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Canadians don't support the woke agendas

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The Macdonald Laurier Institute did a survey and asked Canadians what they thought of the PM's woke beliefs that are being pushed onto us by the academics and unions and now the corporate elites. Surprise, Canadians don't approve! 

85% are opposed to teaching children there is no such thing as biological sex.

92% don't believe in separating children in schools into 'privileged' and 'oppressed'.

70% don't agree that Canada is racist.

Two thirds of Canadians oppose removing statues of Sir John A MacDonald. The same numbers oppose transgender women in sports

And, when separated between Left and Right, the study makes it very clear it's the Left pushing identity politics and cancel culture.



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4 hours ago, I am Groot said:

The Macdonald Laurier Institute did a survey and asked Canadians what they thought of the PM's woke beliefs that are being pushed onto us by the academics and unions and now the corporate elites. Surprise, Canadians don't approve! 

85% are opposed to teaching children there is no such thing as biological sex.

92% don't believe in separating children in schools into 'privileged' and 'oppressed'.

70% don't agree that Canada is racist.

Two thirds of Canadians oppose removing statues of Sir John A MacDonald. The same numbers oppose transgender women in sports

And, when separated between Left and Right, the study makes it very clear it's the Left pushing identity politics and cancel culture.



this is a cultural revolution very much like the Cultural Revolution in China

it's not just Canada, it's the entire Western world being overthrown therein

so it doesn't actually matter what the majority opinion is

because the cultural revolutionaries are imposing their agenda by force

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9 hours ago, I am Groot said:

The Macdonald Laurier Institute did a survey and asked Canadians what they thought of the PM's woke beliefs that are being pushed onto us by the academics and unions and now the corporate elites. Surprise, Canadians don't approve! 

85% are opposed to teaching children there is no such thing as biological sex.


While I am opposed to the denigration of Sir John A., and as a person who was born and raised in the most privileged segment of society, I am not in a position to comment on the school curriculum, you keep banging on about gender.

What the poll shows is that a majority of Canadians are opposed to freedom and the Mr. Groot is obsessed with other people's gender. Why do you care so much about gender?  For the first time in history, we have the ability to match our physical gender with our psychological gender. That is something to celebrate.

What you refer to as woke is freedom. Are you saying you are anti-freedom?


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30 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

What you refer to as woke is freedom. Are you saying you are anti-freedom?


you know I like and respect you, sir

so I would not condemn you out of hand for being a useful 1diot

but I would submit that you seem rather deluded as to the actual nature of the ideology you are defending

because what it is at its foundation, is Marxist Leninism, otherwise known as Bolshevist Communism

to wit, the Marxist Utopia imposed by the Leninist Revolutionary Vanguard

which is in diametric contravention to the Enlightenment values

which are, or rather were the foundation of our society

it is the rule of a collectivist mob against the freedom of the individual

I was indeed raised to be Woke, by my mother

but that's because my mother is an avowed Communist

she's a true believer, makes no bones about it

Frankfurt School, March Through the Institutions, World Socialist Revolution

she is a Woke pioneer, a founder of this cultural revolution in the 1970's

she would not claim that Woke is about individual freedom

quite the opposite,

she would assert that the World Socialist Revolution must impose Communism by force as necessary

she would say that individual liberty is an Imperialist dogma therein

Edited by Dougie93
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34 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

While I am opposed to the denigration of Sir John A., and as a person who was born and raised in the most privileged segment of society, I am not in a position to comment on the school curriculum, you keep banging on about gender.

What the poll shows is that a majority of Canadians are opposed to freedom and the Mr. Groot is obsessed with other people's gender. Why do you care so much about gender?  For the first time in history, we have the ability to match our physical gender with our psychological gender. That is something to celebrate.

What you refer to as woke is freedom. Are you saying you are anti-freedom?


You can’t really change someone’s sex though, and there’s fallout from doing so.  No doubt such procedures might help a very small segment of the population cope with biological anomalies such as hermaphroditism, but removing uteruses, breasts, and penises aren’t minor procedures.  Playing with hormones, especially in young people, is also risky.

