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Trucker's Convoy


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1 minute ago, Aristides said:

So they don't act without polls and you have a problem with them acting according to what people think. Is doing what is right for the country the opposite of what the people want?  Now you are talking about the fascism DoP keeps going on about. I agree that politicians are less accountable and ministerial accountability seems a thing of the past but isn't that only because we let them get away with it. We have have become so polarized that we will make excuses for anything "our guy or party" does regardless of how bad it is. That's on us and we only have ourselves to blame.

Do you think the majority of opinion is always right, do you think defunding the police was the right thing to do when it was popular... was it going to be what is best for the country...maybe if you were a criminal it would be...same could be said with not properly funding our health care, our education, our military...

Thats the other side of the problem, most Canadian have already succumbed to the idea , that they can not make a difference so don't bother... so yes it is on us to hold everyone accountable.


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18 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Do you think the majority of opinion is always right, do you think defunding the police was the right thing to do when it was popular... was it going to be what is best for the country...maybe if you were a criminal it would be...same could be said with not properly funding our health care, our education, our military...

Thats the other side of the problem, most Canadian have already succumbed to the idea , that they can not make a difference so don't bother... so yes it is on us to hold everyone accountable.


No, I don't think the majority opinion is always right but if it is within the Constitution and Charter that's how democracy works. Defunding the police meant different things to different people. I agree that social services should be more involved in many cases but there will also be many areas they won't go without the police. Defunding the police is a really bad term but if you want to talk about a better way of doing things, I would be on board and so would most police. They know our society and  legal system well enough to know they aren't going to be out of jobs.


There was a time in Canadian politics when a minister screwed up badly, both sides of the political spectrum would holler fire the bastard but not now, people just become more entrenched in their prejudices and hang on at all costs, even when they know they might be wrong.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:


"The first decisions have clearly set the tone in favour of employers and their obligation to maintain a safe workplace," said Adam Savaglio, an employment lawyer and partner with Scarfone Hawkins LLP in Hamilton, Ont.

"We have a significant number of arbitration decisions in unionized environments that are showing that vaccine mandates and restrictions are being upheld."

A recent arbitration decision between Hydro One Inc. and the Power Workers' Union dismissed the grievances of multiple workers placed on unpaid leave for failing to comply with the utility's COVID-19 vaccination policy.

The policy required unvaccinated workers -- and those who declined to reveal their vaccination status -- to take regular rapid tests.

In his decision, chief arbitrator John Stout said the policy is reasonable and necessary to address the ongoing health and safety issues arising from the pandemic.   unquote

Workplace vaccine mandates: What's the law in Canada? | CTV News

Considering provinces and other jurisdictions are dropping these mandates primarily because fully vaxxed are spreading Covid then there's no legal reason these things should still exist. 

Anyone who supports these policies still are only doing so to punish people for their political position. 

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

Why do you think that is, everyone knows that clearing these protestors out is going to get ugly, and someone is going to be held accountable, it's not going to be the politicians, it is going to be those that clear them out...mark my words...

So in the future gangsters can break the law and get away with it because no one should be hurt. So why bank robbers should be jailed? If they rob banks in a strong group of armed gangsters then law enforcement should stay clear and let them get away with it?

These protests will come eventually to an end and they will return to their homes, however, the protesters and organizers should be marked by police intelligence and cameras and then pursued by law enforcement and punished according to the law on charges ranging from unlawful blockages, unlawful disruptions, disregard to public safety, receiving illegal foreign funding, to acting against national interest and sedition.  No one should be able to openly break the law and then get away with it. No amnesty of any kind for these law breakers,

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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Government and media have tried to paint the protests as just a movement of anti-vaxers pushing back against vaccine mandates, but it’s much bigger and deeper than that.   The protests are really about pandemic privilege and the differences between the ways “protective” policies impact different classes differently.  The political class and the corporate executive class that devised the directives were the classes most insulated from their impacts.  They could work from spacious homes, get away to cottages and other family retreats, and import into their households many of the amenities that the public had to sacrifice: gyms, pools, and during the strictest lockdowns, even natural spaces.   It’s interesting that many of the pro-mandate/restriction posters on here and other sites tend to fall into or closer to this privileged group.

The truckers have been the essential workers who couldn’t remove themselves from the risks of public work, nor did they demand that insulation.  The powers that be quickly forgot the truckers’ sacrifices when the opportunity to further insulate themselves from risk arose by making sure that everyone got vaccinated (even after we saw that vaccines reduce rather than eliminate risk). A small percentage of truckers asked that their healthcare discretion be respected if they chose not to be vaccinated, but that discretion wasn’t respected by government.

