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Emergency Act commission


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These days a person who questions authority is termed a conspiracy theorist.  Far right is another favourite dismissive label.  Manipulation by unaccountable people happens, whether or not it’s done behind the scenes or in plain sight.  It’s necessary to discern when it has society-changing impacts.

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18 hours ago, eyeball said:

It's not 100% no but where did this expectation it would be come from, some expert or politician made you a promise?

Everyone - Maddow, Walensky, Fauci, Brix - they all said if you got vaccinated, the "virus would STOP with you."  That you would NOT get covid, be hospitalized or die if you got vaccinated.

Good gawd, man, their false promises were the entire basis for vaccine mandates and passports.

You were lied to.  Admit it.  The internet receipts are there for the false claims.  We can all see them.  Hell, Brix admitted she knew all along the jabs would not prevent transmission and that the vaccine was "overplayed."

It's amazing how desperate you are to re-write history.

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17 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Yeah, I always just thought it was 'desserts', as in "You are eating crow/crap for dessert now, as well you should...."

I looked on a site where it said that it actually meant 'deserts' though, like the Gobi or Sahara. 

IMO "just deserts", along with the mispronunciation, makes no sense. It's like saying: "Your just winters" or something, but with the inflection reversed to winTERS.

Live and learn, I guess. 

Sorry for using an old phrase but it basically means that you will get what you deserve. Normally meaning you get worse for what you did but can also be used meaning get a lot cause you are great. In my intent, it was meant the former. :) :)

I was unaware that some have never heard that phrase.

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3 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

These days a person who questions authority is termed a conspiracy theorist.  Far right is another favourite dismissive label.  Manipulation by unaccountable people happens, whether or not it’s done behind the scenes or in plain sight.  It’s necessary to discern when it has society-changing impacts.

On the contrary, anyone and everyone can question authority.

The ones that become conspiracy theorists are the ones that pull out flaky videos, facebook pages and when debated, just pull out more and more to bulk themselves up or start to call others names and insult. Their credibility is gone and the conspiracy tag takes hold..

Everyone can and should question authority but, they should also know an understand when their point is made. An effective critic is one that does not drag out their position for months and years.

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Wow police kneed and threw several punches at an unarmed war vet who had been blown up in Afghanistan, made him stand for several minutes as he's clearly in pain then released him without charge.. 

And the crazy ambulance chaser and the Ottawa Police chief try to justify their actions.. 

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10 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:


The ones that become conspiracy theorists are the ones that pull out flaky videos, facebook pages and when debated, just pull out more and more to bulk themselves up or start to call others names and insult. Their credibility is gone and the conspiracy tag takes hold..

And the ones who throw conservative tradition under the bus, by saying things like Mitch McConnell, the National Post, Stephen Harper are leftists.

The worst tradition they toss away though, is intellectual honesty.  The adopt the discussion methods of Marxists from the 1970s.

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16 minutes ago, West said:

Wow police kneed and threw several punches at an unarmed war vet who had been blown up in Afghanistan, made him stand for several minutes as he's clearly in pain then released him without charge.. 

And the crazy ambulance chaser and the Ottawa Police chief try to justify their actions.. 

There ya go.

You have no idea what transpired and when the  guy was questioned, under oath, he did not whine like you are now.


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3 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

There ya go.

You have no idea what transpired and when the  guy was questioned, under oath, he did not whine like you are now.


He describe a brutal assault by the police.. yet you justify it.. disturbing  

If he was an aboriginal man in an idle no more protest the coverage would be much different

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5 minutes ago, West said:

He describe a brutal assault by the police.. yet you justify it.. disturbing  

If he was an aboriginal man in an idle no more protest the coverage would be much different

I justify nothing.

Is it so impossible to have  an intelligent non confrontational on topic conversation with you??

Every post you make is dramatic and inciting argument.

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16 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

And the ones who throw conservative tradition under the bus, by saying things like Mitch McConnell, the National Post, Stephen Harper are leftists.

