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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2024 in Posts

  1. Why in heavens name would a Harvard professor, enlightened and progressive as they all are, need armed protection? Harvard is a place of tolerance and the free exchange of ideas right? Thats all true unless you're a black professor at Harvard and you discuss your research and it goes against the leftist narrative. Harvard professor Roland Fryer, who at age 30 became the youngest African American ever to be awarded tenure at the Ivy League school, has revealed he faced threats and had to get armed security after publishing a study showing no racial bias in police-involved shootings. His peer-reviewed findings challenge the claim, long made by activist groups like Black Lives Matter, that police in America’s “structurally racist society” readily resort to lethal force when dealing with black suspects. But what should have been an opportunity for academic debate, scholarly disagreement and controversy within a wider, ongoing public conversation, quickly degenerated into a concerted campaign to commit violence against Prof Fryer and his family. Leftists don't seem to care much for black people who won't stay on the plantation. https://freespeechunion.org/harvard-professor-needed-armed-protection-after-publishing-research-that-challenged-woke-orthodoxies/
    3 points
  2. Another old tale - somebody being threatened being held up as evidence that there is no value to views opposing mine. I would like that to be true, only for the purpose of driving The Rebel out of business for inciting racist mass murders, at least to a degree. But something happened somewhere, hit the woke horn: WOKE WOKE
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. Could you possibly make a more petty observation? Those groups are a MAJORITY of the population and what's covered is a START of a pharmacare policy. And you'd literally shit bricks if they started with free drugs only for sickle cell anemia wouldn't you? And maybe have a case for your allegation. Whining for the sake of whining because the Libs&NDP did it... go sit in the corner with Danielle Smith and put the hat on.
    3 points
  5. If it's not junk woo-woo superstition, it's junk woo-woo science with you. I almost have to admire the consistency, *An entire generation of people who grew up breathing leaded gas fumes get hooked up to a 24/7 disinformation machine called social media* I don't know why people don't trust the government anymore.
    2 points
  6. Speaking for myself, I was very well aware of the fact there was a risk, as there always is and always will be with every vaccine, medication or treatment. What people should have been very skeptical about are the grotesquely exaggerated ways that anti-vaxxers blew these risks completely out of proportion to their benefits. What we should be increasingly certain about is that accommodating anti-vaxxers by listening to or taking their fears seriously will only lead to greater levels of disease and death. These people are a threat to public health that needs to be addressed.
    2 points
  7. Deflection? You're glossing over the topic of death threats by putting forth your own unsubstantiated claims about the accuracy of the man's study, and now you're accusing other people of deflection? Do we need to add 'deflection' to the list of big words that leftists can hurt themselves with?
    2 points
  8. If you were being civil then your stupid comment might just breeze by, but understand this: you can't use improperly formed sentences with big words when you're trying to insult millions of people. You just got hoisted on your own petard. Try harder next time. Be better. All of your posts look id10tic dude, not just that one.
    2 points
  9. If they're saying peer-reviewed = infallible and unquestionable, then they're wrong as well, especially in the social sciences. Peer-reviewed just adds credibility, and mainly depending on the quality and standards of the publishing journal/board/group. In the case of Roland Fryer, he had a working paper that was not subjected to peer-review but the New York Times picked it up and published it anyways, and this was back in 2016. The methodology and conclusions of the study have since been picked apart and refuted as flawed by other experts, including by the university he worked for. Many of the people who liked the conclusions he drew, however, have elevated him to mythical/martyr status, just like the anti-vaxx crowd did with the odd dissenter. They revere the experts that tell them what they want to hear, and ignore everyone else.
    2 points
  10. What do you mean? It was a peer reviewed article. I thought you science types liked that kind of shit? You do but apparently not when it exposes your bullshit right? Unless you mean to say "peer reviewed" is flawed too? Leftist stupidity is boring after a while.
