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  1. In 1992, there was no such thing as "East Germany," The country had already reunified. Gorbachev was not in power, and had retired. Boris Yeltsin was the leader of Russia. The rest of the claim is completely unsubstantiated. This is ridiculous, and untrue. Once again, the Ukrainians chose who they wanted to lead their nation in elections. America did not appoint anyone. You spelled Zelenskyy wrong. This is such BS, that I cannot ever take any of your posts seriously. You ahve been saying that Boris Johnson told Ukraine to "rip up" a non-existent peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine. Now you change the name to Tony Blair, who was not even PM at the time. Sometimes I wonder if you and your wing-man CdnFox are even from Canada. You both have spent the last couple of years parroting Russia misinformation.
    3 points
  2. https://www.dailywire.com/news/all-15-arizona-counties-sued-for-failing-to-remove-illegal-aliens-from-voter-rolls?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=dwbrand All 15 Arizona Counties Sued For Failing To Remove Illegal Aliens From Voter Rolls America First Legal filed a lawsuit today against all 15 Arizona counties for failing to remove illegal immigrants from the state’s voter rolls. The conservative legal organization initially told the counties in July that it would take legal action if they failed to remove illegal immigrants from the voter rolls, but now America First Legal said that the counties have failed in their obligation to safeguard the election. “We are taking emergency action to secure our elections. In addition to Maricopa, we are now suing 14 additional counties in Arizona for refusing to remove illegal aliens and non-citizens from their voter rolls,” America First Legal President Stephen Miller said. “America First Legal will do everything in its power to fight mass illegal alien voting and foreign interference in our democracy.” “Every county in AZ is flagrantly defying its duty under state law to expunge illegal voters,” America First Legal said in a post on X. Are you libs just plain dishonest or flagrantly STUPID?
    2 points
  3. robodrone is losing his shit over the ridicule his hive queen is getting. lol
    2 points
  4. Some interesting comments from one Nicholas Biase, chief spokesman for Manhattan US Attorney's Office. (Alvin Bragg's colleague) “Every real estate person in New York does what he [Trump] did. Nobody’s ever been charged with this … You know, it’s a perversion of justice,” he was filmed saying. https://nypost.com/2024/09/05/us-news/top-spokesman-for-manhattan-us-attorneys-office-caught-on-secret-recording-blasting-da-bragg-over-trump-prosecution/ This is what we've been saying all along.
    2 points
  5. Why are the little girls wearing perverted costumes? 🤔
    2 points
  6. Trumpo once again saying the quiet part out loud.
    2 points
  7. 1992: Gorbachev offers to leave E Germany, reunifying the country, in exchange for a promise that NATO never moves east of there. James Baker accepts on behalf of the US and commits to "Not one inch past Germany" 2014: America orchestrates the overthrow of the Ukrainian gov't. A month earlier, Vitoria Nuland was recorded appointing members of the new Ukrainian gov't 2014: American-appointed gov't in Ukraine bans Russian language in Eastern Ukraine and starts committing genocide against Russian-speaking Ukrainians there. This was when the Ukrainian Nazi battalion - the Azovs - first becomes famous for committing their war crimes. 2019: American appointee Zelenski, a comedian and actor with no political experience, runs on a peace platform - promising to sign the Minsk accords along with Russia, Britain France and Germany - earning him 70% of the popular vote, and then transforms into ZelNazi: "No peace for you!" 2019: Donbas/Luhansk region (SE Ukraine, between Russia and Crimea) votes 90% in favour of joining Russia but Putin wants Ukraine to remain a functioning country, and pushes for the Minsk accords to be signed instead. 2022: Ukraine actually signed the peace agreement with Russia, Russian troops start withdrawing, and the Biden administration sent Tony Blair to Ukraine and tells them to rip up the peace agreement. Negotiators from Turkey and Ukraine have confirmed that there was a SIGNED peace agreement. @robosmith @Rebound @ExFlyer @lefarddolthorde.... I'm pretty sure that a RF Kennedy knows more about this than a bunch of low-IQ dipshits who get ALL their 'info' from CNN.
