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Pipeline protestors need to be jailed


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8 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Bring back sail boats! We don't need no stinking fossil fuels, and if we keep using them then the world will explode in 12 years!


Well...almost, eh?

Nuclear is out...so let's redo Bonanza. Life on the Ponderosa was pretty sweet. 

I seriously doubt some posters fully understand what happens when one turns on the hot water for the morning shower. And if they do have an inkling, I'm pretty sure they don't have anything to replace it with other than Greta's hopes and wishes.

The key to advancing Civilization remains in birth control...not cutting ourselves off of energy like we're trying to quit smoking.

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It's like I say, wishful thinking is a helluva drug. The Thunberg Cult is a prime example.

The key to advancing civilization is Liberty. Liberty attracts wealth, and with wealth comes a lower birth rate. Birth control takes care of itself as civilization advances and people on aggregate choose to have less kids for self serving reasons, there are no first world nations with huge birth control issues for example, it's a third world problem predominantly. The societies that have a birth rate around replacement levels also tend to be the freest and wealthiest societies, and the societies that have the highest birth rates tend to be the least free and wealthy societies.

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These people are clueless and naive about how to run businesses, industry, and society as a whole.  Now “chiefs” are setting the terms.  What a sad state of affairs for this country.  Can’t get anything done.  A bunch of whiny layabout dependents are shutting down the economy and making shrill, stupid demands.  

We need emergency measures.  Toss out the blockade terrorists and all discussions.  Trudeau should resign or the Governor General should dissolve Parliament.  Incompetent and weak.  

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The company consulted for 5 years then signed a deal. The 20  elected bands and 8 hereditary bands accepted it. Then 5 hereditary chiefs freak out so it gets torn up? This precedent screws good-faith negotiations with  all FN bands because now,  *no* deal is final, and signatures don't mean a thing. 


 I was able to address a lotta issues in my time as Chief and Council but The tearing apart of Canada is something thats got me stumped. The foreign$$$/the slick campaign/ plus the smart organizers are brilliant at getting Canadians to shut down Canada
Edited by scribblet
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10 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Holy crap, today is the day Justin Trudeau finally grew some testicles!

Uh huh. And what action has he taken to cause you to think this? A few days ago he said the rail blockades were 'unacceptable'. And then did nothing. Now he's said they must come down. But he also hasn't done anything. Where are these testicles you so admire?

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7 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

I seriously doubt some posters fully understand what happens when one turns on the hot water for the morning shower. And if they do have an inkling, I'm pretty sure they don't have anything to replace it with other than Greta's hopes and wishes.

Most of them are pretty ignorant. They figure we can just build a few more windmills and solar farms and presto. All done! That these now produce well under 1% of the world's energy - and that there's a reason for that, are well beyond their ability to think logically.

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1 hour ago, Argus said:

Uh huh. And what action has he taken to cause you to think this? A few days ago he said the rail blockades were 'unacceptable'. And then did nothing. Now he's said they must come down. But he also hasn't done anything. Where are these testicles you so admire?

I guess we'll see.

I assumed he was never going to mess with the protestors because of PC fears.

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Choke point: How the blockade movement has sent tremors across Canada’s economy and beyond

What started as a protest in a remote part of Western Canada has flared into a crisis that is wreaking havoc as far away as Halifax

Kevin Piper still operates a crane at the Port of Halifax, but with each passing day, there’s less and less work.

This week, one of the port’s largest customers, New Jerseybased Atlantic Container Line (ACL), started diverting its ships to ports in the United States after a rail blockade paralyzed much of Eastern Canada, leaving valuable cargo stranded on the docks in Nova Scotia.

“It’s amazing to me that this has gone on this long,” said Andrew Abbott, ACL’s president. “We’ve always sold clients on the fact that it’s easier (to ship) in Canada.”




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On 2/21/2020 at 12:48 PM, eyeball said:

Yes but as it's been pointed out over and over and over again the consent of elected bands and councils has no legal standing in unceded territories in BC.  It matters not one bit how much you or Trudeau wishes otherwise but the UNDRIP as recognized by Canada that spells that out became legally enshrined in BC last November.

Yes, the liberals recognized UNDRIP.  It is not, however, enshrined in Canadian law and with any luck never ever will be.  It would be absolutely disastrous for our country. 

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6 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

These people are clueless and naive about how to run businesses, industry, and society as a whole.  Now “chiefs” are setting the terms.  What a sad state of affairs for this country.  Can’t get anything done.  A bunch of whiny layabout dependents are shutting down the economy and making shrill, stupid demands.  

We need emergency measures.  Toss out the blockade terrorists and all discussions.  Trudeau should resign or the Governor General should dissolve Parliament.  Incompetent and weak.  

If by these people you mean the so-called hereditary Wet'suwet'en chiefs,  you could be right.  However, as Chief Clarence Louie of the Okanagan band has proven, there are FNs who are well able to run profitable businesses.  With the help of others on his reserve he turned a failing community into a shining example of what FNs can do when they take the time to learn good business practices, put them in place and insist that meetings are held on time - not on Injun Time as he is fond of stating.  The bands that want to buy the TM line are also well versed in business economics and their reserves are also well run. 

Unfortunately, many reserves fail to realize that this is the 21rst century and subsistence living has only exacerbated their problems.  Until those bands realize that the way forward, the only way forward for remote communities lies with resource extraction, they will continue to be dependent upon the government for handouts. 

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22 hours ago, jacee said:

Why have the RCMP not yet moved out of Wet'suet'en Territory? They're the ones holding things up! 

IF police start arresting people ... well ... I think we all know how it will spread here, there and everywhere. 

