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The push is on of the Omicron or Omnicon virus.


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9 hours ago, Aristides said:

Johns Hopkins, Worldometer

Deaths per million population

Florida, 2916

Canada, 802

I can appreciate how the death number may look scary however Florida has also incurred 3.3 times the Covid cases compare to Canada when looking at cases per million. Canada is at 64,903 and Florida is at 214,650. Its not like they're dying at a much higher rate based on the case count. 

I guess this comes down to how you view Covid playing out. At this point it looks to me that everyone is going to have to catch Covid whether you are vaxxed or not in order to get that natural immunity. Certain countries (like Sweden) went with limited restrictions and they had most of their Covid deaths in 2020. Their deaths per million has been pretty stagnant while other countries constantly go up. 

So I guess the question is....are we just delaying the inevitable? Are certain people more susceptible to Covid and once they finally catch it, they see an unfortunate end?  Ultimately we might be able to push it off so a good number of people catch a variant that is milder and they don't die from this even though they would have died from previous strains. Keeping in mind that the average Covid death is 83, we can assume that these saved Covid patients will go back to passing from something else. 

Besides, if you are so concerned about deaths per million, why don't you say anything about New York State where they are even higher than Florida despite their draconian mandates.  Maybe the mandates and lockdowns are working like you think?

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On 1/5/2022 at 1:58 PM, eyeball said:

Who knows in any case it looks like we're entering let 'er' rip mode which apparently bodes well for your side finally.  

I was hoping you were correct but then you hear this stupid shit.


Looks like Trudeau's Health Minister wants mandatory vaccinations. It ultimately comes down to the provinces but again, the feds can easily implement other coercive tactics (similar to carbon taxes) that will make the provinces do what they want.

To all you folks out there that said, its still our choice.....maybe not???

Interestingly enough, this doucebag's comments come at a time where he is starting to lose the numbers. Look at Ontario today, 71% of hospitalizations are fully vaxxed. Even ICU is steadily increasing as it hit 43% fully vaxxed (this number used to be like 10%).  Alberta's vaxxed hospital population has flipped where they are now the majority after months of it being largely unvaxxed people. 

The most glaring mistake buddy says is:


“I see in my own province 50 per cent of hospitalizations now in Quebec are due to people not having been vaccinated,” he said. 

As per Quebec's own provincial website, over the last 28 days only 34% of hospitalizations have been unvaccinated. And this number (if like Ontario will continue to decrease). 

Its obvious to me that these guys know their vaccine strategy failed. They need continual boosters to get the numbers they need for success and that's why they are doubling down. I can only hope that people wise up to this bullshit before it goes too far. 

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11 hours ago, Accountability Now said:

I was hoping you were correct but then you hear this stupid shit.


Looks like Trudeau's Health Minister wants mandatory vaccinations. It ultimately comes down to the provinces but again, the feds can easily implement other coercive tactics (similar to carbon taxes) that will make the provinces do what they want.

To all you folks out there that said, its still our choice.....maybe not???

Interestingly enough, this doucebag's comments come at a time where he is starting to lose the numbers. Look at Ontario today, 71% of hospitalizations are fully vaxxed. Even ICU is steadily increasing as it hit 43% fully vaxxed (this number used to be like 10%).  Alberta's vaxxed hospital population has flipped where they are now the majority after months of it being largely unvaxxed people. 

The most glaring mistake buddy says is:

As per Quebec's own provincial website, over the last 28 days only 34% of hospitalizations have been unvaccinated. And this number (if like Ontario will continue to decrease). 

Its obvious to me that these guys know their vaccine strategy failed. They need continual boosters to get the numbers they need for success and that's why they are doubling down. I can only hope that people wise up to this bullshit before it goes too far. 

You’re absolutely right.  In Australia the government is resorting to fascist oppression against the unvaccinated.  They will no longer be able to leave their homes except for three reasons.  Even exercise will be considered non-essential for them.  This may not yet appear as drastic as the Holocaust, but the motives and tactics are similar.  Take away people’s rights in the name of purity, this time health purity rather than racial purity.  It is evil.

