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WE Charity Scandal

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On 7/17/2020 at 9:28 AM, Argus said:

The constitution that the Liberals brought in - and did not bring Quebec into?

No, you're making that up. Here is what she actually said:

But Day 1 of a 47-day campaign began shakily for Campbell. Her key promise was to reduce the deficit, but when reporters questioned her on the issue of unemployment — which then hovered around 11 per cent — she responded that the jobless rate wouldn't likely fall for two, three or four years. "I could say how many jobs I'd like to create, but, I'm sorry, that's old politics," she said.

 Liberal leader Jean Chrétien jumped on the remark, promising that a Liberal government would bring better times and deliver jobs. 

"It will be like the good old days," he said. "Canadians will be working."

But Campbell would prove correct: the jobless rate didn't fall below 10 per cent until 1996, hovered at eight per cent until 1999, and finally broke seven per cent in 2000.

So you're angry she wouldn't give you a false promise and think Chretien was great because he lied to you.


Harper had no corruption that even came close to what Trudeau did with SNC Lavelin or this billion dollars to friends. And I bet you can't name any of his 'stupid religious policies, either.

Three thumbs up for this, Argus.

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On 7/17/2020 at 7:41 AM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

This is the first case for Trudeau after 5 years but in Harper's case corruption cases were numerous. 

Good frickin' grief.  No wonder this country is in such sorry shape if you are any example of a Trudeau supporter. 

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On 7/21/2020 at 9:54 AM, Nefarious Banana said:

Agree . . . . everyone is a 'victim'.  A victim of bad personal choices, a victim of this or that.  Everything that's wrong with you is someone else's fault.  John A. Macdonald caused you to sit on your fat lazy ass and eat 3lbs. of Oreo cookies.  Stephen Harper caused the fender to rust out on your '86 Oldsmobile Omega.  Donald Trump caused you to not show up for work . . . . the list is long.  Country of pussies and whimps . . . . no one's responsible for themselves.

How very true. 

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On 7/22/2020 at 2:45 PM, Nefarious Banana said:

Bill Morneau . . . . . 'oversight' of  $41,000.-  on his WE dealings.  According to him, he just noticed this 'oversight' this morning before testifying at the inquiry.  This fucker is the Finance Minister and this (theft) 'oversight' is just another day at the office . . . .   What a sad pathetic country this has become  . . . . 

My contempt for trudy and billy knows no bounds.  Their supreme arrogance and sense of entitlement is absolutely sickening.

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On 7/18/2020 at 9:43 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

The problem with relying on the next election is there is no alternative.


They're talking about her yesterday on CBC or CTV - apparently, she's been gaining momentum!  Conservatives going to her are said to be non-social conservatives who just don't want either O'Toole or McKay.  She's also endorsed by pro-life groups.


Conservatives, don't waste votes on anyone else.   Vote for Lewis!

I'm telling you - she'll have the majority if she runs for PM.


Edited by betsy
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18 hours ago, mowich said:

My contempt for trudy and billy knows no bounds.  Their supreme arrogance and sense of entitlement is absolutely sickening.

I hate that the MSM allows them to give fake apologies for minor things that they didn't really do and then they just leave it to stand as if it's the apology that Canadians deserve and that there's nothing left to see here now.

Trudeau basically says: 1) "I merely failed to recuse myself from the choice to select We, which was an obvious choice anyways. I apologize for not recusing myself.2)  I also apologize to my mom for getting her caught up in this. I'm such a great guy, look at me taking the heat for my dear mother."

1) There's no mere 'failure to recuse' here: https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/trudeau-government-contributed-1-18-million-to-we-day-event-in-2017-during-which-pms-mother-was-likely-paid-to-speak The way this article is framed, Trudeau solicited We to host an event, gave them federal money, his mom spoke at that event, and we know that We gave her over $200K for her speaking engagements. Whether or not she made gobs of money at that exact event isn't made clear by the article, but just because they may have found a roundabout way of lining her pockets, she made an average amount for speaking at We and that amount applies to this appearance because the fact is that Margaret Trudeau doesn't appear to have done this for charity's sake.

2) Trudeau didn't bring his mom into this at all if his story is true. She's the one who raked in gobs of money and then didn't tell her son about it. She apparently kept this a secret from him and left him exposed to a direct scandal involving federal money, allotted directly from the PM's own seal, going through a 'charity' to his own family members. His mom submarined him. She couldn't have done him any dirtier if she was an agent of the Conservative party.

3) Did he apologize for giving federal money to a 'charity' that's (buying up large tracts of land and) making propaganda videos that would make Kim Jong-Un blush for the PM personally? I don't remember that being part of his apology. That reeks of 'taxpayer money for campaign donations'. Because it is. Just like the $695M to CBC was, and just like the $600M to 'select' media outlets was. 


