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3 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

It’s a good temporary policy and I’m upset that Ontario doesn’t bar non-essential travel from Quebec, the country’s biggest hot spot right now.  


Just add it to the list of travel restrictions being placed on Canadians, like going to a cottage to get away from urban hot spots being limited as well.

"Stay home" means different things to different people.

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2 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Just add it to the list of travel restrictions being placed on Canadians, like going to a cottage to get away from urban hot spots being limited as well.

"Stay home" means different things to different people.

Because the virus knows where the border is.

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6 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Looks early to late forties, I've never been the best age estimator for whatever reason.

Ya gotta do what a gotta do in this isolating war,  take the putty where you can find it, but late forties is a younger woman to me now, age snuck up on me

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48 minutes ago, Boges said:

Hmmm it appears a weekend and several thousand more deaths have made some posters take this virus much more seriously. 

Hey B ease up....we all need proof to make conclusions.. hindsight is wonderful... call me a hemmeroid for saying this...but I think we have had by far some of the best posts written on this topic by all the usual on this forum..it upped the discussion. ..and we now have Dougie Johnny Cash Box Cat Willie haikus to bring some sophisticated lsd magic mushroom  flashbacks to the dialogue..sing along under house arrest man...ease up on yourself too.. yer posts especially the ones I disagree with..are appreciated..without disagreement I would go just  even more nutz man...by the way Trump said some dumb stuff this weekend showing thin skin...he made a crack about the federal government not being a stock clerk...he really does need to take a cue from the Queen or Prince Chas on leadership...or even the rumpled Boris Johnson downplaying his fever..understatement is what true leaders do in times of crisis..no sugar coating but no rudeness..like Fatso Ford ..excellent example of staying  calm as a leader..I am too angry at Trudeau over Lavalin to say anything nice about him. I supported Grant Garneau not him as leader. Then again I supported Jean Charest as Conservative leader so I know nothing. The world no longer has Churchill to rally  people just the Queen and Prince Chas. I think Kanye West needs to make an address to the masses:

It ain't nuttin man

Jes sum punk ass China dude eating bats

Don't tell me nuttin man don't you tell me

I been round bats my whole life man

I warned the powers that be and they locked me up man as mental

Y'all need to listen to my lyrics back words man

You  a punk ass bitch Drake


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4 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Just add it to the list of travel restrictions being placed on Canadians, like going to a cottage to get away from urban hot spots being limited as well.

"Stay home" means different things to different people.

Ultimately people who want to go to their cottages can do so.  In Ontario at least the police aren’t pulling cars over at random.  I don’t know of checkpoints within the province, though it may come to that for hot spot areas.  The anti-cottage exodus movement is about not overwhelming small northern hospitals.   In summer some of these lake towns grow twenty or thirty-fold.  

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5 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

"Stay home" means different things to different people.

This is true. 

To some, you're only leaving home once a week to get food. If you want exercise, walk around the block a few times. Don't go to parks and trails. 

Even being in public, it seems everyone is keenly aware how close they're coming to people. 

I could argue that going up to Butt-Bleep no where to ride this out is probably a responsible thing to do. 

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43 minutes ago, Boges said:

This is true. 

To some, you're only leaving home once a week to get food. If you want exercise, walk around the block a few times. Don't go to parks and trails. 

Even in being in public, it seems everyone is keenly aware how close they're coming to people. 

I could argue that going up to Butt-Bleep no where to ride this out is probably a responsible thing to do. 

People  are assuming this will over run rural hospitals. That assumes people isolated still get the virus let alone head to a rural hospital. 

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Just now, Rue said:

People  are assuming this will over run rural hospitals. That assumes people isolated still get the virus let alone head to a rural hospital. 

That's a huge assumption. 

The goal is to quarantine and limit your exposure to other people not over-run hospitals. 

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13 hours ago, pinky tuscadero said:


I am on your side with this plandemic, check out these numbers:

- corona 2020 reaches 1 million total cases worldwide in over 4 months and the press goes into full-conniption

- influenza 2017-2018 infects 45 million in the USA alone, no lockdown

This is stupid. We've already pointed out how much more dangerous the coronavirus is than the flu. Are you people just blind or incapable of processing basic information? More people have already died from the CV19 in a month than usually die in a year from flu, and that's WITH the big lockdown. We see bodies piling up in hallways and in refrigerator trucks outside hospitals, and mortuaries being overwhelmed with dead so they can't process them. You think that's some kind of worldwide conspiracy?

