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Trudeau Liberals set to further censor free spech online

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It's interesting when you read the stories that look beneath the surface of this government's pious pronouncements to see the authoritarianism beneath. Not that surprising from a man who admires China's authoritarianism.

These consultations are being marketed like they’re evidence of democracy in action, but that’s not exactly the case when you look under the hood. Previous expert consultations released in July consisted of a handpicked panel that broadly agreed with a censorship regime; further, these experts were paid for their input.

In a previous round of online consultations last spring, which also pertained to media regulation, Canadian Heritage deliberately filtered out feedback from individuals who didn’t agree with the Liberals’ “National Action Plan on Combating Hate.” The feedback survey at the heart of these consultations was altered to prevent dissenters, labelled “non-allies” by one public servant, from completing the full set of questions.

As has been the habit of Trudeau and his party the new online censorship laws seem primarily designed to appeal to various ethnic identity groups need for 'protection' from 'harm'. And as usual, there's the Liberal party both exaggerating the danger and presenting itself as the glowing white knight there to protect them from the evil white community they must all fear and despise.

But once this law is in place how many arrests will we see? Something similar to the UK, perhaps, were thousands are arrested every year for social media comments? Well, if it helps the Liberals get more votes I suppose they figure that's more than worth the cost.



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It's interesting to learn how these so called 'expert consultation panels' are selected. Instead of 'handpicked, filtered out, paid for, and those who broadly agree with the consorship regime', we might be far better off selecting ordinary folks at random from a telephone directory...

"I am obliged to confess that I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University. Not, heaven knows, because I hold lightly the brainpower or knowledge or generosity or even the affability of the Harvard faculty: but because I greatly fear intellectual arrogance, and that is a distinguishing characteristic of the university which refuses to accept any common premise." .....  William F. Buckley

Edited by suds
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This is no laughing matter. Remember syringe-happy exsperts ready to send you to bimonthly rounds of experimental injections with entirely unknown long-term outcome? Government pays to unknown, unelected, handpicked, lacking any democratic transparency or accountability obscure "experts" to justify what it wants to do and out of your pocket. Is it a pattern already? How worried should we be? Xi can do that as easily.

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If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

This is already covered in another post.  Probably better to stick to that thread, as this one links to a source that is funded by Trudeau as criticized on these very pages.

Here's the thread:


I'm confused. The topic you're referring to seems to be about a digital ID for healthcare and government services. This one is about internet censorship.

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Yeah, this:


Canadians might soon see a proposal for a quasi-judicial system to regulate the internet, in order to keep us from experiencing mental, emotional, psychological and social harm. If that sounds like an effort to treat adults like children, that’s because it is.

is not a Digital ID issue.

However...in order for the centralized database connected to Digital ID to envelop all governmental and private entities they must establish there are evils to protect the simple-minded populace from. That's step 1. That's what this wants to do.

Stop it at step 1 and Digital ID is not a problem. Apparently Mikey doesn't like that. So he's flexing his internet nanny muscles. Telling you he doesn't want you discussing it. Those arms are less impressive than you think Mikey. Large issues encourage multiple topics on internet forums all the time.

Hands up. Who wants Mikey deciding which ones you're allowed to discuss?

Edited by Infidel Dog
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I believe the CRTC is a force for good when it comes to encouraging Can-con.  We need to protect our culture from American domination.  We simply don't have the money or population to compete with the US 1-to-1.  This is a reasonable limit to free speech with broadcasting.  Foreign companies/artists do not have a right to unlimited broadcasting in Canada.

Things illegal put online should be illegal regardless of publishing format.  Serious threats of violence etc.

I don't trust the Trudeau gov, they have shown they have some authoritarian-type leanings in terms of population control and mass surveillance.  But its possible the bill is fine, we need to see the details.

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"All generalizations are false, including this one." - Mark Twain

Partisanship is a disease of the intellect.

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The Liberal ideological flaw is their arrogance, and self-righteousness.  They believe they know what's best for everyone.  They assume that people can't look after themselves.  I find it patronizing.  But we need to see the bills before we conclude these as examples.

"All generalizations are false, including this one." - Mark Twain

Partisanship is a disease of the intellect.