The worst tradition they toss away though, is intellectual honesty.  The adopt the discussion methods of Marxists from the 1970s.

You should know by now that there are several here that will do and say anything and twist and deflect and change subject and otherwise disguise so that they can keep on perpetuating their position :)

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

Everyone - Maddow, Walensky, Fauci, Brix - they all said if you got vaccinated, the "virus would STOP with you."  That you would NOT get covid, be hospitalized or die if you got vaccinated.

Good gawd, man, their false promises were the entire basis for vaccine mandates and passports.

You were lied to.  Admit it.  The internet receipts are there for the false claims.  We can all see them.  Hell, Brix admitted she knew all along the jabs would not prevent transmission and that the vaccine was "overplayed."

It's amazing how desperate you are to re-write history.

So do you have any evidence, taped recordings, email trails etc, of these people talking amongst themselves about deliberately lying to the public? If you don't then all you really have is the irrational exuberance governments usually like to put on display.

Don't forget we were also told a vaccine could take 5 years. They promised less and delivered more on that score. 

I repeat, when did right-wingers lose their capacity to temper their self-vaunted expectations that governments would be there to hold their hands and make all the boos go away?

I really do think handing out a lollipop with each jab would have made a world of difference.

Edited by eyeball
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11 minutes ago, eyeball said:

So do you have any evidence, taped recordings, email trails etc, of these people talking amongst themselves about deliberately lying to the public?

I posted a video compilation of Fauci, Walensky, Maddow all stating that the virus STOPS with every vaccinated person.  Their statements were what governments based vaccine passports and mandates on.

Brix publicly admitted that she knew all along the jabs would not prevent transmission and that they "overplayed" the jabbers.  I've posted that video too.

I've posted all this many times.

And yes, there are videos and taped conversations of the lies, whistleblowers everywhere.  When I've posted them, you have never argued what they contain, only that you reject them based on the source.  

You've said many times that you will accept only an MSM video or interview with someone admitting it was all a scam.  You said, you would have expected Hitler to have done the same - openly admitted before he was elected that his intention was to kill the Jews.

I suspect you would be very upset if someone wanted to break into your home and rob you blind because you expect them to let you know beforehand.  I find it difficult to believe you seriously think this way.

Your stance is ignorant and impossible.  Tyrants and dictators don't tell the people what they are going to do.  They quietly consolidate power, bring in laws that prevent dissent when nobody understands the long-term ramifications and BOOM a country is enslaved in a dictatorship.  It happens all the time, throughout history.

Your stance that wanna-be dictators and tyrants always tell people what they're going to do is just......bizarre and insane.  I don't actually believe you think that.  I think you're just running out of excuses for why you keep going along with something that, to anyone with an ounce of common sense, is looking shadier and shadier.

There are always people who figure it out and warn others before full tyranny and dictatorship take over a country.  People like you never listen, you have no critical thinking ability.  People like you are the reason Hitler got as far as he did.

Frankly you are probably THE most unintelligent, uneducated buffoon here.


It's really hard to take you seriously.  Either you are really that ignorant or you are trying to save face.  All I know is you haven't been able to provide any evidence other than CBC headlines and the arguments that "Tam said so" and "Why would Big Pharma lie to us?"

I believe 100 years of epidemiological science that says these jabbers never stood a chance of being either safe or effective and I believe the data that shows they are neither of those things.

You believe CBC headines.

Please, read the science on OAS and tell me where it is wrong.  Until then, we don't have anything to discuss because CBC headlines aren't enough for me.  They shouldn't be for you, either.

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Hardner, Exflyer, Eyeball…You guys are sell out apologists for this mess we’re in.   Party-line Brezhnev stagnating oppressive ways.  That’s what your sunny ways became.  Carry on, nothing to see here.  Don’t worry, nothing has changed and we’re all carrying on in an era of less freedom and higher costs.  Make the best of it and don’t make waves, comrade.  