Of course people who undergo such procedures shouldn’t be mistreated, but we shouldn’t be taking these procedures and treatments lightly or acting as though one can pick a gender like buying shoes.

It’s also important to understand that trans rights don’t override all other rights.  Biological women should have a right to participate in women’s sports without biological men.  They have a right to safety in prisons and change rooms.  Many religious people only recognize biological gender and religious rights are constitutionally protected.

What some call misgendering and want to make a hate crime is religious practice for some people, and no, one group that has made cosmetic choices or gotten plastic surgery doesn’t have the right to eliminate the rights of many to make their role play more convincing, because in the end, that’s what’s happening: People of one biological gender are pretending to be another one.  You can’t change biological gender. 

Edited by Zeitgeist
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40 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

For the first time in history, we have the ability to match our physical gender with our psychological gender. That is something to celebrate.

No, it is a disaster for society.  It is contrary to what God intends for man and woman and destroys the foundation of society, the family structure.

"What is at the root of the confusion today over what is male or female, is the elevation of subjective experience over objective truth. In other words, self-perception eclipses biology. But those struggling with gender dysphoria should not be unduly stigmatized. They wrestle with the consequence of the Fall as with all humanity and the solution begins and ends with faith in Christ."

Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation - The Gospel Coalition

The truth is Jesus Christ can see us free.  

"Far from being oppressed, the slave of Christ is truly free. We have been set free from sin by the Son of God who said, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). Now the Christian can truly say, along with Paul, “Through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2). We now know the truth and that truth has set us free (John 8:32). Paradoxically, through our bondage to Christ, we have also become sons and heirs of the Most High God (Galatians 4:1–7). As heirs, we are partakers of that inheritance—eternal life—which God confers on all His children. This is a privilege beyond any earthly treasure we could ever inherit, while those in bondage to sin inherit only spiritual death and an eternity in hell."

How can we experience true freedom in Christ? | GotQuestions.org

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19 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You can’t really change someone’s sex though, and there’s fallout from doing so.  No doubt such procedures might help a very small segment of the population cope with biological anomalies such as hermaphroditism, but removing uteruses, breasts, and penises aren’t minor procedures.  Playing with hormones, especially in young people, is also risky.

Of course people who undergo such procedures shouldn’t be mistreated, but we shouldn’t be taking these procedures and treatments lightly or acting as though one can pick a gender like buying shoes.

It’s also important to understand that trans rights don’t override all other rights.  Biological women should have a right to participate in women’s sports without biological men.  They have a right to safety in prisons and change rooms.  Many religious people only recognize biological gender and religious rights are constitutionally protected.

What some call misgendering and want to make a hate crime is religious practice for some people, and no, one group that has made cosmetic choices or gotten plastic surgery doesn’t have the right to eliminate the rights of many to make their role play more convincing, because in the end, that’s what’s happening: People of one biological gender are pretending to be another one.  You can’t change biological gender. 

I've only known one transgender personally

a transvestite who hung out at my local coffee shop

this is not a Millennial nor a Zoomer

this person came out as a transvestite back in the 80's

a child of Glenn Gould's Toronto the Good, just like us

and other than the cross dressing, this person is rather conservative

the woman that this person aspires to be is rather buttoned down

this person says that they believe in God

I said "the God of the Hebrews ?"

this person said yes

this person actually says that the Christian Enlightenment values of Canada

were the only thing preventing this person from being murdered in the streets

this person is not Woke, quite the opposite

this person is terrified of the Woke

because this person says that governments and corporations ramming this down the throats of the masses

in an ideological war against civil society by divide & conquer

is only going to incite a massive exponential backlash in the opposite direction in the end

to which I said " the Wiemar Republic was the mother of the National Socialists "

the Wiemar Republic was the most permissive society on earth, the first place trangenders were tolerated at all

then the entire system collapsed by moral hazard, leading directly to the Third Reich

Identity Politics, sorting the society into identity groups, was actually the ideology of Adolf Hitler

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40 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

You know I like and respect you, sir

so I would not condemn you out of hand for being a useful 1diot

but I would submit that you seem rather deluded as to the actual nature of the ideology you are defending

because what it is at its foundation, is Marxist Leninism, otherwise known as Bolshevist Communism

to wit, the Marxist Utopia imposed by the Leninist Revolutionary Vanguard

which is in diametric contravention to the Enlightenment values

which are, or rather were the foundation of our society

it is the rule of a collectivist mob against the freedom of the individual.

