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Trucker's Convoy


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2 hours ago, taxme said:

There were many prominent scientists and doctors out there who have been warning us for quite some time now that these vaccines are full of dangerous immune destroying garbage for anyone to be taking. We are now only beginning to see as to what these vaccines are doing to we the peasants. And it will only get worse as time goes on. And those that keep taking booster jabs will even be worse off. But they have been warned, but they refuse to listen. 

When people are putting their faith in their doctors(take an oath to do no harm)or worse their media and politicians and those so called health experts, they really are asking for trouble.

I know that this is not what this thread is all about, but hey, sometimes these things will happen. I dare not say anymore about this covid anymore on this truckers thread. 

While trucker protests have now become illegal in cities like Calgary and Edmonton, protests against what is happening in the Ukraine is A okay. What is with this double standard anyway? Does it now matter as to what side of the political spectrum that one belongs too? Dam well looks like it to me alright. Just my opinion of course. ?

The point is that Trudeau supports democracy abroad and totalitarianism at home.  He’ll toss out the constitution and declare martial law to trample the opposition in Canada but make self-righteous phoney hypocritical speeches about saving democracy in Ukraine.

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On 3/24/2022 at 4:29 PM, eyeball said:

So to you fascism is almost like a fundamental particle of the universe that's in everything but just comes in varying amounts? 

Everything is on a spectrum. At one end there's a free democracy, at the other there's a fascist dictatorship. 

At one end there's freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, the right to peaceful protests, freedom of the press, and there is no such thing as a social credit score. 

At the other end is Canada, where the PM takes control of the judiciary, squashes free speech, where the mainstream media is controlled by the PMO and non-sycophant media gets assaulted by police, where peaceful protesters are beaten and then jailed without bail, where hatemongering from the PMO is normal, where children are forced to take a pseudovax that they don't need or they're cut off from society, etc. 

None of this is hard to understand. For a normal adult, that is. I get that you don't understand it and I feel sorry for you. 

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On 3/25/2022 at 12:40 PM, Goddess said:

There is soooo much coming to light now, I think the elites are running scared and desperate to shut it down - especially Trudeau, as he's personally invested in and making money off the jabs.

New studies out of Poland and Germany, verifying what the censored scientists have been saying for 2 years.  UK NHS just released stats that 90% of ones dying of covid now are fully jabbed and boosted.  The Alberta stats are going much the same way now. Censored scientists said each successive jab lowers immune system - making covid deadlier, flus deadlier, opening up the immune system to everything your body was probably going to develop when you eventually got to your senior years.  The covid-obsessed chick I work with, who tests almost every day and is triple-jabbed now is off work most days due to newly developed hypertension (a common adverse event). She's 32 and now on meds for it.

I always keep my eye on Israel and the UK.  They are just a few months ahead of us in what's happening.

There has been many prominent scientists and doctors that have been saying for a long time now that there will be many deaths of people who took those experimental covid vaccine jabs. 

if someone gets lucky and does not die then they will develop some big time health problems from taking the jab. This may be why our dear Marxist leaders are getting rid of covid mandates. They may be getting sued for their crimes against humanity for what they have done to millions of innocent Canadians who believed their gawd dam big pharma globalist lies. 

This is just like the lies that we were getting from the bought off Canadian media and Marxist Trudeau that the truckers were nothing more than a bunch of racists and pro Nazi just because some dip shit from Antifa flew a Nazi flag during the truckers protest. 

I will never listen to or believe the media or our politicians ever again. They lie. ?


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I hope that Canadians actually vote out the wannabe totalitarian federal government and begin a democratic renewal in Canada.  We need stricter conditions for the suspension of Charter rights, stricter conditions for the use of the Emergencies Act, a ban on the government freezing bank accounts of political opponents (unless they have clearly been declared terrorists by a judicial third party), freer speech, a ban on government supporting international policies that haven’t been shared with the public and supported through some kind of public vote, and protections against minority governments using the support of other parties to implement major policies that the majority of the public haven’t supported in an election or referendum.

