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  1. The U.N. is the most left wing, radical and RACIST organization on earth. The UN is the author of UNDRIP which many countries adopted or support. This document gives special privileges to anybody of aboriginal descent and is designed to make non-aboriginals pay billions to a newly created, special privileged group.
    4 points
  2. UNDRIP is also terrible for the average native person and sets relations back decades in alot of cases. The UN and the WEF are what's wrong globally right now
    3 points
  3. Who cares what interpretation the U.N. uses? Applying it to loss of culture, language, etc. is not the correct definition of genocide. But the U.N. is a radical red power activist organization. If you don 't believe it, read the their declaration on the rights of indigenous people (UNDRIP) and what they recommend be done. UNDRIP would set up a system where there would be different rules for people of aboriginal descent. Basically pay billions of dollars and hand the country to aboriginals. The U.N. lives in an alt reality and knows nothing about Canada and it's history.
    3 points
  4. I don't like people forcibly sticking things in me that can't be trusted. It's the same reason I'm also rape-aphobic.
    2 points
  5. No doubt the residential schools were misguided and abuses took place, but the system was born out of progressive ideas. The abuses were the responsibilities of individuals. The risk going forward after attempts at individual accountability have been exhausted is that this past system becomes a reason not to grow or achieve, reinforcing the stereotype of the lazy dependent always looking for handouts. That’s what people will think if we create or reinforce a privileged class based on Indigenous status. It only fuels the idea of inter-generational dependence rather that self-determination. No group should make getting stuff from the state the centrepiece of group identity, obviously. Seek to rectify injustice based on facts rather than strong feelings or entitlement and carry on trying to be the best you can be, which is the best anyone from any group can do.
    2 points
  6. It’s all about the money. Use the Pope’s language to bolster land claims, reparations and communist redistribution of earnings from taxpayers to the non-taxpaying Indigenous, who I guess don’t have to work or pay taxes because their ethnic background makes them a privileged class. Welcome to the 19th century India caste system in Canada. Of course it’s all just about reconciliation and healing…
    2 points
  7. Yeah they only pay lip service and throw them the odd bone. The GOP and Conservatives right out screw workers in the arse and convince them it feels good. Elect a billionaire he'll have worker interests at heart. Reducing the deficit is more important than dental or child care. That's why I no longer vote for either right-wing party. At least the Dems and Libs don't sacrifice lambs to Satan to include their socially backwards beliefs into practice.
    2 points
  8. I think Canada lost stature the first half of 2022. Our own government sold out a huge segment of the Canadian population. Our Charter rights have been downplayed or disregarded, so yeah, the US Bill of Rights has started looking pretty good to me. When I see our full range of freedoms restored my perspective may change. I actually think we need to add rights, including property. Revisiting our rights is necessary. Maybe Poilievre will do it.
    1 point
  9. Where were you when patriots were being called commies for questioning the wisdom of moving so much of our manufacturing to China? Up until a few years ago it was usually splained to us that we had no choice because Canadians were unproductive lazy workers who expected to much. I always thought it was more stupid to enrich and strengthen our enemies by facilitating their growth. Now what's the excuse for bringing it back, it was a stupid idea to move it there in the first place? You must represent some sort of nouveau born again commie that can somehow retain a strong commitment to right wing ideals. That's surreal.
    1 point
  10. None here either. No middle-man needed between me & the Creator. Prairie native blood on my mother's side, deep connection with the earth. Passed on to me. No Bible required.
    1 point
  11. That almost sounds wistful - like a desire to be invaded. Thanks a lot.
    1 point
  12. no I am a Marcianite the Bible did not convert me to Christianity it was Jesus of Nazareth himself I saw the light on the road to Damascus I am a hyper Protestant no man no office between me & the Almighty I fall upon my knees before God himself no church congregation required I am loyal to Her Majesty as Commander-in-Chief but not as God's representative on earth I go straight to the source, upon Calvary Hill at Golgotha
    1 point
  13. That version is just a Protestant English translation of the Bible. It gets interesting to find out what was left out, as in the Apocrypha and Gnostic texts.
    1 point
  14. Judaism, Islaam, and Christianity all share the same God and there are detailed accounts of the histories of the 12 tribes of Israel, whether or not they are entirely factual. Hinduism is about the purification of the individual on the way to Nirvana, which can take thousands of lifetimes. They believe there have been manifestations of God, such as Rama, Buddha, Jesus, etc. The Buddhists believe there’s a fast track to enlightenment by conquering desire and the ego. I think they’re all getting at much the same thing, which is that there’s a kind of path or Dao that we must find and follow to better ourselves. If nothing else, these stories are ancient wisdom that have been passed down because the stories are powerful and have provided structure and guidance. In that regard religion and science compliment each other, because one ends where the other begins. Also, science can’t always help with questions of ethics, which isn’t to say that there aren’t ethical atheists. I think the bottom line is that people need to be aware of the great canon of cultural knowledge: religious, scientific, philosophical, artistic, literary, etc. as best they can or at least inasmuch as it helps them lead purposeful lives. A life without meaning or purpose is hard to live. Our culture is now rife with nihilism and a rejection of wisdom, which I think is very dangerous and sad.
