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Russians accused of interfering in election to get Trump elected

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2 hours ago, cybercoma said:

Answer the question then. Who can you trust on matters of espionage and foreign interference in elections?

This is nonsense, and I don't think you have even a remote understanding of this issue. Maybe you rely on the CBC just a TAD too much. Obama’s press conference recently was full of the “Russian hacking” issue.The presstitutes on “real news” TV are now round-the-clock involved in reporting on the Russian hacking-the-election issue. That and Aleppo.Blaming Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, for personally leading the hacking program against the U.S. elections (and Aleppo as it happens;) now the FBI and CIA are confirming this.Are these people and organizations insane or simply dumb?

The government of the United States of America has spent trillions of military budget dollars expressly for “cyber-warfare” apart from personnel and traditional weapons systems. There’s even a four-star flag officer in charge.The military organisms are in addition to “civilian” cyber-warfare outfits which include NSA, CIA, NRO and a host of others.

On top of all the governmental activity there are the monster computer technology and research companies, from IBM and Hewlett Packard to Google and Facebook. These companies have leading edge and intimate knowledge of cyber-warfare. Have their expertise not been taken advantage of by the government? If no, why not?

Then there are the leading U.S. research universities – most of which are the best in the world: MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford etc. – or so the story goes. Have they not been (t)asked by the government to help out in the age of cyber-warfare? If no, why the hell not?There is absolutely no excuse on earth (other than laziness, stupidity or treason) that any U.S. government, or affiliated system(s) should be getting hacked. People responsible need to be held accountable (hahahahaha.)

After the press conference, Barry, Michele and the rest of the First Family’s retinue will be going to Hawaii for winter break. No one will be held accountable and nothing substantive will be done about it – well except for plenty hand wringing.

But continue to piss off and insult Vlad Putin and whine about the hacking will be non-stop media fare until the next LeBron James or Kanye “K.S.c” West press conference.

Edward Snowden and Julian Asange were & are right about all this.

The Chinese must be choking on their dim-sum with laughter.

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it seems now that the Dems treated the election like it was a flagged play in football, a freebie.  If they score a touchdown, it's all good.  If they don't, they play up the Russian boogieman and try to get some kind of do-over out of the EC.  

Never mind that the wikileaks proved they threw the nomination process against Bernie, which is election fraud.  There, they don't want a do over.  See how it works?  Play both sides of the street and then get Barry's minions to scream bloody murder about the Russians.  The problem is, it won't fly.  Any intel from the CIA, FBI or anybody else is just going to document that the Russians and Chinese have been hacking about for several years, and the Dems have been fine with it.  

You all better brace yourselves for Monday when the EC certifies the old guy.

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2 hours ago, sharkman said:


You all better brace yourselves for Monday when the EC certifies the old guy.

I don't dispute the EC will elect him because it is clear Republicans value us-versus-them party politics over country or democracy. They would even try to normalize Russian interference in the election by making up BS that it is just business as usual and has been going on for years.

And now they'll jump when Putin tells them to because they think he's on their team.

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2 hours ago, sharkman said:

it seems now that the Dems treated the election like it was a flagged play in football, a freebie.  If they score a touchdown, it's all good.  If they don't, they play up the Russian boogieman and try to get some kind of do-over out of the EC.  

Never mind that the wikileaks proved they threw the nomination process against Bernie, which is election fraud.  There, they don't want a do over.  See how it works?  Play both sides of the street and then get Barry's minions to scream bloody murder about the Russians.  The problem is, it won't fly.  Any intel from the CIA, FBI or anybody else is just going to document that the Russians and Chinese have been hacking about for several years, and the Dems have been fine with it.  

You all better brace yourselves for Monday when the EC certifies the old guy.

There's hacking and then there's "hacking". When it's done to effect the outcome of a democratic election then you need to get off your ass and find out how it was done and plug the hole. And it ain't just the dems who think that. We'll see what happens Monday, but regardless I have a strong doubt this thing is anywhere near over. 

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As Obama said Ronald Reagan would be rolling over in his grave if he could see how widespread the Republican nonchalance to this is.

Of course Reagan would be as unabashedly oblivious as anyone to the spectacle of the US's whinging about their own worthless democracy being interfered with.

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12 minutes ago, eyeball said:

As Obama said Ronald Reagan would be rolling over in his grave if he could see how widespread the Republican nonchalance to this is.

Of course Reagan would be as unabashedly oblivious as anyone to the spectacle of the US's whinging about their own worthless democracy being interfered with.


Ronald Reagan made even bigger deals with the Soviets.  

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1 hour ago, Cum Laude said:

Common knowledge for those of us in the know. Unbelievable for you Canucks who rely on your CBC.

Excuse me but trillions of dollars expressly for “cyber-warfare”?  Where did you say you're getting your knowledge again?


Research for your own citation.

Here's what I found after 0.73 seconds of searching trillions and cyber-warfare;



Worldwide spending on cybersecurity is predicted to top $1 trillion for the five-year period from 2017 to 2021




You're saying the US has already spent trillions and they couldn't even prevent what appears to be about as sophisticated as an African Princess phishing scam? :lol:

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