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Why is the thinking of the right wing on the covid virus so lame.

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Because they are bonded together with their hatred , ugliness and stupidity. You know how stupid they are with their reasons to be anti's, That this has anything at all to do with their rights. There is hundreds of examples where mandates rules and law are already existing in the exact same manner , that they don't have any qualms about. Its every where in every civilized society. They are brain dead stupid.

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I am a conservative, although not happy with the present CPC party, and I support all the health guidelines, vaccinations, and mandates to fight Covid.  I think it is a serious threat to the world.  It has already taken many lives.  I don't think all Canadian conservatives oppose vaccinations, mandates, and the health guidelines.  So it is wrong to generalize and accuse every conservative of being opposed to mandates and health guidelines.   A small percentage do and they have given the majority a bad name.  The opponents may come from other parties as well.  Also many of those protesting against the mandates and health guidelines might not be supporters of any particular party.  Many think their rights are being threatened although I disagree with them.  They are still a small minority of Canadians.  I think something like 80% of Canadians support the health measures.

The U.S. is a different story.  There are likely more conservatives in the U.S. who oppose mandates, although I think more are getting vaccinated as they see the writing on the wall.  But the U.S. is not Canada and they have a different view of things.  One should make it clear if they are talking about Canada or the U.S. because there is a big difference.

Edited by blackbird
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1 hour ago, jbander1A said:

Because they are bonded together with their hatred , ugliness and stupidity. You know how stupid they are with their reasons to be anti's, That this has anything at all to do with their rights. There is hundreds of examples where mandates rules and law are already existing in the exact same manner , that they don't have any qualms about. Its every where in every civilized society. They are brain dead stupid.

There is quite a few statements to this post, for example hatred, what hatred are you referring to? Can you give an example?

The way your paragraph is written explores many ideas all jumbled together, no direct point or argument statement.

Alternatively maybe this is your way to mentally vent. 



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Because the insect-like left seek to impose the tyranny of the masses on all of us, without exception. Like ants in your house, they need to be eliminated. Ants cannot be reasoned or argued with.

The only solution is death by insecticide. Useful formulas include speaking truth to power, protecting free speech and the rights of the disaffected and the meek.


Or else, Malathion.



Edited by OftenWrong
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On 12/26/2021 at 9:07 AM, jbander1A said:

Because they are bonded together with their hatred , ugliness and stupidity. You know how stupid they are with their reasons to be anti's, That this has anything at all to do with their rights. There is hundreds of examples where mandates rules and law are already existing in the exact same manner , that they don't have any qualms about. Its every where in every civilized society. They are brain dead stupid.

The left are bonded together like glue. The left seem to have only hatred, ignorance, intolerance and stupidity roaming around in their pea brain size heads. When Trump fast tracked a vaccine for covid, the stupid leftists said that they would never take Trump's vaccine. After Joe BiDumb got elected the left had no problem taking Trumps' vaccine.

The left are always anti something when it comes to anything that has to do with conservatism. A conservative will say that it is nice to see the sun out today. The liberal will reply with, no the sun is not out today, it's cloudy just to be able to appear stupid and of course anti conservative. 

There are many words that are missing from a leftist liberals vocabulary and those words are common sense and logic, and they never seem to show any signs of having all that much intelligence at all. They live mostly on emotion and silly talk. 

You certainly do appear to be a leftist liberal alright. A sad state of affairs for you to be living in. You need to stop watching CNN or the CBC for health reasons. In case that you did not know? Liberalism is now classified as a disease. ?

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7 hours ago, taxme said:

When Trump fast tracked a vaccine for covid, the stupid leftists said that they would never take Trump's vaccine. After Joe BiDumb got elected the left had no problem taking Trumps' vaccine.

Complete and total lie, Full stop. 

From another idiotic anti-vax and election BIG LIE conspiracy nut who can’t tell reality from his own uneducated fantasy world this whole post is just so rich.   If  only you had stayed in school instead of getting your information from Facebook memes created by Russian troll farms and other uneducated dummies. 

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12 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Complete and total lie, Full stop. 