I’m not sure if our mandatory QR codes are the “mark of the devil”, but I do know that they are being used as a way of ensuring that only those who participate in the vaccination program can enjoy a semblance of pre-pandemic freedom   It’s sick    I’ve played ball so far   I’ve got my booster appointment this month, but what else will government coerce me to do in order to enjoy basic freedoms?  Where is our discretion of choice, the ability to say that this or that remedy is right or wrong for us?   Why won’t Health Canada approve over the counter anti-viral pills?   Is this because our government has made procurement commitments that we’re now obligated to respect?  How much longer will I have to pay hundreds of dollars for tests that are hard to get completed on time in order to enter my own country?  How much longer will I have to show proof of vaccination on top of all this in order to be allowed to travel and enjoy basic freedoms?  Where does this end?  Is this really serving us?

Minister Duclos is a creepy dude.  End all restrictions immediately and get these totalitarians out of office.  America, please shine your light of liberty on Canada.  Free the slaves.


Edited by Zeitgeist
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9 hours ago, Accountability Now said:

To all you folks out there that said, its still our choice.....maybe not???

It'll still be your choice. Vaccines will not be forced.  I have an ardent anti-vaxxer in my family who says they'll get vaccinated if its mandated for travel abroad.  There was a surge of vaccinations in Quebec following some announcement that you'd need a passport to enter a liquor or pot store.  Given how half-hearted so much of the resistance seems to be I have no issue with pushing hard on the mandate front to continue reducing the number of unvaccinated people as far as possible.  I definitely draw the line when it comes to forcing needles into people's arms though.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

I definitely draw the line when it comes to forcing needles into people's arms though.

What would constitute force in your mind?  Fines?  Prison time?  Police knocking on your door, needle in hand? Something else?

Job loss already seems pretty coercive to me, but as long as it's individual employers requiring vaccines, I figure they have the right and the employee still has a choice, as hard as it is.  But if government were to mandate that only vaccinated people can work, that'd be over the line for me.

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32 minutes ago, Accountability Now said:

Just like when Trudeau and Kenney said they’d never do vaccine passports. Right?

If you say so, I really don't pay either one much heed myself so it wouldn't matter to me if they did.  I'm sure I won't miss it if they recommend armed needle squads. 

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23 minutes ago, dialamah said:

What would constitute force in your mind?  Fines?  Prison time?  Police knocking on your door, needle in hand? Something else?

No, pretty much exactly what you've written here.


Job loss already seems pretty coercive to me, but as long as it's individual employers requiring vaccines, I figure they have the right and the employee still has a choice, as hard as it is.  But if government were to mandate that only vaccinated people can work, that'd be over the line for me.

That might work and if it proved effective enough fine.  If it came down to it though I'd support government assistance/benefits for unvaccinated people.  Might be a small price to pay compared to paying everyone else to lockdown if/when things get out of control.  If there is just no choice but to accommodate or treat the issue of unvaccinated people with zero let-'er-rip policies then I think we'll need to look at doubling or tripling the size of our health system.  Perhaps we'll even need parallel health systems.

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19 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, pretty much exactly what you've written here.

That might work and if it proved effective enough fine.  If it came down to it though I'd support government assistance/benefits for unvaccinated people.  Might be a small price to pay compared to paying everyone else to lockdown if/when things get out of control.  If there is just no choice but to accommodate or treat the issue of unvaccinated people with zero let-'er-rip policies then I think we'll need to look at doubling or tripling the size of our health system.  Perhaps we'll even need parallel health systems.

Get real.  I find it funny that you think squeezing people into submission to get vaccinated is going to make a big difference to our healthcare system.  It won’t.   Then what, send the vax squads around every three months, take babies out of mothers’ arms (because vaccines for kids under 5 are coming)?  Don’t you see how twisted and presumptuous such moves are?  I actually think it’s probably easier for some people to get Omicron than a vaccine.  Gives you great antibody protection.  The fact that many people are thinking along those lines tells you that we’re at the end of the pandemic, at least in reality.

