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Did Trudeau Fail His Country On Covid-19

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Did Trudeau Fail His Country On Covid-19  

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11 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I wonder what the increase in germophobia will be.

I think that people who were regarded as being nutjobs, like Howie Mandel [for his refusal t shake hands, touch door knobs, etc], will be a lot more common in the future.

Personally, I never touch the doorknob of a bathroom when I leave, even if I have to be a contortionist, because I know that lots of people have touched it without washing their hands. Aside from that I'd still rather build up my immunity to things than have my immune system remain a clean slate. I also think that herd immunity is a real thing, and that it's important. 


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21 hours ago, taxme said:

The important thing that needs to be done is to end all of this foolishness going on. Let's all just get back to normal and start to socialize again. While this social distance or social engineering and no assembly of groups allowed to get together is not worth it when we may end up with more worse problems then what this so called virus could ever do. People die by the thousands every year from the seasonal flu bug. Hello out there? 


In the end of this nonsense I think that things will be worse than what they were before all this nonsense foolishness began. ;)

What happens when the nefarious are in positions of power and they use these draconian laws to keep us in check?

You can't leave the house, travel, gather in groups to voice dissent or you will face fines/arrest/jail,

that is the dream of many elite social engineers.


If we do not wake up as a society we are leaving our children to be nothing more than numbered bond-servants to a small group of elites,

tracked and traced from birth to death and if they ever dare to leave their designated pasture they will be hunted down and punished.


Now we also have to deal with all the snitches reporting their neighbors for the high-crime of being human, like a family playing tee-ball with their daughter.

The horror!  Thankfully he was arrested in front of his young daughter as clear message to her, and everyone else, they are our masters.

Many on this very forum would applaud that and be the ones turning-in these people, hoping for jail/re-education camp/death.

How can you be for letting violent guilty criminals out of jail, but then also be for jailing the innocent trying to retain some semblance of social humanity?


They implement without our consent on every level, their 'public consultations' are window-dressing for their for what they already have waiting to shove down our throats.

They pay rats to salt the internet forums/message boards, they manipulate the algorithms so the main social/sharing sites highlight their propaganda and hide/ban dissenting opinions.

They are truly dark entities that care little for you beyond what they can extract from you, and you better thank them (your superiors) for letting you exist (mere cattle)?


Will you demand that humanity be forcibly injected/tagged with a component that transmits information to a receiver?

Do you know about the Nuremberg Code?

Why do you hate a free humanity?


Bill Gates is a eugenicist, just like his dad, he hates us and thinks there is far too many of us messing up his world,

his terrible and virus-plagued operating system only achieved its dominance because his mom was an IBM higher-up (you were fed a vision of a geek in a garage).

His company making the vaccine is not a pharmaceutical company, it is a bio-tech and they are involved in 'electroporation' vaccines (link).


e·lec·tro·por·a·tion (ē-lek'trō-pōr-ā'shŭn),
A technique in which a brief electric shock is applied to cells; momentary holes open briefly in the plasma membrane, allowing the entry of macromolecules (for example, a way of introducing new DNA into a cell). link


Edited by pinky tuscadero
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13 hours ago, marcus said:

Sweden has decided to not shut things down. Let's see how they fair.


I just thought that i would mention that fact. I think that Canada should have taken the same route as Sweden did. Not go all crazy in the head like what we seen has happened in Canada but be more like Sweden and let the people decide what they want to do about the virus themselves. Some have decided to stay  home, wear masks, and do some social distancing and that is all that is needed. Our dear comrade leaders are trying to pretty much lock down the whole dam country over what may not be all that serious a virus at all. We are not dealing with the plague here. We  are dealing with a seasonal flu bug. And when was the last time we tried to shut down the economy over some seasonal flu bug? Never. Even SARS and H1N1, and the Hong Kong flu's did not do what we see happening in Canada today. This is all just one big farce being played on those lemmings out there who will believe anything told to them by the lying "authorities" and the lying media. This so called pandemic virus will cause more harm to Canadians and Canada than do any good by locking ourselves down. 

