Yzermandius19 Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 5 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said: This is an is wishful thinking IMO that's pretty rich coming from a poster who is one of the most susceptible to wishful thinking on this forum Quote
Dougie93 Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said: This is an is wishful thinking IMO thus is the stuff revolutions are made of you have cynicism, I have faith faith in the Canadian poeple to see past the state run media propaganda to see that this is working & middle class Canadians in the streets rising up against an illegitimate tyrannical government run amok upholding their solemn oaths & affirmations not to Justin Trudeau & the Liberal party to their Queen, Elizabeth Windsor for she defends the right we are bound to no fealty to the government Canada is a monarchy Glorious Revolution of 1688, the birth of the nation a Scots German Empire, to find a Northwest Passage bydand Quote
Zeitgeist Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 (edited) Naomi Klein, we were in the same program when you were Varsity editor at U of T, please appeal to the left in Canada. Please note that the NDP is about to support the imposition of the Emergencies Act. What are the implications of a government that can freeze the bank accounts of political opponents without due process? Is this what Tommy Douglas would stand for? Jack Layton? Is this elites saving their positions of power? Do you want an unelected World Economic Forum ideologue dictating unconstitutional policies in Canada? Naomi Klein, wake up! Edited February 20, 2022 by Zeitgeist Quote
Dougie93 Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 (edited) the truckers being cleared from the Hill by sheer force of Mountie jackboots desperately applied ? not the end merely the end of the beginning nothing will stop the Canadian Loyalists once aroused in righteous fury from Queenston Heights to Vimy Ridge to Juno Beach, and beyond Winston Churchill knows Edited February 20, 2022 by Dougie93 Quote
myata Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 13 minutes ago, Nexii said: It has been continuing. Big protests in Toronto, Calgary, Quebec city over the weekend. There isn't really many options at this point. The entitled elites want a painted, token democracy and a meaningless protests two hours with a poster and please go. Or they will crush you, with emergency powers, war measures acts rights protected according to law but the problem is, there's no one to hold the government to observing it. Like in the third world, also many pretty words, different from the reality though. You have the right to protest as long as it's empty and doesn't change anything. As soon as you want a real change you're an enemy of the state. That has to be arrested; stopped right here or the democracy will end. Right here. Quote If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant
Army Guy Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said: Canada's military ranks 21 among 140 countries. Not bad at all. In terms of spending it ranks highest 13th. https://cubetoronto.com/canada/what-is-canadas-military-rank-in-the-world/ I've been delivery this same message for years now, and most have chose not to believe in it, instead they are firm believers in what DND and federal government want you to think...that we are all happy and good... not the case, but hey WTF do i know, i just served in the military from 34 years, and am just some dumb grunt...So i dug up some old articles from sources consider friendly to the left...Now a lot has changed in the last few years covid which has canceled recruitment until very recently...so your 71,000 figure is now well below 61,000, of course that does not include the close to 1000 troops that are being released for not getting their shots...it also does not take into account that members are getting out faster than they can be replaced...huge efforts are being put emplace to try to entice members to stay to no avail... Soldiers are tired of being treated like some poor step child locked in a closet, with little to no modern equipment that saves lives , and increasingly dangerous missions.. they are over tasked, which burn out is pretty common.. and our own citizens don't want to hear their screams for help, the very people they are paid to protect can't even give them the time of day...top this off with the higher leadership unable to keep things in their pants, to a liberal government now pushing some other agenda on them that really will not improve our fighting forces...instead making them more inclusive and understanding... every day DND losses capabilities,and those it does have become weaker and weaker and becomes more hallow and ineffective, we already depend on our allied for almost everything. We've given up on Canada's military, so let's abandon it altogether - Macleans.ca Why No One Should Join the Canadian Forces | HuffPost Latest News The only thing that will fix Canada's military is public outcry - Macleans.ca Quote We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.