Well said. 

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

While I am opposed to the denigration of Sir John A., and as a person who was born and raised in the most privileged segment of society, I am not in a position to comment on the school curriculum, you keep banging on about gender.

What the poll shows is that a majority of Canadians are opposed to freedom and the Mr. Groot is obsessed with other people's gender. Why do you care so much about gender?  For the first time in history, we have the ability to match our physical gender with our psychological gender. That is something to celebrate.

What you refer to as woke is freedom. Are you saying you are anti-freedom?


That's the kind of answer only those on the far Left would offer up. "Why are you against this freedom we're giving you at the end of a gun barrel? Take it, or else!" 

Yes, the freedom to let the state decide what your child's gender is, even if that is opposed to biological and scientific fact and will lead to lifelong misery. The freedom to sit in a room and be harangued by commissars informing us of the realities of the new ideology, and be fired and cancelled if you offer up the slightest objection. The freedom to watch others with less skill hired or promoted ahead of you due to their race while not daring to object. The freedom to have your children indoctrinated by the new ideology from kindergarten right through university.

Such freedom you offer, comrade! 

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10 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

That's the kind of answer only those on the far Left would offer up. "Why are you against this freedom we're giving you at the end of a gun barrel? Take it, or else!" 

Yes, the freedom to let the state decide what your child's gender is, even if that is opposed to biological and scientific fact and will lead to lifelong misery. The freedom to sit in a room and be harangued by commissars informing us of the realities of the new ideology, and be fired and cancelled if you offer up the slightest objection. The freedom to watch others with less skill hired or promoted ahead of you due to their race while not daring to object. The freedom to have your children indoctrinated by the new ideology from kindergarten right through university.

Such freedom you offer, comrade! 

the Cold War is not over

we did not win it after all

Peace Through Strength

stand to

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54 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I've only known one transgender personally

a transvestite who hung out at my local coffee shop

this is not a Millennial nor a Zoomer

this person came out as a transvestite back in the 80's

a child of Glenn Gould's Toronto the Good, just like us

and other than the cross dressing, this person is rather conservative

the woman that this person aspires to be is rather buttoned down

this person says that they believe in God

I said "the God of the Hebrews ?"

this person said yes

this person actually says that the Christian Enlightenment values of Canada

were the only thing preventing this person from being murdered in the streets

this person is not Woke, quite the opposite

this person is terrified of the Woke

because this person says that governments and corporations ramming this down the throats of the masses

in an ideological war against civil society by divide & conquer

is only going to incite a massive exponential backlash in the opposite direction in the end

to which I said " the Wiemar Republic was the mother of the National Socialists "

the Wiemar Republic was the most permissive society on earth, the first place trangenders were tolerated at all

then the entire system collapsed by moral hazard, leading directly to the Third Reich

Identity Politics, sorting the society into identity groups, was actually the ideology of Adolf Hitler

I have known a couple of trans people.  I called them what they wanted to be called and made them feel normal and welcome.  That’s an important aspect of my faith as a Christian.  I don’t judge them.  I know the Church’s teachings on gender are that we are our biological gender and should embrace our natural reality.  My faith also teaches that we don’t judge people.  We don’t know what someone else is dealing with until we walk in their shoes.  Kindness is always important.  

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7 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I have known a couple of trans people.  I called them what they wanted to be called and made them feel normal and welcome.  That’s an important aspect of my faith as a Christian.  I don’t judge them.  I know the Church’s teachings on gender are that we are our biological gender and should embrace our natural reality.  My faith also teaches that we don’t judge people.  We don’t know what someone else is dealing with until we walk in their shoes.  Kindness is always important.  


I do not judge

in His ministry together

love thine enemies

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Did the survey define woke?  Because it seems to break down response based on respondent wokeness.

I thought it was simply the state of not being unconscious.

Do you think we'll see the word woke inserted in the constitution one day? Or maybe the criminal code.