    1 point
  8. It's too bad that Vance didn't get to debate the cackling id10t when they were both just running mates. Vance would have run circles around her, and the Dems would have been stuck running with Biden.
    1 point
  9. I suspect Trump would have benefited from sentencing before the election. It would have fed into the martyrdom narrative and given a boost to the followers.
    1 point
  10. No, no, no. They FILED a lawsuit. That’s all they did. So the fact we know is that they filed a lawsuit. We cannot conclude anything except that they filed a lawsuit. I read their suit. They did not provide any evidence that one single person is unlawfully registered to vote in Arizona. Not one person. Their argument is very complicated because Arizona law conflicts with a Supreme Court ruling forbidding election officials from demanding proof of citizenship. They are demanding that the state law supersede the federal Supreme Court ruling, which election officials have been reluctant to do… because the U.S. Supreme Court said they can’t Given the fact that the Secretary of State of Hawaii issued a statement that he had personally inspected the original birth certificate of Barack Obama, yet MAGA continued to insist he was not an American citizen, how can an ordinary American citizen “prove” they are a citizen if MAGA insists they aren’t? You guys have proven that you absolutely cannot be trusted to determine who is who is not a citizen.
    1 point
  11. True story. Those retards want illegals stealing in ALL 50 states to make it fair and equitable.
    1 point
  12. Brookletards: "These people should be stealing in Texas! THIS IS NOT FAIR!" 🤣
    1 point
  13. Western leaders are socially engineering a White genocide that will ultimately spiral out of their control and destabilize their societies, devolving into barbarism and ethnic violence. True evil or beyond stupid. Either way they pose the greatest threat to the future of Western civilization.
    1 point
  14. There is no "military alliance that is hostile towards Russia." That's phony nonsense. NATO is a military alliance for mutual defense.
    1 point
  15. I will agree but with one caveat. Folks who are obsessed about a topic (gays, trans) either are fearful or are one themselves. Just having an opinion when pressed about it is not the same. In my early 20's, worked with a guy at a bar and grill and he could not help himself. We could be not talking about anything and he would start spouting off about f_gs and how this person or that one was a f_g.. and so on. Well.. found him on facebook and guess what? he is "bi-curious"..
    1 point
  16. She has more letters than Fauci, pal. Stop obsessing over the "climbing death toll, nyah nyah nyah" and just be thankful for her leadership. Some people are so picky. 😉
    1 point
  17. Dweebles...FOX is 100% behind this war. Gawd you're stupid. Whatever man. I have no intention of engaging in pedantics with you.
    1 point
  18. it ain't going to get better as this goes on i suspect. LIke i kept saying previously, August was probably the best it was ever going to get for Kammy. After that it gets harder and she will have very few opportunities to increase her polling. Kammy was up over trump by 1.9 points, and now over the last several days has fallen to 1.3. AND most of those losses happened in the battlegrounds. Look at the trend lines Trump hit bottom and is now climbing back up. Kammy peaked at the dnc and is now barely holding steady with trump hot on her heels. Realclear is already showing trump as the most likely winner again if the election was tomorrow. He's got the momentum - and tomorrow there's the debate. So if she starts to slide or trump gets ahead, where does she get the chance to correct that? What's the next opportunity moment? There's no more debates other than the vice presidents and I don't see that going well for them. She can't do media press conferences. She doesn't draw well enough for mass rally events. So where does she pick up the energy to climb? She can't. If she slides it's over for her unless trump does something stupid. The only thing the dems could do to win at that point would be to fire biden entirely and install her as 'princess kamala, first black female president' and try to ride that momentum till the end, but i doubt biden would go along with it willingly.
    1 point
  19. If I filed a lawsuit against Arizona for failing to stop republican voters from pooping into the voting machines, that would definitely mean republicans are doing that, right?
    1 point
  20. GOP logic targets dupes like reason10. You don't have to prove shit,you just claim it repeatedly. Witness years of DonOld's 'Crooked Biden' slander. As for claiming that merely filing a lawsuit 'proves' dick shit..... but then again you are the deplorables backing a criminal pervert proven liar and fraud for President.
