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Emergency Act commission


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1 hour ago, myata said:

One more time, and I'll keep repeating, the three pillars of Canadian quasi-democracy are:

1. Zero accountability of governments and public administrations.

2. Frozen political system in which meaningful change is simply impossible.

3. A culture of outrageous, out of and without any bounds or checks entitlement.

It looks quite a bit like a caste. Is it?

No it sounds more like something brittle that's about to collapse under it's own weight.

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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

We actually have a pretty good system that evolves as necessary

That's a system evaluating itself as pretty good system. No independent checks and mechanisms of accountability and no need for, why bother?

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1 hour ago, myata said:

That's a system evaluating itself as pretty good system. No independent checks and mechanisms of accountability and no need for, why bother?

The government is held to account by His Majesty's loyal opposition and by Parliament in general. In addition, they are held accountable by the 4th estate and ultimately by the electorate. (That's you).

The King has the sole authority to declare war, but unless Parliament votes money to pay for it, there will be no war. If the King does something egregious, he can be impeached. I refer you to the tragic termination of the first Charles.

In practice, it is the public that holds the government accountable. Prime Minister Trudeau asked the Attorney General to ask the prosecutor to offer one of the largest engineering firms in Canada a deferred prosecution deal out of concern for the thousands of jobs it may put at risk. The Attorney General pointed out that the request was inappropriate and declined to do so. Her successor also declined to make the request. He is still Attorney General.

However, the electorate punished the Prime Minister for his rookie mistake by taking away his majority. My own opinion is that he would have been defeated if the Conservative party had a good leader instead of a failed apprentice insurance salesman. That scandal has hung around Prime Minister Trudeau's neck to this day. It was the thunder cloud that ended sunny ways. It is why we have the splinter party NDP forcing the government to the left. It is time to move on from that since no law was broken. The company was successfully prosecuted without interference.

I will not prejudge the findings of the inquiry. My view is that the government needed to remove a cult of anti-vaxxers and as soon as the EMA was invoked, the occupiers were removed without excessive force. (Think back to the Winnipeg general strike.) I would count that as a success. 

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1 minute ago, Queenmandy85 said:

His Majesty's loyal opposition

Can't do anything. Useless circus, talking head show.

1 minute ago, Queenmandy85 said:

by Parliament in general

Just bull (SNC-Lavalin, mandates)

2 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

4th estate

More fiction (Covid propaganda pump)

3 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

ultimately by the electorate

Misleading (speaking very softly). Free elections cannot exist where the choice is not free. And choice that is limited so dramatically cannot be free.

5 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

My own opinion is that he would have

Wishful thinking in place of working and functional independent checks and balances on virtually unlimited power?

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9 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I will not prejudge the findings of the inquiry.

And I couldn't care less about findings that will have no effect by someone appointed by the same PM whose actions they are supposed to evaluate. That's the level of credibility held together by snot and saliva. Putin could do better if only he was thinking and tried.

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1 minute ago, myata said:

Can't do anything. Useless circus, talking head show.

Just bull (SNC-Lavalin, mandates)

More fiction (Covid propaganda pump)

Misleading (speaking very softly). Free elections cannot exist where the choice is not free. And choice that is limited so dramatically cannot be free.

Wishful thinking in place of working and functional independent checks and balances on virtually unlimited power?

You are not very familiar with the Canadian parliamentary system. If the House of Commons loses confidence in the ministry, the government falls. I refer you to Prime Ministers Meighan, Diefenbaker, and Clark who lost the confidence of the HoC, and MacKenzie King who was dismissed. You can be sure that the Leader of the opposition is looking for ways to persuade the NDP to vote against the government.

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Whether the EMA was necessary will be determined by the Commission of inquiry. Regardless of that determination, the barbarians were removed frome the gates and none of this will rate a paragraph in future histories of Canada, because the convoy came, they violated the rights of thousands of citizens, and then the Police moved them out. 


You’re such a sycophant of the Trudeau regime.  You think it’s fine to declare martial law (that’s what it is under a euphemistic name) to put down a non-violent legal protest that was in the midst of having its sharpest edges dulled (removal of blockades, ending of honking, shrinkage of protest footprint), and that Trudeau’s disparaging of a large segment of Canadian society that opposed mandates was fine.  You know about the freezing of bank accounts, seizure of assets, etc.