On average every year in Canada there are about 12,200 hospitalizations of people who get the flu, and about 3500 deaths occour every year from the flu. So what the hell is wrong with all the fools out there in Canada land that want to allow their dear comrade leaders and their bought off media to scare the hell out of them and get them all into a panic over this so called big bad scary seasonal bug virus. Canada has sure become a nation of trained seals. Arf-arf. Lol.  

Oh, and I was watching Ellen this morning on brainwashing Tv and she had Mr. Pro-vaccine himself Bill gates on her show and was allowed to spread his lies about this exercise pandemic that he is responsible for. Gates says that this may go on for another year or so until "Gates" can come up with a magical vaccine that he will have control over and supply to the rest of the world. This Gates guy wants the whole world to be vaccinated which of course will no doubt mean that he will be making hundreds of billions of dollars from his vaccine.

Why the whole world anyway?  What is that all about? I do not trust what Gates nor what our dear comrade leaders and the media have to say. They all appear to be all spreading one big hoax of a lie.  My opinion of course once again. ;)

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5 hours ago, pinky tuscadero said:

What happens when the nefarious are in positions of power and they use these draconian laws to keep us in check?

You can't leave the house, travel, gather in groups to voice dissent or you will face fines/arrest/jail,

that is the dream of many elite social engineers.


If we do not wake up as a society we are leaving our children to be nothing more than numbered bond-servants to a small group of elites,

tracked and traced from birth to death and if they ever dare to leave their designated pasture they will be hunted down and punished.


Now we also have to deal with all the snitches reporting their neighbors for the high-crime of being human, like a family playing tee-ball with their daughter.

The horror!  Thankfully he was arrested in front of his young daughter as clear message to her, and everyone else, they are our masters.

Many on this very forum would applaud that and be the ones turning-in these people, hoping for jail/re-education camp/death.

How can you be for letting violent guilty criminals out of jail, but then also be for jailing the innocent trying to retain some semblance of social humanity?


They implement without our consent on every level, their 'public consultations' are window-dressing for their for what they already have waiting to shove down our throats.

They pay rats to salt the internet forums/message boards, they manipulate the algorithms so the main social/sharing sites highlight their propaganda and hide/ban dissenting opinions.

They are truly dark entities that care little for you beyond what they can extract from you, and you better thank them (your superiors) for letting you exist (mere cattle)?


Will you demand that humanity be forcibly injected/tagged with a component that transmits information to a receiver?

Do you know about the Nuremberg Code?

Why do you hate a free humanity?


Bill Gates is a eugenicist, just like his dad, he hates us and thinks there is far too many of us messing up his world,

his terrible and virus-plagued operating system only achieved its dominance because his mom was an IBM higher-up (you were fed a vision of a geek in a garage).

His company making the vaccine is not a pharmaceutical company, it is a bio-tech and they are involved in 'electroporation' vaccines (link).


I could not have said it much better myself. We pretty much have lost all of our rights to be able to travel  freely and wherever we wanted to go. I cannot even go to Nova Scotia as a Canadian anymore. What's next? We will not be allowed to travel from city to city anymore soon? Geez, I should have not said that. We are starting to see what it is like to live in a communist country where the people have no freedom of speech or freedom of assembly. And in those communist countries they have what we call those commie snitches who will snitch on anyone who does not go by the rules set out by the communist party elite. They even have been known to snitch on their own family members. I put that scum into the same category as pedophiles, drug pushers and the scum that run the sex slave industry and using young girls for profit. 

We are now being socially engineered to not get together as we all once did. We are being conditioned to become nothing more than a bunch of trained seals where all we will be allowed to say is arf-arf. Lol. It is cray to see that our dear comrade leaders want to let criminals out of jail but yet are ready to put people who do not abide by the new communist rules in the gulag. I guess that is what it is all about, eh? Lock up those freedom of speech and freedom of assembly radicals as they are dangerous to the new communist regime taken place in Canada today. 