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12 hours ago, myata said:

Government pays to unknown, unelected, handpicked, lacking any democratic legitimacy, transparency or accountability obscure "experts" to justify what it wants to do and out of your pocket. Is it a pattern already?

Not spamming or crossposting, just didn't see any attempts at an answer. At which point down this road, quasi near democracy becomes a non democracy? Where is the line at which good experts become Xi-style handpicked experts? Should we be worried already - or when?

Edited by myata
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If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

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Erosion of democracy does not always begin with a macho dictator Stalin or Maduro style. More often, it's attempts to hide important decisions in obscure, invisible and inaccessible to public processes, policies, "expert consultations", "prerogatives" and so on.

A dictator can simply say, because I decided so.

A quasi-democratic oligarchy: because these (who knows how chosen or appointed) experts suggested so.

And from the point of view of a modern, responsible and accountable to the citizens democracy, none is even close. And we're so deep into it that can barely see anything untoward here. Governments always make decisions for us and who could be bothered how they do it? Is it a high time to be really worried for the future of the great Canadian tuk-tuk democracy?

Edited by myata
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If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

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13 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I believe the CRTC is a force for good when it comes to encouraging Can-con.  We need to protect our culture from American domination. 

What culture? The Trudeau government says we have no culture. Trudeau himself rather proudly said we had no common identity.

The CRTC has been around for decades. How's that protection going so far? I don't see many signs of it. Unless you think watching American network news carried by CTV, CBC and Global with occasional local voiceovers is can-con. Does CTV even have any Canadian shows other than news and sports? Who here watches a lot of Canadian TV shows? What are they?

Putting in place a complicated bureaucratic formula that requires small web producers and developers to fill out and file forms in order to qualify as Canadian is just so incredibly bureaucratically Canadian it would likely make other countries with successful home-grown media laugh uproariously. Justin Bieber? Nope, he doesn't qualify! Margaret Atwood? Nope! Not her either!

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Canadian demand for foreign (majority American) media has routinely thwarted any attempt by government to inhibit free speech and speech platforms.  One only needs to review the history of print, radio, television, satellite and CATV content demand by Canadian consumers to see an identical trend for internet platforms and social media applications.   Even China has gotten in on the fun (TikTok)...in Canada.

The CRTC and other government regulatory agents of the Crown will not be able to stem the flow of ideas from across the border...never has  achieved this objective.   Canadian consumption habits will undermine any attempts to do so.   Only the appearance of controlling the vertical and horizontal speech landscape is possible.  Quebec's language handcuffs are a lesson in such futility.

Years ago on this forum, we debated CanCon measures at length, only to watch foreign media continue to dominate Canadian bandwidth.   Even the CRTC demands that CATV systems carry American 4+1 network content, synced by time zone to U.S. cities !

70% of Canadian internet traffic goes through U.S. infrastructure...government won't stop that either.



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Economics trumps Virtue. 


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On 2/12/2023 at 7:53 AM, Michael Hardner said:

This is already covered in another post.  Probably better to stick to that thread, as this one links to a source that is funded by Trudeau as criticized on these very pages.

Here's the thread:


This thread is specifically about further gov't censorship, the other thread is about digital ID. Not the same thing at all. 

Both topics are important enough to warrant their own discussion, don't you think? 

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If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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41 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Canadian demand for foreign (majority American) media has routinely thwarted any attempt by government to inhibit free speech and speech platforms.  One only needs to review the history of print, radio, television, satellite and CATV content demand by Canadian consumers to see an identical trend for internet platforms and social media applications.   Even China has gotten in on the fun (TikTok)...in Canada.

The CRTC and other government regulatory agents of the Crown will not be able to stem the flow of ideas from across the border...never has  achieved this objective.   Canadian consumption habits will undermine any attempts to do so.   Only the appearance of controlling the vertical and horizontal speech landscape is possible.  Quebec's language handcuffs are a lesson in such futility.

Years ago on this forum, we debated CanCon measures at length, only to watch foreign media continue to dominate Canadian bandwidth.   Even the CRTC demands that CATV systems carry American 4+1 network content, synced by time zone to U.S. cities !