From another idiotic anti-vax and election BIG LIE conspiracy nut who can’t tell reality from his own uneducated fantasy world this whole post is just so rich.   If  only you had stayed in school instead of getting your information from Facebook memes created by Russian troll farms and other uneducated dummies. 

Well, I don't know about that, King of Wrong. Judging against your post above I'd say he's at least right about this bit you clipped out:


The left seem to have only hatred, ignorance, intolerance and stupidity roaming around in their pea brain size heads.

Now as to his claim "the stupid leftists said that they would never take Trump's vaccine" that's not entirely right but not entirely wrong. Not all stupid leftists said that. Some stupid leftist leaders did though. Or at least something that sounded a whole lot like it. I'd mark it down to hyperbole myself.

Leftist leaders like Biden and Kamala Harris did say they wouldn't take a Trump vaccine but they also said they would take a vaccine recommended by experts they endorsed like the famously and continuously wrong, flip flop, fear Fuhrer  Anthony Fauci.


Biden seemed worried that Trump would get a vaccine approved before the election and damned its worth if that happened:


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22 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Because the insect-like left seek to impose the tyranny of the masses on all of us, without exception. Like ants in your house, they need to be eliminated. Ants cannot be reasoned or argued with.

The only solution is death by insecticide. Useful formulas include speaking truth to power, protecting free speech and the rights of the disaffected and the meek.


Or else, Malathion.



So you'd kill off millions of Canadians.  

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3 minutes ago, dialamah said:

So you'd kill off millions of Canadians.  

Which of the two counter-attack strategies he mentioned are you saying would "kill of millions of Canadians?"

"speaking truth to power,"


"protecting free speech and the rights of the disaffected and the meek."

And here's another question for you...what is wrong with you people, anyway?

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40 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Which of the two counter-attack strategies he mentioned are you saying would "kill of millions of Canadians?"

"speaking truth to power,"


"protecting free speech and the rights of the disaffected and the meek."

And here's another question for you...what is wrong with you people, anyway?

He's talking about killing off people who don't agree with him politically.  Such hatred, from either side, doesn't solve problems, only creates them.

The OP, as ignorant as it is, doesn't suggest right wingers should be exterminated.  

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4 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

He's talking about killing off wrong thinking with right thinking.

I agree with him. I don't want to kill of millions of people like a Communist leader either. The "great replacement" I'm for is replacing left wing stupidity with right wing common sense.


The fascists always see things in terms of killing or imprisoning. That's why they want Gulags brought back....perhaps get some free work out of them.


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35 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

He's talking about killing off wrong thinking with right thinking.

I agree with him. I don't want to kill off millions of people like a Communist leader either. The "great replacement" I'm for is replacing left wing stupidity with right wing common sense.

He said "leftists .... Like ants in your house, they need to be eliminated."

If he'd mean leftist ideology, he would have said so.


left wing stupidity ... right wing common sense.

Matter of opinion.  It's the right wing who've set up a law that rewards people for turning in their neighbors.

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18 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Complete and total lie, Full stop. 

From another idiotic anti-vax and election BIG LIE conspiracy nut who can’t tell reality from his own uneducated fantasy world this whole post is just so rich.   If  only you had stayed in school instead of getting your information from Facebook memes created by Russian troll farms and other uneducated dummies. 

And you have the nerve to call me an uneducated person living in a fantasy world? You are the one that is living in a Marxist like fantasy world where stupidity reigns supreme. I am still waiting for the day when you lefty liberals finally wake the hell up, and out of your covid hoax slumber, and realize that you have been made a total ass of by your dear Marxist Canadian political leaders, and with the help of their lying media, telling you that you are going to die if you do not do as they tell you to do.

There have been many vaccinated people who are still getting covid and many have become ill, maimed, and have even died after taken their covid shots. Hello, liberal. Are you starting to see and get the picture yet? 

i have heard that there has now been four cruise lines that have had covid outbreaks on them. Funny how that happened when all of the passengers on board were all fully vaccinated or no one is allowed to board the ship. No non vaccinated on those cruise ships. So you cannot blame the non vaccinated for that fiasco, eh? 