Dougie93 Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 1 minute ago, myata said: There isn't really many options at this point. The entitled elites want a painted, token democracy and a meaningless protests two hours with a poster and please go. Or they will crush you, with emergency powers, war measures acts rights protected according to law but the problem is, there's no one to hold the government to observing it. Like in the third world, also many pretty words, different from the reality though. You have the right to protest as long as it's empty and doesn't change anything. As soon as you want a real change you're an enemy of the state. That has to be arrested; stopped right here or the democracy will end. Right here. exactly there is no more place to run, no more place to hide these monstrous tyrannical Liberal dictators have gone insane with hubris & rage they are coming for you, they are coming for me, they are coming for all of us in the end to persecute us for daring to invoke our fundamental Charter rights they are literally evil this is backs against the wall so not one step back I am more than prepared to die for this cause it would be my great honour & privilege to lay down my life in the face of tyranny, for you and your kin Quote
myata Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 (edited) 7 minutes ago, Army Guy said: every day DND losses capabilities,and those it does have become weaker and weaker and becomes more hallow and ineffective, we already depend on our allied for almost everything. In listing the crises I missed that one. Maybe a correction is due. Maybe the systemic crisis of public management in the country is no longer a stark possibility. Quite possibly, it's already the reality, in progress. Edited February 20, 2022 by myata Quote If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant
Army Guy Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 12 hours ago, Aristides said: That was retail sales, not profits. Do you really think they would shut down a whole mall just to make a point? Do you think the merchants there would stand for that if they thought they could operate normally? So they are broke and could not afford to pay for protection regardless of what the cause, I'm not buying it...if i own a retail outlet and was losing that amount of cash, i'd adapt and over come...start hiring anyone over 6'5 and 300 lbs of muscle... i mean the gyms are closed right why not offer them some cash... So why are they not operating ? if they don't need protection what is it they need ? Quote We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.
Army Guy Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 5 minutes ago, myata said: In listing the crises I missed that one. Maybe a correction is due. Maybe the systemic crisis of public management in the country is no longer a stark possibility. Quite possibly, it's already the reality, in progress. This is not just a Justin problem this goes back decades, and it is not going to be fixed any time soon, i think the last price to fix it was just over 200 bil and that was just to brings us to where everyone thinks we are today...that was years ago that price is only gone up... Australia which is much better equiped than us just spent 300 bil to update their military... Nobody is listening, nor do they want to, this is not going to be fixed without public support.. Quote We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.
myata Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 An eternal story. A democracy will not keep itself and maintain itself. It needs constant attention and care of the citizens or it will wither and cease. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn8PiqIXEjQ Quote If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant
Dougie93 Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 4 minutes ago, Army Guy said: this is not going to be fixed without public support.. you can't change politics without changing culture upstream first you have public support we are here in the streets, with the working & middle classes uphold our oaths & affirmations against the usurping tyrants of the Liberal Post National State escort to the colours, quick march Quote
Dougie93 Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 Frank Mellish Rick Nolan they didn't lay their lives down so Justin Trudeau could turn Canada into a Chicom Social Credit totalitarian dictatorhsip if they knew what the Government of Canada was doing to its own innocent people right now ? you know what they would say this is f*cking bullshit, Trudeau has to go Quote
Dougie93 Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 (edited) remember you oaths & affirmations to Her Majesty to the brothers to the left & right of you this dystopic insanity is not what they died to defend & uphold look into the eyes of your beloved comrades tell me they would be with the Mounties crushing their own brothers in the streets right now don't lie to them, don't lie to yourself Pro Patria is to the Commander-in-Chief not the Liberal Party of Canada at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them Edited February 20, 2022 by Dougie93 1 Quote
Army Guy Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 14 minutes ago, Dougie93 said: exactly there is no more place to run, no more place to hide these monstrous tyrannical Liberal dictators have gone insane with hubris & rage they are coming for you, they are coming for me, they are coming for all of us in the end to persecute us for daring to invoke our fundamental Charter rights they are literally evil this is backs against the wall so not one step back I am more than prepared to die for this cause it would be my great honour & privilege to lay down my life in the face of tyranny, for you and your kin Dougie this is not yours or my fight, it is not our responsibility to defend this nation any more, we have done our time, and have already made our sacrifices, and have passed that torch on to someone else it is time for them to make some sacrifices. Why would you want to save a nation that is according to you, burning to the ground. you earned your rest brother stay and protect your family and what is yours. Don't get caught up in all this mess. let it burn, and see what emerges after... 1 Quote We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.