    1 point
  15. Atheists are nobody to talk. The atheist Communists killed about 100 million people in their revolutions in China and Russia in the 20th century and deprived billions of people their basic human rights. The Christian-Judeo culture brought freedom, democracy and human rights to the western world in the last few hundred years.
    1 point
  16. Even if true that it carries no weight in law, and if symbolic in nature, who cares? It's not an overthrow of a government to stay at a rally, sign a petition to devolve parliament and ask for elected officials to do their jobs and have a meeting over their decision to impose questionable vaccination policies which has led to destruction in many peoples lives. It's called holding them accountable for their crazy antics
    1 point
  17. Costa Rica. America singles itself out as the planet's Shiniest Beacon for liberty and freedom while bank-rolling and fist-bumping some of the planet's worst human rights abusers and dictators and all you can say is America, fuck yeah! That's America Infatuation Syndrome and you still haven't identified a single fault.
    1 point
  18. Of course we will. We're not deranged lunatics who would advocate for ANYONE to be left to die in freezer trucks.
    1 point
  19. Ukraines always said that life under Nazi rule was alot better then soviet rule. The ones that were allowed to live.
    1 point
  20. they can't stop with that the only way they can seem reasonable to the public is by comparison of their ridiculous position to an even more ridiculous strawman of their opposition if they give up the strawman they will be as exposed as ridiculous radicals to the general public as they are to you and me
    1 point
  21. they don't have any choice the electorate gets to vote on it whether they like it or not restricting abortions aren't going to be imposed on states without the consent of the electorate
    1 point
  22. Do you, in any way, think a war/invasion/occupation is fair and follows rules? Russia has stated their objectives and are proceeding to achieve them in any way they can. I am pretty sure Russia will get what it wants and Ukraine will be a smaller country in the end and then maybe, just maybe , Ukraine will be admitted into EU and NATO. In the meantime, nations from all over are getting an economic boon in being able to get rid of old munitions and factories are making newer munitions.
    1 point
  23. The facts are, Ukraine was invaded, its towns and cities destroyed, civilians killed and territory occupied.
    1 point
  24. One of my co-workers (mid 30's) has been off work for more than a month with bronchitis. She came back to work yesterday, coughing like crazy and can't breathe. Told me she's been on 2 rounds of antibiotics and one course of steroids already. She said her friend told her it was because she's had 3 jabs now and that she's starting to believe that the jabs are bad for you. I asked why she got them in the first place and she said "because I wanted to eat in restaurants." She got all her kids jabbed, too "so they could go to school and do kid stuff". The ones who are finally waking up to how these jabs have damaged them - not one person has said they took the jabs because they were following the science. Every single one took them just to have a normal life, they didn't even think to research whether it was a good idea to be part of a medical experiment. 3 people have told me "I don't know why I did it." Adults can make their own decisions about this, but I feel bad for the kids. Why on earth would a parent jab their kids with an experimental vaccine with zero long-term studies, when they had almost zero risk? I feel like I'm living in some kind of twisted bizarro world. I'm afraid for the next generation. We have no idea what this is going to do to them. If the censored doctors and scientists are correct - and they have been so far - there's going to be a lot of unhealthy, infertile young people.
    1 point
  25. Now that they have seen what happened in Kansas, they won't dare put it to a vote.
    1 point
  26. What the hell is Pelosi doing going to Taiwan. She’s not the president, right? The truth is, she’s doing it because it’s been decided that fist bumping Biden is in no condition to visit foreign nations… BTW, Biden just tested positive for Covid for the 3rd time. The drug they are giving him isn’t working.
    1 point
  27. It gets me that even though Ukraine was the country invaded, it's towns bombed and shelled, civilians killed, territory occupied, Russia boosters think the Ukrainians should be the ones who have to fight like gentlemen.
    1 point
  28. Russia blocks Red Cross from visiting prison camp. Not Zelenskyi. Interesting, no? Zelenskyi shells but Russia blocks. Makes sense right.. the question is, to who?
    1 point
  29. Not fear and loathing. It is mild self-righteousness. Like most Canadians, I like Americans. I just prefer to be a Canadian. We are quite different from each other.
    1 point
  30. The term "cultural genocide" is a made-up term to enable a strong sounding argument to people in the position of having to assimilate. However, its interesting that we don't hear about "cultural genocide" in places like Afghanistan...Saudi Arabia...China...etc... If "cultural genocide" is such an affront to the senses of the UN and others, why do we only hear about it with relation to natives?
