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Are the Democrats an Actual Cult?

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Rose McGowan knows a thing or two about being in a cult, her parents were in one when she was a child.

She said: ""And I do believe Democrats, most especially, are in a deep cult that they really don't know about and aren't really aware of."

If you look at the way their sheeple in this forum gobble up and regurgitate any and all propaganda it's obvious. Nothing has to make sense to them, they never need to see any actual evidence of anything, they are simply told that the emperor has low inflation and voila, there it is! They see it right in front of them. No matter how much more expensive everything around them actually is, inflation is still low, by definition. The emperor also has a new vax. Etc, etc.

Never forget what this hateful piece of garbage said about everyone who voted against him:


Tell me these aren't cultists:

Their "Scream At The Sky" event lol:




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They technically meet the dictionary definition.  I would tend to refer to them more as zealots tho.  Lots of people have strong feelings about their political belief - but theres is an unrelenting hatred of all who dare question any of it. They are fanatical and uncompromising, and tribal to the point of extreme political xenophobia.

Lets face it - some in the 'trump camp' can be the same but the vast majority are not, whereas it seems these days dem supporters are more likely to be that way.

It's like a form of compulsive behavioural disorder.  It's cult LIKE and it certainly has religious qualities but it's something else mixed in there.

Marx said religion was the opiate of the masses, but he hadn't met the democrats :)  


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33 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Rose McGowan knows a thing or two about being in a cult, her parents were in one when she was a child.

She said: ""And I do believe Democrats, most especially, are in a deep cult that they really don't know about and aren't really aware of."

If you look at the way their sheeple in this forum gobble up and regurgitate any and all propaganda it's obvious. Nothing has to make sense to them, they never need to see any actual evidence of anything, they are simply told that the emperor has low inflation and voila, there it is! They see it right in front of them. No matter how much more expensive everything around them actually is, inflation is still low, by definition. The emperor also has a new vax. Etc, etc.

Never forget what this hateful piece of garbage said about everyone who voted against him:


Tell me these aren't cultists:

Their "Scream At The Sky" event lol:




🤣The projection here is off the goddamn charts. You buffoons have spent the last 3+ years whining about fictional viewer fraud and a stolen election without a shred of evidence. You're orange Messiah simply made it up, and you swallowed it down.

But to mention your made up claims about the economy, energy, ludicrous conspiracy theories that the world doctors and scientists are all tricking you and only your asshat politicians know the real truth. 

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Well you have Biden who is a puppet on strings.  A lot of Democrat supporters definitely behave like they're in some kind of cult or religion and you're viewed as a heretic if you criticize The Party.

Trump is definitely a cult leader.  All the mindless drones who still believe his lies about the stolen election etc.  Show yourselves!...criticize this post!!

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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11 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

GOP vs Democrats is like Catholics vs Protestants.  They're based on BS and lies, their followers can't even recognize their real enemy because they're too busy fighting each other and drinking the Kool-Aid.  Divide and conquer baby.

Nah, I'm 100% certain that the guys who tried to stage a coup are the enemies of America. They did try to end the Republic. 

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57 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

GOP vs Democrats is like Catholics vs Protestants.  They're based on BS and lies, their followers can't even recognize their real enemy because they're too busy fighting each other and drinking the Kool-Aid.  Divide and conquer baby.

You know, American voters used to hold their pols accountable for crimes on both sides, like when Nixon was told it was time to leave and he resigned for the good of the nation.

That's ONLY CHANGED on one side, cause Trump and his MAGA CULT are running the Republican Party now, and he's taught them it's better to FIGHT than to lose an election. 🤮


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1 hour ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Well you have Biden who is a puppet on strings.  A lot of Democrat supporters definitely behave like they're in some kind of cult or religion and you're viewed as a heretic if you criticize The Party.


Well like i said it's cult-esque.  But i think it's more like tribal zealotry rather than an actual religion. its a fine line.


  Show yourselves!...criticize this post!!

Your penmanship is atrocious.

