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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2024 in all areas

  1. https://www.theblaze.com/columns/opinion/dont-let-the-left-demoralize-you-into-staying-on-the-sidelines Good read from the Blaze. Far left throwing out slurs to continue their vile agenda
    2 points
  2. 1. Sure. Well here's my part. I agree that the pro Climate side has exaggerated sometimes, that the media loves to fear monger, that we don't know what the impact of any of this is. Is any of that surprising, or does it change whether or not we should act? Maybe not. I really take exception with people who know nothing, damaging the reputation of individuals and institutions because they are paranoid.... And these people get very upset. If you ask them also. Then they come back at you and they associate you with all kinds of things that you didn't say. Because they're tribal. They also associate you with people you don't agree with like Trudeau. After all, if you don't agree with them, then you must agree with their blood enemies, right? 2. I don't think worst case scenario is in the cards. I think it's going to get a lot hotter. I also think that population reduction and lot of other changes are going to make these questions moot in 100 years. The people who argue the hardest about this don't care about the issues, as much as the tribal part.
    2 points
  3. According to the UN one must meet all of the conditions before Genocide by their definition become possible... The intent is the most difficult element to determine. To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Cultural destruction does not suffice, nor does an intention to simply disperse a group. It is this special intent, or dolus specialis, that makes the crime of genocide so unique. In addition, case law has associated intent with the existence of a State or organizational plan or policy, even if the definition of genocide in international law does not include that element. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml * note that it does not include Terrorist groups as they are not protected under the conventions of war. I would say unless you have proof of intent then Genocide is off the table...
    2 points
  4. With the aim of destroying that nation or group. Well, to start with, there is no nation to destroy. As for the people, if Israel wanted to destroy them they could have already killed every man, woman and child in Gaza ten times over. The casualties are actually quite low for urban warfare. When the US went into Fallujah there were four civilians killed for every 1 dead guerrilla. In Gaz it's more like one for one. That's incredibly low because Israel has been making enormous efforts to minimize civilian casualties.
    2 points
  5. Autocrats in China, Russia are now making common cause with MAGA Republicans to discredit liberalism and freedom around the world. MAGA Republicans are dupes of authoritarians of many stripes in a plot to destroy democracy. Trump's MAGA CULT is now a tool to destroy the FREEDOM Republicans have long defended.
    1 point
  6. again, my bad, good catch, MWO, Never Pass a Fault my apologies to the regiment for wrongly designating a Pickly as a Royal
    1 point
  7. Oh, sure. I get that. It's like, accuse someone of being a Communist and people laugh. Accuse them of being a Fascist or Nazi and there are gasps of horror and immediate cries for investigations. Everyone believes it. But no one seems to think there even is such a thing as a Marxist or a Communist. Why is that? They're not hiding. Especially not in universities. They make no secret of their beliefs and sympathies. It certainly wouldn't harm them in getting hired or their chances of promotion. It's like nobody realizes how many tens of millions have been murdered by Communist/Marxist governments over the past century or so and they just laugh such people off as posing no danger. They're just quirky, you know! We get constant, daily cries of 'alt right', far-right', fascist, racist, xenophobes, nazis" from the Left and liberals but if anyone on the right dares to suggest anyone is a Marxist or communist people just sneer and jeer as if this is just an incredible, unbelievable, or unimportant thing. Why is that? Good. FOX news has damaged American unity more than any other organization in America's history.
    1 point
  8. Nearly half of Canadians turned into their Mom & Dad. Lookit them long haired commie sympathizer anti-Vietnam rallies send in the National Guard! Shoot a Few! That GD Martin Luther King and his Marches on here and there! They are leftists, they are the enemy. They want to take away may rights!
    1 point
  9. I grew up loving debate. The more heated, the better. I grew up in an era, where I could have a heated debate with you, and lunch with you the next minute. I appreciated all we were doing, was exchanging ideas. If mine conflicted with yours, it wasn't the end of the world. I am insanely curious. That nature alone makes me prone to question things when am being pushed not to. Calling me a chud or a racist, or transphobe for questioning something that makes no sense, will make me question it tenfold.
    1 point
  10. ... when you don't even try..... nice 'you want sympathy for emphysema? My friend got Parkinsons!' excuse as an argument.