This new part about the $900M drew attention to his real scandals which we just didn't know about. Even if this $900M fiasco never happened, Trudeau already did enough to disqualify himself from ever being in a position where he could be trusted to hold a public office again. 

The question is, did he already know that he was screwed and this was just his last hurrah, to get We one last massive payment before he was finally caught? How much did his mom and brother and wife stand to make from this gigantic golden egg? 


Will Trudeau just make another fake apology and resign now, so that he can keep his rep and keep doing speaking engagements until he can weasel himself into the UN or something?

Edited by WestCanMan
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44 minutes ago, betsy said:


They're talking about her yesterday on CBC or CTV - apparently, she's been gaining momentum!  Conservatives going to her are said to be non-social conservatives who just don't want either O'Toole or McKay.  She's also endorsed by pro-life groups.


Conservatives, don't waste votes on anyone else.   Vote for Lewis!

I'm telling you - she'll have the majority if she runs for PM.

I'm a huge fan of Dr Lewis. She's a bit of an over-emoter at times, and I'm not a fan of that aspect of her persona, but she's very intelligent, insightful, and she's in a position where she can tell serious truths which 'old white guys' can't.

The Twitter campaign of "crackas is gilty of slavery n sisstemik rasism #imonlyaloserbecauseoftheGOP" shtick, mainly based in the US, has effectively been a pre-emptive strike on factual, pertinent & intelligent dialogue coming from the mouths of white people. "A cracka said it, thats alla proof ya need ta no that its a lowdown dirty lie!!!! #givememoney".

FWIW I don't believe that we need to put a black woman in charge to balance out the 'white guy' thing. Most of the black women in US politics are disgusting & foolish and I'd sell my house to aid in a campaign against Maxine Watters. I believe that Dr Lewis (like Candace Owens) is a person who can stand with anyone on her own merits though, and that she would be a good leader in any day and age. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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19 hours ago, mowich said:

Good frickin' grief.  No wonder this country is in such sorry shape if you are any example of a Trudeau supporter. 

All comrade Turdeau supporters are accomplices to corruption in Canada. The liberal party should really call themselves the Liberal Corrupt Party. and why not, They show us every day as to just how corrupt they are and they could careless about being seen as corrupt. Teflon Don comrade Turdeau will never face justice. Why? Because the ordinary Joe and Mary six pack sheeple could careless what Teflon Don and the liberal party does. And if the sheeple think that voting for the liberal conservative party will change things, well then they truly are people who live in wonderland. Harper had a golden chance to change all things liberal, and bring back real and true conservatism back to Canada but the moron did nothing. Politics is all just one big joke and a scam. Good frickin' grief is right. :unsure:

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The stories coming out about the WE charity keep getting more interesting. 


Others have discussed how awful Trudeau is and I completely agree. Leslyn Lewis name has also come up and she seems to show a lot of potential.


Quite a nice contrast with the Libranos in my opinion.

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2 hours ago, ironstone said:

Others have discussed how awful Trudeau is and I completely agree. Leslyn Lewis name has also come up and she seems to show a lot of potential.


Quite a nice contrast with the Libranos in my opinion.

From your article,


We need a leader with the courage to hold fast to the values that make up the foundation of our democracy. This means no more reckless deficits when the economy is strong, and no more government interference in commercial affairs, or politically motivated values tests tied to program funding.

Government interference is only the half of it, what about no commercial interference in our governance?  Promise me that with a clear plan to achieve it and I'll campaign for the Conservatives.

Shady will likely be along in a moment remarking that he has no idea what I'm talking about. 

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WE Charity Moved Millions To Private Kielburger Company

"Massive red flag," says charity watchdog





Trudeau gov. $912M contract was with WE Charity’s recently formed real estate holding foundation

“It is absolutely shocking that the government would say that they provided a grant to We Charity when in fact they provided the grant or funds to WE Charity Foundation – a shell corporation with no assets, no history, no record of charitable work.”

Kate Behan, managing director with Charity Intelligence Canada, called for the public release of the original CSSG agreement between the government and the WE organization.




Where would all this lead, I wonder?

Edited by betsy
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On 7/24/2020 at 5:37 PM, mowich said:

Three thumbs up for this, Argus.


I have to agree on two points:

1) Many columnists/posters claimed that Stephen Harper was bad/dishonest. Yet, Harper (and his family) never took a cent.

2) Other than the federal Liberal Party, this particular scandal has nothing to do with Quebec. It is people in Ontario who made the pay offs, bought favours.


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I was too busy to watch the news this weekend but my son and I met up with a friend and his kid for a late lunch Sunday and CBC was on one of the TVs there with no volume. I could tell what stories they were covering but I couldn’t hear it.

