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Is Trudeau the most unCanadian Prime Minister ever?


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14 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I’ll give the federal government and most provincial governments the benefit of a doubt for the first year of the pandemic up to the point when all adults had the opportunity to become fully-vaccinated.  After that all mandates and restrictions should’ve disappeared.   We never should’ve had vaccine passports, which are an affront to our health discretion and other constitutional rights.   They’ve created a two-tier society.  Watching Trudeau defend the continued suspension of our Charter rights when 90% of adults are fully-vaccinated is like watching a dictator tell the people that most people stayed home during lockdowns so everyone should stay home under permanent lockdown.

Mandates and restrictions, certainly including masking and vaccination requirements, were never supposed to be permanent.  It will be increasingly hard for Trudeau and the premiers to defend vaccine requirements, because most people will demand some personal choice over how many jabs to take, how often, or whether they’re necessary at all, especially after already accepting two or three jabs.

Trudeau and all governments have to give up vaccination requirements and vaccine passports.  The truckers are right to stand up for the right of all Canadians to medical discretion.  Promotion of treatment is one thing.  If the virus wasn’t transmitted by vaccinated people and the vaccine offered permanent complete protection, there would be a better case for mandates, but even then it would be hard to make the case that people who have the tools to protect themselves from Covid, the vaccinated, should impose their health choice on the unvaccinated.

We now know the reality of the incomplete protection from vaccination and the counter-productivity of over-vaccination.  Trudeau would be wise to back off vaccine mandates on moral and constitutional grounds, but also because the truck convoy isn’t going to relent on vaccine mandates — thankfully.  Canadians’ Charter rights must be restored.  

why would you give them a pass

when the vast majority of restrictions were only slightly less stupid pre-vaccine

and did more damage than they prevented?

don't go soft and fence sit

when the pro-restriction side deserves no benefit of the doubt whatsoever

and were deranged far left commie lunatics from the start

Edited by Yzermandius19
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8 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

why would you give them a pass

when the vast majority of restrictions were only slightly less stupid pre-vaccine

and did more damage than they prevented?

don't go soft and fence sit

when the pro-restriction side deserves no benefit of the doubt whatsoever

and were deranged far left commie lunatics from the start


Just trying to show good faith and that there is room in the discussion to see rationale in the arguments from the other side.  However, there’s a line that must be drawn on government overreach.  Governments in Canada are over that line for sure for the reasons I’ve explained.  If Trudeau can’t provide a fast timeframe for the removal of vaccine mandates, he is acting in open violation of constitutional rights.  Truckers are fair to hold the line on our Charter protections.  Trudeau has a way out of this mess.  The longer he waits the worse it will be.  

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26 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Just trying to show good faith and that there is room in the discussion to see rationale in the arguments from the other side

the other side are deranged communists who never argue with you in good faith and will never listen to reason

all they will do is exploit your good faith and pile on you more conceding even the slightest ground to them

compromising with them just means they get what they want while you get none of what you want

and they'll be back for more concessions the more you give them

don't give them an inch, don't apologize or seek to compromise

when you did nothing wrong

see what is happening to Joe Rogan right now

as a prime example of why that's a bad idea

Tim Pool knows


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13 hours ago, TrudeauSucks said:

How can you defend such a narcasist, with such a narcasistic comment?

Because he doesn't realize that by giving away our freedoms, he is on a leash.  And his leash is just a bit longer than the unvaccinated. For now. 

It makes him feel special, like he's better than others. 

He doesn't realize how quickly and harshly that leash can be yanked tight to bring him to heel, now that he's given away his rights to freedom.

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1 hour ago, Yzermandius19 said:

the other side are deranged communists who never argue with you in good faith and will never listen to reason

all they will do is exploit your good faith and pile on you more conceding even the slightest ground to them

compromising with them just means they get what they want while you get none of what you want

and they'll be back for more concessions the more you give them

don't give them an inch, don't apologize or seek to compromise

when you did nothing wrong

see what is happening to Joe Rogan right now

as a prime example of why that's a bad idea

Tim Pool knows


You’re probably right and I’m sure there are many people out there with harsher sentiments towards Trudeau.  He needs to come across to the valid concerns.