    1 point
  11. Life is a lot easier when you just ignore the science behind aerosols and the physics of dispersion.
    1 point
  12. Why they're being treated like trolls... that's a laugh. From the mouth of a Trump prasing Climate Change denier. rolling about the floor of the asylum yelling that the doctors are all crazy, not him
    1 point
  13. Ok so I started my research and only about ten minutes in, I have to stop. Indeed I remembered her after reading. She's concerned about the rhetoric and alarmism, and as an accredited scientist she is to be believed. But I got confused because my challenge was specifically: "Name a single climate scientist who has published a credible counter argument in the last 30 years. Not a YouTube, or a blog post... Not an oil expert, weather man, or geologist..."" Her Wiki summary says: "In the 2010 profile, she accused the IPCC of "corruption" and said she no longer had confidence in the process. She agreed that the Earth is warming, largely due to human-generated greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, and that the plausible worst-case scenario is potentially catastrophic. She said that the IPCC was distorting the science and scientists were not dealing adequately with uncertainties.[" She's not censored, but also she doesn't seem to meet the criteria I mentioned. If you support her, then you're supporting a scientist who believes in human-caused climate change. So I don't want to go any further until you clarify whether you're fully aligned with her or not. I will continue with the other Post. Please note I am proceeding respectfully and ask you to do the same. Given the amount of work this is going to take me, I'm not interested in deep dives that take a long time only to have you call me a dunderhead at the end of it all...
    1 point
  14. The difference between you and me is that i use common sense and logic, where you only live on lefty liberal snowflake emotion, lies and bullshit. There is no way anyone can say that during the Trump years as President, America was not in the best of shape. You are a Bidumb suck, and it shows alright. The lying dictator is all about feeding buffoons like you candy shit every day, and you keep eating it all up like the shit head that you are. Where you get your so called stats from are probably from your arse hole. Anyway, come November, things will get better once your dear Marxist leader gets fired by Trump. YOUR FIRED, BIDUMB. 🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  15. My only advice to those in charge would be when you automate this process... build in some extra coding so that if someone spells Toronto as Trnto.. it does not stall out. An example would be "ifelse(Toronto %in% c("Tornto","Trnto".. and so on") That was one of our issues in UI in NV. When someone would misspell the name of their employer or their name... the file would basically freeze up and they would be forced to call into a call center. This call center was woefully understaffed. This occurred while we had a Democrat Governor. He was far from perfect but this was not his fault. The UI system and DB was instituted in 2005.. 11 years before he was elected.
    1 point
  16. Oct. 7 massacre was wrong. Israel reacts and depending on one's perspective takes it too far. However, look it from the larger, more general picture and ask yourself, "Do you see this conflict ever ceasing"? If Israel exists and the arab population stays in the area.. are they going to fight? Yes. There will be ups and downs, ebbs and flows, but this conflict will not stop. We can be morally outraged at Israel's aggressive actions against Hamas and the arab population. It will cease in time but then guess what? Hamas will counter attack and this starts up again.
    1 point
  17. You are correct. It appeared as if it would be acceptable but there are some factors that can't be legislated. First, the grudge held by the mostly arab population against the Israelis is always going to simmer under the surface. Second, they are resource constraints such as energy, roads, and water where Israel holds the upper hand against the Palestinians. This makes peace somewhat tenuous at best. Lastly, it is not just the Palestinians that have a seething hatred of Israel but most of the arabs in the middle east. So there exists a de-facto consortium amongst these. In reality.. the only way that this conflict ever ceases is that the Israels leave or are extinguished OR the neighboring mostly Arab nations are bombed into submission.
    1 point
  18. I'm familiar with some of these, yes. Some of them are not climate scientists, others published prior to 20 years ago. I already told West can that I would be looking into it. No, Goddess, I will give them their due but I already addressed some of these in the past.
    1 point
  19. Obviously Trump is desperately trying avoid going to trial, cause he KNOWS the evidence against him is DAMNING. Just like Stormy's testimony that he tried to silence before the election. That really came back to bite him hard.
    1 point
  20. This from the guy constantly crying about the destruction of our nation and its values and history. Zero self-awareness. I mean just look at this crybaby bullshit: bloo bloo bloo Why would i leave, I'm doing great here. I think the reason you're so upset and butthurt about shifting cultural norms is because in the olden days utter mediocrities like yourself could find great success just by virtue of being white males. Skill issue.