    2 points
  11. Does he deserve to die because of the ideas he pushes?
    2 points
  12. The whole premise of this thread is beyond hilarious. Democrats must be a cult because they refuse to recognize the obvious truth that Trump is the messiah, and when reality conflicts with Trump or Republican propaganda Dems refuse to believe that reality has been manipulated by unseen conspiratorial forces. Then the circle jerk continues with another righty chirping in “yep that’s technically the dictionary definition” which of course it is mot. Refusing to join the very obvious Republican cult is not evidence that you are in a cult
    2 points
  13. You don’t know what the hell you’re even talking about. Byrd was not a nazi and you don’t know a single thing about him. You’ve seen lame Republican memes about his affiliations when he was as a southern youth in the 1940s (which he renounced and denounced for decades afterwards) that mislead you into thinking you know something. But you’re completely ignorant of the mam and his politics., which spans more than 60 years. You don’t wear it well at all you wear it like an unhinged Putin-supporting conspiracy crackpot. You have absolutely NO moral base you’re just filled with hatred and vileness Have you forgotten your Christmas message already? If you had even a drop of common sense you wouldn’t be such a gullible unquestioning sucker for all these absurd right wing conspiracies and obvious kremlin propaganda
    2 points
  14. In New York State, we will get a ruling soon on the damages Donald Trump will pay in his civil fraud trial. He has already been found guilty; the ruling is only on the amount of damages. Throughout the case, Donald Trump repeatedly and continually insulted the judge. Yes, Donald Trump thinks that the one person who will rule on his damages is someone he should intimidate an insult. Damage estimates in this case range from $150 million to $750 million, along with the dissolution of all of Trump’s New York businesses, and a ban on Donald Trump and his children from operating businesses in the state of New York. If Donald Trump is indeed a billionaire, he certainly does not have $500 to $750 million in cash, and this ruling is very likely to lead him to liquidate half or more of his assets. And there is little he can do about it — of course he will file an appeal, but the law is the law. Trump has already laid out his arguments in court, and none have been compelling. This ruling, coming in about two weeks, is likely to bring an end to the Trump empire.
    1 point
  15. well other conservatives on the forum don't seem to agree that this is the only problem. it's mostly a socioeconomic problem. its reflected in many sub populations throughout history. and its a tough argument to blame all of it on modern Democratic policy. the party that has a far better record in policy to support workers rights, minimum wages and pushes for educational and economic diversification to at least get black people properly represented in the american dream. what has the GOP done working stiffs the last 20 years? i'm listening. its not nothing but... not much either. but black people know who are trying to make things more equitable for them and are supporting safety nets that only poor people have to rely on. rural whites do not know whats going on. i've seen so many interviews on line of poor rural people having medical insurance for the first time under the Affordable Care Act, knowing that Trump wants to get rid of it (remember he tried before but was blocked by his party because he didn't have anything to replace it with) but still supporting him. and so he says he's going to have something much better. he says a lot of things. yet he has no plans. like solving the Ukrainian with a phone call. again, again, again... Trumps only major signature policy passed: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act i note that "conservatives" have yet to even touch this piece of legislation.
    1 point
  16. i always find it amusing when you ask people who won't wear masks whether they are going to be ok with medical staff not wearing masks next time they are in the OR having surgery. i'm not actually fine with forced vaccination. but thats not what was happening. anti-vaxxxers claimed that they were being forced because otherwise they could not work, could not shop or go out in public. they could got outside... nothing was stopping them from doing that. and then they claimed that their rights were being take away. when actually, they were attempting to take other peoples rights away. when you operate a business and there is a chance that one of your employees could infect your whole workplace and even customers... then you have the right to protect your business. employees do not have the right to work at a place, especially if they will possibly cause harm to that business (stealing money for example). same goes for customers. a business owner should be able to prevent a customer from coming endangering their business by infecting their staff and other customers.
    1 point
  17. We actually rolled out a few vaccine passports during the pandemic. It's as simple as a phone app and a blockchain record. You could put a QR code on paper too, but either way it's discreet, secure and portable. As far as I'm concerned, anti-vaxxers are, as you say, a literal threat to the rest of us. Their ignorance and lack of responsibility and consideration are lethal. We have children dying--including vaccinated children and those who can't be vaccinated--dying of diseases that were functionally eradicated decades ago. All because these ignorant a-holes decided they were qualified to form medical opinions based on random shit from the Internet. Lethal stupidity. If they can't be concerned enough to protect the rest of us, they should forfeit much of the benefit of polite society.
    1 point
  18. I think it's a pretty major one but only a fool would suggest that there's only one significant problem in the black communities affecting their prosperity - i honestly have no data on whether it's the biggest or not. But it is very significant. This is most often manifest in parents and peers talking to young people and kids - it can do real and very serious damage as i understand it. But, for sure while it's A thing it's not the ONLY thing.