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8 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re probably right and I’m sure there are many people out there with harsher sentiments towards Trudeau.  He needs to come across to the valid concerns.

it's Trudeau bro

he's one of the unreasonable far left commies

who only engages in bad faith

he's allergic to valid concerns

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16 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Trudeau represents all the values which are Canadian values like believing in democracy, equality, anti-racism, respect for the  neighbor, welcoming to immigrants,  guarding Canadian values as well as many others. It is the far right which is unCanadian.

Which values was he protecting during his 3 times at black face.

Which values was he protecting during  SNC scandal.

Which values was he protecting when he fired Raybolt for not doing something illegal. 

Which values was he protecting when him and Blair out right lied about firearm's.

Which values was he protecting when he went in front of the ethic commissionaire

Which values was he protecting when he outright lied during his campaign to get reelected.

Which values was he protecting during the WE scandal.

Which values was he protecting when he claimed to be a feminist ? 

Which values was he protecting when he declared war on the fossil fuel industry and told the minister to kill as many fossil fuel jobs as possible.

What values did he protect when he swore his government would be more transparent.

What values was he protecting when he promised electoral reform. 

what values was he protecting by taking indigenous people to court over payouts from residential schools .

What values did he protect by not getting out our Afghan allies after the Taliban took control.

There is just to many to list.. 

Respect for our neighbors, You can't be talking about our neighbors down south, or our western neighbors working in the fossil fuel industry, or our indigenous neighbors, which neighbors ?  

I'm curious what values did he protect again ? And what Values has the right failed to protect go ahead list them...


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2 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Respect for our neighbors, You can't be talking about our neighbors down south, or our western neighbors working in the fossil fuel industry, or our indigenous neighbors, which neighbors ?  

I'm curious what values did he protect again ? And what Values has the right failed to protect go ahead list them...

His values are... wanting to risk a civil war, so he can save a few extra people in a nursing home.

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15 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:


I was saying simple fact that you had your vote 6 months ago and so did I and I won. You will have your chance again in the next general election to remove him as PM but only through ballet boxes not sedition and disruption and illegal blocking of streets.

Your 100 % correct, Justin is in no way going to lose power because protestors take control of parliament, thats just air coming from the left to produce fear... and Justin lack of action may just produce a lack of confidence vote and poof we will get our wish to remove Justin for a 4 th time...He is popularity is falling fast, he has one MP you claims the pandemic was handled wrong...But then again Justin has handed the conservatives the election twice now on a silver platter, and the cons dropped the ball.

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Trudeau is the most divisive Prime Minister EVER!  Who would've thought to divide the vaccinated from the unvaxxed - demonizing the latter - the way he does?


The Liberal MP who spoke out against labelling the protesters, is right.

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9 minutes ago, betsy said:

Trudeau is the most divisive Prime Minister EVER!  Who would've thought to divide the vaccinated from the unvaxxed - demonizing the latter - the way he does?


The Liberal MP who spoke out against labelling the protesters, is right.

Because he want's to impress his friends at Davos. Hey look world, i'm progressive. If you don't "Step UP" then you forfeit your right to a job. If you disagree, than you have an "Unacceptable View".

I like to see him charged for treason. For being neglegent and abandoning his role as leader, during a potentional inssurection and national emergency in Ottawa.

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5 minutes ago, TrudeauSucks said:

I like to see him charged for treason. For being neglegent and abandoning his role as leader, during a potentional inssurection and national emergency in Ottawa.

So you want the 200 people or so charged with treason also, right, since they are doing an "insurrection" ? 

My god, how did we get a generational of hysterical conservatives like this.  

Look it's: peace, order, and good government.  Write that on a post it and put it on your pudding fridge...

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6 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Entertaining in a circus-like way.  His adult-diaper tantrums are pathetic and the only thing more astonishing than watching a clown like him rant is that people actually take him seriously.  

he's entertaining and he's right a lot

that's a helluva combo

and when he's wrong, he's still entertaining

some of it is humor

some of it serious

humor being in the mix

doesn't mean the serious parts should be dismissed

especially given how often he's right

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31 minutes ago, TrudeauSucks said:

What are the opinons to have him charged with treason? How can a future government procescute him? Any Ideas?

Yeah... there's no case for this... and if I told you 'Polly want a cracker' I would expect a cracker in my mouth quickly.  My cage needs more newspaper too.

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38 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

he's entertaining and he's right a lot

that's a helluva combo

and when he's wrong, he's still entertaining

He may be entertaining, but his claims and theories are so outrageously foolish that nobody with an ounce of objectivity would consider him remotely credible.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day, so the fact that he fits a few kernels of truthiness in with his deranged ranting doesn't make him any more credible.  