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6 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

It’s a good temporary policy and I’m upset that Ontario doesn’t bar non-essential travel from Quebec, the country’s biggest hot spot right now.  

I question just how much use it is. And if I had a cottage in Quebec I'd be fuming that I couldn't go up and spend my time there, and probably seeing about a lawsuit.

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3 hours ago, Boges said:

Hmmm it appears a weekend and several thousand more deaths have made some posters take this virus much more seriously. 

I think Fox News probably deserves a little credit for that.  Now I see they're advocating trench warfare and human wave tactics to save the economy so hopefully their subscribers will all be rushing to the front by next weekend.

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19 minutes ago, Argus said:

I question just how much use it is. And if I had a cottage in Quebec I'd be fuming that I couldn't go up and spend my time there, and probably seeing about a lawsuit.

Quebec is well known to have a harsh police force with a dubious record for transparency.  I trust the OPP far more that the Surete du Quebec.  It’s one of the reasons Quebec’s Indigenous worry about separation.  

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

Quebec is well known to have a harsh police force with a dubious record for transparency.  I trust the OPP far more that the Surete du Quebec.  It’s one of the reasons Quebec’s Indigenous worry about separation.  


OK, but wouldn't this all be a lot more legal-like if Trudeau or the premiers declared a state of emergency ?   What are they saving it for....nuclear war ?

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4 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

OK, but wouldn't this all be a lot more legal-like if Trudeau or the premiers declared a state of emergency ?   What are they saving it for....nuclear war ?

Probably for the day Trump uses the state of emergency to suspend elections and your country goes ape-shit.

It's happening elsewhere, sans the ape-shit of course.


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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Probably for the day Trump uses the state of emergency to suspend elections and your country goes ape-shit.


Why would they wait for Trump ?    That doesn't even make any sense.

"My country" has already determined that elections will proceed according to existing law.   Voter turnout would be lower and favoured by Republicans.

Hint:   Trump is a Republican (sorta).

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From a position of almost total ignorance on the subject, I have a hard time believing that there could be enough work done on contact tracing in Canada, given how complex and important it is - one of the few weapons we have at the moment, which Singapore et al have used well so far. Better too much than just enough IMO.

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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16 hours ago, pinky tuscadero said:

Sorry taxme, I thought my post was dripping with sarcasm.

I am on your side with this plandemic, check out these numbers:

- corona 2020 reaches 1 million total cases worldwide in over 4 months and the press goes into full-conniption

- influenza 2017-2018 infects 45 million in the USA alone, no lockdown


Anyhoo, how did the high and mighty Fauci know beyond a shadow of a doubt three years ago that Trump would definitely face a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his term?

That seems oddly specific for a four year term, almost like he had advanced knowledge.

He also appears to have a money grudge against Trump, very strange



Then I must say that I am sorry for not getting the drift. It does happen to me a few times now and then. Age. Lol. Hey, even I am willing to admit that I am not perfect. 

Fauci is a short shit little fraud and he obviously works for the globalist elite and this "plandemic" and he knows a lot more then he will ever reveal to we the people. As I said in an earlier post the globalists billionaires, like Mr. Vaccinations Bill Gates who pretty much owns all rights to vaccinations being created in some globalist lab, attended a globalist meeting in 2019 in where else but New York City and the topic was all about "Global Pandemic Exercise". The word and clue here is EXERCISE? And what do we have happening today A global pandemic. Just a coincidence, eh?  Even Netflix created a series called "Pandemic". Coincidence again? Fat chance, if you ask me. 

Indeed, there have been many viruses that have come along in the past several years but none ever got the treatment or the attention like this one is getting. This attempted lock down and denial of people being allowed to assemble is so communist in nature. I will never believe another politician or the lying media anymore. They like to fabricate stories and just plain tell lies. This constant over and over and over again about this seasonal flu bug has to be seen as a bit of communist like brainwashing going on here. That Asian woman health officer is driving me crazy every time I see her ugly leftist liberal lying face on TV telling me over and over and over again to stay home and wait to die. :D

What surprises me most about all of this is why Trump is going along with this "exercise"? I am not getting it right now? Are you? I thought that he would be the last one to go along with this manufactured hoax by the globalists. I think that Trump is being given bad information about this hoax and he is believing what liars like Fauci and others are telling him. 

Indeed, there is something really going on here, and it ain't going to be good for you or me, pardner.  :D

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16 hours ago, bcsapper said:

In 2009-2010 the Swine Flu infected a billion or so people worldwide.  I don't remember being locked down then either.  Perhaps not all diseases are the same.

