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I guess the outrage was legitimate, but the whole thing was a sideshow in the end. And it had nothing to do with actual policy, it made no impact or changes on how these things are handled in the future. In the non-lying version I mean. Looking at this another way, the right actually solved the problem by bringing so much attention that he was shamed out of his ridiculous act.2 points
I'm suggesting that insurance companies don't act out of hysteria, they are bean counters who deal in numbers.2 points
Ya, tell that to all people who can no longer get home insurance or a mortgage because insurance companies have pulled out of areas that have become much riskier to insure because of more severe weather. Insurance companies look at nothing but risk, ideology or politics don't matter.2 points
Ok, any cite? I only recall general suspicion and suspension of judgement on it as it just seemed like a bizarre story.2 points
Better analogy might be parents that have tried to deny their teens cancer treatments. Courts have already said that teens do have some agency in seriously life altering medical decisions. Which is why I think the courts will go more of a middle ground, even if the CPC goes hard into social conservative territory. I don't think that they will though, at least not Deep South USA style. We are Canada in the end. Re: Permanent effects I'd actually say it's poorly researched and it's not well known one way or another. I've gone through that dilemma personally. One of many things that really ought to be, and that knowledge should inform laws and policy. An awful lot of government money was spent on LGBT but unfortunately not on good to know things like this. But no, it's not like you just take a few hormones or blockers during puberty and that's all folks. You have to keep taking them for life to get the desired effects.2 points
Geez @WestCanMan...... i think you broke him. He's meme'ing and everything2 points
Q for leftards: if he was briefly a female, is his DNA still guilty for all of the slavery in the history of the world?2 points
Don't need one these guys will make one up in their heads to condemn. Like FFS not even a full page of discussion and they devolve into tranny discussions like that should be the main event at the CPC convention. Start their own party PCP the Paleo Conservative Party.... So far lots of Trudeau bashing and vague policies with no detail on how they'd be achieved. Added Sweep It Under The Rug (carbon capture) to Axe The Tax to complete their Climate policy.2 points
Ted Cruz is full of nonsense and nobody here is going to watch an hour of him lying in the US Senate. I watched as far as him claiming that democratically-elected President Lula of Brazil is anti-American. The truth is that Lula beat Jair Bolsonaro, who wanted to seize dictatorial control of Brazil. Let me put this as simply as possible: America needs to have trade and a warm, cordial relationship with Brazil and every other nation we can, because if we don't, Russia and China will. The US has embargoed Cuba for 60 years. Has that improved anything for the Cuban people?2 points
Shocking Confrontation With Mayorkas Leads Sec To Call His Conduct 'Revolting'2 points
'Take A Look At This Image!': Ted Cruz Reveals Shocking Video Still During Hearing How many children are now taken by pedophiles or human traffickers?2 points
1 point
Yea the drag thing I've never understood. It originated as adult entertainment not intended for children. Dressing as a caricatcure of a woman (like this guy) isn't the same as dressing normally and just trying to fit in. It's not akin to transgender at all though it got lumped in somehow? I mean pretending to be trans is about as deplorable as it gets. Like blackface gets so much hate but this is the same. Guy should have been fired first day for this. Anyone who would do this just to get a firing settlement probably isn't safe to be around kids. Why the school board waited is beyond me.1 point
So - i say i havent - you say i haven't - and now you're having a tough time believing it Kid - you could 'stupid' for the olympics No, that never happened. But - hey, if i'm wrong point to it. Can't can you - lol. Just can't help yourself from looking stupid can you What a lying sack of crap you are That's not what we're talking about - we're talking about your specific claim that polls all agree that it's the corruption and not the building in the greenbelt that has people pissed off. That was YOUR claim - not mine. And so far you've had to admit that NO polls actually show that You just lied because you thought it supported your ideology NOW you claim that the pollsters have analyzed their polls and discovered that was the case. So where's THAT evidence? Why are you trying to change the topic? Did you lie again and you're desperate to cover it up rather than admit it? Is that the problem?1 point
At some point in time someone is going to call out all the free loaders to which Canada seems to be the leader off...and Kick us out of the alliances we have joined, Lets not forget that all of these alliances have rules and policies very few of them we are following.. In fact we actually taunt them to their faces and say F*uck you we are not playing that game....we don't deserve that protection you say we depend on... Canadians should be disgusted at how we act on the international front...we would be the first nation to call out any nation that did the same....everything in this country is broken including the people...we are nothing more than spoiled children, and one day dads going put his foot down...1 point
1 point
Recover economy from what? Lowest unemployment in history? LMAO I guess it's not that great in Canada. tsk tsk1 point