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17 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

a ban on the government freezing bank accounts

In China, access to your own money is very much tied  into the digital IDs, government can freeze your access based on whether you are "towing the party line" or not.  This is a major reason why Chinese millionaires have long viewed Canada as a safe haven for storing their money and investing in Canadian real estate.

When Trudeau froze the bank accounts of truckers, I know there were a lot of Canadians who withdrew money from banks but I have read articles about how it also sent a message to these foreign investors that perhaps Canada isn't the "safe haven" it once was and they also took back money.

I think this is why Trudeau withdrew the Emergency Act.

I think he pushed the button too soon on what's in store for Canadians when the WEF agenda fully takes over and revealed more than the WEF wanted to. Probably got his hands slapped by his globalist masters for that one because it woke a lot of Canadians up to the WEF agenda being implemented behind their backs.  A lot of people are talking about the WEF now and how much influence it has over our government.

This is why it's important for Canadians to wake up and resist the implementation of digital ID of any sort, and also Bill C-233 - Universal Basic Income (now in third reading), which will do nothing but put all control of your life in the hands of a clearly corrupt government.


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5 minutes ago, Goddess said:

   A lot of people are talking about the WEF now and how much influence it has over our government.

It's the same people, though, who say they hate MSM and believe unattributed YouTube videos...

Do you think it might be a good idea to offer some residential schools to the children of the convoy people, to assimilate them into mainstream culture ?  Residential schools were intended to better culture - right ?

Just an idea...

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18 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

It's the same people, though, who say they hate MSM and believe unattributed YouTube videos...

Do you think it might be a good idea to offer some residential schools to the children of the convoy people, to assimilate them into mainstream culture ?  Residential schools were intended to better culture - right ?

Just an idea...


As long as you're okay with the government snatching your kid away from you when you disagree with a governmental policy and putting him in the same kind of residential school.

Be careful what you wish for, MH.

You think it's great when the government tramples on Charter rights and freedoms and invents arbitrary and un-scientific restrictions for OTHER people when they disagree with certain government policies, never realizing that those exact same things can and WILL be used against yourself one day, whenever the government sees fit.

They might one day decide - since Canadians have now forfeited their right to medical bodily autonomy (and you cheered for it) that they need 25,000 children to experiment on with a new drug because Pfizer is going to pay the government XX billions of dollars and guess what?  Congratulations! Your kid is # 19,543 so turn him over to us now or have your access to money frozen.  What???  You don't agree??  Well, you sure agreed when it was OTHER people's kids and OTHER people's bank accounts.

Edited by Goddess
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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

1. As long as you're okay with the government snatching your kid away from you when you disagree with a governmental policy and putting him in the same kind of residential school.

2. You think it's great when the government tramples on Charter rights and freedoms 

1. What if I told you I am fine with it ?
2. I don't.

I decided to stop reading your post at that point

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9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

What if I told you I am fine with it ?


Roll with that belief.

Just don't expect everyone else in Canada to be fine with the government snatching their kids away any time they feel like it, but DO expect others to fight against your views. Many others value their children more than you do your's, I guess.

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

In China, access to your own money is very much tied  into the digital IDs, government can freeze your access based on whether you are "towing the party line" or not.  This is a major reason why Chinese millionaires have long viewed Canada as a safe haven for storing their money and investing in Canadian real estate.

It's because Canada is a safe haven for oligarchs and dictators. And why is it safe? Because Canadians don't notice and don't care.

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21 minutes ago, eyeball said:

It's because Canada is a safe haven for oligarchs and dictators. And why is it safe? Because Canadians don't notice and don't care.

