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The push is on of the Omicron or Omnicon virus.


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Meanwhile down in Florida it’s as though the pandemic never happened.  What a bunch of frightened babies.  Stay apart from friends and family, covered up and alone in your basements — for nothing!   It’s all hype and hysteria now, but Trudeau is doling out more pogey to aid the dysfunctional restrictions on sucker Canadians.  

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8 hours ago, myata said:

Paranoia on the population-wide scale, now firmly ingrained into the public psyche. China and Russia are watching. Wonder what they are making of it. No, can't be good.

China and Russia are no doubt laughing and waiting for the day when our Canadian military becomes a military full of feminist men, and butch like women, and becomes a very diverse and multicultural looking military. I am pretty sure that the Canadian military is now heavy into hiring more trans people. And of course they will all be vaccinated. LOL. 

Trying to keep the peasants into line by trying to create a constant state of fear and panic and paranoia over some mild flu bug must be very easy for our dear comrade political leaders to be able to accomplish. They know that pretty much the majority of Canadian peasants will never question or challenge anything those bozos say. Those bozos will say jump, and of course the peasants will ask, how high. We sure are living in weird times these days. ?

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On 12/19/2021 at 6:27 PM, Accountability Now said:



Yesterday's Covid percentage of cases that were fully vaxxed was 70%. Today its 72%. I think those arcs on the graph will be converging soon. 

Edit...today's numbers are now 74%. 

In Manitoba:

Dec. 21 - 302 new cases of which 230 of them fully vaxxed and 12 partially vaxxed.  60 unvaxxed.  That's just over 80% of cases amongst the vaxxed.

Dec. 22 - 400 new cases of which 309 are fully vaxxed and 19 partially vaxxed.  72 unvaxxed.  That's 82%.


Early on, many doctors and scientists were saying this is what would happen with a "leaky" vaccine.  It would not protect long-term, and would make vaxxed people MORE susceptible to variants, as each successive jab would weaken the immune system.

Nobody wanted to listen to them.

Does anybody really still think this is a "pandemic of the unvaccinated"?

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Sask numbers came out yesterday for the 4th Wave (August-November):

  • 31,029 cases and 338 deaths from August 1 to November30

Here's the breakdown:

21,308 cases were in the unvaccinated, with 192 deaths.......... giving a death rate of 0.9%

2,073 cases were with one dose and 24 deaths..............giving a death rate of 1.1%

7,545 cases were in the fully vaccinated with 115 deaths........giving a death rate of 1.5%

103 cases were in those with 3 doses, with 7 deaths........giving a death rate of 6.7%


How does the unvaccinated have the largest number of cases and yet the lowest death rate?

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And so, it's official: the new all-time high of daily cases is reached in Ontario (5700).

We had first all time high with social distancing but OK, that at least made sense.

The next two all time highs were with mask mandates firmly in place. Not to worry.

And now we have another one, with masks and vaccinations.

Is nature trying to say something here? except who's listening? In every problem, every time a system faces a challenges there are two different ways: fix and adjust the system to deal with the problem; or fix and adjust you, so that the system sees less of a problem. But what if only one was possible? Guess which one?

Sweden (population 10 million) lived through 10 and 12 thousand daily cases without having to shut down, yet. The system and people know what to expect and what to do. We are scared to panic every time the number twitches. Exsperts jump and cry, peasants tremble in terror. Where's the exit? Is it, anywhere in sight?

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18 hours ago, taxme said:

I can believe that alright. The parents should be saying no when that day comes about. But if I know my Canadian parents, they will not say or do anything about it. They will just comply as usual. These parents are your typical Canadians who just want to go along to get along, and afraid to ask any questions or challenge anything that the government tells them to say or do. Castro Trudeau wants to push as many vaccines as he can because he is making plenty of money from it. Guaranteed. 

And we must not forget that the premiers of every province are no doubt getting some kind of a kickback from the big pharma globalists to keep pushing for more vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. Our dictating and lying politicians have let we the peasants down. They can never be trusted ever again with anything they say, and that goes for the lying media also. ?

BC yesterday just announced new measures. My wife asked me what I think and I said let's keep our plans for a New Years eve party and the Bonnie Henry can eat sh!t.