For you to think this wasn’t a big deal and that it won’t be remembered in our history books is pure denial of the obvious.  The Freedom Convoy and the “democratic slippage” of our Canadian government’s overreach won’t be forgotten.  In fact it was an international symbol of a modern liberal democracy under threat of lapsing into totalitarianism.  People couldn’t believe what was unfolding in Canada.  It was highly significant.

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5 minutes ago, myata said:

And I couldn't care less about findings that will have no effect by someone appointed by the same PM whose actions they are supposed to evaluate. That's the level of credibility held together by snot and saliva. Putin could do better if only he was thinking and tried.

Are you saying you have evidence of Justice Rouleau's lack of integrity? That is a serious charge and you should have compelling evidence before making it. 

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10 minutes ago, myata said:

Can't do anything. Useless circus, talking head show.

Just bull (SNC-Lavalin, mandates)

More fiction (Covid propaganda pump)

Misleading (speaking very softly). Free elections cannot exist where the choice is not free. And choice that is limited so dramatically cannot be free.

Wishful thinking in place of working and functional independent checks and balances on virtually unlimited power?


the idea that the institutions are functioning as they were intended is obviously nonsense at this point

the limitation of choice is so extreme that there really isn't any way to significantly influence the government

what is acceptable policy is Canada has become such a tiny Overton window, voting has become utterly pointless

and the free press no longer even exists, the press is entirely state run, simply bought & paid for propagandists

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3 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

For you to think this wasn’t a big deal and that it won’t be remembered in our history books is pure denial of the obvious. 

the contradictory position is absurd

it was totally insignificant

except they had to invoke the most extreme legislation on the books, for world war levels of emergency

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You are forgetting the purpose of the Public Health orders. 40 thousand Canadians have died and over a million Americans died. This pandemic is the worst tragedy in American history. The mandates were imposed by all of the Provincial governments with the sole purpose of saving as many lives as possible. 

Don't give me this garbage of a "freedom" convoy. Their objective was to take away the freedom of thousands of people in Ottawa. 

Edited by Queenmandy85
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Just now, Dougie93 said:

the contradictory position is absurd

it was totally insignificant

except they had to invoke the most extreme legislation on the books, for world war levels of emergency

Exactly.  It shows that the emperor wears no clothes.  His failure is written all over the events.  He insulted thousands (millions really) of Canadians who had legitimate concerns about vaccine mandates and restrictions after two years of deprivations and serious damage to mental health and businesses.  Rather than reaching out and working with people he insulted them, hid, and imposed the harshest measures available, the “nuclear option”.   This wasn’t an FLQ terrorist action resulting in kidnapping and murder.  Fair minded people who see how our constitutional rights were disregarded and the failure in government leadership are made to feel like their concerns are illegitimate.  It’s called gaslighting.

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2 hours ago, myata said:

That's a system evaluating itself as pretty good system. No independent checks and mechanisms of accountability and no need for, why bother?

Many of your posts seem to express a desire for an independent body to hold people in government accountable. 

How would such a body be selected?

Who would hold such a body accountable? Who would watch the watchers?

How large a group woud this be? They would be looking over the shoulders of thousands of legislators and government employees.

How much would this extra layer of government cost?

What could they do that the existing checks and balances can't?

Remember what happened to the CIA when some one turned James Jesus Angleton lose to root out enemy moles. How would you prevent the same paralysis from happening in the governments of Canada.

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4 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

How would such a body be selected?

None of this is a mystery. There are plenty of examples. Need only two things: honesty and will. Really. But everybody in this country knows that nothing can be changed for real. It means that the above is basically, dishonest. You don't care about how the system can be change in the meaningful way; only proving that what you had 200 years back is the best we can ever have. To yourself only, and for the umptieth time of course because such proof does not and cannot exist in reality. Dinosaurs know.

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

Exactly.  It shows that the emperor wears no clothes.  His failure is written all over the events.  He insulted thousands (millions really) of Canadians who had legitimate concerns about vaccine mandates and restrictions after two years of deprivations and serious damage to mental health and businesses.  Rather than reaching out and working with people he insulted them, hid, and imposed the harshest measures available, the “nuclear option”.   This wasn’t an FLQ terrorist action resulting in kidnapping and murder.  Fair minded people who see how our constitutional rights were disregarded and the failure in government leadership are made to feel like their concerns are illegitimate.  It’s called gaslighting.