The anti-vaxers are the real smart ones here because they already know full well that vaccinated or not vaccinated they may still get the covid bug. Hey, beaver fever, you appear to not only have the beaver fever but you also appear to have the fully vaccinated covid fever. It's best that you just stay home for a few months until you get well. Works for me! ?

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15 hours ago, dialamah said:

He said "leftists .... Like ants in your house, they need to be eliminated."

If he'd mean leftist ideology, he would have said so.

He did say so. Why are you pretending you don't know what a metaphor is?

This is what he said:



On 12/27/2021 at 8:41 AM, OftenWrong said:

Because the insect-like left seek to impose the tyranny of the masses on all of us, 

The only solution is death by insecticide. Useful formulas include speaking truth to power, protecting free speech and the rights of the disaffected and the meek.


If he'd meant that literally how would you kill millions of people by speaking truth to power or protecting free speech and the rights of the meek and the disaffected? I guess it could happen but it would be self-defense of the righteous. Is that what you're against?

Edited by Infidel Dog
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23 hours ago, dialamah said:

He said "leftists .... Like ants in your house, they need to be eliminated."

If he'd mean leftist ideology, he would have said so.

Matter of opinion.  It's the right wing who've set up a law that rewards people for turning in their neighbors.

There are no "right wing" political party's in Canada. There is no real and true conservative party in Canada either except for the PPC party. All we have are leftist liberal/conservative party's, NDP socialists/Green party's in Canada.

No doubt, those communist snitches that turn in their neighbors are either a socialist or worse a communist who would do well living in a real communist country. In a communist country, the commies like their snitches. 

I am really starting to notice more and more each day now that there are plenty of Canadians out there that are just not patriotic anymore. They appear to not believe in rights and freedoms for all. They have become a bunch of useless and useful zombie idiots for the globalist communists and many now are starting to act like mask police. Of course, we all know now that we are all living in a mask up Marxist police state. We must all show our obedience to our political Marxist masters. 

I was in a casino and having a coffee with my mask down, and some liberal Marxist sat down next to me and told me to pull up my mask. I told her to mind her own gawd dam business. We went back and forth for a bit. Little did she know that when eating or drinking at a slot machine you can lower your mask to eat or drink. I did not tell her that. I preferred to argue with the commie. She no doubt was one of those wannabe mask police. This commie is one of the main reasons why we still have to wear masks. I enjoy having words with stupid mask lovers like her. I despise these buffoons big time. ?


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On 12/27/2021 at 8:37 PM, BeaverFever said:

Complete and total lie, Full stop. 

From another idiotic anti-vax and election BIG LIE conspiracy nut who can’t tell reality from his own uneducated fantasy world this whole post is just so rich.   If  only you had stayed in school instead of getting your information from Facebook memes created by Russian troll farms and other uneducated dummies. 

This person is a pretty prominent left winger and stands atop  a huge pedestal. Her words carry enough weight with other left wingers. She seems rather petty to put it mildly.


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Interesting thread. As I see it, the amount of damage that's been done over the last couple decades, to a society that was already beginning to crack, has made it easy for normally rational folks on the left and the right, to slip further to the extremes.

In the States, they now have an incompetent old fool as a POTUS and The Wicked Witch of the North as a Vice. This abject failure brought about by the intense hatred the left not only engaged in, but lied about and believed their own lies, to satisfy and justify their hatred. That and...a stolen election...

Here in Canuckland...we have Justin "Pixie-Dust" Trudeau. A man who's great claim to fame is his father...and his cute sockies. The man's a plank. His second? None other than that blithering idiot, Chrystia Freeland. A woman who gave away the farm and managed to call it a success. Stupid is a compliment for both of 'em.

In the States today, there's a man...parading as a women...cleaning up in the NCAA swimming competitions.

In Canada we jailed a Minister for...being a Minister.

"The whole world's goin' crazy. Crazy crazy crazy crazy. Hey baby, ya wanna go crazy with me?"

As for the vaccines

...I have 2 only because my wife is the bartender at my favorite watering hole and I'm too old to have any more kids. But I can honestly tell you this about that.

Should it turn out that this vax takes a terrible toll on our kids...there will be hell to pay...

Edited by Nationalist
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