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A problem is that the well-meaning do-gooders make changes in our organizations based on their own agenda of "social justice" and whatnot, and it's not necessary what most people (who are more moderate than leftwing activists) actually want.

And the more moderate majority don't put up a fuss in order to not appear racist/ sexist etc.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Did the survey define woke?  Because it seems to break down response based on respondent wokeness.

I don't think it did (I searched for it), but the survey asked a bunch of questions that weren't about "wokeness" specifically, and the results are interesting:

  • By a 78 to 22 margin, Canadians agree that “political correctness has gone too far
  • By 70 to 30, people prefer a colour blind rather than colour-conscious approach to issues in society

Bolded is what my position has been for a long time.  


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Wait, so they surveyed just over 1,500 people but excluded all neutral and “don’t know” responses from the results? So we don't actually know the real response size for any of these questions? Seems dodgy. I have a hard time believing the average person has ever heard of Kathleen Stock and Frances Widdowson, let alone has strong feelings about their situations.

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19 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Wait, so they surveyed just over 1,500 people but excluded all neutral and “don’t know” responses from the results? So we don't actually know the real response size for any of these questions? Seems dodgy. I have a hard time believing the average person has ever heard of Kathleen Stock and Frances Widdowson, let alone has strong feelings about their situations.

They also failed to fully reveal other aspects of methodology:

How the respondents were gathered.  Phrasing and order of questions.

In the end, it's just another chatty survey about the same old same old.



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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:
  • By a 78 to 22 margin, Canadians agree that “political correctness has gone too far
  • By 70 to 30, people prefer a colour blind rather than colour-conscious approach to issues in society

Bolded is what my position has been for a long time.  

If there's a limit to politeness where's the line drawn?  Put the other way what's the tolerance level for rudeness?

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9 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

While I am opposed to the denigration of Sir John A., and as a person who was born and raised in the most privileged segment of society, I am not in a position to comment on the school curriculum, you keep banging on about gender.

What the poll shows is that a majority of Canadians are opposed to freedom and the Mr. Groot is obsessed with other people's gender. Why do you care so much about gender?  For the first time in history, we have the ability to match our physical gender with our psychological gender. That is something to celebrate.

What you refer to as woke is freedom. Are you saying you are anti-freedom?


For the first time in history, people have been able to identify as men , women or both for many decades now...LGBTQ just did not like the words chosen to identify them as..... Today the LGBTQ group push the aganda that there is an Infinite amount of genders...one be one or dozens of genders at the same time, NONE of it is based on science or common sense all you have to do is have an imagination and poof your a fire truck, cat or dog, or a  purple dildo with green warts on the side...what ever you want...and in your own home you can call yourself whatever you want, just don't involve kids at schools, or force it on others  when this is truly a mental health issue...It's not something to be celebrated it is something that should be questioned and challenged...Pssst i heard there is a group that still believes the earth is flat...even though science says other wise....are they right....do i need to question everything now...


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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

If there's a limit to politeness where's the line drawn?  Put the other way what's the tolerance level for rudeness?

Most things do, or should, have limits. That's why Section 1 of the Charter is Section 1

As the "tolerance level" for rudeness, I'd say it should be pretty high when it comes to regulation, law etc.  Having hurt feelings, being offended etc demands far too much attention these days.  People need to get over themselves.  

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21 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Most things do, or should, have limits. That's why Section 1 of the Charter is Section 1

As the "tolerance level" for rudeness, I'd say it should be pretty high when it comes to regulation, law etc.  Having hurt feelings, being offended etc demands far too much attention these days.  People need to get over themselves.  

Here on the forum, i would say yes you should have some what thick skin, but in real life, there is also limits to being rude and consequences...If i insult your wife,in front of you  i should also expect consequences...

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On 3/1/2024 at 5:50 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

 Why do you care so much about gender?


Here's how it's been going:


"Hold on,  we're not ok with that.  We have concerns about your gender agenda".


 Sorry Queenmandy - the fuss was already there.  Now those of us who weren't interested in 'fussing' about it are being forced to.

And the solution more and more is turning out to be "screw the bastards".  It's a little late now to be crying about how we should be discussing things after their behavior to date.

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