Of course many people from all walks of life wanted the same discretion, but once again it was the truckers who put themselves at risk by taking on everyone’s cause, this time the right to medical discretion, not just being able to have goods delivered.

The reason the government is having a hard time getting the police onside is because the police are essential workers too.  They can relate to the cause of the truckers, farmers, and other essential workers.  They’re from the same economic class and bear similar burdens.

Taking away rights is no small matter.  We the vaccinated lost freedoms in the name of fighting a “health crisis”, but the unvaccinated lost more, including the respect of government and the same media who lionized many of these same people when we were most at risk and needed food on our table.

Of course we want the blockades to end, but for the sake of our very rights as citizens, our government owes the protesters serious consideration and attention.

I know in my heart that vaccine passports are unethical. They have pushed some people to the brink of what a person can handle, including unemployment. Governments still can’t explain how many requirements should be added to the passports and how much the passports have encouraged vaccination.  More worrisome, it isn’t clear that vaccines are enormously effective with our current variants, though I’ll grant that they probably have helped prevent deaths and hospitalizations.  It’s certainly not clear that making people get vaccinated subject to the loss of citizens’ and basic human rights is justified.  Given where we are with the milder variant Omicron, falling hospitalizations, and two years of pandemic mandates and restrictions, there is simply no persuasive argument to maintain vaccine mandates.

Mr. Trudeau, it’s time to back off of your untenable position, respect the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and let the truckers who served us so heroically throughout the pandemic return to their jobs without mandates.

Many of the unvaccinated are from vulnerable socioeconomic groups, are people of colour, or have mental health challenges.  Many have legitimate concerns about the safety of vaccines that haven’t been around long.  Call them paranoid or conspiracy theorists, but there are plenty of historic events that illustrate the dangers of government overreach, such as the sterilization of developmentally delayed people.

Removing the blockades through force will not end the protests and could lead to bigger problems   We need a political solution.  Given the trend of western governments lifting mandates and restrictions, there’s really only one responsible solution: End vaccine mandates.


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South African doc who first observed omicron says she was pressured by countries in Europe to not state it was a mild illness. Why? Leftists not following science


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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

I don't think about these enough to even have an opinion about them but it sounds like you've formed it for me anyway so.

Oh stop pretending you're hurt. You know what you said.

To your contention Christ was a progressive I said:


But if you're saying Christ would back intersectional wokeism or CRT and such don't be ridiculous.

To which you replied:


He wouldn't have to if people had simply paid more attention to what they learned in kindergarten.

So tell me why I shouldn't think you're telling me you believe intersectionalism, wokeism and CRT are such a basic good kids should learn about them in kindergarten?

That's prog talk, bud. So if you don't want people calling you a duck you should stop quacking.

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

I corrected myself...three times now I think.

Jesus was a progressive. In any case he sure as fuck wasn't a conservative.  Notwithstanding when he's in Dad mode, then he's just an asshole.

Jesus was vastly more conservative than the progressives of today

Jesus ain't a lefty

Jesus wasn't woke

the woke left is trying to tear down what he valued most

while the Conservatives are the one's trying to preserve it

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3 hours ago, West said:

Considering provinces and other jurisdictions are dropping these mandates primarily because fully vaxxed are spreading Covid then there's no legal reason these things should still exist. 

Anyone who supports these policies still are only doing so to punish people for their political position. 

BC is not dropping mandates.  They are in fact expanding them to thousands of other classes of health care workers such as dentists, chiropractors, etc. because they know the mandates do two things:

1.  They encourage people to get vaccinated.

2.  They reduce the spread of Covid.

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59 minutes ago, blackbird said:

BC is not dropping mandates.  They are in fact expanding them to thousands of other classes of health care workers such as dentists, chiropractors, etc. because they know the mandates do two things:

1.  They encourage people to get vaccinated.

2.  They reduce the spread of Covid.

Commie Bonnie Henry and her socialist backers in the BC NDP will death-grip onto the power as long as they can. 

As all the other Provinces get overwhelmed by reason and drop their mandates though even Commie Bonnie will capitulate. That's my prediction.

Rebel News has a video they're calling a "Secret Recording" where King Doug of Ontario is saying he'll be dropping Ontario's mandates by Monday:



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Put simply, they have no clue. They don't know how to manage the disease, and so decided to manage the population instead (easier and more rewarding too). Every single round of restrictions resulted in new all time highs; lockdowns, masks and lockdowns, vaccines plus masks plus lockdowns always sky is falling and new all time highs. This is not an effective management, not doing the job. This is something else. And these are the facts.

