 hours ago, cougar said:

Well, I am sure you can get certification for being clinically insane.

Imagine I start raping girls but before doing it I offer them a choice - they agree to be raped or they get killed.

Most will chose to be raped, and those who wanted to be killed, I kill.

Following your own logic, at the end of the day nobody can touch me and charge me with either rape or murder, because I "gave them options".

And because every choice has consequences.



Sorry, you are too ill to discuss anything with.

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9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

If your boss wanted you to run around naked and bark like a dog would that be a legitimate requirement?





In layman's terms, the vax is shit and it's always going to be shit unless a new strain of the virus is designed specifically to harm people who didn't take that previously worthless shit. 

Another anti vaxxer diatribe. There will always be some.

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