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I'll get you started, eyeball:

People lost their jobs over vaccines Dr. Birx said she knew ‘didn’t work’ | Washington Examiner



Numerous other people in the private sector lost their jobs if they refused vaccinations, too. And this happened because the experts were dishonest with the public about the efficacy of the vaccines.

And even though most of the country's workforce complied with vaccine mandates, it shouldn’t have been necessary for continued employment. This is especially true given Birx's most recent revelations.

The experts lied, and many people’s careers died. Their incompetence during the pandemic cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and their disgraceful deceit and authoritarian overreach resulted in thousands of people losing their careers as well.

The people should demand accountability for these transgressions. Birx’s stunning admission warrants more outrage and media scrutiny than it has received in the past week.



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2 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

So what if mistakes were made?

Really?  "So what?"

People who were at ZERO risk of covid (the majority of us) are vaccine injured and/or dead from these jabs.  Thousands are permanently disabled, like my sister.

Children, teenagers and young working age people are dropping dead from myocarditis and heart inflammation.

Millions of people lost their jobs, careers and livelihoods.

The world's wealthiest people are now $1.3 trillion dollars richer and "coincidence", we're all $1.3 trillion dollars poorer.

The collateral damage of the ineffective lockdowns, restrictions, mandates, discrimination is only now being calculated.

The damage to children and young people is heart-breaking.  They lost years of their lives and will be enslaved by high tax burdens for much of their future.

Older people died alone and afraid, without their loved ones.

All for jabbers which, according to the authorities now - they knew wouldn't work.  For an illness with a 99.5% survival rate.

We were lied to.  For money and power.

That's So What.

NO ANMESTY for any of this, both for those enacted these damaging never-before-in-history societal changes and those who supported the madness.


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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I was unaware that some have never heard that phrase.

I've heard it dozens of times, maybe 100.

It's always been pronounced "just de-ZERTS" though, which is spelled "desserts", like ice cream.

I've never heard anyone pronounce it "just DEZ-erts" before, as in "deserts", like the Sahara. 

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1 hour ago, Contrarian said:

You know, even Alex Jones which is the father of all conspiracies provided some sort of recordings towards his theories. 

Remember when he jumped the fence and started filming the Bohemian Grove haha?

I often wonder being a doctor, how hard medical school was, the debt, the stress, the unfair finances, someone like Kim Kardashian making 100 times over you in 1 day through stupidity. 

On top of this, they have to deal with the noise from anti-vax radicals.

So what if mistakes were made? Do you know of a term called the fog of war? I won't go on, because then we will go into another conspiracy that there was no war, and it is all a one world conspiracy for taking away our "freedoms?" Right? 

People always find causes. You probably go to bed thinking yourself as a crusader. You and Pat King share this in my opinion.

The new woke. Society is asleep and you are the truth agents. Is good these ideas don't reach more than the basement of a forum. Or if they do, society eventually takes care of such things, like they did with Alex Jones, last time i read he had no money left and nobody returns his calls. 

I've been writing for years around here that we should outlaw in-camera lobbying because I have little doubt there are all sort of little things going on that would make people go hmmmm if they could see them going on.  That said I have great doubts about the existence of the BIG global totalitarian things people imagine are going on. Like someone said earlier the bigger the conspiracy and the more people it involves the more impossible it is to keep a lid on it.

I think most of the opacity baked into our governance and lack of accountability is trivial and mostly due to politicians and public officials covering up mistakes and incompetence, they also don't call Question Period Answer Period on purpose and politicians don't give straight answers for a reason.  But occasionally something like SNC Lavelin comes along where the point of penetrating the outright secrecy baked into lobbying really hits closer to the mark.  Of course I'm quite certain there are bigger smoke filled back rooms where big corporations and industrial complexes and political fortunes swirl and mingle like smoke. But without REAL evidence all we have is squat. 

I actually think the more trivial lack of transparency is the more insidious and like a slow cancer or like rust that never sleeps it has finally eroded public trust in our systems of governance and accountability to such an extent that the very means to even govern ourselves with them is at peril. 