West Posted February 20, 2022 Author Report Posted February 20, 2022 Wow. Now the stasi is going after a restaurant owner for serving meals paid in a restaurant to protesters. You can't make this stuff up folks 1 Quote
myata Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 1 minute ago, West said: Now the stasi is going after a restaurant owner for serving meals paid in a restaurant to protesters. For the limits (to bureaucratic zeal and abuse) to exist, they have to exist first. That is, created and maintained by someone or something. On the 17th decade of purported first-world democracy, there's is simply: NONE. Quote If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant
OftenWrong Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 2 hours ago, Aristides said: The courts decide whether people will have criminal records, not the government. Or you could say the government enacted a martial law which forces everyone, including the courts, to abide by it. Quote
Dougie93 Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 (edited) 7 minutes ago, Army Guy said: Dougie this is not yours or my fight, it is not our responsibility to defend this nation any more, we have done our time, and have already made our sacrifices, and have passed that torch on to someone else it is time for them to make some sacrifices. Why would you want to save a nation that is according to you, burning to the ground. you earned your rest brother stay and protect your family and what is yours. Don't get caught up in all this mess. let it burn, and see what emerges after... it has come to the breach now I have looked into the abyss that the Liberals are making I feel the presence, of the fallen I can't let Trudeau do this to the innocent Canadian people simply invoking their Charter rights I can't shake it, the indoctrination Battleschool made me the man I am Battleschool invited me to be an instructor I must uphold my oaths & affirmations to the Commander-in-Chief this is where Pro Patria is more than a motto this is where Pro Patria becomes a duty, deep in my soul Victoria Regina Imperatrix, Mother Canada hear the pipes skirl Edited February 20, 2022 by Dougie93 1 Quote
OftenWrong Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 Protesters are putting up moderate resistance. Just enough to make a scene. Get the footage. Makes for better election campaign ads. Show people trampled by horses, punched in the head repeatedly. Hammered with rifle butts. Still shot of Trudeau with bad hair. Now cut to commercial... Quote
myata Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 (edited) 4 minutes ago, OftenWrong said: Makes for better election campaign ads. Show people trampled by horses, But no election will fix this. Not a chance. Justin is not the problem, only a symptom, or a complicated case if can be said. The problem is still there and more Justins will come. And one of them may think that he/she deserves to rule for as long as necessary great and benevolent as they are. And who can promise that not this one? Edited February 20, 2022 by myata Quote If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant
Dougie93 Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 13 minutes ago, Army Guy said: Dougie this is not yours or my fight, I am not afraid to die, brother Frank was cut down walking into the storm not even to save Rick, Rick was already dead Frank was just going to get his body back, so the Taliban would not have it I can't let him down Quote
myata Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 "One day more".. on the rush to Germany, 1934? Quote If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant
Dougie93 Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 Frank Mellish was my Det Commander in 1 RCR Recce Platoon under Captain Matt Sprague & Warrant Officer Carl Deroche Frank Mellish is the greatest soldier I ever knew he laid down his life for freedom I will not let my Det Commander down 1 Quote
Dougie93 Posted February 20, 2022 Report Posted February 20, 2022 and there is also a Patricia who was a 48th Highlander first Corporal Ainsworth Dyer I was his Section Commander once he was my troop after I went to the protest at Queen's Park I drove to the Toronto Necropolis to pray at his graveside I was there, when we laid him in the ground best troop I ever had in my Section all the fallen, they are coming to me now all saying the same thing you know what to do if the Liberals want to fight against us they will burn in a fire of their own making Dileas Gu Brath 1 Quote
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