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18 minutes ago, robosmith said:

You know, American voters used to hold their pols accountable for crimes on both sides, like when Nixon was told it was time to leave and he resigned for the good of the nation.

No, republicans used to. Democrats never have. Clintion lied to the public about 'sexual relations' with lewinsky, raped a girl, and then nancy illegally kept documents privately and sold influence to other countries who paid into the clinton charity which bill took billions from in pay.

Now republicans have given up on doing it. Whats the point if they're the only ones who do?

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4 hours ago, Hodad said:

Nah, I'm 100% certain that the guys who tried to stage a coup are the enemies of America. They did try to end the Republic. 

Hey maybe Americans should keep getting mad at the party they dislike instead of realizing the system is a joke bought and paid for.   Worked great so far

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3 hours ago, robosmith said:

You know, American voters used to hold their pols accountable for crimes on both sides, like when Nixon was told it was time to leave and he resigned for the good of the nation.

That's ONLY CHANGED on one side, cause Trump and his MAGA CULT are running the Republican Party now, and he's taught them it's better to FIGHT than to lose an election. 🤮


Ok so you're Team Protestant?

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6 hours ago, Hodad said:

The projection here is off the goddamn charts.

What more can be said? The premise of this thread in the age of Trump is hilarious  

GOEBBELS:  Are Jews the real Nazis?

STALIN: Are Capitalists the real communists?

BIN LADEN: Are Christians the real Islamists?

CDN FOX: “They meet the dictionary definition”


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8 hours ago, Hodad said:

Nah, I'm 100% certain that the guys who tried to stage a coup are the enemies of America. They did try to end the Republic. 

Lol...such tweenkie bullshit.

In the meantime...the NH primary runs today and Biden refused to be on the ballot and is putting up a wall for others so they can't primary him.

Such adherence to "democracy".

Shall we discuss the Democrats killing free speech now? How about we discuss how Pelosi formed her "bi-partisan" Jan. 6 team? 

It is the Democrats who attack the tenants of democracy...over and over again.

Then...cultish little Tweenkies like you...project your own attacking on democracy...on Republicans.

Unfortunately...most Republicans today are not going to just sit and take your lies.

Do have a warm and fuzzy day.

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9 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Well you have Biden who is a puppet on strings. 

And all the Dem voters pretended that he's not visibly senile, or suffering from dementia, he's one of the most capable people on earth

Has Biden even taken 5 questions from Peter Doucy in 3 years? Once in a while, when he's on his way to a chopper, he'll give a 3-word answer, but his scripted media events allow about 5 softball questions from chosen reporters.

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11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


Rose McGowan knows a thing or two about being in a cult, her parents were in one when she was a child.

She said: ""And I do believe Democrats, most especially, are in a deep cult that they really don't know about and aren't really aware of."

If you look at the way their sheeple in this forum gobble up and regurgitate any and all propaganda it's obvious. Nothing has to make sense to them, they never need to see any actual evidence of anything, they are simply told that the emperor has low inflation and voila, there it is! They see it right in front of them. No matter how much more expensive everything around them actually is, inflation is still low, by definition. The emperor also has a new vax. Etc, etc.

Never forget what this hateful piece of garbage said about everyone who voted against him:


Tell me these aren't cultists:

Their "Scream At The Sky" event lol:




Of course they're a cult. If you fail to repeat any part of their ideology you are cancelled. Look at how leftist treat black conservatives. Biden even said you cease to be black if you don't support him. 

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11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


Rose McGowan knows a thing or two about being in a cult, her parents were in one when she was a child.

She said: ""And I do believe Democrats, most especially, are in a deep cult that they really don't know about and aren't really aware of."

If you look at the way their sheeple in this forum gobble up and regurgitate any and all propaganda it's obvious. Nothing has to make sense to them, they never need to see any actual evidence of anything, they are simply told that the emperor has low inflation and voila, there it is! They see it right in front of them. No matter how much more expensive everything around them actually is, inflation is still low, by definition. The emperor also has a new vax. Etc, etc.