Well, if Mr. Pro-vaccine Bill Gates, the one who is behind this global exercise pandemic gets his way he wants the whole world to be vaccinated. WTH? By being able to vaccinate the whole world could mean that he will be making hundreds of billions of dollars from him being able to vaccinate the whole world. What a moron that guy is. And I have heard thru the grapevine is that in his vaccine there will be a little RFID type chip put in the virus which will allow the government and the police to track anyone down. Those people will never be able to hide anymore. Now that is scary. 666, the mark of the beast, written in the bible come to mind here? It looks like it to me. No buying, no selling unless you have the RFID chip in your body. Indeed we are seeing the makings of social engineering happening right before our very noses. 

But sadly, there will be many people who will not care what happens. They are the ones who would be very willing to take that vaccine shot in the arms so they will not have to worry about ever getting this big bad scary virus. They would prefer to give up their freedoms and liberties just for feeling safe now from the seasonal flu bug. 

Over 12,200 Canadians get the seasonal flu bug every year. About 3500 die from the seasonal flu bug every year. But yet for some nefarious reason, this virus is supposed to be the big daddy of them all. the only ones who will benefit from all of this is big pharma and globalists like Bill GATES. And our dear comrade leaders and those in the lying media will not be let of the hook scot free. They will also suffer the same consequences as we the rest of the people will, not to forget the ones here who are all in favor of having their rights of freedom and assembly being taken away from them. Such fools indeed. Just watch all the negativity we will get from what we have posted here. Bring it on, baby. Lol. 

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It's a proven fact that wearing a mask can help! Why don't our top politicians start wearing a mask at the public??  

Look at how things are under control in Korea and Singapore,  and look at how the top people setup a role model so everyone follows.  

I still see half of the people outside in gocery stores or simply walking outside downtown Toronto without wearing a mask.  

If you cannot buy one, here it is:  www.ppecanadasupplies.com   

If you're following Trudeau by not wearing one, it's really an issue we should be dealing with! 

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9 hours ago, taxme said:

I just thought that i would mention that fact. I think that Canada should have taken the same route as Sweden did. Not go all crazy in the head like what we seen has happened in Canada but be more like Sweden and let the people decide what they want to do about the virus themselves. Some have decided to stay  home, wear masks, and do some social distancing and that is all that is needed.

Not looking good for Sweden. Their numbers, per capita, are double that of Denmark and they still have not come close to the peak yet.

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21 hours ago, Argus said:

Maybe I'm paranoid, but all the damage that's being done to countries because of this virus reminds me of the saying that bioweapons are the poor man's nukes. And that's been brought to the unmistakable attention of the whole world. ISIS has already praised the virus as a gift from Allah. Which means if you're angry at a country, or a terrorist group, all you need to do is send someone with this virus, perhaps young and asymptomatic, into other countries and have them walk around very public areas where he can infect lots of people.  Suddenly, weeks later, tons of cases start popping up which can't be traced. Who's to say who did it? Or even if it was deliberate? Maybe China would like to see more virus cases in the West. Or perhaps Russia would, or Iran? Certainly North Korea wouldn't mind. And it's not like it would be difficult to do. Wait until a country thinks they've got things under control, then send a few carriers over.

Been thinking the same thing. The data for the US is bizarre in how different it looks compared to all other countries.
In particular is this graph showing a comparison of the effect in different countries:

Note how other countries are all following approximately the same curve and magnitude. US data looks completely different. This looks more like an attack. You are right, there is actually nothing for the attackers to do other than travel to another country and stay a while.


Edited by OftenWrong
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3 hours ago, marcus said:

Not looking good for Sweden. Their numbers, per capita, are double that of Denmark and they still have not come close to the peak yet.

I don't see a problem in the data. For one, any blanket statement such as "the numbers are double" needs to be qualified, since doubling is very easy when numbers are low. For example, 2 cases this week. Next week 4 cases. The number "doubled" in a week, but that doesn't mean it is cause for concern. That's how the headlines yank your chain.