Yup. My advice is for all democrats who are worried to pull up their stakes and move to Palestine, where the climate is safer and they will be welcomed by their Muslim allies.1 point
Federal law doesn't "Say" if an event was insurrection or not - courts do that. If you're referring to that document that i've already explained this about - then you're knowingly lying. My quesiton would be why? If the truth doesn't help your point and you have to lie to make your point, then you probably don't have a very good point. Well no - they can rule on a number of things. Was this an 'insurrection' as envisioned by the law in question? Did he participate in a manner envisioned by the law. etc etc. But the fact remains that until a court says 'He did this, and therefore under this section he's disqaualified', then he's not. If an authority tried to sidestep that - they would open the door to SEVERE abuses of that for every democrat moving forward as well. Every single dem could find that "in the opinion of the authority" they're guilty of something that precludes them from running, until they go to court and get a judge to say otherwise at their own expense.1 point
He's just permanently stuck in leftist debate phase 2 now (sandbox insults), he isn't even bothering to go through phase 1 anymore (lying). I guess it's an improvement if it cuts the lying down? I dunno, small victories...1 point
I think we could do with less greenbelt being farmed and more rewilded to benefit wildlife and city dwellers. I don’t see why some of it couldn’t be used for housing as well as long as that process was transparent.1 point
There are fakers everywhere that do it to gain financial or other advantages. What about the fake indigenous people at universities to get high paying jobs? What about the woman in Hamilton that faked cancer and got toms of money form Go Fund Me. Whenever there is a possibility of scamming, it will be done. It is not a matter of left or right, it is often an matter of not questioning because of the possibility of embarrassing backlash.1 point
1. So you don't see any outrage from the left then? That's seems to be what I was saying. 2. Find some leftist groups, or maybe posters on here, that Express support for him other than the generic restating of policy. Something that says they believe this story, that he was actually a woman who needed to wear those ridiculous prosthetics. 3. What is pretending to ignore it? You either make a comment on something or you don't. 4. I already commented on this, and now we're not talking about the latest events but rehashing posts from before. You can go to search those out but my point I think was that systems, and layers of bureaucracy between provincial government, Ministry of education, school board, unions etc. would not have had any way to detect a troll in the situation. I think I suspected they would either wait it out, or try to do nothing. They pretty much did nothing and were rewarded, thanks mostly to the right wingers who were duped by the fake woman teacher.1 point
My impression is that UK healthcare spending is considerably lower than that of France by most measures: https://www.health.org.uk/news-and-comment/charts-and-infographics/how-does-uk-health-spending-compare-across-europe-over-the-past-decade That Spectator article quoted in the OP is heavy on anecdotes but does concede that the French system is ‘slightly’ more expensive. Like Canada, both systems aim to provide universal health care - ultimately, the government is the main payer. However, mandatory personal health insurance seems to be a feature of many successful systems, e.g. Germany, France, the Netherlands, and it’s something we should consider here. (BTW I’m not sure our doctors would like the incomes of their French counterparts. Another day’s work.) In fairness, all these countries have advantages of population density over us. I think our best peer is Australia - similarly vast and sparsely inhabited with a federal system, high standard of living and an indigenous population. On many measures, the land down under is moving ahead of us.1 point
1 point
These perverts think everything has to work around them. It's why everyone else can't stand them. lol1 point
Grand juries composed of US citizens say YOU'RE WRONG. Says who? You? LMAO You need to stop listening ONLY to FOS LIES. Nope. Trump broke MANY LAWS and that was NO ACCIDENT. He knew what he was doing was ILLEGAL cause he had lawyers who told him that. Of course, the OPINIONS of people like yourself who REFUSE to be informed about the evidence of those crimes mean NOTHING. Only considered innocent by the courts. The court of public opinion is under no such constraint.1 point
Ahhh - in order to continue your lie you have to change it to 'charged" i said accused of. Russian collusion comes to mind For like 3.5 years. Due to a dossier then democrats created that was false. But if you want to go to charges the charges in new york where they tried to bundle a bunch of misdemeanors and claim it was a felony was very obviously a fake charge. And most legal experts thought so. The lefties have "cried trump" so many times that it just has no meaning now. Which is why he's going up in the polls with every charge now. Like he said "I'm one indictment away from winning the presidency".1 point
1. WOKETARD! 2. Never. That's the beauty of sanity - it ties in perfectly with Conservatism and the Constitution. 3. You may have to when the psychopath tyrant you're supporting orders you to attack normal Amricans. Stupid question, bro. Why do you hate the Constitution?1 point
1 point