Never forget what this hateful piece of garbage said about everyone who voted against him:


Tell me these aren't cultists:

Their "Scream At The Sky" event lol:




The democrat party IS a cult, but they're also a gang. I call them the skull mask gang because they also love death in addition to societal chaos. 

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10 hours ago, Hodad said:

🤣The projection here is off the goddamn charts.

That's just an example of you trying to switch the topic, and you couldn't even try to deny it, hence the cultist label.


You buffoons have spent the last 3+ years whining about fictional viewer fraud and a stolen election without a shred of evidence.

No, an example of fictional would be the Russian collusion show trial. Remember Hillaries stories about hookers peeing on beds, etc? The ones that sucked you and Beave in so badly?

In case you forgot, the dems and FBI committed a string of crimes together to try to unseat the duly elected president.

Demmie cultists like you didn't even know about the FBI's crimes because CNN et al didn't even talk about them, but when you cultists found out you just said "Crimes, shmimes." Yo weren't even upset about being lied to. 

Then the FBI worked with the Dems' media to interfere in the 2020 election by banning information about the Hunter laptop from being disseminated.

Look up shred in the dictionary, dumbass. 


They did try to end the Republic. 

Whatever, cultist.

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Remember Hillaries stories about hookers peeing on beds, etc?

I asked this in another thread but don't recall an answer, what is it about being peed on by hookers that would embarrass Trump? Is this where his supporters draw the line or something?

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6 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

What more can be said? The premise of this thread in the age of Trump is hilarious  

GOEBBELS:  Are Jews the real Nazis?

STALIN: Are Capitalists the real communists?

BIN LADEN: Are Christians the real Islamists?



LOL - got it a little wrong there kiddo - the last line should be

Beaverfever says: "lets pretend this is what cdnfox would say: =: “They meet the dictionary definition” "

The fact is they woudn't.  but when you don't like the facts you (and the rest of the left)  simply make up things nobody ever said, and then make up responses from people they don't like that they would never say.

Because you haven't got the honesty, integrity or courage to address the points and actually counter them.  Beacuase you know i'm right and it pisses you off.

Sorry that reality is so painful for you kiddo - that sure explains why you choose to live in a fake one with fake people saying fake things. Tell me all about how you're not a cultist :) 

8 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

I would say not. Only because there is considerable variance in their views. In a cult.. every one follows a narrow viewpoint and there is punishment for not. For example, I know folks who are quite liberal that did not get vaxxed and besides a shrug of the shoulders.. not much happened. 

They would be shunned by the left and cast out in this day and age

10 minutes ago, Rebound said:

No, the Democratic Party is not a cult.  

Says the democrat.

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Shall we discuss the Democrats killing free speech now? How about we discuss how Pelosi formed her "bi-partisan" Jan. 6 team? 

The ones who altered video footage, adding sound to make it seem worse than it was, and released it to the public?

Yeah, they just committed more fraud against the republic "to save it", again. 

The Dems and the FBI commit an awful lot of crimes for people who are trying to save the republic lol.  

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31 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I asked this in another thread but don't recall an answer, what is it about being peed on by hookers that would embarrass Trump? Is this where his supporters draw the line or something?

It's just an example of Dems projecting, like you just did with your own comment there.

For some reason you guys all seem to think that paying hookers to pee on a bed is the kind of thing that people do. 

I'm not judging you though. Knock yourselves out. 

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3 hours ago, Deluge said:

The democrat party IS a cult, but they're also a gang. I call them the skull mask gang because they also love death in addition to societal chaos. 

They sure do like to divide people int racial groups and make them distrust/dislike each other.

1 hour ago, impartialobserver said:

In a cult.. every one follows a narrow viewpoint and there is punishment for not. 



For example, I know folks who are quite liberal that did not get vaxxed and besides a shrug of the shoulders.. not much happened

Nothing like "losing their jobs", "being banned from public places", or anything of that sort? 

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