    1 point
  21. The simple fact is is that it's not a matter of intelligence. Your intelligence level is not relevant when considering voting for harris or not. Even a cursory glance based on intellect and reason would mean you would not be that interested in her. Even if you felt trump was worse you would not be excited about her at all. Instead she appeals to people who put their feelings before their reason. That is what she is running on, joy and happy feelings. Wouldn't it feel great to finally break that glass ceiling and have a black woman president? Wouldn't it be great if we could all laugh as much as I do during press conferences and speeches? You should vote for me because it'll make trump angry. For every vote for me and angel gets its wings. Etc etc Voting for harris appeals to those who have set reason aside and are judging based on other things.
    1 point
  22. Well of course that's exactly what he's trying to negotiate right now, I'm sure. Jaggers is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He's trying not to bring the government down while looking like he's not propping the government up. We'll see how that works out for him
    1 point
  23. and robosmith says FOSLIES DUNNINGKRUGER COGNITAVE DISSONENCE NO FACTS OPINION DOESN"T MATTER NAKED LINK TROLL!!!!!!! Pudding. So there! I just saved us all having to read his next 12 posts.
    1 point
  24. Innocent people say they didn't do it. Guilty people say you can't prove it.
    1 point
  25. With all due respect, the videos you have provided in the past have never featured speakers that were qualified in the field they were pontificating on, so they should not be considered as educational tools and honestly not worth my time. Here's why. The goal of the scientific process and therefore scientists in general is to try and disprove everything we think we know. The websites you link to, such as creation.com admittedly do not use the scientific method, they approach to topic with a fixed conclusion and try to find evidence to support their presuppositions. Do you know Professor Dave explains? It's a YouTube channel, take an honest look at him then we can continue this conversation
    1 point
  26. YOU just DESTROY what little credibility you have when you blame Joe Biden for PUTIN'S INVASION. It's like you KNOW NOTHING about the Budapest Memorandum. LMAO Memorandum on security assurances United Nations Treaty Collection https://treaties.un.org › Pages › showDetails Budapest, 05/12/1994. EIF information. 5 December 1994 by signature. Authentic texts. Ukrainian. Russian. English. Attachments. ICJ information. Depositary ... Budapest Memorandum at 25: Between Past and Future Harvard Kennedy School https://www.hks.harvard.edu › publications › budapest-... On December 5, 1994, leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Russian Federation met in Budapest, Hungary, to pledge security assurances to ... Budapest Memorandum Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Budapest_Memorandum The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances comprises three substantially identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, ... Content History The Budapest Memoranda Sequels Ukraine's Territorial Integrity and the Budapest Memorandum Wilson Center https://www.wilsoncenter.org › files › publication PDF by M Budjeryn · Cited by 60 — In 1991, Ukraine inherited the world's third largest nuclear arsenal as a result of the collapse of the. Soviet Union.2 By mid-1996, all nuclear munitions.
    1 point
  27. LOL, so you are not justifying the invasion... but you are justifying the invasion.
    1 point
  28. 40% of dems voted in favour of it, and as for the rest, most of them would have voted against anything a Republican put forth. Over the past 10 years 99% of Dems have voted against every single Republican bill. Oh wise one, do you support the war in Ukraine right now?