Agreed, his language was imtemprate. Most of the mandates were imposed by the Provincial governments. The Public Health orders were imposed to prevent the collapse of the healthcare system, reduce transmission of Covid 19 and save lives. Nothing impacts a person's mental well being like being on a ventilator and using your last breath to beg for the vaccine. Deprevations were minimized by government payments such as CERB.

We need an Act to provide authorities with an option with less severity than the EMA but with the ability to prevent such unlawful behaviour in future. And, yes, the occupation was illegal.

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4 minutes ago, myata said:

Dinosaurs know

At least what happened to the dinosaurs was not of their own making. We, on the other hand, are the authors of our own misfortune. We have known for forty years that our carbon emissions are going to cause the greatest mass extinction since the Permian, but we refuse to do anything to save us.

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

If the House of Commons loses confidence in the ministry, the government falls. I refer you to Prime Ministers Meighan, Diefenbaker, and Clark who lost the confidence of the HoC, and MacKenzie King who was dismissed.

Naivite or bull. SNC Lavalin. Vaccine mandates. What "confidence" with totalitarian pseudo-party cemented by outrageous privileges? Why would an employee-representative with obscene salary bite the hand that feeds it? In what universe could it make any sense?

No, it's only the entropy. Authoritarian systems unravel and go into crisis mode or straight totalitarianism. Two decades back China had collective leadership and term limits on leaders mandates.

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3 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

We, on the other hand, are the authors of our own misfortune.

Always and one way or another. Totalitarian "for your own good" let's make you do it or populist "can't care less until it smacks me in the a$$ hard and there's absolutely no way we could ignore it anymore" are the favorites. Just pick one.

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36 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

if you followed any of the above.

There's no logical relativism here no matter how much you like to sound smart. Because I do use facts and logic while you, pretty much never only hollow claims. So, no symmetry and no preposterous claims. If independent checks and accountability existed here they could be seen in this reality, not only talked and read about. That is what's called real, factual difference. Can't eat painted burger; and painted democracy won't work in reality no matter how pretty the print.

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55 minutes ago, myata said:

Naivite or bull. SNC Lavalin. Vaccine mandates. What "confidence" with totalitarian pseudo-party cemented by outrageous privileges? Why would an employee-representative with obscene salary bite the hand that feeds it? In what universe could it make any sense?

No, it's only the entropy. Authoritarian systems unravel and go into crisis mode or straight totalitarianism. Two decades back China had collective leadership and term limits on leaders mandates.

And  enough Canadians still vote them in.... 3 times

Sucks to be on the outside Eh? LOL

All whine and no cheese and nothing to do but wait 3 more years.

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1 hour ago, myata said:

Naivite or bull. SNC Lavalin. Vaccine mandates

SNC - nothing happened. The company was prosecuted without interference and convicted.

The Public Health mandates were necessary to save lives. Why would Premiers Higgs, Ford, Legault, Horgan, Kenny Moe, etc. and Prime Minister Trudeau implement the Public Health measures advised by the Public Health professionals, if not to save lives and protect the healthcare system? All levels of government took a huge hit by taking measures to protect us. Our death toll was one third that of the US. The Americans lost over one million lives. That is the worst catastrophe in American history. It was because they did not respond to the pandemic as rigorously as the provinces and federal government of Canada. The effort was the result of all political parties, at every level, working together. We should be praising them (Ford, Higgs, Legault, Kenny, Moe, Horgan, Trudeau, O'Toole, Singh, Blanchet, etc.), not whining. The pandemic response was another example, along with the US attack on NAFTA, where our leaders at all levels of government, set aside political differences to work together for the common good. 

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1 hour ago, myata said:

Why would an employee-representative with obscene salary bite the hand that feeds it? In what universe could it make any sense?

You clearly don't care or you would run. All you need is to quit your job, spend a hundred grand of your own savings to convince people to hire you to work for a quarter of the income you received as a lawyer, only to work 80+ hours a week away from your family. On weekends, if you get back to your riding, you have a dozen or more events scheduled and you will find crowds of people with their hands out. Being an MP is a hard life where everyone you are trying to help calls you a liar and a crook. But, it is even harder on your family. Your children, who never get to see you, get bullied in school. You get death threats daily and if you happen to be female, the threats can be terrible.

We should elect even better people than we have, but most people of exceptional merit don't want to put up with the abuse and ingratitude.

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