    1 point
  21. I just assumed that brain parasites were common on ALL democrats. (Waaa waa waaaaaaaahhhhhh )
    1 point
  22. It is one thing i notice about the left. "WE'RE BREAKING THE LAW IN PROTEST!!! WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BREAK THE LAW!!! IT"S NECESSARY TO BREAK THE LAW !! ITS...... woah! Hey - those guys are harassing us, that's breaking the law!!! Where the hell are the police!?!?!?!!?!!" Ohhh the hypocrisy
    1 point
  23. You think way too deeply into this. Most come here to waste time, and/or hopefully learn something. I would be willing to bet the majority fall into the former. I don't put too much thought into this website. I don't understand how this isn't just a bunch of people voicing their opinions on various subjects. Agree? Great. Don't, then voice your counter argument and move on with your life. Michael reminds me of an elderly man who stopped me on my bike, as I was biking on a bike path when I was a youth, but to get to it, required you to bike about 10 feet on a walking path which was included on that bike path, including signage (you just knew because there weren't painted lines). He stopped me, and angrily demanded me to walk my bike. I told him there weren't anyone on the walking path, and that it technically was part of the bike path pointing to signs. He lectured me about the 10 feet I was biking on, was designed for pedestrians. I reminded him that I was biking slowly, and technically wasn't on a sidewalk. Kids biked on this all the time, as it led to a playground. It was designed to be shared, and nobody was in front of me. We debated over this for a solid 5 minutes, when I realized he wasn't going to stop until I accepted he was right, but not only this, bowed down to his will. I felt I was straddling gray area, and hadn't affected anyone. He then complained that youth don't have any respect anymore. I told him he approached me rudely and condescendingly. Expecting anything but resistance, is foolishness. He was waiving his dog poop bag as he started walking closer. I reminded him I had called him sir, throughout our exchange and hadn't raised my voice, and had stopped so was clearly open to listen. He got more condescending, and got the dual middle finger salute as he demanded I get off the bike, or else, as he was starting to waive his poop bag waaaaay too close, as he gestured. "Very professional!", he scowled--then got the middle fingers with some sass. It was either that, or beat him and force him to eat the sh*t bag he was waving in my face. I think I picked peace. He made this sound like he was having a stroke, at the level of shock I wasn't falling in line at his demands. Him trying to run after me, being about 80, was just comedy as he waived and shouted angrily.
    1 point
  24. TIL that using words is 'playing word games' Would pictograms make you more comfortable?
    1 point
  25. An interesting idea, but we'll see. This response is impressive because, in the surface at least, it seems like exactly what I constantly ask for on here - a real response. Unfortunately, it's also a be-careful-what-you-wish-for type of thing, because I'm going to be taking a lot of time to look into it. Thanks.
    1 point
  26. Meh...they have garbage for arguments so they have to "troll". It would be wise to simply admit the truth of things but...that would cross the line for these empty vessels.
    1 point
  27. From WIKI: American and New Zealand climate scientist Kevin Trenberth has published widely on climate change science and fought back against climate change misinformation for decades.[222] He describes in his memoirs his "close encounters with deniers and skeptics" [note that wiki goes along with the claim that they're mere 'deniers', and not "concerned climatologists with important opinions"] —with fellow meteorologists or climate change scientists. These included Richard Lindzen ("he is quite beguiling but is criticized as “intellectually dishonest” by his peers"; Lindzen was a professor of meteorology at MIT and has been called a contrarian in relation to climate change and other issues.[223]), Roy Spencer (who has "repeatedly made errors that always resulted in lower temperature trends than were really present"), John Christy ("his decisions on climate work and statements appear to be heavily colored by his religion"), Roger Pielke Jr, Christopher Landsea, Pat Michaels ("long associated with the Cato Institute, he changed his bombastic tune gradually over time as climate change became more evident").[222]: 95  Sherwood B. Idso is a natural scientist and is the president of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, which rejects the scientific consensus on climate change. In 1982 he published his book Carbon Dioxide: Friend or Foe?, which said increases in CO2 would not warm the planet, but would fertilize crops and were "something to be encouraged and not suppressed". William M. Gray was a climate scientist (emeritus professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University) who supported climate change denial: he agreed that global warming was taking place, but argued that humans were responsible for only a tiny portion of it and it was largely part of the Earth's natural cycle.[224][115][225] In 1998, Frederick Seitz, an American physicist and former National Academy of Sciences president, wrote the Oregon Petition, a controversial document in opposition to the Kyoto Protocol. The petition and accompanying "Research Review of Global Warming Evidence" claimed that "We are living in an increasingly lush environment of plants and animals as a result of the carbon dioxide increase. [...] This is a wonderful and unexpected gift from the Industrial Revolution".[160] In their book Merchants of Doubt, the authors write that Seitz and a group of other scientists fought the scientific evidence and spread confusion on many of the most important issues of our time, like the harmfulness of tobacco smoke, acid rains, CFCs, pesticides, and global warming.[124]: 25–29  1. Yeah I know that's probably too long of a quote without an accompanying amount of substantial commentary, but it's their own words, and I'm not going to try to paraphrase all of that accurately. 2. It's harder than you think to find opinions that go against the MSM's narratives MH. Go see for yourself. It's because Google is part of TNI, and TNI is a global disinformation network. When TNI toadies weigh in on things like BSL4 labs, laptops, etc, their "counterintuitive" narratives/apparently blatant BS eventually ends up being actual bullshit quite a bit.