As usual, covid dominated. There was also a lot of talk of the NS shooter. 

I didn’t see a single mention of We in that hour or see Trudeau’s face. Is We already a dead issue to CBC? 


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I looked on CBC’s site on my phone, there were 8 stories about covid and 2 about police brutality out of the 25 stories on the front page. 40% of their coverage is directly on those two ‘issues’. 

Not a single direct or indirect mention of We. 

Not even a single mention of Trudeau. 

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6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I looked on CBC’s site on my phone, there were 8 stories about covid and 2 about police brutality out of the 25 stories on the front page. 40% of their coverage is directly on those two ‘issues’. 

Not a single direct or indirect mention of We. 

Not even a single mention of Trudeau. 

I just looked at my phone and found two out of the first 10. Both about Trudeau and WE.

If it had been FAUX News I'm quite certain the first 8 stories would have been about whatever the MSM was reporting that day. It's almost like they're free advertising for the Mob.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

I just looked at my phone and found two out of the first 10. Both about Trudeau and WE.

Just one on my phone now, from 27 mins ago, saying when Trudeau is testifying. That was impossible to skip though. 


If it had been FAUX News I'm quite certain the first 8 stories would have been about whatever the MSM was reporting that day. It's almost like they're free advertising for the Mob.

lying about

Yeah that's a hot topic on Fox but why not? They don't even report on them all.

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So, Ottawa paid WE Charity $30-million to run student program up front, that  33 Mil up front to a company with no track record or assets .  Who made that offer and who authorized that payment - and - did we get it back.



Oh Boy:  I think there's another 'teachable moment" coming - somebody's nose will grow


WE Charity started work on federal student grant program weeks before cabinet approval

Liberal MPs are obstructing a Parliamentary Committee from doing its work of course, they must be hiding something.

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OK  this is weird..   so. youth minister Bardish Chagger  is now confirming  what the  contribution agreement with WE says- at it was for a $500 million dollar program, not $912 million.  If costs had gone above $500 million, "I'd be leaning on the public service to have those negotiations and see what would be needed"

So where did the $912 million figure come from and why is it only being corrected now?



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10 minutes ago, scribblet said:

OK  this is weird..   so. youth minister Bardish Chagger  is now confirming  what the  contribution agreement with WE says- at it was for a $500 million dollar program, not $912 million.  If costs had gone above $500 million, "I'd be leaning on the public service to have those negotiations and see what would be needed"

So where did the $912 million figure come from and why is it only being corrected now?



They probably used it to pay for someones education

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7 hours ago, scribblet said:

OK  this is weird..   so. youth minister Bardish Chagger  is now confirming  what the  contribution agreement with WE says- at it was for a $500 million dollar program, not $912 million.  If costs had gone above $500 million, "I'd be leaning on the public service to have those negotiations and see what would be needed"

So where did the $912 million figure come from and why is it only being corrected now?




The whole package is still $912.

From what I understand last night with Vassy Kapelos, out of that $912 mil, only $500 mil was earmarked for grants.   The question is........

....................what happens to the other half?


Despite Being Allocated $900 Million, WE Program Was Going To Offer Just $500 Million In Grants



Where will that other half go?   That's what I wanna know!



Btw, is the RCMP investigating at all? 






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Craig Kielburger and Justin have lots in common, bound to be bffs.  Both are little princes who grew up with tons of attention on them and they both love the star worship.  We Day is some weird celeb worship thing, imagine if all the money spent on it was given to help poor people.  Sophie Trudeau contracted COVID when attending a WE Day event in the UK.  Wtf.

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3 minutes ago, scribblet said:

Well, Liberals on the committee managed to block the motion to have Trudeau testify longer...what are they hiding.   

In fact, committee members have already blocked off two hours for a pre-emptive planning session on Monday morning to “discuss the logistics.” And, that’s not just for the prime minister’s stint at the witness table, but other high-profile witnesses as well.


Actually that is not entirely true.  What the planning session would entail is beyond my understanding, but I guess we will find out some more on this on Thursday.  

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1 hour ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Craig Kielburger and Justin have lots in common, bound to be bffs.  Both are little princes who grew up with tons of attention on them and they both love the star worship.  We Day is some weird celeb worship thing, imagine if all the money spent on it was given to help poor people.  Sophie Trudeau contracted COVID when attending a WE Day event in the UK.  Wtf.

Funny that Trudeau did LITERALLY every single thing wrong re: covid for two months, including getting his own family infected, but Canadians give him a shining star re: covid lol. Also funny that Idris Alba got covid and Justin didn't. Things that make ya go hmmmmmmm. 

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