    1 point
  31. Lots of examples of this: corporate donations, Bill Clinton cancelling welfare, Hillary Clinton slipping up and denouncing universal healthcare... True conservatives reward work and innovation, not corporate and political dynasties.
    1 point
  32. You can hear pretty much anything but BBC journalists on the ground did not see any evidence that it could be caused by long-range US weaponry while the place is deep within Russia's occupied territory and according to Geneva convention it carries full responsibility for the PoW. Russia does not observe any norms and conventions, that kind of a place. Nazis did.
    1 point
  33. The site is called re:politics and most posters here don't understand politics either.
    1 point
  34. People said Harper couldn't win, he did. People said Trudeau couldn't, he did. Trudeau is to toxic now. I think he will be stepping down , could be the reason he is traveling so much on our dime. Or going to call a snap election in Sept. Lol But I think PP will beat him. I think Charest can beat him. With the vilifying of PP in the press shows the left is scared. Has PP said some stupid stuff, yup, and said some very smart stuff. Trudeau just says whatever he feels like at that moment , which is irresponsible at times, like the freezing of handgun sales. Remember, Trudeau under a different name, never would have become leader of anything and people are now tired of him.
    1 point
  35. I’ve come to realize that the Dems and Liberals don’t like workers generally. The bleeding heart rhetoric is what they spew to absolve themselves of the visceral loathing they have for the people they pretend to support generally. As in, they wouldn’t hang out with them by choice. Too polished and over sensitive for the unwashed masses.
    1 point
  36. I don't even know what a chug is...except maybe the sound of a choo choo train?
    1 point
  37. Almost everywhere. Marx's manifesto was a response to the capitalism taking hold in Europe. More a philosophical argument. Some of the theory is in use today by Libbies. State dependence. Dictation of acceptable ideas. Mass media compliance. Increasingly aggressive controls. Engineering endless states of fear. I told you, I've known a lot of old communists. When the Soviet union fell, most became capitalists quick to maintain their social and economic status. It was like watching a feeding frenzy. People who do not sing my tune are many. So what? People who demand and enact aggressively destructive social and governmental policies...are obviously undesirable.
    1 point
  38. I went to the Freedom Convoy protests at Queen's Park and the Toronto Police made no attempt to obstruct me in fact, they were quite friendly & helpful we were honking horns & waving the colours they were giving the thumbs up and giving us traffic signals to keep the protest moving honestly, for a moment there, I thought I was back in Toronto the Good
    1 point
  39. You don't actually understand polls, do you.
    1 point
  40. Obstruction of a Peace Officer is a criminal offence under section 129 of the Criminal Code. I have had occasion to arrest people. It is far safer for both the officer and the suspect to handcuff the subject while they are face down. The decision whether to do that or to handcuff the subject in a standing or kneeling position is based on the officer's assessment of the risk. Handcuffing a subject is the most dangerous point in the arrest. It is the officer's duty the use reasonable force to effect an arrest. An arrest is not a judgement of guilt or innocence. Everyone is presumed innocent unless proven guilty in court. An arrest is required to protect the public, to prevent a continuation of an offence, and to ensure the subject will appear in court. The rule of thumb to avoid problems is when a peace officer tells you to do something, don't argue, just do what you are told. If you have an issue with the order, comply and then seek legal advice.
    1 point
  41. He did such a successful job as leader of the Conservative party, the Quebec Liberal party begged him to lead them to defeat the separatists. He was still a conservative but he stepped up and protected national unity. Jean Charest has always been a Conservative and always will be.
    1 point
  42. Governments in Canada are a reflection of the electorate made up of red tories and blue grits. That is the will of the electorate. Some people call it democracy. Part of the task of governing is to find solutions to problems. The best solutions are found in the centre. If a government veers toward the extreme, such as the NDP or the PPC, they fail. Every Conservative Prime Minister has been a red tory. Mr. Poillievre is a socialist crediter like Bob Thompson and Preston Manning. Both are men of integrity, but their policies are too extreme for Canadian voters. Who is going to spend their life savings and give up their income for 18 months to run for Mr. Poillievre's social credit only to be defeated. If you don't like having Mr. Trudeau being Prime Minister, you need to support an alternative who can defeat him and Jean Charest is the only candidate who can do that. If Mr. Poillievre becomes leader, either : 1. a lot of Conservatives will sit out the election or, 2. Conservatives will hold their nose and vote liberal, or 3. the CPC will split into two parties Mr. Poillievre talks about freedom, yet he is going to bring in censorship and attack our bank accounts. He has promised to shut down the CBC, there by denying Canadians access to programming unavailable anywhere else. He has also promised to replace our money with pseudo- currency which will make our savings worthless. The reason the Canadian government has been successful in responding to the two biggest crises we've had in the last decade is because in both situations, NAFTA and Covid, the government and the opposition and the Provincial goverments joined together in common purpose. Do you believe Mr. Poillievre's ultra partisanship will allow that to happen in future?