Data for Sweden shows they are about the same as other nations. They don't stand out particularly well. Total deaths has "flattened" at just under 1000.

and daily deaths, which were averaging around 70/day has dropped to only 17/day for the past 3 days in a row. This looks to me like its over in Sweden.

A huge victory for the Swedish approach is showing right now in the data. If it keeps that way, it proves their approach is the best one. We are overreacting and have every reason to change course, now that we know.

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18 hours ago, pinky tuscadero said:

... You can't leave the house, travel, gather in groups to voice dissent or you will face fines/arrest/jail, ...

... Now we also have to deal with all the snitches reporting their neighbors for the high-crime of being human, like a family playing tee-ball with their daughter. ...

This lockdown tyranny, and draconian forced social distancing, are non-compliant with Canadian law.

This lockdown tyranny, and draconian forced social distancing, are being with the understanding that Elizabeth the Second is "Queen".

Elizabeth the Second is not Queen of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland", contrary to the requirement in this Fifth Schedule, which states:

"Oath of Allegiance

I A.B. do swear, That I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria.

Note. The Name of the King or Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the Time being is to be substituted from Time to Time, with proper Terms of Reference thereto.".

Elizabeth the Second claims to be Queen of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

The provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick expressed their desire to be federally united into one Dominion under the Crown of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland", not the Crown of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", according to the British North America Act, 1867.

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51 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

That is the difference between rational leadership and being led by a deranged clown. Other countries didn't have their leaders tell them it was a hoax when it was spreading widely.

Or, the China apologists are here, beautiful and brave.

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2 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

That is the difference between rational leadership and being led by a deranged clown. Other countries didn't have their leaders tell them it was a hoax when it was spreading widely.

Other countries didn’t have their state and local authorities telling them to go about there lives, the virus is of little risk, after the clown had closed down travel from other countries.

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I know businesses in my city that are still waiting for Trudeau’s supposed covid relief.  It’s been how many weeks since?  The guys a total failure.  Canada wouldn’t be going through this current spike in virus cases if we had better leadership at the federal level.

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3 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

That is the difference between rational leadership and being led by a deranged clown. Other countries didn't have their leaders tell them it was a hoax when it was spreading widely.

Trump has been a fool.  But let's not also forget that there's a lot of Americans who are straight-up as ignorant as Trump and won't follow social distancing guidelines.

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3 minutes ago, Shady said:

I know businesses in my city that are still waiting for Trudeau’s supposed covid relief.  It’s been how many weeks since?  The guys a total failure.  Canada wouldn’t be going through this current spike in virus cases if we had better leadership at the federal level.

Gotta be a little bit more clear on that. 

It's been four weeks since this really got going. 

If a business can't stay liquid for more than two months, then perhaps COVID is only exposing existing programs. 

That's true for private citizens BTW. And assistance is already available for them. 

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15 minutes ago, Shady said:

Other countries didn’t have their state and local authorities telling them to go about there lives, the virus is of little risk, after the clown had closed down travel from other countries.

You keep hanging onto the travel ban that Trump ordered for the Chinese coming in. Atta boy! 

Trump did nothing wrong!

He has done everything right!

It was them. It wasn't him.

So what if Trump said that this is nothing.

So what if Trump said that people should continue working.

So what if Trump said that people will get back to work within a few weeks.

So what if Trump continues to go against his own administration's health authorities' recommendations.

Trump did nothing wrong!

He has done everything right!

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4 minutes ago, marcus said:

You keep hanging onto the travel ban that Trump ordered for the Chinese coming in. Atta boy! 

Trump did nothing wrong!

He has done everything right!

It was them. It wasn't him.

So what if Trump said that this is nothing.

So what if Trump said that people should continue working.

So what if Trump said that people will get back to work within a few weeks.

So what if Trump continues to go against his own administration's health authorities' recommendations.

Trump did nothing wrong!

He has done everything right!