    1 point
  28. And what is worse here is that Hamas deliberately embeds their military with civilians to use them as human shields. They use Hospitals to hide in, to run command from, to store weapons, and fire rockets from schools or near them... so when Israel dares to blow them up... they can play on the ignorant sympathy of the world to cry about how awful it was that some kids were blown up or a school destroyed. No, it was Hamas that endangered them.
    1 point
  29. I already provided it to you in another thread... and like you consistently do, you run away. It is not lawful to block other people's paths in a public right of way. It is not lawful to assemble as they were, taking over public areas. The fact that police stood by and did nothing is only evidence of their allowing the lawlessness. And as I have repeatedly told you now, if you are going to support this kind of lawlessness, you do not get to cry when others take matters into their own hands.
    1 point
  30. Want to know what the civilian casualty rate was in Aleppo? How about Grozny? Seoul? Beirut in the Lebanese civil war? How about the civilian casualties when the Canadian military fought its way through Sicily and then up through Italy? Urban war causes civilian casualties. There is no way to avoid them.
    1 point
  31. Had there not been an oct 7, there would be no attacks for the last 6 months...there would still be a cease fire... Sept 11, US was attacked and they continued that conflict for more than 14 years....and killed thousands shit it wasn't even our war and Canada killed thousands...And those Afghans that risked everything for Canadians soldiers were told FU...after being told they would get a free ticket to Canada and citizenship if they helped....they are still waiting...some have already been swept up by taliban forces and executed...more were rescued by ex canadian soldiers with their own dollars...than our government... Today we have a terrorist organization voted in by palestinians who wage a terrorist war with Israel, who are more interested in killing women and children...and somehow they are what some canadians stand up for... The world has turned upside down...since when has it ever been OK to support terrorism...
    1 point
  32. Thats why we need a Trump like leader. We can't have a Tim Scott right now. We need someone that hits back.
    1 point
  33. Why should I need to convince someone? You either agree or don't. Life goes on.
    1 point
  34. It looks to me like something created by a 4-year-old in Minecraft.
    1 point
  35. I think if you are trying to immigrate to a new country, you should behave like a decent human being and be held to a higher standard. If you're found guilty of something like this, you're gone. There are plenty of people who want into Canada who won't sexually assault women, and we're better off having them here than creeps and perverts.
    1 point
  36. according to the Wikipedia profile that is 1984 I met him years later, in Toronto, in the 90's, when he was already the publisher of Esprit de Corps I saw him at the bar, I knew who he was, so just walked up and introduced myself
    1 point
  37. 1. No, the Satan dildo cake came later from a different set of cultist trash. 2. No, the "bigoted" baker rejected the pervert degenerates and lost to activist judges which left him no choice but to appeal to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the only reason this guy is still in business. The truth is, I'm surprised you wokejobs haven't escalated the issue to violence. 3. Wrong. You take an order if you feel like it. If you don't like something about the person who's giving the order then you refuse service. This is why the baker is still in business, and why crybabies, like you, need safe spaces.
    1 point
  38. Is English your second language? You apparently are incapable of understanding basic words. Maybe it's that it's three long syllables that is proving too complex for you. Here's a hint for you: Don't say 'by definition' when you have no idea what the definition actually is.
    1 point
  39. The amusing irony here is that you DEMANDDDDD!!!! THat people respect their right to be gay and have a gay marriage, but are completely scornful and dismissive of the baker's right to his religious beliefs. Nobody should be forced to do work against their will.
    1 point
  40. An established Palestine would be an Islamic dictatorship, would immediately load up on weapons from Iran, and then launch another Oct 7 attack on Israel, this time with a far larger, better equipped military. How many hundreds of thousands of Jews would they get to kill before Israel gave the Palestinians the martyrdom they all crave?
    1 point
  41. A society that feminizes itself to the degree that the Canadian culture did it has its flaws and becomes too empathetic to the point where empathy is placed on things that are not needed.
    1 point
  42. Well, it's a set of ideas, like Marxism, fascism, democracy , postmodernism.. The way these things work is you go after the ideas. You can call the adherent dangerous, say the idea is insidious and evil. But that doesn't say anything about the idea.
    0 points
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