    1 point
  43. So what? The MOU was about collecting enough signatures to dissolve parliament. It's part of the democratic process... not sure why you are claiming it's an "overthrow" of the government... just more pathetic smears of a peaceful demonstration, no violence, no destruction of property... yet we act like the police brutality was warranted. Pathetic and ashamed you call yourself Canadian
    1 point
  44. Well...you can always find a nice safe space, I'm quite sure.
    1 point
  45. One colleague of mine came back to work after an extended leave/sabbatical. He’s in his early 60’s and said that 4 people he knows died of COVID and they were all fully vaxed. As the vax injuries and deaths grow in the population, the public will finally realize that something is up with the vaccines. People I trust say the medical community is being warned NOW, that next fall a “new” strain of COVID will spread that the vaccines have little effect on. Hmm, and they know this because they know their vaccines never really worked at all.
    1 point
  46. They absolutely make this up. They do it by picking and choosing who they cite as champions of science and who they shrug off as total losers. From the very beginning the MSM played up the danger of covid to young people. They ran stories like "A healthy 59-yr-old man in England died of covid!" They never say that covid almost exclusively kills people who were within an inch of death until they talk about vaxed-deaths, then they suddenly know all about it. Stories of vaccines side-effects have been ignored completely. When I talk about people I know who suffered side-effects here people act like I'm blaspheming. Stories of vax-efficacy have been hailed as "AN AMAZING SUCCESS!" People won't look at stats showing vaxed-deaths. We've told you all of these things a hundred times MH. You chose to keep your head in the sand.
    1 point
  47. It was real. And you don't know who shelled the PoW colony now, do you.... No you do not. The building was in Russian hands, the most likely people to have fired on it were Ukraine's Nazis. Also, just in case you ever wondered if your news sources were complete bullshit, your article says this: This is a point-blank attempt to rewrite history. It's an absolute certainty that the Azovs are neo-Nazis. There's not a credible source in the world that denies the Azovs are neo-Nazis. It's a well-established fact that they are. So why is your "news source" telling absurd lies if they're an actual "news source"? You're sucked in way too deep, and you're completely unable to differentiate between blatant lies and propaganda and actual, unbiased information (which is the rarest of birds in war)
    1 point
  48. Remember when we were discussing (I guess I am discussing, the Branch Covidians are, as usual, ignoring science) how we all have some degree of antibodies due to having different flus at different times? The censored scientists knew that a certain portion of the population would be naturally immune to covid, and others would acquire natural immunity through infection. This paper: The presence of serum anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 IgA appears to protect primary health care workers from COVID‐19 - Hennings - 2022 - European Journal of Immunology - Wiley Online Library ....identifies the antibodies present in about 10% of the population that make them seemingly immune - IgA (immunoglobulin A) antibodies, already present in the respiratory tract. One group, who had IgA antibodies only, never succumbed to COVID-19. Participants in the other group had both IgG antibodies and T cells, and contracted the disease. The acquired immune system also includes IgG antibodies and T cells, which serve to recognize viruses, for example, and protect us against them. What the subjects who neither tested positive nor fell ill had in common, then, were IgA antibodies, which bind to the coronavirus. Being female and having a respiratory allergy were other factors affording protection against becoming infected. However, the study provides no support for the idea that people without antibodies against COVID-19 have protective T cells. Interesting, since most people with severe allergies OFTEN cannot receive vaccinations and yet we forced people with severe allergies MUST get vaccinated. I can tell you from the discussion forums I am on - a lot of vaccine resisters have severe allergies and knew they could die from the shots. From the study: The "smoking" part was interesting, too, because if as many scientists have found, covid partially is from a snake venom and nicotine neutralizes snake venom, this explains why smokers were not heavily affected by covid. That's right - a mortality rate of 0.3% That's what we shut down the world for, destroyed businesses, destroyed mental health leading to surges in suicides, domestic violence and addictions. That is what governments chose to terrorize their citizens with for 3 years, rescinding basic human rights and grab all the money & power for. For reference, seasonal influenza generally has a mortality rate of 0.1% but that will fluctuate higher in some years.
    1 point
  49. Happy for you. My Granma came from Glasgow and was damn proud to be a Canadian instead of the subject of someone else. The ex's folks were from Dunedin and acted like bloody colonizers to their graves. She and her folks said if I didn't leave here my daughter would end up marrying a 'bloody Indian' and can roll halfway over in their graves when I walk her down the aisle in a couple weeks. I'm sure most of them are, but all of them are so politically ignorant they can't tell WHO is screwing them in the ass.
    0 points
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