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The Fraud that CNN and the Dems Perpetrated on the American People

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

In 2020 when we are all saying Joe wasn't capable, it's because we knew he was the guy we saw on stage tonight. 

Unbelievable. What a farce. 

Yes, ^this IS a complete FARCE. In 2020 Joe WAS NOT the guy we saw on the stage tonight.

3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

That guy is not the president right now. He's not even Joe Biden anymore. 

Joe has a cold. His voice sound like he has a cold.

You're probably not seeing Joe at his watch party where he sounds completely different.

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Well Biden didn't whoop Trump's ass, but I haven't seen an on TV Presidential Debate that actually was one for decades.

Then again if you didn't see the outright lies and (let's not pull punches) fascist rantings Trump unleashed, you ain't worth talking to anyways.

Biden should have been prepared for exactly that instead of letting the turd steer him away from him talking points. No one ever spouted such petty, malicious bullshit before.
F*cking Hitler's speeches  didn't spew half the hatred toward Jews that Trump bellowed toward migrants.

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Yes, ^this IS a complete FARCE. In 2020 Joe WAS NOT the guy we saw on the stage tonight.

Joe has a cold. His voice sound like he has a cold.

You're probably not seeing Joe at his watch party where he sounds completely different.

You must've got the talking point email that all the rest of the clowns are spewing tonight

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8 minutes ago, robosmith said:

No, I'm just telling about WHAT I SAW. Duh

Joe was a lot more alive at his visit to a Dem watch party afterwards.


Joe says alot of women are being raped by their family members as justification for abortion. He thinks the majority of the country are as dysfunctional as his family and rape their daughters like he did. Sick

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

You're probably not seeing Joe at his watch party where he sounds completely different.

So his cold somehow magically got cured.

The only person who did not see poor Joe's sad performance was a blind man on a galloping horse.

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11 hours ago, robosmith said:

Joe has a cold. His voice sound like he has a cold.

LOL, Oh, I hope there are enough of you out there that keeps Biden in this race. OMG... Hilarious. 

1 hour ago, Legato said:

So his cold somehow magically got cured.

The only person who did not see poor Joe's sad performance was a blind man on a galloping horse.

In one thread, he is bragging about how Biden is out campaigning. In the next it is a cold keeping him down... 

The guy will do or say anything. 

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11 hours ago, robosmith said:

Yes, ^this IS a complete FARCE. In 2020 Joe WAS NOT the guy we saw on the stage tonight.

Joe has a cold. His voice sound like he has a cold.

You're probably not seeing Joe at his watch party where he sounds completely different.

Excuse me, but a cold doesn't cause a person to get LOST in the middle of a thought.

Unelected Joe was about as sharp as a marble. He rambled on and on and LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP called him on it every time. It's likely the easiest debate Trump will ever have participated in his entire career.

And to their credit, the CNN mods kept their extremist left wing Nazi opinions out of it, and just let the candidates have at it.

Joe couldn't debate his way out of a paper bag, and he was getting no help last night.

And the Nazis SPENT AN ENTIRE WEEK PREPPING that pedophile for this?

I believe we saw last night evidence that the Democrats should NEVER be allowed anywhere NEAR the presidency. The one time party of JFK has now become the party of Adolf HItler.

12 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

In 2020 when we are all saying Joe wasn't capable, it's because we knew he was the guy we saw on stage tonight. 

Unbelievable. What a farce. 

That guy is not the president right now. He's not even Joe Biden anymore. 

Putting him on stage was elder abuse.

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I watched Jon Stewart last night and even he was making fun of Biden's feebleness. This is a failure of the American people though.. Why do we have these two uninspiring candidates? Because Americans like known, predictable, consistent and are not willing to take a chance on new, different, or gasp... innovative. Plenty of GOP candidates could do a better job than Trump and would be 20 to 30 years younger. 

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8 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

The Democrats might have one now.

I kinda feel bad for Joe just because dementia is a terrible disease for the person and everyone around them. 

Normally in that case the family would step in and get them some help. Take away the keys and unplug the stove for the safety of them and others. 

Democrats, however, have given him access to the nuclear codes. 

Wild times

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5 hours ago, West said:

I kinda feel bad for Joe just because dementia is a terrible disease for the person and everyone around them. 

Normally in that case the family would step in and get them some help. Take away the keys and unplug the stove for the safety of them and others. 

Democrats, however, have given him access to the nuclear codes. 

Wild times

I don't know that he has actual dementia. As people get older than mental faculties just slow down. I think he's just growing up cognitively less and less capable. He does have mostly lucid moments I just don't think it's concentration or his ability to think clearly is there.

It is sad to see, it's something that most of us will have to cope with one day. Hopefully we will have the good grace to step away from any job that requires a clear mind and involves nuclear weapons.

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37 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Does anyone in here NOT think that it's Obama and his team that's really in charge? It isn't Joe making the big policy decisions.

It's not Obama but it's not Joe.

Joe was put in place because Bernie Sanders was going to win. And everybody knew that you couldn't put An actual communist forward as a candidate in America. It was too radical and trump would like we win again. So they did a deal and Bernie stepped aside and Joe was put in place

And the reason Joe was put in place is because he makes an excellent house plant. He was supposed to sit there and look non-threatening, and be a bit of a compromise candidate. He would do what he was told As long as she was allowed to graft a little money through his family and Americans wouldn't find him scary.

But the far left in the party has largely taken control and is directing him and his policies and they are anything but moderate.

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