Psychologically we still have many fearful people, which is why government should be saying to people, avail yourself of available protections and treatments, take extra precautions if you’re vulnerable, and accept that Covid is endemic.  We can finally end the restrictions, testing, tracing, and screening insanity. Masking and vaccine mandates should also be dropped at this point. The hospitals are fine.  ICU’s are not full.  We can restore freedoms and manage the risk.  Some jurisdictions are already there.   Our restrictions in Canada are among the strictest in the Western world.   What, curfews?  Limits on gatherings to 5 people?   Closed restaurants and schools? Almost two years on with full access to vaccines, PPE, and treatments?  C’mon.  

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This can't go on like this. People who are not vaccinated at all could be discriminated against to a certain point but if you keep on moving the goal-posts so that for example two jabs won't be enough even though it was enough earlier and you need another, people will soon get tired of it all. 

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15 minutes ago, eyeball said:

 If it came down to it though I'd support government assistance/benefits for unvaccinated people.  Might be a small price to pay compared to paying everyone else to lockdown if/when things get out of control.  If there is just no choice but to accommodate or treat the issue of unvaccinated people with zero let-'er-rip policies then I think we'll need to look at doubling or tripling the size of our health system.  Perhaps we'll even need parallel health systems.

I think they should be eligible for EI, which is self-limiting but would give some time for the situation re: Covid to resolve and/or the unvaxed to have their concerns about the vaccine addressed.  Some never will of course, but I think it's a mistake to make these people into martyrs.  I also don't think there's any reason why the choice shouldn't be vaccine or daily testing, instead of vaccine or fired.

Our health care system certainly needs some work, but I think that's an issue separate from the current crisis. This crisis simply exacerbates the existing issues.  Maybe something will change in that regard post-pandemic.    

How do you envision parallel health systems?

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30 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Then what, send the vax squads around every three months, take babies out of mothers’ arms (because vaccines for kids under 5 are coming)?  Don’t you see how twisted and presumptuous such moves are?

Until you get a grip and read, read and read again where I've pointed out, ad nauseum, the difference between vaccine mandates and forced vaccination you're wasting time responding to me. 

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16 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

It's so much fun to persecute the Jews...well, until they find out about your Jewish great grandmother.

Did I say Jews? Sorry...I meant something else.

Whatever you say Godwin.  In the meantime I said accommodate not persecute and I disclosed the fact I have unvaxxed family members so...

You can go get a grip too. 

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22 minutes ago, dialamah said:

How do you envision parallel health systems?

Interestingly, same idea keeps coming up. Not going in depth about it but the current status quo is untenable and it's only a matter of time before the system collapses if not on paper then de facto under this strain of one of the next. The system can be financed jointly publicly and privately on insurance model, provisioned through public and private facilities (it would keep the quality and efficiency of public ones in check) and the consumer, that is, citizes would have a choice to get a public insurance or opt out and purchase a private one.

And for those who opt in, it could (and should?) be a separate clearly defined item on the provincial tax, no more bundle it all together and we'll figure it out, transfers etc ongoing drama.

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Mandatory vaccination for everyone may be coming to Canada or to the provinces as a last ditch effort to head off a continuing and spreading pandemic.  It could be imposed by the provinces under Emergency measures Act because seven million Canadians are holding out and refusing to be vaccinated and the health care system could be heading for disaster.   Like many other Canadians, I do not accept that thousands of Canadians in need of heart and cancer surgeries must die waiting while hospitals are overloaded with unvaccinated Covid patients.

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24 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Like many other Canadians, I do not accept that thousands of Canadians in need of heart and cancer surgeries must die waiting while hospitals are overloaded with unvaccinated Covid patients.

Are you ok if those hospitals are filled with vaccinated Covid patients?