    1 point
  29. Filing a lawsuit doesn't prove the rolls contained non-citizen registries, nor that they voted. Let us know when you find PROOF of YOUR CLAIM. Duh No cheating proven. Duh
    1 point
  30. if the Russians don't got it on paper, they got nothing if America signed some sort of agreement with them, they could produce those documents where is the treaty wherein America agreed to prop their empire up for them ? the Soviet Union and assoicated Warsaw Pact collapsed under its own weight when was the summit wherein America agreed to cut them slack, and what is that treaty called ? because the last time America met with the Soviets was at Iceland in 1986 and the Soviets did in fact reject America's proposals therein to wit, if the Soviets wanted to cut a deal, they had their chance, but simply refused to take it the idea that America is in any way bound to some "promise" made to the Soviets ? that's an urban myth the Soviet Communist dictatorship blew itself up America doesn't owe the KGB one single thing if they want to have a nuclear war about it ? let them come, the TRIAD will retaliate as necessary same old, same old Balance of Terror at 15 minutes notice to launch on warning if the Russians escalate to the high seas, perhaps America will want to parley but so far they are just beating up on the Ukrainians no reason for America to capitulate in any way at that juncture it's not like America is forcing the Ukrainians to fight we know from Vietnam that America can't actually force anybody to fight if / when the Ukrainians want to sue for an armistice, let's cross that bridge when we get there frankly, a stalemate is entirely to America's advantage
    1 point
  31. The GOP planners must actually think women are as stupid as they believe.
    1 point
  32. "There is no more effective way to enslave a man than to be the one who provides for his every need".
    1 point
  33. Because you grew up with that experience, just like I did. I sat at the back of the bus cuz the cool kids did, I never once handed in a resume and thought 'I wonder if they hire white people?" Never once entered a night club or restaurant wondering if I'd be treated differently, which I know all of my Asian and black friends (very few) did. That must be unsettling. She lived the experience. Not heard of or read about, lived. I know even having Italian blood and hearing the star player with the football team's name pronounced wrong on the TV for 2 decades and if you said it right to your cuz the whole room looked at you like you were weird was unsettling. Even having to spell your last name for hundreds of people your whole life to people that can't figure out one more than 5 letters is. As are traditions like the 1st son get the father's name, the 1st daughter the mother's name and they're referred to by their 2nd name their whole lives is annoying when you're f*cking retired and some minion claims the name is not your 'real' name... That's how all people of colour will be better off with Harris than another rich old white guy.
    1 point
  34. My wife and I went to her 20-yr reunion thinking it would be no big deal - just old friends reacquainting - it was the biggest meat market I've ever seen. I think everyone was just running around trying to boink all the people they wished they woulda hooked up with when they were younger. We braced ourselves for shock before we went to the 30-yr and it was the exact opposite. All the mojo was completely gone, and people were so unhealthy it was just insane. It was before covid too, so that's no excuse. 2017.
    1 point
  35. Here you are going on about how Canada should essentially copy the US justice system, and when i point out how bad that system is, you resort to saying "we are two different cultures, so we cant be compared!" LOL.
    1 point
  36. The Canadian homicide rate is 3 times lower than the American rate, in spite of America having the death penalty. The death penalty is not a deterrant to murder. The USA is a perfect example to this. The same thing happens in the United States, when the inmate appeals or tries to overturn their death sentence. Ths situation is not "out of control." The crime rate peaked in 1991 in North America, and declined until the mid 2010s. Currently, the crime rate is about what it was at in the late 1990s. And of course, Canada has a much lower violent crime rate than the USA. Winnipeg, the most violent city in Canada, would barely make the top 100 most violent cities list in America. We copied much of our law from the UK, which is a relatively safe country. We should be looking looking towards Europe, where the justice system is superior to America, which does not work. We need to focus on what is best for society. That would affect due process, and the right to a fair trial for the accused. There ahve been countless examples of people being wrongfully convicted of crimes they did not do.
    1 point
  37. One theory favoured by Nick Lane is that life may have arisen in a particular type of ocean floor vent with an alkaline pH that would have favoured the development of chemical and electric gradients seen in cells. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292978084_The_Origin_of_Life_in_Alkaline_Hydrothermal_Vents
    1 point
  38. You can't use the bible to prove the Bible, this is primary school logic. You continue to show you have no interest in truth.
    1 point
  39. The appeal to authority fallacy is all too prevalent in society. We live in a time where experts are weaponized to strip away basic fundamental freedoms.
    1 point
  40. Is it possible for you to provide a cite for this brewing conspiracy that you're about to enjoy your anger about? Is it only me that are the people who complain but complainers starting to run out of complainers to complain about? Have a complaint about that! 😂
    1 point
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