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'Merica officially becomes Venezuela: Maralogo raided by Biden's goon squad

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20 hours ago, Aristides said:

I did. If some of this is actually top  secret, only those with the highest security clearance can see it and they aren’t allowed to tell anyone else about it. That is just one of the things that are going to make this interesting.

Top Secret isn't actually that big of a deal. You've probably known people with that clearance, you just didn't ask.

I had a secret clearance when I was in the navy and I was just a gunner. Everyone who worked in signals had a top secret clearance (no one was allowed to go into the Communications Control Room without that clearance) and half of them were potheads right out of high school. 

Members of the gov't have lawyers, and I'm sure that lawyers would have to get a security clearance to work with high-level politicians.

Trump, being the POTUS, had the power to get anyone a security clearance. 

That doesn't mean that he just says it and it becomes a thing, but he can tell the SS or Pentagon to get someone a classification, and then they'd do the background checks on them to see if they qualify.

Long story short, for sure he has lawyers with a high enough security clearance to deal with his personal matters. 

TBH though, TS clearance isn't the be-all, end-all. Just because someone has a Top Secret security clearance doesn't mean that they can look at anything that's considered top secret. That info is compartmentalized, so you can only get access to top secret information within your own purview, and on a need-to-know basis. 

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On 8/14/2022 at 12:46 PM, WestCanMan said:

Are you honestly that stupid or are you kidding?

You'd be correct to say that "Hillary didn't take an honest attempt at a legitimate court battle" but the truth is that "she colluded with foreigners to compile a fake dossier and had her lawyer pimp it to the FBI as "some stuff that I'm handing over as a concerned citizen". That pile of crap formed the basis of a three-year, highly publicized smear campaign by corrupt FBI officials against the duly elected president. Members of the fake media said that Trump was an illegitimate POTUS for years. Some people on this site actually still believe in Russian collusion. 

How many Stop the Steal rallies did she hold? So someone other than Trump played dirty. Poor baby.

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18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.


Classified or not, the documents are not Trump's to keep and as per the PRA, various departments had been requesting their return for 18 months.

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On 8/13/2022 at 10:48 AM, DogOnPorch said:


Since you're ignorant and an idiot, I'll enlighten you as to what happened.

In April 1938, Goering and Frick came up with the Decree for the Reporting of Jewish-Owned Property which was part of the Aryanization process of the Nuremberg Laws. All German and Austrian Jews had to give a detailed account of their wealth and submit it to the Nazis by July 31st. Houses, cash, jewels, insurance etc...anything of value. Various other laws were quickly passed that restricted how much of that wealth could be moved to foreign banks (8%). Jews could emigrate out of the Reich at a cost of half of their wealth, however that wealth was to remain in Germany for the moment and shipped to them at a later date. Receipts were provided.

The Germans didn't honor those receipts of any that did escape ...but they were issued to keep up the illusion of legality to the rest of Germany while the great theft of Jewish property occurred in the background. This was similar to the earlier Haavara Agreement made the year previous with Zionists seeking to GTFO of Germany.

You're free to point out the lie.

As for Trump, I view any receipt given to him by the corrupt FBI to be of a similar value. This was obviously an effort to plant evidence in order to prevent Trump from running. How do we know this? We know because the FBI had seen (and gone through) those boxes before and said Trump could hang onto them as long as they had extra security. Trump had put an extra lock on the room containing them. The FBI were satisfied.

There were no top secret files at Mar-a-Lago

There were top secret files Mar-a-Lago but they were planted by the FBI

There were top secret files at Mar-a-Lago that Trump kept there but he had declassified them 

There were top secret files at Mar-a-Lago and they weren’t declassified but the FBI had seen (and gone through) those boxes before and said Trump could hang onto them as long as they had extra security. Trump had put an extra lock on the room containing them. The FBI were satisfied.

The lies keep evolving by the minute. 

As for your claim that the Nazis issued receipts all you did was name-drop a confiscation program but nowhere do you provide any proof that receipts were issued.  Got a link?

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On 8/13/2022 at 12:52 PM, Infidel Dog said:

What on earth are you talking about, YOUR MAJESTY.