Here you go, blowhard: If meeting Lula da Silva is so evil, then why did George Bush meet with twice him back in 2005, when he was President? Bush hosted then-President Lula at the White House, and then Bush flew to Brazil to meet Lula? “President (Lula) is right, relations between Brazil and the United States are essential, and they are strong. We've had many constructive discussions. I remember the first time you came to the Oval Office, and I was most impressed by your strong commitment to your program of zero hunger. ” - George Bush https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2005/11/20051106-1.html1 point
That's all right. It had stopped being a conservative party by the time it died anyway. That's WHY it died.1 point
They're all mouth! Just like in other forums. When challenged, they try to change the issue.1 point
No, you didn't. never mind changing the issue. I don't care what kind of a husband he is..............and, like as if, you know. I'm talking about the clips! If you know the answer to his question(s), maybe you can help those poor guys he's grilling. Don't interrupt with your irrelevant matters - especially when you sound like the gossip reporter from The Enquirer.?1 point
Different cases, different laws. Above all else, Licht was not trying to overthrow the government.1 point
Dude doesn’t smile. Private jets, supermodel wife, billions of dollars… and he’s never happy. Sad!1 point
Didn't this person actually troll the right? The left just ignored him...1 point
According to rebound it can be both somehow. You can be both pre meditated AND spontaneous at the same time. I assume the riots were actually lead by someone named Schrodinger.1 point
Thanks. I was just thinking to myself: "I wonder what the racists think about Ted Cruz?"1 point
1 point
Deluge said the lady was a c*nt. Frankly that kind of language shows how " bottom of the barrel" Trumps friends who post here really are. I thought this was a Forum for civilized people. Surely the organized fanatical Right can come up with a better representative than this.1 point
1 point
Yea I don't disagree it's gone too far the other way. The problem used to be that you couldn't change gender until you'd done everything (i.e. sex change surgery, which is usually done last). Which was not really ideal either because you had to live 'as a female' for a year or more before qualifying. And it pushed people into doing the surgery, whether they really wanted to do that last step or just live outwardly as female. To me, the defining line should be that you are on hormones. That's really the gold standard for whether you're transitioning or not. Also its never said much in the media but if you're on hormones it's almost akin to what they give for chemical castration. The odds of any male ever going that far to abuse women is pretty much zero.1 point
T is a smaller minority within LGBT than LGBT is to the entire population. And a ton of LGBT activists aren't even LGBT themselves, it is almost like a religion to some. So yea T really isn't represented well. The issues raised aren't ones that really matter to most trans. The amount of elite trans athletes is vanishingly small. The locker room / bathroom thing, similar... most trans aren't going to even go those places until they're comfortable and far along. If there was a #1 issue it'd be what medical care the government does and does not provide. Varies a ton by province which pretty much means its political and not science backed.1 point
You're very confused. Third world countries have unelected dictators who place themselves above the law. This is not "third world" behavior. This is the way things work in a nation of laws. Rich, poor, powerful or powerless, all are meant to be held to the same standard. Neither being a president nor running for the office puts one above law, but that is what you are arguing. Trump has broken many laws, betrayed his oath of office and betrayed the American people. For all of this, he's being prosecuted, not persecuted.1 point
1 point
The problem with a lot of this trans policy is that most of it isn't written by trans. We aren't common enough to be represented and that's not really going to change. That's why there is so much nonsense going around with it all, from both the right and left wings. If you transition as a young teen the advantage is probably not significant. Hormones do have a huge effect in halting growth. But most trans females that you see in sports today did not do that - they waited until adulthood. And 50th percentile height for men is like 98th percentile for women. That's a huge advantage no matter what some studies try to cook up and say. Of course, they aren't going to do something like common sense. The left wants to score points by painting the narrative that gender is entirely in your head and there is no biological component. The right say it's only biological. Both views are ridiculous as it's both, but that makes for more complex systems and talking points. A third league is perhaps the only good option, but, let's be real. Female sports don't get much attention and trans sports would get even less. This might change over time but I'm doubtful it completely will.1 point
1 point
Thousands of people weee arrested as a result of those riots. It is true that it’s not possible to have a “mostly peaceful” riot just like the insurrection is not “mostly peaceful” either. What you fail to understand is that while there wee many violent riots there were also many zero-violence protests around the country that did not result in riots or violence or destruction, hence the “mostly peaceful” reference as 92% of recorded protests did not result in riots and therefore did not make it on Fox News or the other right wing outlets. So I guess it really depends on what you want to include or exclude. 100% or protests are violent if you’ve already decided you will only count the violent ones.1 point