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Justin Trudeau the Worst PM Since Pierre Trudeau?

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NAFTA is in such a pathetic state. We have only three countries in it and we still talk about separate deals. Look to the EU with 28 countries to manage. 

While starkly different from his father in many ways, JT does seem to have the same indifference about deficits that none of the intervening figures shared. The biggest contrast is with PT’s former lieutenant Chrétien who channeled Mike Wilson’s concerns and downloaded federal fiscal problems to the provinces, a brutal but effective strategy. You have to wonder what Chrétien really thought about his former mentor’s management of the economy. Harper and Chrétien were both focused on balancing the books and winning the next election, small picture Canadian stuff. 

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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Remember Trudeau's promise that 2015 would be the last election using First Past the Post? He never did offer any sane reasoning for why he broke that promise - although it's clear the only reason his backroom boys put those words in his mouthl was to sucker NDP voters. Here's a quote that didn't get much play at the time. Just call him Mr. Popular:


He let his guard down with Quebec’s Le Devoir newspaper: “Under Mr. Harper, there were so many people who were unhappy with the government and his approach that people said, ‘We need electoral reform in order to stop having governments we don’t like.’ However, under the current system, they now have a government with which they are more satisfied. And the thirst to change the electoral system is less striking.”

Link: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/marin-horwath-loses-cool-and-credibility-over-toronto-council-protest

Edited by Centerpiece
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Where the heck is Waldo Trudeau? He's keeping a very low profile. National tragedy in the biggest city of the country, and he says nothing about it. Not very encouraging is he, when people need leadership. He'd rather be seen waving a flag at the gay pride parade, for the imagery it evokes. It seems he is already in election mode, trying to rally his base while keeping quiet as far as leadership to the country as a whole. Because he is no leader... he has no experience as a true leader at all, and his vision of what leadership means is immature. Yes, possibly the worst PM we've ever had.

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2 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

Remember Trudeau's promise that 2015 would be the last election using First Past the Post? He never did offer any sane reasoning for why he broke that promise - although it's clear the only reason his backroom boys put those words in his mouthl was to sucker NDP voters. Here's a quote that didn't get much play at the time. Just call him Mr. Popular:

Link: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/marin-horwath-loses-cool-and-credibility-over-toronto-council-protest

Meaning that when a Liberal government is in control the right bitches and crabs but doesn't cast doubt on its legitimacy. But when a Conservative government is in control suddenly the Left is all agog about the affront to democracy it represents.

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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The reason we still have FPTP is the NDP blocked it. They refused to consider any system except the idiotic insane Proportional Representation.

Meaning the NDP wanted a system which would favour it. While the Liberals only wanted a system which would favour themselves.


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And the CPC wanted the system that favoured them. I always prfered first past the post. A simple solution would be that any riding in which the leading candidate did not win a majority, there would be a run off election. It would be better than a preferential ballot system.

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The reason we still have FPTP is the NDP blocked it. They refused to consider any system except the idiotic insane Proportional Representation.

PR produces a result that more closely reflects the popular vote. From that point of view it’s the best system. FPTP only works well with two national parties, as Canada and the UK have repeatedly demonstrated. 

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

And the CPC wanted the system that favoured them. I always prfered first past the post. A simple solution would be that any riding in which the leading candidate did not win a majority, there would be a run off election. It would be better than a preferential ballot system.

I've always agreed with that approach IF there were a need and a will to adjust the system. It's a smaller change and one that would be clearly understandable to Canadians. 

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45 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

PR produces a result that more closely reflects the popular vote. From that point of view it’s the best system. FPTP only works well with two national parties, as Canada and the UK have repeatedly demonstrated. 

PR gives political parties undeserved legitimacy. I don't want a gang of backroom boys choosing my MP and winding up with some bagman from Toronto claiming to represent Saskatoon. It also eliminates Independents. MP's would even be more beholden to their Party. I vote for the candidate, not the party. If New Democrats want to get power, vote for the Grits. We need parties, but two is sufficient. If you don't like the Grits or the CPC, vote for an independent. Political parties have too much power already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Justin Trudeau tells the widow of the civilian murdered he could not meet with her and her sons while in Fredericton to offer condolences cause he was too busy meeting with the families of the 2 murdered police officers. Understandably, she did not take it well.