I posted this 9 hours before this post of yours above:

Trump Adviser Breaks the ‘Bad News’ to the FBI: The ‘Classified Docs’ in Their Possession Were Already Declassified

Did you want me to post something about the declassified documents every hour on the hour or something?

And the only one I call King of Wrong is you. Don't like it? Stop being wrong.

Hey ACTUAL King of Wrong you have no clue what my post was referring to. Maybe you have Alzheimers also?  You fail again 

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

He’s wrong all the time. Claim’s he’s right is just part if the gaslighting you extremists have normalizes since the start of the trump cult. 

change Trump cult to Woke cult

and apply this to yourself

you're projecting again

the people you call Trump cultists are far more reasonable than you

you simply call anyone who doesn't have Trump Derangement Syndrome a cultist

anyone who doesn't constantly shit on Trump for the dumbest of reasons is a cultist to you

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18 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

anyone who doesn't constantly shit on Trump for the dumbest of reasons is a cultist to you

Wrong. Anyone who will believe far-fetched implausible zero-evidence conspiracy theories espoused by their leader is a cultist

Anyone who believes that the only news that can be trusted is “news”that is endorsed by the leader himself and that only supports the leader’s position is a cultist. 

Anyone who who constantly praises their leaders “greatness” in all things while refusing to admit the leader has ever made any mistakes or has shortcomings is a cultist.

Anyone who twists themselves into knots trying to parrot the ever-changing self-contradicting and gaslighting  arguments of their is a cultist. 

The people  who carried out the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol are cultists and so are the apologists  

Only Trump supporters fit the above description.  Nobody on this site or on the left in general worships Trudeau or Biden but Trump supporters WORSHIP Trump. Its is as cultist as it gets. 

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5 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Wrong. Anyone who will believe far-fetched implausible zero-evidence conspiracy theories espoused by their leader is a cultist

Anyone who believes that the only news that can be trusted is “news”that is endorsed by the leader himself and that only supports the leader’s position is a cultist. 

Anyone who who constantly praises their leaders “greatness” in all things while refusing to admit the leader has ever made any mistakes or has shortcomings is a cultist.

Anyone who twists themselves into knots trying to parrot the ever-changing self-contradicting and gaslighting  arguments of their is a cultist. 

The people  who carried out the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol are cultists and so are the apologists  

Only Trump supporters fit the above description.  Nobody on this site or on the left in general worships Trudeau or Biden but Trump supporters WORSHIP Trump. Its is as cultist as it gets. 

this is a strawman of Trump supporters on this forum

you think all Trump supporters are cultists because a minority of them are

and it is very annoying cultish behavior to lump all Trump supporters in the same category

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5 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

It’s just the most absurd of lies coming from you, the guy who’s never right about anything including the fact that he’s never right about anything. 

Seriously...stop crying. You earned your title King of Wrong. It isn't something you can pass on just because you don't like it. Live  with it. Or stop being wrong. But we all know that isn't going to happen.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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On 8/12/2022 at 11:05 PM, BeaverFever said:

So I guess  it’s a total coincidence that people were publicly speculating that [Reagan] had dementia for years before  he was officially diagnosed. Riiight.  Amazing.  Democrats seem to be really good at predictions. 


Suppose tomorrow the headline was 'Hillary Clinton diagnosed with Alzhemer's?'

Now many, if not most on my side of the aisle would say, "Of course. Knew it all along. You could see it."

Wouldn't change the fact she didn't have Alzheimer's until August of 2022 though.

Here's another one. I don't know if you've ever had any experience with friends or family suffering from dementia but here's what happens. You notice a gradual decline in the person's memory and cognitive ability. Finally you call to get them checked out. The first question the expert asks the potential dementia sufferer is, "Do you know where you are?" 

Now flash forward to this fantasy you have where you say Ronald Reagan and Joe Biden suffer from the same sort of cognitive decline.

I know what you're talking about. Some look back and say Ronald Reagan started declining after the assassination attempt. He slipped over a couple replies in his first debate for his second term.

In the second debate the moderator asked Ron if he felt his age was going to keep him from being able to handle the job. 