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17 hours ago, taxme said:

China and Russia are no doubt laughing and waiting for the day when our Canadian military becomes a military full of feminist men, and butch like women, and becomes a very diverse and multicultural looking military. I am pretty sure that the Canadian military is now heavy into hiring more trans people. And of course they will all be vaccinated. LOL. 

Trying to keep the peasants into line by trying to create a constant state of fear and panic and paranoia over some mild flu bug must be very easy for our dear comrade political leaders to be able to accomplish. They know that pretty much the majority of Canadian peasants will never question or challenge anything those bozos say. Those bozos will say jump, and of course the peasants will ask, how high. We sure are living in weird times these days. ?

China has already won the battle against the USA.  Generals in the US army are more interested in virtue signaling than actually fitting the army with suitable recruits.  It's over.  China won.  Americans just haven't realized it yet.  Canada is another one of China's bitches.

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And 88% of Ontario-yos over 12 years old have been vaccinated.

So vaccinations increase and cases increase. That's not a vaccine.

There are more vaccinated than unvaccinated in Ontario hospitals but less than half as many in the ICU.


That's a therapeutic, like Monoclonal antibodies, or Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. Which is better? Who knows? The other 3 have never been properly considered. Big Pharma won't allow it.

Adverse effects and potential future harm to the immune system seems to be a worse concern with the mRNA Pfizer, Moderna type therapeutic though.

The best protection seems to remain natural immunity. Be nice to have easy access to all potential therapeutics and prophylactics though. Just in case.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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15 minutes ago, Faramir said:

Same with Japan. 

Yeah, I heard an interesting theory on Japan. It suggest they may have some sort of natural immunity developing. The theory is it's a racially specific, biochemical thing. 

Florida is interesting too. They pretty much decimated Delta using the "vaccine" and monoclonal antibodies. But now Omicron has hit. Cases are suddenly skyrocketing. It doesn't appear to be affecting the death stats yet, though.


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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

In Manitoba:

Dec. 21 - 302 new cases of which 230 of them fully vaxxed and 12 partially vaxxed.  60 unvaxxed.  That's just over 80% of cases amongst the vaxxed.

Dec. 22 - 400 new cases of which 309 are fully vaxxed and 19 partially vaxxed.  72 unvaxxed.  That's 82%.

Alberta is at 73% vaccination of its entire population and is now logging 81% of the total cases. I don't know if its leaky vaccine like you say or more that they are the ones in group settings and therefore spreading this thing like wildfire. 

Either way....ultimately cases don't matter, hospitalizations do. If the hospitalizations go up and we see the percentages stay the same then we can truly say the vaccine is a bust. But if they go up and its only in unvaxxed then the vaccines are doing what they say they will do which is prevent severe illness. If hospitalizations don't go up at all then its a win all around as we should open the doors for good and call an end to this thing. 

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COVID-19 infections in B.C. by vaccination status, adjusted by population and age
Cases Per 100k/weekHospitalizations Per 100K/week
Partially vaccinated
At least two vaccine doses

So the unvaccinated are hospitalized at 23.4 times the rate of fully vaccinated.

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2 minutes ago, Accountability Now said:

Either way....ultimately cases don't matter, hospitalizations do.

I have always agreed with this.  With an over 99% recovery rate, it's always been the hospitalizations that matter.  Which is why I've never agreed with counting covid hospitalizations from other things (broken arm, gall bladder attack, etc) as true covid hospitalizations.  It makes it very hard to get a true picture.

But for many, the case numbers have been important.  Until the case numbers all over started showing it's mostly vaxxed people.  Now suddenly, case numbers aren't important. ?

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5 minutes ago, Accountability Now said:

But if they go up and its only in unvaxxed then the vaccines are doing what they say they will do which is prevent severe illness.

Are they? Weren't the vaccines supposed to protect you from getting the disease?

That's the impression I was getting at one time.

Did they change the definition?

But yeah, what they're calling a vaccine appears to have some therapeutic value. More adverse effects than they'd like to admit to, too.

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

Dec. 22 - 400 new cases of which 309 are fully vaxxed and 19 partially vaxxed.  72 unvaxxed.  That's 82%.

If the fraction of hospitalization is the same (roughly) as that of vaccination, it means that q-vaccines are less effective against hospitalization.

Of 100 people 80 are vaccinated. Say 20 are in the hospital. 80% of 20 = 16 (vaccinated). The rest are unvaccinated (4).