The widow of a civilian killed in last Friday's Fredericton shootings says she has no regrets about the profane phrase she directed at Justin Trudeau during his condolence call to her Wednesday.

Melissa Robichaud said her family was hurt the prime minister did not reach out to them Sunday while in the city, where he paid public tribute to Constables Robb Costello and Sara Burns at city hall.

Robichaud said Trudeau told her he had wanted to give his condolences for the death of her husband, Donnie Robichaud, but couldn't because he was meeting with families of the police officers.

"So I said so what. They wear a vest, they carry a gun, that makes them more important than one of us? I called him a piece of (expletive)," she said in an interview Thursday.

Robichaud said she swore at him because her two sons have been made to feel that their father was somehow less important.


Another example of Trudeau's lack of tact and class.

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Just now, capricorn said:

Justin Trudeau tells the widow of the civilian murdered he could not meet with her and her sons while in Fredericton to offer condolences cause he was too busy meeting with the families of the 2 murdered police officers. Understandably, she did not take it well.


Another example of Trudeau's lack of tact and class.


Too bad he's a fan of Islam and not the old Japanese Bushido Code. There's a way for him to restore his family honor...

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Looks like Justin Trudeau may have lost another vote.....



The widow, who is separated from her husband, made headlines this week after she admitted she called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a "piece of s--t" for not reaching out to her family on Sunday when he was in the city to pay public tribute to Constables Robb Costello and Sara Burns at city hall.



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The Prime Minister was at an event in Quebec where a woman in the crowd asked him when he would pay back the $146M Quebec spent on illegal migrants. Trudeau did not answer but responded by calling her intolerant. He clearly tried to drown out her questions by telling her there is no room for intolerance in Canada which he yelled out repeatedly. She was strong armed by a member of the security personnel who tried to get her name. The altercation caused clearly visible bruises on her upper arm. On the way out of the event the woman asked Trudeau a question and he called her a racist Here is the French video of the whole altercation. No doubt it will soon be available in English.


It's a sad day in Canada when a citizen can't ask the Prime Minister a question without being accused by the PM of being intolerant and racist, and being manhandled by security for no reason.

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Looks like Trudeau's Liberals are getting ready to spin up fro the next election. They've committed a couple of hundred million to making our national welfare program - otherwise known as 'seasonal employment insurance - more generous. This is being done to ensure everyone in Atlantic Canada continues to vote Liberal. Hey, why not? Work a couple of months and take the rest of the year off on us!


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22 minutes ago, capricorn said:

It's a sad day in Canada when a citizen can't ask the Prime Minister a question without being accused by the PM of being intolerant and racist, and being manhandled by security for no reason.

Anyone who questions the wisdom of allowing in tens of thousands of third world types who have no education and job skills is clearly a racist! I'm astonished you don't understand that! Clearly you need to spend more time watching the CBC!

Hopefully this is his Gordon Brown moment in Quebec. Gordon Brown was the British Labour leader who was confronted by a Labour supporter complaining about all the foreigners (mostly white) coming in and causing trouble in her neighborhood. He put her off but then the microphone heard him calling her a bigoted woman, and that infuriated all of those who were likewise concerned. It helped cause his loss in he election.

Edited by Argus
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The exchange, in French, between the two was heated, but what happened to the woman afterwards borders on something one might see in a police state rather than a free speech democracy.

It’s ugly.

And when the dust settled, the older woman is seen saying she had a bruise on her arm.

“If Stephen Harper had done this, there would have been round the clock At Issue panels, satellite TV trucks, and special intro graphics for emergency coverage of this on every news network in Canada,” tweeted Conservative MP Michelle Rempel.

She is 100% correct.


Damage control is in high gear. Now, we're hearing from unnamed sources that the woman in the video is a member of a known racist group.

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5 hours ago, capricorn said:


Damage control is in high gear. Now, we're hearing from unnamed sources that the woman in the video is a member of a known racist group.

