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16 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Thank god, because half of your liberal idiots threatened to move here in Nov 2016. It would be like a plague of locusts. 


True, but even some of the Canadians in Hollywood promised to move back if Trump won....but never did.

COVID is more than just a pandemic, it is economic entropy and uncertainty on a massive scale.   New patterns and behaviours will result from the disruptions.


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2 hours ago, Shady said:

It gets even worse!  :lol:

In an effort to completely gloss-over the fact that Andrew was sending covid carriers into care homes like they were small pox blankets, his brother made a grand show of how important everything else was, and how funny their bromance is.

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2 minutes ago, Shady said:

As soon as these "protests" started getting ugly, the mainstream media shifted back to covid coverage.  But they don't seem to make any connection between the thousands of people protesting over the last few weeks, and the increase in cases.  Hmmm.

Nope, that's Trump's rally. It will usher in a new plague of biblical proportions.

I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually sending sick people to Oklahoma to try and infect people. 

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2 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


True, but even some of the Canadians in Hollywood promised to move back if Trump won....but never did.

COVID is more than just a pandemic, it is economic entropy and uncertainty on a massive scale.   New patterns and behaviours will result from the disruptions.

It's a plandemic. 

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57 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

It's funny how quickly they went from "riot and loot away with no regard whatsoever for covid laws" to "socially distance or you're demonspawn". 


2020 America, CNN and the Demmies: "Rioting & looting is ok, political rallies are verboten!"

So what source will you not immediately disregard that shows that protests have not led to a Spike in cases?


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28 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Indeed....it is interesting to see just how much the COVID shutdowns have sidelined and marginalized the "elite" Hollywood and sports entertainment industry.   They are the least essential, and beginning to realize it.

They are, it's shocking how irrelevant sports are to your day-to-day life. 

But we certainly enjoy it, don't we? That's why they make so much money. 

I think COVID will lead to a lot of changes in how work happens that were long needed. 

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32 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Nope, that's Trump's rally. It will usher in a new plague of biblical proportions.

The Trump rally was to be in an indoor area, impossible to social distance, few wearing masks. 


I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually sending sick people to Oklahoma to try and infect people. 

If the Dems sent people to infect people then perhaps it would have padded the paltry attendance at that rally. 

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30 minutes ago, Boges said:

So what source will you not immediately disregard that shows that protests have not led to a Spike in cases?


Spike, as in Spike Lee, or as in spike?

It was pre-ordained by the alt-left that the rioting wouldn't result in a spike. That's why I don't believe data that's specifically arranged to show that.

There was no social distancing and there were no masks in the Wal-Mars that were bing looted. The massive outdoor crowds had no masks. If they knew those things wouldn't spread covid then why don't we have sports? Why can't kids play baseball? 

You have no good answer, do you? You never do. Dodge in 3, 2, 1 .........


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39 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The massive outdoor crowds had no masks.

There where masks and social distancing. Just not universal. I saw plenty of people with masks. 


If they knew those things wouldn't spread covid then why don't we have sports? Why can't kids play baseball? 

Why don't you ask governments that have stopped all organized sports across all of North America. Conservative and Liberal places. You're acting like I stopped sports. 

As noted by BC2004, sports aren't essential. 

I agree that the protests led me to believe that all these rules limited family and friend interaction are complete bunk. But as seen with the Trump Rally and MAGA protests of the Shutdowns, it's not like these rules are being enforced in public places all that well. They weren't social distancing either. 

It seems public gatherings outdoors aren't what's spreading the virus. It's public gatherings indoors that are causing spikes. 

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41 minutes ago, Boges said:

There where masks and social distancing. Just not universal. I saw plenty of people with masks. 

Why don't you ask governments that have stopped all organized sports across all of North America. Conservative and Liberal places. You're acting like I stopped sports. 

As noted by BC2004, sports aren't essential. 

I agree that the protests led me to believe that all these rules limited family and friend interaction are complete bunk. But as seen with the Trump Rally and MAGA protests of the Shutdowns, it's not like these rules are being enforced in public places all that well. They weren't social distancing either. 