I didn’t say that Trump didnt do anything wrong.  But I’m sorry facts get in the way of your feelings.

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40 minutes ago, Shady said:

I know businesses in my city that are still waiting for Trudeau’s supposed covid relief.  It’s been how many weeks since?  The guys a total failure.  Canada wouldn’t be going through this current spike in virus cases if we had better leadership at the federal level.

Total failure!

It should be so easy to get this money out!

It's been WEEKS! OMG!

No need to go through a process to see who is applying!

You get thousands of dollars! And you get thousands of dollars! Everyone gets thousands of dollars!


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2 minutes ago, marcus said:

Total failure!

It should be so easy to get this money out!

It's been WEEKS! OMG!

No need to go through a process to see who is applying!

You get thousands of dollars! And you get thousands of dollars! Everyone gets a thousands of dollars!


Hey man, I’m just using the same standard used to attack Trump.  Sucks huh?

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2 minutes ago, marcus said:

I have no feelings.

But you apparently do for Trump.

Can you list some things Trump has done wrong? Give me at least 5 things. 

Sure.  He should’ve banned travel sooner.  And he should’ve had industries start producing medical supplies sooner.  But that can be said for every country.  Especially ours, which did those things after Trump had.

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1 minute ago, Shady said:

Hey man, I’m just using the same standard used to attack Trump.  Sucks huh?

You can't compare the two.

U.S. has failed miserably from the president to the governors, to the mayors. 

Canada had failures at the beginning, but they pulled it together.

This is the reality:


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3 minutes ago, Shady said:

Sure.  He should’ve banned travel sooner.  And he should’ve had industries start producing medical supplies sooner.  But that can be said for every country.  Especially ours, which did those things after Trump had.

What about his message from the beginning? From "this is nothing" to "We'll be back to work in 2 weeks" to "We have magic pills." to "Sure, my health officials says it's good to wear masks, but I won't" to "We'll be back to work in a couple of more weeks" to "We're winning" to "I've handled all of this so well!" to "Why are you being so negative".

As the leader of a country, he has failed with his communication to his country.

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3 minutes ago, marcus said:

You can't compare the two.

U.S. has failed miserably from the president to the governors, to the mayors. 

Canada had failures at the beginning, but they pulled it together.

This is the reality:


The state of New York completely skews that graph.  Without New York’s failure, thanks to its horrible state and local government, the graph line would look just like the others.

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I don't see a problem in the data. For one, any blanket statement such as "the numbers are double" needs to be qualified, since doubling is very easy when numbers are low. For example, 2 cases this week. Next week 4 cases. The number "doubled" in a week, but that doesn't mean it is cause for concern. That's how the headlines yank your chain.

Data for Sweden shows they are about the same as other nations. They don't stand out particularly well. Total deaths has "flattened" at just under 1000.

and daily deaths, which were averaging around 70/day has dropped to only 17/day for the past 3 days in a row. This looks to me like its over in Sweden.

A huge victory for the Swedish approach is showing right now in the data. If it keeps that way, it proves their approach is the best one. We are overreacting and have every reason to change course, now that we know.

Not really. According to data, Sweden, with a population double of Denmark's has 3 times ore deaths and they still have a big spike coming. While Denmark, who went into a full lockdown, is planning a gradual loosening of the rules.

Since the start of the outbreak in the country, Sweden, with a population of 10 million, registered 919 deaths as of April 13, while neighbouring Denmark, with 5.8 million people, has 273 deaths.

Mr Tegnell said that Swedes should expect to see a further jump in cases and fatalities on Tuesday as official statistics catch up with the situation in the country’s hospitals.

The daily rate of deaths in Sweden from Covid-19 is believed to be higher than current figures suggest because of under-reporting over the Easter holiday.

Proportionally, for weeks Sweden and Denmark remained similar in terms of Covid-19 cases and fatalities. Now, however, Sweden’s mortality rate reached more than 88 dead per million, compared with about 47 dead per million in Denmark.


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