They will not move until they are assured that those working on the line will not be put in danger and have unfettered access to the work site.  The small group of anti-line people have shown time and again they cannot be trusted to obey the injunction.  Had they done so, the RCMP would not be necessary.  Really you do need to get a better grip on what is happening on the ground there.

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On 2/20/2020 at 6:06 PM, Moonlight Graham said:

The police don't even want to arrest them, because that would look bad.  Hell they don't even want to tell them to leave LOL. If the natives get violent and resist, the police will cower.  Oka was good times lol.

Natives hardly ever have any leverage like this so this is entertaining to watch.

I wonder if the Eastern Canadians who are running short of propane to heat their homes, or the thousands of Canadians - many of them FNs in remote communities facing grocery shortages think this is entertaining? 

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On 2/21/2020 at 11:57 AM, scribblet said:

Maybe  a good move towards 'Reconciliation' would be to slash foreign aid then redirecting it  towards communities in need, many of whom are Native . Instead, Trudeau keeps focusing on foreign countries spending billions for UN seat. 

By not allowing remote FN communities to partnership with resource companies is simply condemning them to decades more of subsistence living on government funding.  Resource extraction in such communities is the ONLY way the bands will be able to provide decent employment for their people.  In addition to employment the ongoing royalties will give the bands funds to build better homes, well-maintained water plants, better schools, better health facilities and the list goes on. 

I will never support the implementation of UNDRIP as it would enshrine two levels of law in Canada and no democratic country in the world would or should stand for that.  What does need to happen is abolishment of the Indian Act followed by every single FN living on a reserve given title to their own land. 

What is standing solidly in the way of those two necessary changes is the AFN.  Just as the men who claim hereditary titles in the Wet'suwet'en band, the chiefs who sit on the AFN believe they have an almost divine right to rule over their people.  Neither of the two truly care about the welfare of their people which is blatantly obvious in the current situation.  They do not wish to see the power they have over their people diminished in anyway which would be the result if the Act was gone and title to the land was in the hands of individual band members. 

For all that the radical activists scream and holler for UNDRIP, they side-step the two issues that would actually see concrete changes for the better in the lives of FNs. 


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14 minutes ago, eyeball said:

UNDRIP is enshrined in BC.

You could cut BC loose....please and thanks.

Cool, as soon as they pay up their portion of the debt.   Which unfortunately due to the spending of our prime minister over the past 5 years is significantly higher now.  I guess BC could pay it back in instalments.

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On 2/21/2020 at 2:27 PM, Goddess said:

Where does it say that?  It says "frustrated locals".

Cite something that says it's Sons of Odin or Proud Boys who took the barricades down.

Be careful - I know one of the people in that picture and they are NOT affiliated with either of those groups.


Don't hold your breath, the drama queen doesn't  like facts.

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On 2/21/2020 at 2:17 PM, jacee said:

Ya, Sons of Odin, Proud Boys ... with filthy racist mouthes. 

Strange...........I've read four different articles on the counter-protestors in Edmonton, watched several broadcasts including one on cbc about it - and if anyone was going to mention any of the groups mentioned above it would be them - and you know what not one single mention of any of them.  Where do you get your news from?

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1 hour ago, mowich said:

By not allowing remote FN communities to partnership with resource companies is simply condemning them to decades more of subsistence living on government funding.  Resource extraction in such communities is the ONLY way the bands will be able to provide decent employment for their people.  In addition to employment the ongoing royalties will give the bands funds to build better homes, well-maintained water plants, better schools, better health facilities and the list goes on. 

I will never support the implementation of UNDRIP as it would enshrine two levels of law in Canada and no democratic country in the world would or should stand for that.  What does need to happen is abolishment of the Indian Act followed by every single FN living on a reserve given title to their own land. 

What is standing solidly in the way of those two necessary changes is the AFN.  Just as the men who claim hereditary titles in the Wet'suwet'en band, the chiefs who sit on the AFN believe they have an almost divine right to rule over their people.  Neither of the two truly care about the welfare of their people which is blatantly obvious in the current situation.  They do not wish to see the power they have over their people diminished in anyway which would be the result if the Act was gone and title to the land was in the hands of individual band members. 

For all that the radical activists scream and holler for UNDRIP, they side-step the two issues that would actually see concrete changes for the better in the lives of FNs. 


Knowledgeable commentary.  You’re right that title needs to be established where continuous sole habitation can be established by the courts.  With that should come the right to form partnerships with industry and receive the proceeds, but with taxation.  All Indigenous communities in Canada should provide private land title directly to residents.  Let the band members vote on whether the land should be available for purchase to non-Indigenous on the open market or only to other band members.  

However, if outsiders are providing health, education, infrastructure, law enforcement, essentially the services of a municipality, province, region, and/or federal government, they should be paying taxes or providing these services for themselves, which is real independence.  

If a band can be prosperous, within or independent of Canada, good for them.  If at that point the community can’t sustain itself, that’s a choice of the band members to accept low living standards.  I would support funding aid to help poor, remote communities that choose to close up shop, to resettle.  I also think the Indian Act should be scrapped and status cards grandfathered out.  I really believe these measures would end the systemic segregation and empower Indigenous to the fullest extent of true self-determination.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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On 2/21/2020 at 2:51 PM, jacee said:

Random Indigenous person on FB, target of the filthy mouth racist creeps.

Excuse me?  You are much smarter than that.  Just in case, cite means that you give a reliable source. FB is the least reliable source out there and a really feeble attempt at trying to make your specious comment legit. 

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On 2/21/2020 at 3:56 PM, Goddess said:

Ooooookaaaayyyyy......not sure what that has to do with you claiming that the SoO and Proud Boys were responsible for removing the barricades in Edmonton.

Nothing.  Nada.  Just a futile attempt to deflect from the fact that she cannot produce a reliable source for her falsehoods.

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