BCers are constantly told by their MSM that almost none of the home buyers in Vancouver/the Fraser Valley are foreigners (.56% to 1.4%). https://www.straight.com/news/no-scapegoats-this-time-bc-economist-says-foreign-buyer-share-in-home-sales-drops-to-near-zero

This article was just from the Georgia Straight but the big 3 outlets here tell the same story. 

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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

It's because Canada is a safe haven for oligarchs and dictators. And why is it safe? Because Canadians don't notice and don't care.

I think prior to covid, people were starting to care. Because it was starting to affect Canadians in regards to housing affordability and availability.


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1 minute ago, Goddess said:

I think prior to covid, people were starting to care. Because it was starting to affect Canadians in regards to housing affordability and availability.

In my own experience concerns about housing costs appear to be dominated by suggestions that vacation rentals are the problem.

In any case, according to experts at transparency and the lack thereof we have little to no means of truly accounting for what's happening with regards to money laundering in Canada, and I doubt its only real estate that laundered money is going into. 

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48 minutes ago, ironstone said:

I missed this fake CBC story on the truckers convoy.

CBC's 'regretful' trucker convoy protester story falls apart | The Post Millennial

Also the man in the story is apparently collecting welfare checks from different provinces. I didn't know that was still so easy to do.


I'm sure it was an honest mistake

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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

1. In my own experience concerns about housing costs appear to be dominated by suggestions that vacation rentals are the problem.

In any case, according to experts at transparency and the lack thereof we have little to no means of truly accounting for what's happening with regards to money laundering in Canada, and I doubt its only real estate that laundered money is going into. 

1. No - it is mostly immigration that gets blamed in my experience. I, on the other hand, blame Air BnB.  Not because of actual tourist places but because of party condos that sit empty 20 days a month so that 20 kids can pitch in $20 each on Friday and Saturday night to do drugs in a safe spot downtown before hitting the club.

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48 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. No - it is mostly immigration that gets blamed in my experience. I, on the other hand, blame Air BnB.  Not because of actual tourist places but because of party condos that sit empty 20 days a month so that 20 kids can pitch in $20 each on Friday and Saturday night to do drugs in a safe spot downtown before hitting the club.

Requiring that hosts only rent out a room or suite in their primary residence is the solution where I live.  It should mostly come down to local government.  Now we have hosts renting rooms on broken down old boats and float homes that were intended for oyster-farmers.  Guests use up scarce parking and dock space coming and going, sewage gets discharged into the harbour and hosts operate with little to no need for business licences, permits, property zoning etc.  Marine waters are governed by federal and provincial governments so they seem to be outside conventional authority for the moment.  Normally it would take someone getting killed to prompt some regulatory action but I'm betting local 1st Nations will likely step up and demand action be taken before long.

A convoy of AirBnb hosts wouldn't stand a chance against them.


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21 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Constitutional law firm offers free aid to farmer after bank accounts were frozen for Freedom Convoy donation - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

I'm not sure if this is the same farmer who had his bank account frozen for inviting some of the convoy to his place for a pig roast one evening or not.



I'm pretty sure I won't need to check out the veracity or credibility of this source to know it'll be filled to the brim with hooey that couldn't be substantiated with a ten foot pole.

But what the heck...



  • We rate LifeSiteNews far-right biased for story selection that always favors evangelical Christianity and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and many failed fact checks.
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6 minutes ago, eyeball said:


I'm pretty sure I won't need to check out the veracity or credibility of this source to know it'll be filled to the brim with hooey that couldn't be substantiated with a ten foot pole.


After all the lying CBC, CTV and Global did, you're worried about Life Site? ??

If you had read it, you'd have seen it was also in the Western Standard and the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has it in its list of cases.

But yes, you just continue to ignore anything else but with Glo-bull and the Canadian Bull**** Corporation.  

This is what I don't get - MSM has been shown to be totally a propaganda arm of the Canadian government, so legit journalists are now using independent news sites and you reject them because you prefer the lies.

Ah, well..... enjoy your propaganda.


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