All seasonal flu bugs are pretty much the same and do the same thing? They either will make you sick or they will kill you. This one is no different. All of a sudden there are no more people dying from pneumonia anymore these days. Those that are dying from pneumonia are now being lumped in with those that are supposedly dying from this China virus to make the death statistics for this so called plandemic look bigger than what they really are. A big con job going on here. 

In America, the media keeps telling the gullible people that most hospitals these days look like war zones. But there are those so called citizen journalists who have gone out to many hospitals have found all of them pretty dam quiet. Wth? Ambulances sitting around for hours and going nowhere. It's nice to see that many people are now seeing this plandemic for what it is? A big bloody joke of a hoax. Sadly, they appears to be many Canadians who have fallen for this hoax. Enjoy your isolation, lemmings. Lol. 

I do not fear this virus at all. But what I do fear are our dear political leaders who are really starting to look more like little Stalin or Mao dyktators. They are truly starting to abuse their political powers and appear to be trying to push their constituents around and now leading them by their noses. They know that this is a hoax but yet they are still willing to go along with this plandemic exercise hoax. It's wakey-wakey time. ;)

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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Why would they wait for Trump ?    That doesn't even make any sense.

"My country" has already determined that elections will proceed according to existing law.   Voter turnout would be lower and favoured by Republicans.

Hint:   Trump is a Republican (sorta).

I wonder if Emperor Trudeau is planning on implementing the War Measures Act or Martial Law? If he does, then that is when we should all know that we are now all ph--ked. Now he can play the role of a real dyktator and there is nothing the lemmings will be able to do about then. They have now allowed a dyktator to take their freedoms away. As much as I will never trust our dear leader politicians and the lying media anymore, I will also sadly have to say that I cannot trust most Canadians anymore with my freedoms. Just my opinion of course. ;)

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In the future it will be less appealing to cram into big crowded cities and pay ridiculous money in order to do so. Especially in countries where there is plenty of alternative available. 

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2 hours ago, -TSS- said:

In the future it will be less appealing to cram into big crowded cities and pay ridiculous money in order to do so. Especially in countries where there is plenty of alternative available. 

I was surprised the Internet didn’t trigger such a trend. Instead we’ve seen young people flock to the major cities. Perhaps working from home will get a big boost now? 

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5 hours ago, taxme said:

All seasonal flu bugs are pretty much the same and do the same thing? They either will make you sick or they will kill you. This one is no different. All of a sudden there are no more people dying from pneumonia anymore these days. Those that are dying from pneumonia are now being lumped in with those that are supposedly dying from this China virus to make the death statistics for this so called plandemic look bigger than what they really are. A big con job going on here. 

In America, the media keeps telling the gullible people that most hospitals these days look like war zones. But there are those so called citizen journalists who have gone out to many hospitals have found all of them pretty dam quiet. Wth? Ambulances sitting around for hours and going nowhere. It's nice to see that many people are now seeing this plandemic for what it is? A big bloody joke of a hoax. Sadly, they appears to be many Canadians who have fallen for this hoax. Enjoy your isolation, lemmings. Lol. 

I do not fear this virus at all. But what I do fear are our dear political leaders who are really starting to look more like little Stalin or Mao dyktators. They are truly starting to abuse their political powers and appear to be trying to push their constituents around and now leading them by their noses. They know that this is a hoax but yet they are still willing to go along with this plandemic exercise hoax. It's wakey-wakey time. ;)

I don't fear our political leaders at all.  You really should be less timid.  Less of a lemming.

As for your first comment.  Such nonsense.  It's a good job this one is different from the Swine Flu, in terms of infection rate, because with that infection rate and this death rate, it would be scary.

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4 hours ago, -TSS- said:

In the future it will be less appealing to cram into big crowded cities and pay ridiculous money in order to do so. Especially in countries where there is plenty of alternative available. 

In the future the proximity to wilderness and distance from neighbours will be valued as greatly as waterfront causing the gentrification of rural areas and especially where rural areas are scarce. If people thought there was a housing crisis in isolated tourist towns now wait until the speculators emerge after this crisis and drive affordability even farther thru the roof.

I won't be surprised if there's a push for some kind of land reform given how many small towns are surrounded by thousands of square km of Crown land.  Indigenous people on negotiated treaty lands could make a fortune in lease fees if they play their cards right. At the moment though most I'm aware of hereabouts have banned and blockaded all outsiders from their communities.

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