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So stupid to think that the 20-30 percent of hospitalizations that are unvaccinated people are responsible for overloading our healthcare system.  First off, our system isn’t overloaded, not even close.  We still have 70-80% of our critical car beds available in Ontario. Hardly a crisis.  Also, what makes you so certain that those unvaccinated people wouldn’t be in the ICU if they were vaccinated?  I’m sure some of them would be.  So do the math.  Even if we conservatively say that a third of our ICU cases are unvaccinated people, with so much spare capacity in the system, it’s ridiculous to make them scapegoats.

The pandemic is over and both the government and the CBC need to revise their official narratives.  If not and restrictions continue, Canada can no longer call itself a highly developed country, because no one wants to live in a land of deprivation.

I’ll be keeping my place in Florida and buying private healthcare when I’m down there.  I have British citizenship which will also give the rest of my family access to British citizenship.  I’m keeping a foot out the door of Canada now, as Britain hasn’t closed its schools and restaurants, and testing requirements are being dropped for travellers. Students and staff don’t wear masks.  They’re exiting the pandemic. If Canada can’t find a way out of restrictions soon, those who can leave, will.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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On 1/6/2022 at 1:14 PM, Goddess said:

Honestly, you cannot find out about Gates and Fauci's forays into Africa with vaccines for children, backed and enforced by the WHO and CDC and continue to believe for one minute that these men are not 100% motivated by money and couldn't care less about children or human experimentation.

It's bad what they've done with human experimentation in the US, but what they have done (and are still doing) in Africa is utterly appalling.

Did you know that when drugs are taken off the market in the US for safety concerns because they killed too many people, they are marketed to people in Africa and the WHO enforces that the bad jabs are mandatory or else the country loses health funding?  And any funding they get is funneled into Gates and Fauci's vaccines instead of getting clean water or other necessities of life.

What good is forcing a questionable hepB vaccine on children when they are malnourished and don't have access to clean water?  I mean, besides making billions for Gates and Fauci.

Gates to hell and fraudster Fauci together have committed crimes against humanity for years now. But will they ever pay for their crimes against humanity? I doubt it very much. The system will protect from any prosecutions. They both are a couple of Teflon Dons. Must be nice, eh? ?

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

Whatever you say Godwin.  In the meantime I said accommodate not persecute and I disclosed the fact I have unvaxxed family members so...

You can go get a grip too. 


Do they let fishermen into the SS? I guess we'll find out!

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3 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

So stupid to think that the 20-30 percent of hospitalizations that are unvaccinated people are responsible for overloading our healthcare system.  First off, our system isn’t overloaded, not even close.  We still have 70-80% of our critical car beds available in Ontario. Hardly a crisis.  Also, what makes you so certain that those unvaccinated people wouldn’t be in the ICU if they were vaccinated?  I’m sure some of them would be.  So do the math.  Even if we conservatively say that a third of our ICU cases are unvaccinated people, with so much spare capacity in the system, it’s ridiculous to make them scapegoats.

The pandemic is over and both the government and the CBC need to revise their official narratives.  If not and restrictions continue, Canada can no longer call itself a highly developed country, because no one wants to live in a land of deprivation.

I’ll be keeping my place in Florida and buying private healthcare when I’m down there.  I have British citizenship which will also give the rest of my family access to British citizenship.  I’m keeping a foot out the door of Canada now, as Britain hasn’t closed its schools and restaurants, and testing requirements are being dropped for travellers. Students and staff don’t wear masks.  They’re exiting the pandemic. If Canada can’t find a way out of restrictions soon, those who can leave, will.  

Today's news.



Omicron pummels Ontario as hospitalizations reach 2,594 — yet another record high




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7 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Today's news.



Well within our capacity.  Hospitalizations are not necessarily ICU admissions.  Many of the hospitalizations are short.  You will see a higher death rate for a while until Omicron has more fully proliferated.  The vast majority of people have quite good immunity and more is coming.  I’m still getting my booster.  The anti-viral pills and treatments that are coming will help.  We can lift restrictions and manage the risk.  

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