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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. Weasels They stood behind Teddy. He just left a woman to die in a car while he crawled off home to sleep. RFK is much worse right?
  2. Very good. If you're insulted by my words that's a you problem. I'm not telling you you shouldn't be insulted Im saying it's your problem not mine if you are insulted. I certainly wouldn't learn to be an adult human being from you. A child maybe but nothing more. Is it nighttime where I am? It's what you think you know that gets people like you in trouble.
  3. 1. Copy and paste where I said it's a problem if people find things are insulting. What I actually said was it's the person problem if they are insulted by words not mine. People can be insulted all they like but I'm not sure how that should impede what words I use. Are you entitled to living life without insult or offense? 2. 3. 4. This is akin to, "If in have to explain it you can't understand it". The translation is, "I have no explanation". So you think if I insult someone they would be justified in punching me in the nose and should be free from prosecution for assault for punching me in the nose because I insulted them.
  4. It's not complicated at all. If you are insulted by the phrase, call a spade a spade, thats really nothing more than a you problem isn't it? Tell me why I should care if you're insulted? Would you be justified in punching me in the nose if I used a word that insulted you? Should you not be charged with assault if you did punch me in the nose because I used a word that insulted you?
  5. The new deal did nothing to create prosperity. Starting the war did though.
  6. So we cant fix homelessness or close the southern border of the US but climate change nuts think we can institute policies that will reduce the temperature of the earth. That kind of mindset reminds me of the people who say stupid crap like, "Smile!" first thing in the morning.
  7. What I'm saying is climate "science" says it's a closed case and claiming otherwise relegates the claimant to the status of insignificant. That means the scientific method is horse s**t. I didn't make the statement.
  8. I could care less about him but it's clear the science zealots these days really hate being challenged. It's really a closed case. Dealing with climate change nuts I can only imagine what Galileo went through
  9. It's not climate "science" either it climate BS and the "scientific method" is a load of horse s**t on too of it.
  10. And so it's confirmed. The science inquisition
  11. Religion does make you blind ^^^^^^^
  12. Lets see your work on the math or is this just another thing we're supposed to believe because you said so.
  13. It also says, it's really a closed case and no one significant disagrees which translates into, if you question it you're not significant in the scientific community. You can twist it any way you like the message is clear, this is how it is and any dissenters will not be taken seriously. Yeah you guys sound like you're wide open to questioning. After reading that I dare say you would welcome opposing points of view. I can't imagine any message more welcoming than, "It is really case closed. There is nobody of significance in the scientific community who doubts human-caused climate change,”. It's "wide open" LMBO
  14. No talking to some climate change nuts is not different than taking to radical islamists who blow a gasket if you mock whats his name. The same is true when you mock predictions such as the glacier national park thing. As pointed out, "...it's really case closed" and no one who is significant thinks otherwise.
  15. Sure it's possible but the old prediction wasn't replaced by a "reviewed and updated" prediction. Now the issue "is really case closed" or it's not. The problem is the entire climate change is based on models and predictions and people will win cases based non guesses and predictions. Climate change nuts are religious zealots.
  16. I notice you didn't even bother to address the failed climate change prediction. There are some things you can always rely on. Are yours? Talking to some climate change people is like talking to a religious zealot. β€œIt is really case closed. There is nobody of significance in the scientific community who doubts human-caused climate change,” said the lead author, Mark Lynas, a visiting fellow at Cornell University. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/19/case-closed-999-of-scientists-agree-climate-emergency-caused-by-humans
  17. I'm not feigning innocence I'm saying I don't control how you feel about my words. If I could control it I would make you happy to hear whatever I said. I cant do that so to say I insult you is a ridiculous. Now should I say it if I know you don't like it? That's a different matter altogether. This is the problem your hurt feelings somehow outweigh the right of people to say things you don't like. BTW people can be "insulted" by just about anything so I'm not very impressed when people say they're insulted.
  18. You know what's funny? I've seen atheists mercilessly ridiculing Christians for their failed predictions of the end of the world but ridicule the failed predictions of climate change nuts and suddenly you're "anti science". One of my favorite ones https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/08/us/glaciers-national-park-2020-trnd/index.html I'm sure you'll tell me how your failed predictions are better than anyone else's. LOL
  19. What's do you mean by "accountable"? Is insulting someone a crime? Harassment isn't good. "Hate speech" is just a fancier way of saying it's "insulting". Hate speech is BS Words used to mean things now they are weapons.
  20. Your avoidance of the questions is noted. We have a world full of BS and you want more. I'll give you credit at least you dont deny its BS.
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