Sweden never had a lockdown, nor any mandatory policies. And it learned valuable lessons. It knows how to live and coexist with the disease. The only thing the exspert + government bunch learned here is how to shout "aj, let's have another lockdown!!" at the top of their lungs every time cases twitch wrong way. And sure, they'll keep twitching, leaving little hope for this country to return to any resemblance of the normal anytime soon.


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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

because they know the mandates do two things:

1.  They encourage people to get vaccinated.

2.  They reduce the spread of Covid.

1. It’s well known that the vaccines wane. What do these mandates do to encourage people to get a booster?

2. Not true at all. Stop lying about it.

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2 hours ago, Accountability Now said:

1. It’s well known that the vaccines wane. What do these mandates do to encourage people to get a booster?

2. Not true at all. Stop lying about it.

"The first week of December 2021, when Omicron was first detected in the US, unvaccinated adults were nearly 25 times more likely to be hospitalized than vaccinated adults.[1] While Omicron caused a big spike in COVID-19 cases, vaccinated people continued to be less likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated."

"In New York City, hospitalizations for the vaccinated were 24 more likely than vaccinated people to be hospitalized at the peak of Omicron."

How likely is COVID-19 hospitalization for vaccinated Americans? (usafacts.org)

This is the simple fact.  This is why vaccination is so important.  Vaccinated people are far less likely to be hospitalized.

So who is lying?

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

"The first week of December 2021, when Omicron was first detected in the US, unvaccinated adults were nearly 25 times more likely to be hospitalized than vaccinated adults.[1] While Omicron caused a big spike in COVID-19 cases, vaccinated people continued to be less likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated."

"In New York City, hospitalizations for the vaccinated were 24 more likely than vaccinated people to be hospitalized at the peak of Omicron."

How likely is COVID-19 hospitalization for vaccinated Americans? (usafacts.org)

This is the simple fact.  This is why vaccination is so important.  Vaccinated people are far less likely to be hospitalized.

So who is lying?

hospitalizations is not spread

it's hospitalizations

you don't even understand basic statistics

Edited by Yzermandius19
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6 hours ago, blackbird said:

BC is not dropping mandates.  They are in fact expanding them to thousands of other classes of health care workers such as dentists, chiropractors, etc. because they know the mandates do two things:

1.  They encourage people to get vaccinated.

2.  They reduce the spread of Covid.

1. So what? People have a choice. 

2. This is patently false as both vaxxed and unvaxxed spread covid. 

You could manipulate stats to pass any policy. What if the next guy shows that a certain race of people is causing disproportionate crime? Start restricting mobility of that group of people?

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

"The first week of December 2021, when Omicron was first detected in the US, unvaccinated adults were nearly 25 times more likely to be hospitalized than vaccinated adults.[1] While Omicron caused a big spike in COVID-19 cases, vaccinated people continued to be less likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated."

"In New York City, hospitalizations for the vaccinated were 24 more likely than vaccinated people to be hospitalized at the peak of Omicron."

How likely is COVID-19 hospitalization for vaccinated Americans? (usafacts.org)

This is the simple fact.  This is why vaccination is so important.  Vaccinated people are far less likely to be hospitalized.

So who is lying?

The vast majority of hospitalizations are people with 4 or more comorbidities. Age and health play more of a factor than vaccine status

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The Trucker Convoy(s) featured heavily on Fox last night. One fellow...ZOT...a local Ottawa kid...was featured for his awesome coverage of the convoy and the people in it.

Well done young Mr ZOT. We were all rooting for you.


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4 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

The Trucker Convoy(s) featured heavily on Fox last night. One fellow...ZOT...a local Ottawa kid...was featured for his awesome coverage of the convoy and the people in it.

Well done young Mr ZOT. We were all rooting for you.


FOX News exposing Canadian MSM for the joke it is

Trucker Carlson FTW

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8 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

FOX News exposing Canadian MSM for the joke it is

Trucker Carlson FTW

Freedom Convoy heart-warming Story - "You have to see with your own eyes!"

Here's Mike's, blackbird's Aristides's and a few other's enemy. She is everything that they hate.

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Pacific Highway Boarder Crossing in British Columbia...initial protesters move in.

This is happening at border crossings across Canada.

Nova Scotia I understand has made it ILLEGAL to be on the roadside to support these folks. I expect that the authoritarian fuckheads will be ignored. You know who you fuckheads are.

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