Reagan replied "Not to worry. I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I'm not going to exploit my opponent's youth and inexperience." 


They didn't have wireless ear buds, today's medication, or teleprompters in Ronald Reagan's day. So what you saw was what you got.

Here's Reagan being interviewed 2 years before the end of his second term:

Why can't Joe do that? Don't answer. You'll just be wrong again. The answer is because Reagan still had a functioning mind and Joe doesn't.

It's true, for a time, after the assassination attempt on Reagan he didn't appear to be his same old self. His staff started to worry about cognitive decline. They gave him a test. He passed. He was fine, just shook up.

So if you're saying Sniffy and Ron are the same thing as far as cognitive decline goes, well your majesty...add that to the seemingly endless list of things you're wrong about.

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5 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

There were no top secret files at Mar-a-Lago

There were top secret files Mar-a-Lago but they were planted by the FBI

There were top secret files at Mar-a-Lago that Trump kept there but he had declassified them 

There were top secret files at Mar-a-Lago and they weren’t declassified but the FBI had seen (and gone through) those boxes before and said Trump could hang onto them as long as they had extra security. Trump had put an extra lock on the room containing them. The FBI were satisfied.

The lies keep evolving by the minute. 

As for your claim that the Nazis issued receipts all you did was name-drop a confiscation program but nowhere do you provide any proof that receipts were issued.  Got a link?


Before 1941, Germany was keen to appear to be playing legally re: their Jewish persecution mainly to placate America. Jews seeking to leave Germany were issued a certificate for half the estimated value of their property in RM. They were not allowed to take the actual property. Only 8% of that half-total was allowed to be transferred to another foreign bank (usually Swiss banks). So one had to trust that the Nazis would make good on that. They didn't, of course. But the surviving Jews did have the certificate. These were the basis for many post-war claims on Jewish wealth. Problems occurred as the Nazis didn't issue death certificates for any Jew killed in the Final Solution and the Swiss bankers demanded that for any claims to these various defunct Jewish bank accounts (the Swiss didn't close accounts).

Typical certificate from the Haavara Agreement (below). You can search for other examples.


The irony here was this particular action was used by the Grand Mufti al-Husseini (Arafat's uncle) to help instigate the Final Solution in Hungary. Nearly a million killed. Hungary had a large Jewish population that had been escaping to British Palestine at an almost leisurely pace via an agreement with neutral Turkey. The Jews paid the Turks a head tax and away they went...with what property they could carry. The Mufti had Himmler & Eichmann reroute all these Jews to Poland with predictable results.

Re: Orange Man Bad...Your hatred of Trump will not save you from what is coming. I suggest a new tactic. Using the FBI as one's own private army to persecute your political opponent is Hitler stuff. Your willingness to tow the line in the face of obvious corruption makes me think you're part of the problem. That I find regrettable.



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13 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

1. There are extremely valid reasons for their complaints. 

2. Do you think that the Dems and FBI do anything in good faith? 

1. If course.  It doesn't mean that they are made in good faith.

2. I don't think that the Dems are doing anything much different than the Republicans right now, ie. Playing politics and managing risk.

I find it hard to believe that the whole FBI is compromised.


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5 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

you think all Trump supporters are cultists because a minority of them are

and it is very annoying cultish behavior to lump all Trump supporters in the same category

I get it, but my reasons for labelling Trump defenders cultists is that they're extremely reluctant to acknowledge his faults and lies.

There was never a Harper cult: while he deflected and behaved as all politicians do...we all criticized his policies and life went on.

My version of TDS, shared with other conservatives, is that people bought into the populist bullshit, and refused to give up the fantasy that this outsider was going to do as promised.

And even I had a glimmer of hope.

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18 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I get it, but my reasons for labelling Trump defenders cultists is that they're extremely reluctant to acknowledge his faults and lies.

There was never a Harper cult: while he deflected and behaved as all politicians do...we all criticized his policies and life went on.

My version of TDS, shared with other conservatives, is that people bought into the populist bullshit, and refused to give up the fantasy that this outsider was going to do as promised.