38 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

doesn't mean the serious parts should be dismissed

especially given how often he's right

The serious parts (if there are any) are drowned in mountains of raving gibberish.  Promoting the delusional idea that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax is such an egregious lie and such an imbecilic and tasteless fantasy that it should disqualify this idiot from ever being taken seriously by anyone.  

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5 hours ago, TrudeauSucks said:

What are the opinons to have him charged with treason? How can a future government procescute him? Any Ideas?

We covered all this while Omar Khadr was facing charges in the US. And if anyone fit the treason definition it was him, however many lawyers said our treason laws are to vague and would be easily struck down in court... and no the liberals have not changed them... Justin may be a liberal wingnut, but charging him with treason come on...

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10 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

the other side are deranged communists who never argue with you in good faith and will never listen to reason

all they will do is exploit your good faith and pile on you more conceding even the slightest ground to them

compromising with them just means they get what they want while you get none of what you want

and they'll be back for more concessions the more you give them

don't give them an inch, don't apologize or seek to compromise

when you did nothing wrong

see what is happening to Joe Rogan right now

as a prime example of why that's a bad idea

Tim Pool knows


I gotta agree with Zeitgeist here.

Because of a number of social factors which continue to prove themselves true, the Libbies need to be shown an exit door, headed towards it and coaxed through.

There are 2 types of Libbies...IMO. 

Type 1 knows what I'm saying right now to be true. They'll likely attack this post. These people know what they're doing, how to do it and why. These people want to tear society asunder and "re-make" it. They are truly dangerous because they are on a mission and have just enough intelligence to influence Type 2.

Type 2 is...unfortunately...the vast majority of people. Natural followers. People who really just want to get along. They're not stupid, but rather I think they're a bit lazy or uninterested. Many Centerists are Type 2. They'll vote either way depending on who's got the biggest billboard between Toronto and Hamilton. If the CBC says it's so...it's so for these people. 

So...you take a handful of Type 1 people...finance them with Globalist millions...direct them to tell everyone that they're gonna die if they dont do as they're told...threaten opposition with loud and over the top accusations...and beat it over the heads of the Type 2 people...et voila. Instant propaganda. Regardless of the absurdity. 

But now it's obvious to everyone that we sort of over did it with the reactions. The Centerists are breaking from the herd. Questioning the orthodoxy. 

The Type 1 people are gonna put up a hell of a fight, now that they sense this change. But shown a way out, the majority will opt for compromise.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

I gotta agree with Zeitgeist here.

Because of a number of social factors which continue to prove themselves true, the Libbies need to be shown an exit door, headed towards it and coaxed through.

There are 2 types of Libbies...IMO. 

Type 1 knows what I'm saying right now to be true. They'll likely attack this post. These people know what they're doing, how to do it and why. These people want to tear society asunder and "re-make" it. They are truly dangerous because they are on a mission and have just enough intelligence to influence Type 2.

Type 2 is...unfortunately...the vast majority of people. Natural followers. People who really just want to get along. They're not stupid, but rather I think they're a bit lazy or uninterested. Many Centerists are Type 2. They'll vote either way depending on who's got the biggest billboard between Toronto and Hamilton. If the CBC says it's so...it's so for these people. 

So...you take a handful of Type 1 people...finance them with Globalist millions...direct them to tell everyone that they're gonna die if they dont do as they're told...threaten opposition with loud and over the top accusations...and beat it over the heads of the Type 2 people...et voila. Instant propaganda. Regardless of the absurdity. 

But now it's obvious to everyone that we sort of over did it with the reactions. The Centerists are breaking from the herd. Questioning the orthodoxy. 

The Type 1 people are gonna put up a hell of a fight, now that they sense this change. But shown a way out, the majority will opt for compromise.

the Liberals aren't centrist

and most of the useful idiots can't be reasoned with either

you are wasting your time in most cases

there are a few outliers it's worth trying to reach

but there is not a large group that can be swayed

y'all give the libbies way to much credit

wishful thinking is a helluva drug

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4 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

but it can't match up against the copium the conspiracy folks are sniffing these days.  

the people I'm talking about are the conspiracy theorists

QAnon has nothing on BlueAnon

and Alex Jones is vastly less crazy than either, even at his craziest

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