Nature abhors a vacuum and into that great void of mistrust is the preponderance of fake news and beliefs in vast conspiracies that seems to have gripped the public's spaces and imaginations and along with it the capacity to think straight - gullibility in a word.  The hucksters and charlatans who take advantage of this of course are without end and in the end only throw up more smoke or fog to the benefit of the occasional real criminal's intent to game our system.


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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

The worst tradition they toss away though,

Who cares? These are just words, only words and nothing but words. What can be the point of a discussion if there's no issue, nothing  can be changed, ever? Dumb, not to think of it, ever just doesn't cut it unlikely play of entropy. So there has to be a deeper truth here, even by exclusion. A design.

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49 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

Nobody is denying tragedies of the fog of war.

And trust me when I say we all got affected one way or another. Family stress, financially or other way. Not only you.

My issue is with the intent. You say it was intentional and planned. I say no. We can talk about incompetence at certain levels but crossing the line into conspiracy land that I won't do.

Well none of us knows how this started. We do know that very risky virology experiments were taking place at the Wuhan lab and that dangerous viruses and associated research was shared between China, Canada, and the US.  What responsible government allows this, let alone funds it then tries to redact all of the information surrounding it?  Why were the Chinese research couple fired from the Manitoba lab?  I understand the philosophy that there are only so many things we can control and worry about, but these kinds of practices raise serious concerns worthy of scrutiny from citizens.

We also have good reasons to question mandates that compromise freedoms and have serious consequences to people’s livelihoods when it’s clear that such mandates were of dubious value, especially by February 2022.

This isn’t about wildly outlandish conspiracy theories.  Many people rightly feel that decisions are being made and passed down by unaccountable think tanks and bodies at the international level that have far reaching consequences for individual rights, businesses, and our very way of life.  These aren’t nothing because we’ve seen it play out in WHO directives and climate policies.  Now it’s central bank digital currencies.  I never watched Alex Jones and I don’t sit around thinking about the WEF’s next plans, but we’ve never seen this scale of social control in western democracy.  Canada does seem to be creeping towards a more Chinese form of capitalism.

I’d like to keep our constitutional freedoms.

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5 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I’d like to keep our constitutional freedoms.

except there are two poison pills written into the Canada Act 1982

Section 1 allows the Government of Canada to suspend your rights promiscuously

Section 33 allows the Government of Ontario to suspend your rights promiscuously

the replacement of the Common Law with a compromised Charter has resulted in the worst of both worlds

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48 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

You say it was intentional and planned.

I believe some of the people involved did it intentionally or at the very least - knowing it would fail.

I don't believe everyone involved had the same motivations.

I also don't believe the people near the bottom of the pile, knew all the motivations of those at the top.  "Useful id10ts."

I believe our public health authorities had the duty and responsibility to find out everything they could about the nature of these jabs BEFORE mandating them.  They failed.  They chose to accept the word of Big Pharma - already purveyors of medica fraud and malfeasance, instead of getting second opinions from those not beholden to Big Pharma.

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3 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

This isn’t about wildly outlandish conspiracy theories.  

I recall actually listening to a some official experts (for whatever the term is worth these days). Some were plainly playing out the official propaganda. Others were trying/pretending to be more objective about whats going on. NONE, just plain zero in my memory were responding to obvious and immediate question: are the measures proportional to the risk; effective and justified.

It just looked like someone somewhere decided: OK we'll figure it out for you; you don't need to worry (here). No checks, no thresholds, no meaningful answers, zero accountability. And if so, what does it have to do with democracy? China and Russia have elections.

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1 hour ago, Contrarian said:

Nobody is denying tragedies of the fog of war.

Not buying it.

Based on established science, the failure of the jabbers was totally, 100% predictable.

Everyone just wanted to "hope" that Big Pharma would finally put public health ahead of profit, despite their terrible track record.

Not too smart, IMO, to throw established science out the window in favor of "hoping" medical fraudsters aren't frauding us again this time.

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