And how many times has Trudeau been publicly canoodling with known terrorists and their supporters?  (The guy he took to India, Joshua Boyle, Omar Khadr, the fake hijabi girl and her Muslim Brotherhood spokesperson......)

He should have answered the question no matter who it came from. 

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41 minutes ago, Goddess said:

And how many times has Trudeau been publicly canoodling with known terrorists and their supporters?  (The guy he took to India, Joshua Boyle, Omar Khadr, the fake hijabi girl and her Muslim Brotherhood spokesperson......)

He should have answered the question no matter who it came from. 

Exactly!  Liberals are desperately trying to spin her as being part of some 'far right group', but we have no confirmation.  Even if she was, all she did was ask him about his financial responsibility on this issue, but all she got for that was a dressing down about being racist.  So even questioning liberal financial responsibility is now racist, 

Trudeau: "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian!" Quebecois woman who has lived here all her life: "I'm not happy with the $146M you've spent on the illegal migrant crisis you created" Trudeau: "YOU HAVE NO PLACE IN CANADA!"

Sure, anyone disagreeing with Trudeau has no place in  Canada...  


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It was just a matter of time before this matter was reported outside Canada.


Mr Trudeau was speaking at a corn roast about 50km (30 miles) south of Montreal when he was interrupted by a heckler.

A woman repeatedly shouted questions at the prime minister about costs relating to an influx of asylum seekers entering the country.

Critics have accused Mr Trudeau of going too far with his response.

The prime minister did not respond directly to the criticism on Monday, but said he will "be very clear when people are trying to push politics of fear and indeed, intolerance".

"That's something Canadians expect of me," he said.


Asking the PM about costs related to illegal migrants is not "politics of fear and intolerance".

The more I see Trudeau in action, the more I think he lives in an alternate universe.

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On 8/6/2018 at 10:13 AM, Centerpiece said:

Remember Trudeau's promise that 2015 would be the last election using First Past the Post? He never did offer any sane reasoning for why he broke that promise - although it's clear the only reason his backroom boys put those words in his mouthl was to sucker NDP voters. Here's a quote that didn't get much play at the time. Just call him Mr. Popular:

Link: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/marin-horwath-loses-cool-and-credibility-over-toronto-council-protest

Trudeau did not want there to be a situation that exists in European style democracies in Canada, where coalitions can take down the party with the most votes but more importantly where the ndp could drag him leftwards into policies, ruin his majority government with just 35% of the vote  and lead to general instability via coalitions which cannot make government majorities.I can't recall the last time a federal party got 50% of the vote. So it would be non-stop coalitions and no more unaccountable government.  It is actually quiet obvious why he didn't change it, no winning party has a reason to give up their majority for a minority government.

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10 minutes ago, capricorn said:

It was just a matter of time before this matter was reported outside Canada.


Asking the PM about costs related to illegal migrants is not "politics of fear and intolerance".

The more I see Trudeau in action, the more I think he lives in an alternate universe.

Well it is an obvious racist statement and politics of fear, the idea that people fleeing a state where they are being persecuted by donald trump, that we should now factor in the costs of resettling these poor people, is about fear.  The costs shouldn't even matter as long as the money is spent correctly. No one ever dare ask what was the costs of resettling the waves of 10 million plus illiterate European migrants.

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1 hour ago, h102 said:

Trudeau did not want there to be a situation that exists in European style democracies in Canada, where coalitions can take down the party with the most votes but more importantly where the ndp could drag him leftwards into policies, ruin his majority government with just 35% of the vote  and lead to general instability via coalitions which cannot make government majorities.I can't recall the last time a federal party got 50% of the vote. So it would be non-stop coalitions and no more unaccountable government.  It is actually quiet obvious why he didn't change it, no winning party has a reason to give up their majority for a minority government.

So why did he promise it? As I said - to win over NDP voters. Modest deficits with balanced budgets to woo Centrist Conservatives. Get rid of Harper's "embarrassing" emission targets to win Green voters. Promise First Nations everything to win their vote. All lies. Suckers all.

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