It seems public gatherings outdoors aren't what's spreading the virus. It's public gatherings indoors that are causing spikes. 

I think that we have a lot more herd immunity to covid now than our "health experts" expect. In NYC they do for sure. Maybe not Oklahoma so much, but imo covid is a paper tiger now.

The rally was good for building herd immunity. Screw covid. 

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On 6/23/2020 at 5:11 PM, SpankyMcFarland said:

If an effective vaccine appears, I will certainly be taking it because I remain highly concerned about this virus. 

Well, as long as there are scaredy cat people like you around then it does certainly look like this virus hoax is going to be sticking around for a very long time yet. Why people like you are still living in a state of panic and fear over nothing is beyond me, and the main reason why this joke of a hoax is still around. Wherever I go in my daily travels, I see tens of thousands of people every day out there walking or driving or doing whatever, and appear to be not all that much concerned or frightened about getting the bug virus. 

Relax fella, get yourself back to the old normal and stop worrying about some virus bug grabbing onto you. If you catch anything, it will just be the normal flu bug that comes around every year , and causes just as much health damage to people and lives out there every year. Stop allowing the globalists, the politicians, the media and some of those so called health officials to keep trying to scare the shit out of you. But what I can see from you here is that you are still allowing yourself to be conned by a bunch of con artists.

But if you do decide to take a vaccine shot when something comes along, all I can recommend to you is that you first try and find out as to what the ingredients are in that vaccine before you allow yourself to be injected with a Gates to hell vaccine. Of course, by you taking your injection, then you will be safe and secure from people like me who will not. Enjoy the prick. LOL. 


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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Indeed....it is interesting to see just how much the COVID shutdowns have sidelined and marginalized the "elite" Hollywood and sports entertainment industry.   They are the least essential, and beginning to realize it.

Indeed, those people in the sports and entertainment industry have to losing a lot of mooola these days. But most of them are multi millionaires anyway so a loss of some revenue will really not effect and hurt them all the much. But for you, and me, and thee though? Well, we are all pretty much phuc-ed, and they could care less. I could careless if most of those leftist liberal buffoons in the sports and entertainment business ever work anymore. Both have now become way to politically correct and virus stupid for me to stomach anymore.  

Especially NASCAR, as they have now fallen victim, and have now become nothing more than a bunch of BLM supporters, and have decided that sucking up to that BLM terrorist outfit is the politically correct thing to be doing. They fell for another BLM lie like that fake and lying news noose story put out by that one driver, and the lying media. Even the FBI went crazy and even sent in 15 FBI agents to investigate this lying noose story. 15 agents? Really? The insane asylum keeps getting filled up by more and more insane and crazy in the head people every day now. Just saying. ;)

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19 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I think that we have a lot more herd immunity to covid now than our "health experts" expect. In NYC they do for sure. Maybe not Oklahoma so much, but imo covid is a paper tiger now.

The rally was good for building herd immunity. Screw covid. 

Indeed, I wish that more people would say "screw Covid". All these now new cases popping up everywhere from Covid are all just made up fake statistics in order for our dear comrade leader dyktators to keep their new found powers and controls over we the people. They love their new found powers, and like all dyktators, once they get that power given to them, then they are reluctant to want to give them up. All these thousands of so called new cases of the virus is just another way for our dear leaders in saying to we the sheeple that I love my power over you, and I do not want to lose it. The Governor of Commiefornia has gone completely bonkers in the head. According to that buffoon, everybody that lives in Commiefornia has the virus. He sees the virus everywhere. LOL. 

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3 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

The Wall Street Journal tells us "Per-capita Covid fatalities were 75% lower in open states."


There's a paygate there but they discuss the article here:

COVID-19 death rate is 75% lower in states that didn't lock down: WSJ

It is said that globalists like Gates to hell, and the many other multi millionaires and billionaires out there have been making lots of money from this plandemic hoax of a virus, and they all stand to make millions more if the likes of Gates to hell gets to supply the world with his new found miracle ha-ha vaccine.  This plandemic exercise hoax is truly a "paygate" scandal alright.