    1 point
  19. The story is evidence that woke can be like a religion, like Trumpism, and if someone is a heretic the fundamentalists start threatening to throw stones. We live in a society where many on the left and right are out of their minds, emotions rule over reason, and the fringe is more mainstream than ever.
    1 point
  20. Cast iron truth. And now there's a negative repercussion. big surprise. That's what happens when authortarian types like you or your buddy justin try to force things on people. They were hounded, chased, fired, attacked and repressed by the gov't. And now people trust the gov't less on vaccines,not more. Turns out the more you tighten your grasp, the more people slip through you fingers. Now those people will help change the gov't and they won't be interested in listening to you or your jackboot friends in the future will they?
    1 point
  21. Oh, no reason.... Literally that's what it means.
    1 point
  22. Perfect. So can we get on with more important things now like climate change and the twinned ascendancy of tyranny and economic inequality?
    1 point
  23. Bullshit to that! You do realize those people you saw on the news with that problem are there because it is news. Which by definition means it's something new or uncommon. "People" are not paying the lion's share for heart conditions, move to the USA and you'll sure as hell find that out fast. Women wanting birth control; that's your real problem isn't it? Loose women, teenage sluts that don't even need their parent's permission. Plus the fact it's universal... Mr Bawl about discrimination is against universality, Mr X makes a living why should he not pay? "Good that Poilievre is surging ahead in the polls. There is hope" Hope for what? That he'll take away programs? Not that it would help you achieve one iota of that in BC
    1 point
  24. Oh FFS you live in BC!! Seniors already have Pharmacare. I pay like $20 every 3 months for diabetes meds. And you've paid taxes for years and not got that benefit, now you're griping about getting more for tax your money. You just want to whine like an American about taxes benefiting your neighbour. Go reread your Bible for that "render unto Caesar" bit.
    1 point
  25. This is nothing but an opinion. You can't possibly prove that 100% (not 99%) of leftists agree on something. Just because you utter this ^^^ does not make it valid. "Once the ridiculous stance has been posted, conformation is mandatory."... what are the consequences. Lets see some hard evidence that proves this. One or two examples is not even close to being sufficient. I challenge you to show that there are absolute, predictable, tangible (loss of money, jail time, physical abuse) consequences for not following this nebulous stance to the tee. as for what they disagree on? Plenty. Death penalty (to have it or not), what to teach in schools, how to allocate funding to schools, criminalizing of drugs, vax mandates, etc. Just because you are too biased to pick up on nuance.. does not mean that everyone's view are EXACTLY the same. This is akin to the old crooner who claims that all new music sounds the same.
    1 point
  26. You're the one who's acting like whether or not the professor's study is accurate is the only consideration. FYI that's not even the side dish here. The entree is the fact that PEOPLE ARE THREATENING TO KILL HIM BECAUSE THEY DON'T LIKE THE FACT THAT THEIR NARRATIVE IS BEING DEBUNKED, child.
    1 point
  27. You mean the rest of the sane world. Probably true. God you're a sore loser. Next time don't use words if you don't know how they work.
    1 point
  28. Despite the fact that black dog lives in constant denial, we still can't figure out why those woketards are apologizing TO the trees.
    1 point
  29. Nobody parrots left-wing nonsense louder than roboshill - he's a spewer, that's for damn sure. lol
    1 point
  30. It wasn't peer reviewed. It was working paper and not submitted for publication. Oops.
    1 point
  31. Don't Seniors already benefits from Single-payer Pharmacare?
    1 point
  32. You're the one who exalted conservatives, not me.
    1 point
  33. 1. Then you should get off your ass and refute it with better sources. Remember, you just standing their with your mouth flapping doesn't mean shit. 2. And you think Trump executed an insurrection on January 6. Don't you people understand that your opinions aren't worth shit?
    1 point
  34. No proof of the story being flawed, the suspension is alleged, and no evidence of grifting, anywhere. Why are you so full of shit? Is the need to spread lies and disinformation in your DNA?
    1 point
  35. Yeah trying to overturn democratic election results and calling your VP a traitor for upholding the constitution and getting your supporters angered about both is very noble. The fools that believe and repeat all his claims show zero critical thinking and are cult followers.
    1 point
  36. robowoke lives in perpetual denial. Perhaps that ties in with his Trump Derangement Syndrome?