70% of Canadian internet traffic goes through U.S. infrastructure...government won't stop that either.

Now that CBC is part of the TNI, and selecting their narratives/sources along with BBC and the American MSM, there's no difference between their "news" and ours. 

The Laptop was Russian disinformation there so it was the same here. The covid narratives are identical. Same ship, different pile. 

The only place where actual information can get to Canadians is through the internet now. That's why the turd needs to cancel it. His narrative cannot be questioned, that's why he gave the MSM here billions to keep us in the dark.

The internet is a huge fly in his ointment. 

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If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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2 hours ago, I am Groot said:

What culture? The Trudeau government says we have no culture. Trudeau himself rather proudly said we had no common identity.

Hoping that if you just say utter bullshit, you'll find another imbecile or two that will believe it?

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1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

Is that what he was doing?

Nah, that was just herbie being herbie. He pops his head up, throws down a combo of sandbox insults & swearwords, then he's gone again.

His posts don't add much to the discussion at hand but if you yell them at other drivers they make sense. 


“There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,” Trudeau said, concluding that he sees Canada as “the first post-national state.”

We don't really have a set of values based on any type of majority religion, not many people watch any one sport, we never really do any peacekeeping or help out other countries in wars against genocidal maniacs, we don't give a lot of aid to other countries, etc, ya know? 

I have it on good authority that we are mostly known for sitting around owning slaves (Canadians invented that), gay-bashing, beating up our women, discriminating against minorities, and committing terrorist attacks & genocides. The people who control science also say that we'd do better if we followed BLM, because they set an excellent example.

I already learned some of their chants: 

"Pigs in a blanket! Fry 'em like bacon!"

"What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want them? NOW!"

Grab a glove and get in the game ffs, Groot. We need some dead cops, now. Our PM demands at least that much of us. 

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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4 hours ago, herbie said:

Hoping that if you just say utter bullshit, you'll find another imbecile or two that will believe it?

Instead of holding your idle to god like status, you could do some of your own research. Or maybe we all took his words out of context, and he really had no idea what he was talking about, like his recycling speech, climate change speeches, or the dozens of lies he tells Canadians everyday...Hey maybe you can list a few of Canada's core identities. the big ones not maple syrup, or we are polite stuff. 


“There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,” Trudeau said, concluding that he sees Canada as “the first post-national state.”

Trudeau says Canada has no ‘core identity’ | Toronto Sun

The prime minister, Justin Trudeau, articulated this when he told the New York Times Magazine that Canada could be the “first postnational state”. He added: “There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada.”

The Canada experiment: is this the world's first 'postnational' country? | Charles Foran | The Guardian

More recently, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated strongly the idea of a common culture is no longer applicable to Canada: ‘‘There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,’’ he claimed. ‘‘There are shared values — openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be there for each other, to search for equality and justice. Those qualities are what make us the first postnational state.”

Yes, Canada does have a culture: Philip Carl Salzman for Inside Policy | Macdonald-Laurier Institute (macdonaldlaurier.ca)

Edited by Army Guy

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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19 hours ago, I am Groot said:

What culture? The Trudeau government says we have no culture. Trudeau himself rather proudly said we had no common identity.

The CRTC has been around for decades. How's that protection going so far? I don't see many signs of it. Unless you think watching American network news carried by CTV, CBC and Global with occasional local voiceovers is can-con. Does CTV even have any Canadian shows other than news and sports? Who here watches a lot of Canadian TV shows? What are they?

Putting in place a complicated bureaucratic formula that requires small web producers and developers to fill out and file forms in order to qualify as Canadian is just so incredibly bureaucratically Canadian it would likely make other countries with successful home-grown media laugh uproariously. Justin Bieber? Nope, he doesn't qualify! Margaret Atwood? Nope! Not her either!

It’s just another way of letting a committee decide who’s in and who’s out.  We pay a lot of money to have the CRTC beat us with a stick, limiting competition and duplicating regulatory policies south of the border, mostly so we can slap a maple leaf on it.  Any artists whose work is worthy of attention generally get it.  There are Canada Arts Council and other grants for artists.  If I feel like some kind of content is being pushed on me, I won’t read or watch it.  

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