And if they the sheeple continue to listen to and allow those deep state globalists, our dear comrade leaders, the lying media, and those so called health officials to keep trying to keep us all in a constant state of fear and panic we can only expect more of these lock downs, wearing those clown looking face masks, and social distancing to carry on in the future. I am very leery and quite concerned of what those mentioned above will try and pull off come the fall. Our dear comrade leaders have been pretty much trying to tell and give us all a hint that this new normal is pretty much here to stay. Things will never go back to the old normal. They can if the people want them to come back. We just need to fight and take them back. 

The days of being able to go to big sports events, concerts and country fairs like the PNE or the CNE appears to be over and not coming back for a very long time yet. It's hard to imagine that all it took to shut down pretty much everything because of some seasonal flu bug virus and this virus was able to eliminate the  good old normal days that we all once enjoyed. :unsure:

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5 hours ago, taxme said:

Well, as long as there are scaredy cat people like you around then it does certainly look like this virus hoax is going to be sticking around for a very long time yet. Why people like you are still living in a state of panic and fear over nothing is beyond me, and the main reason why this joke of a hoax is still around. Wherever I go in my daily travels, I see tens of thousands of people every day out there walking or driving or doing whatever, and appear to be not all that much concerned or frightened about getting the bug virus. 

Comrade, I’m going to say a Socialist prayer for you tonight. 

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1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Comrade, I’m going to say a Socialist prayer for you tonight. 

Now I lay me down to sleep,

I thank the welfare for my keep,

If I die before I wake

There's one last tax for 'Dope to take.


Something like that?

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If we understand and deal with the Coronavirus just like a bad flu, a lot of the fear will go away and so will the virus.

Then the magical prophecy of a wise man of auld will come true,
"The only way to really get rid of the Coronavirus is to stop looking at it."
- A. J. OftenWrong

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16 hours ago, Shady said:

Do people understand that there may never be a vaccine?  So lockdowns are irrelevant.

What if there is a vaccine and treatments that come sooner rather than later?  It's simply too soon to rule out the relevancy of lock-downs especially given the 18 months most experts seem to have suggested it will take to develop a vaccine.  We're only 4 months into this. 


Opening with mitigation practices is the ONLY option.

It's certainly an option alright and more so when experts say its safe to do so.  Who is saying otherwise?  

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Those that learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 

We understand that the death rate will drop as doctors know how to treat the disease. But we know that in places where COVID-19 ravaged a community, it was the level of Hospitalization, and the capacity related to it, caused deaths to spike. 

Where patients had to be triaged and doctors decided who lived and died. And GOP governors are noticing. Multiple states have halted their re-opening plans. 

Yesterday the US recorded 35,000 new cases. Canada has about 30,000 active cases total!


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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

What if there is a vaccine and treatments that come sooner rather than later?  It's simply too soon to rule out the relevancy of lock-downs especially given the 18 months most experts seem to have suggested it will take to develop a vaccine.  We're only 4 months into this. 

It's certainly an option alright and more so when experts say its safe to do so.  Who is saying otherwise?  

No, it's not up to so-called experts.  So-called experts don't have the authority to abolish our rights.    Regardless, lockdowns are done with anyways.  Everyone, no matter where in the world is opening up with mitigation practices.  It's the only viable option.

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7 minutes ago, Shady said:

No, it's not up to so-called experts.  So-called experts don't have the authority to abolish our rights.    Regardless, lockdowns are done with anyways.  Everyone, no matter where in the world is opening up with mitigation practices.  It's the only viable option.

You did notice that 3 states put a halt to re-opening efforts.

And the Texas Governor told people to stay home. 

BTW it's the complete disregard for any level of "mitigation" practices that have much of the US where it is right now. 

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41 minutes ago, Boges said:

BTW it's the complete disregard for any level of "mitigation" practices that have much of the US where it is right now. 


Really ?   Hasn't the U.S. closed it's northern border to non-essential land travel from Canada and Mexico ?

Or does that only count on the Canadian side ?

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