    1 point
  37. Keep it down, woketard. Boy, you sure are a noisy f*ck, aren't ya? lol
    1 point
  38. Mar-a-Lago is worth ~$20 million because it is deed restricted solely for use as a private club. It cannot be resold as several residences, or a hotel, or even one big residence. It has to be used as a country club, even if resold. Thats why it’s worth so little.
    1 point
  39. But what exactly are the Dems supposedly “blindly believing without any reason or evidence”? Whacked out conspiracies about covid, the election the deep state etc that have been fabricated by the right which the right believes without any reason or evidence. In other words, the premise of this thread is that our refusal to believe that you’re actually Napoleon and have been taken by aliens to the lost city of Atlantis proves we are insane since we don’t have “any reason or evidence” to prove your claims are untrue. It’s a bizarre inversion of logic that brainwashed Trump cultists can’t even perceive The entire MAGA movement s based on blindly believing people like Trump and Tucker Carlson without reason or evidence. Trump’s speeches are practically verbatim cult leader rhetoric implicitly our future is doomed without him, that he alone can save us. I mean Trump actually has an ad claiming he was chosen by God to be President it doesn’t get any more cultish than that He talks and act like a cult leader and his followers talk and act like cult followers So it’s hilarious that you claim “Democrats” (and by logic the rest of the world) are all in a cult simply because they “blindly and without reason” refuse to join your cult.
    1 point
  40. Byrd was a KKK member and a recruiter. Brandon was his friend along with Manchin. Brandon was also a segregationist and probably still is. Oh it must drive old Brandon nuts to have been forced to let a "darkie" be his VP running mate. As for my own stance, if you check, you'll find I'm generally right about things. That's because I don't go running around making silly claims and then having to lie about things. Enjoy what's left of your nice little proxy war Beave.
    1 point
  41. Ahhhh. Revenge for the 'are dems a cult' thread i see. Could be more original. I mean, if all you're going to do is parrot other people it's hard to take you seriously.
    1 point
  42. You mentioned them both being cars, when it was crystal clear, the comparison was being made to what type of car they were. Common sense, when someone tells you a cheap kit car is nothing compared to a luxury supercar, they aren't making a comparison to the fact that both are cars. Sure, what you've stated was true (they are in fact both cars), but misconstrued the evidence that was clearly outlined and being debated. You're essentially weaponizing ignorance, to act like you can't tell the difference. Same tactics are currently used by the woke crowd, to debate gender. Its so ridiculous, they must pass laws, and silence dissent because on the basis of logic, they would have the floor mopped with their logic. There are two genders, last time I checked. How one is feminine or masculine, is irrelevant to them being male or female. You can't change your gender. Period.
    1 point
  43. Or in your case, a two and an half inch pole.
    1 point
  44. can you imagine all those boys who died in the flower of their youth ? from Vimy Ridge to Juno Beach just to prevent this outcome all that is swept away, at the stroke of a pen by some utterly pathetic, cowardly, disgusting future generation of totalitarian brainwashed lunatics that broke faith, tho poppies grow in Flanders Fields it's unbearable
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Conservatives invented all of the words with more than 6 letters, so in a sense it kinda is our fault lol.
    1 point
  47. Well no - not really. First off 50 percent of the population doesn't use the pill. That would assume every single woman takes the pill. That is simply not true. According to some reseaarch - it's about 16 percent. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/82-003-x/2015010/article/14222-eng.htm So - it would benefit about 8 percent of the population in theory. However about 90 percent of those people already had excellent coverage one way or another. in some provinces it's 100 percent. So the real benefit is less than 1 percent of the population. Likewise diabetes. 5 million people perhaps BUT - the vast majority already have some sort of coverage. in some provinces it's already better than the fed plan. So you're talking about a fraction of that. So this isn't a 'universal pharmacare plan at all - it's a small benefit for two specific issues for a fairly small number of canadians. And the provinces are already starting to opt out.
    1 point
  48. Your denial that Russian collusion existed in the face of repeated evidence presented here that it DID, just reveals your membership in the MAGA CULT of irrationals.
    1 point
  49. That would be grossly innefficient as well. If I recall the total amount of energy in sunlight is about 1 kilowatt per square meter, and most of that is HEAT, not LIGHT. But hey, I'm sure you propeller-heads will figure it all out some day. Me, I'ma gonna sit back and chillax. All our problems will be solved, once they invent transporter beams. 🤙
    1 point
  50. Then you will be forever alone in your system
    1 point
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