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  1. Not sure if you even read all I said. But I said the same, heck I can just look at my own family and say I'm much bigger than any of the females. At the same time being trans female, you aren't even comparable to men in strength and speed. Organizations come up with nonsense policies because they look to the government, whose policies are also nonsense. They're made up by government bureaucrats that are not transgender or non-binary and therefore have no understanding. Sex/gender are used interchangably on IDs and birth certificates when they are not the same thing for trans and non-binary. A large part of this is because of past discrimination, stigma around the fact that the two can be different. In the long run, we would be better off having both sex and gender on documents/IDs where it's necessary (like medicine, sports), and just gender in the context of everyday life. Or we take the direction of Asian countries and just conflate them into a third gender, but the West doesn't really have the cultural history for that to take off IMO
  2. There are only two kinds of people who care so much about LGBT issues in 2023. 1) Religious nuts, who mostly want to keep to themselves 2) Closeted and/or damaged LGBT people, who end up being crazy activists or anti-activists You are in camp #2. The majority of trans would not agree with competing in sports universally. It's only the minority, who are the most vocal who get the attention
  3. There was a time people said the same about gays like you, that it was a mental disorder and they should be locked up or gassed. But on a more serious note, I can tell you aren't enjoying your Stockholm syndrome at all with more unhinged posts by the day. You act the exact same way that other unhinged LBGT activists act. For most of them it's the wishful thought that if they could just punch all the facists or cancel them, all their past suffering would go away. Only instead in your case it's fantasies about discriminating towards other minorities like trans, for example disowning your own kids for not being honest enough if they were trans. Because deep down you want revenge for the past by inflicting it on others. It doesn't bother me in the least to say that trans who didn't get hormones/blockers before puberty shouldn't be competing in elite sports. But it does bother you to think that those who did are virtually indiscernable. Because those kids wouldn't have to suffer what you did, and you feel they should have to
  4. Blah blah blah more 'only biological sex matters' simplistic tripe from the far right. Btw, you're deluding yourself if you don't think they'll come for you too. There must always be an other.
  5. Makes me wonder what the default rate is going to be on student loans in a few years. Especially with interest rates rising. The problem is probably even worse than we realize
  6. Though if you're talking high school sport the assumption would be that trans would be on hormones since before puberty. So there's basically no advantage in that case. Depends some on the sport too obviously, there's no one size fits all. Banning transgender from all sports even recreational is a pretty extreme take. Though even before transgender athletes got more into it, this was an issue that sports organizations didn't really solve. Allowing intersex to compete in racing (Castor Semenya) against women for example. What I want to know is the mindset of these athletes. Is there really any glory in it? It just seems so odd to me from a psychological angle
  7. I don't understand your point at all? I'm saying that if you've gone through male puberty you shouldn't be competing against females in elite sports. Maybe that wasn't clear. That's not a discriminatory take, as many people who aren't born with an athlete body also can't be elite athletes ever. There's a million other careers one can seek out. It's not the past where options were far more limited
  8. Speaking for MtF, if you're on hormones you're going to be a lot closer to a girl in terms of sports performance than a guy. The strength loss is significant, up to half. But at the elite level it's too much an advantage. An average sized male is 99th percentile for height/weight female.
  9. It's absolutely true. The far right believes male/female is entirely biological and medically transitioning means nothing. Even if you could never tell on the street that I was ever male. And the far left believes it's entirely in the mind, that you just have to believe and that's what you are. Both of these views are very ridiculous and not helpful. In the case of professional paid sports as a career, sex should be the primary determinant obviously and not gender. For recreational fun sports like in school or extracurricula, it should be gender. Eventually we'll reach a middle ground but right now the extreme views seem to get the most attention - which isn't really what the majority think about it all
  10. I think the Liberals get more seats than the NDP at these polling numbers. Liberals have strong regional support in Quebec and the NDP are more spread out. Not that it would matter a lot, a majority is a majority.
  11. Yea the organizations should serve the athletes. Today it seems most such organizations serve themselves first. A lot of this stems from conflating sex and gender. The right and left both do it. The right by classifying by sex only, and the left by using gender only. There are issues where both need to be considered to make sensible and fair decisions.
  12. Should have to have medically transitioned before puberty to be eligible. I mean if a woman took testosterone for years they would be banned for life. Even on hormones, the growth advantage in sports without weight limits is significant. The percentile curves for men and women are just so far apart even at the elite ranges. Anyways most trans athletes are more tragic than inspirational. They don't have anything else to aspire to be...
  13. Beer is gross anyways, bitter swampwater. Never saw why it was so popular. Lots of ad money making it 'cool' I guess Hard liquor is much better, or wine
  14. Comparing the capabilities of Hamas to Nazi Germany is laughable. Nazi Germany was the most technologically advanced country of its time, with a population ready and trained for the biggest land war humanity has ever seen. Gaza is 2 million people in a prison camp with no industry to speak of. No capability to make its own food or fuel, and no official government to organize under. A better analog for Hamas would be the IRA
  15. The problem is Israel isn't strong enough to do it humanely, so they're cutting corners. The IDF wasn't and isn't prepared for this. It's been acting more as a police force than as an army capable of a ground invasion. A normal government would call it a truce/treaty, but Netanyahu's political survival depends on the war. Once it's over he's done politically. His approval is 20% domestically.
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