And even I had a glimmer of hope.

they do acknowledge his faults and lies

but your TDS just makes you think that 90% of the things you consider to be his faults and lies

aren't faults or lies

so this makes you think they are in a cult because they never acknowledge the anti-Trump propaganda as the truth

when it's you who is in a cult

trapped inside the mainstream media Trump hating bubble

you think they are reasonable ones pointing out his lies and faults

but they are 88% Democrats who have TDS worse than anyone

your faith in those who tell more lies and have more faults than anyone is your downfall

meanwhile you openly write off any pro-Trump news sources as too biased to pay any attention to

and you only see one side of the story

which is extremely biased against Trump

you've been brainwashed in a TDS echo chamber and have concocted excuses to never leave it

this is how you come to view Trump supporters as cultists and buy into an obvious strawman of them constructed by their biggest haters


are their Trump cultists?


bur there are also plenty of reasonable Trump supporters who are not

and lumping them in with the cultists

is what cultists on the other side do

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. If course.  It doesn't mean that they are made in good faith.

Can you explain how you feel like someone might have a very good reason to say something, yet when they say it you'd honsetly consider that their comment was "not in good faith"?



2. I don't think that the Dems are doing anything much different than the Republicans right now, ie. Playing politics and managing risk.


The Dems are weaponizing the IRS and DOJ and they have been since Obama was POTUS. It's legitimate banana republic stuff.

Their grandiose claims of treason, their history of getting intelligence officials and lawyers to lie to the court, and their televised pre-dawn raids regarding Russian collusion, Ukrainian collusion, Jan 6th, etc haven't been supported by the level of evidence needed to justify that type of behaviour.

I get that the FBI might have needed to bend some laws to get arrests on outlaws who were shooting up banks and murdering multiple people for a bit of cash, but they're committing crimes now just to extend criminal investigations that had the appearance of show trials from the get-go.

Honestly, the genesis of the Russian collusion story was a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of FB ads which were "targeting both political parties in order to sow discord among Americans", and the FBI turned that into a public lashing of a duly elected POTUS, which we now know was done "erroneously".


I find it hard to believe that the whole FBI is compromised.

I originally found it hard to believe too, but I don't choose what I do and don't believe. I just follow the evidence where it leads, regardless of the amount of cognitive dissonance it causes, and right now it's impossible to believe that the FBI don't have some type of unholy alliance with the Dems. Their laundry list of biased comments, outright lies, demotions, firings, and actual crimes in and around the collusion farce are indisputable proof of it.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I get it, but my reasons for labelling Trump defenders cultists is that they're extremely reluctant to acknowledge his faults and lies.

I have no problem acknowledging Trump's faults and lies. The vax is one of them.

He's also a crass and "small" person. His temperament isn't what you'd hope for in a leader. He has a laundry list of dalliances, and he's credibly accused of not paying people who worked on his construction sites, which is basically a dealbreaker for me.

The fact that Trump and Hillary eventually became the only two contenders for the 2016 election is a huge black eye on democracy. It was an epic failure that should never be repeated. There are probably thousands of people who I would have voted for ahead of Trump, and far fewer people who I would have put behind him. At the time, I would have probably even chosen people like Schumer and Pelosi ahead of Trump. I hope I'm wrong, but it's a possibility.  

But as a POTUS, Trump was a 'yooge' success. I was initially mistaken to think that he'd be a terrible president.

His economy boomed, crime was normal/manageable, wages increased more than they did under the last two administrations combined, his foreign policy was a smash hit, America didn't get involved in any new wars, almost no soldiers died, terrorism did a faceplant.... It was a massive success by all of the key markers. The main knocks against his tenure in office were smears, like lies about covid, collusion and him "calling all immigrants animals". The media even went so far as to call Suleimani "a beloved father figure to Iranians" to smear Trump. It was unconscionable and repugnant how far they'd go to impugn his every action. You literally have to wallow in shit to side with the MSM half the time. 


I actually have no problem at all admitting to Trump's blatant failures, but the fact is that you can't acknowledge his successes, and you bend over backwards in an attempt to give credibility to every lie and smear that was ever made against him. 

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