16 of 80 = 20% (fraction of hospitalized vaccinated)

4 of 20 = 20% (fraction of hospitalized non vaccinated)

What did the vaccine do? And where is "the epidemic of unvaccinated"?

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13 minutes ago, Aristides said:

So the unvaccinated are hospitalized at 23.4 times the rate of fully vaccinated.

Don't know how you arrived at that. Might help if you offered a link.

Here try this one for BC:


Over the past two weeks (Dec. 7-20) this is how cases hospitalized broke down from unvaccinated to vaccinated:

  • Not vaccinated: 122 (66.7%)
  • Partially vaccinated: 7 (3.8%)
  • Fully vaccinated: 54 (29.5%)

A little more than twice as many unvaccinated were hospitalized in BC over the past 2 weeks. You're off by about 21 times.

But yeah, what they're calling a vaccine seemed to have some therapeutic effect. 

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58 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Don't know how you arrived at that. Might help if you offered a link.

Here try this one for BC:

A little more than twice as many unvaccinated were hospitalized in BC over the past 2 weeks. You're off by about 21 times.

But yeah, what they're calling a vaccine seemed to have some therapeutic effect. 



If you look at the statistic I posted it says that for every 100K unvaccinated per week 14.05 are hospitalized compared to 0.6 fully vaccinated per 100K per week. Thats 23.4 times more unvaccinated per 100K than fully vaccinated.

That twice as many unvaccinated being hospitalized over the past two weeks you refer to are coming from only 12% of the population. So I think 23 times is probably about right.

Edited by Aristides
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Thanks for the link. That CBC claim kind of defies belief.

So I checked out the source Justin McElroy claimed he made his chart from.

I couldn't find the exact data he says he found but I did find this one for the month including all but one day of the 2 weeks Justin claimed he was using:


Pretty radical difference don't you think? What might explain that? Other than more CBC BS, I mean.

These guys below used the same 2 weeks in Justin of CBC's wild eyed claim and they say it looks more like this:

Over the past two weeks (Dec. 7-20) this is how cases hospitalized broke down from unvaccinated to vaccinated:

  • Not vaccinated: 122 (66.7%)
  • Partially vaccinated: 7 (3.8%)
  • Fully vaccinated: 54 (29.5%)


Get serious though. Did that radical CBC claim even make sense to you? I mean, really...


Edited by Infidel Dog
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4 hours ago, Goddess said:

But for many, the case numbers have been important.  Until the case numbers all over started showing it's mostly vaxxed people.  Now suddenly, case numbers aren't important. ?

Agreed. The goal posts certainly have moved a bunch. 

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4 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Are they? Weren't the vaccines supposed to protect you from getting the disease?

You are right. The historical sense of a vaccine was that you just didn't get the disease or if you did then it was so mild that you wouldn't even notice. To be fair, the vast majority of cases among the vaxxed right now are just that however we are testing everywhere so we are catching more. 

With that said, they did change the definition of vaccine with Covid. Literally. When they did that, they also moved the goal posts to say it would prevent severe illness. 

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40 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Thanks for the link. That CBC claim kind of defies belief.

So I checked out the source Justin McElroy claimed he made his chart from.

I couldn't find the exact data he says he found but I did find this one for the month including all but one day of the 2 weeks Justin claimed he was using:


Pretty radical difference don't you think? What might explain that? Other than more CBC BS, I mean.

These guys below used the same 2 weeks in Justin of CBC's wild eyed claim and they say it looks more like this:

Over the past two weeks (Dec. 7-20) this is how cases hospitalized broke down from unvaccinated to vaccinated:

  • Not vaccinated: 122 (66.7%)
  • Partially vaccinated: 7 (3.8%)
  • Fully vaccinated: 54 (29.5%)


Get serious though. Did that radical CBC claim even make sense to you? I mean, really...


I think you are missing their point. If 20% of all people are accounting for 66.7% of hospital cases then that's not good. Conversely, 29.5% of cases are coming from 80% of the people. This is why that normalize those number in using a cases per 100k so you can compare apples to apples. 

With that said, the hospitalizations you see now are still remnants of Delta. I'm curious to see if these numbers reverse with Omicron. We know the cases have, such that 80% of the cases are coming from the vaxxed who represent 80% of the population. When those two numbers match then you know the vaccine is doing nothing to prevent transmission.

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