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America under President Trump

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29 minutes ago, Shady said:

Except isn't not unconstitutional or against the law to be an a-hole.  If

Sure, but how is that relevant?  

30 minutes ago, Shady said:

If the electorate wishes to elect and re-elect an a-hole, they're perfectly in their right to do so.

Sure they are but how is that relevant?

30 minutes ago, Shady said:

The way he conducts himself, the way he just doesn't give a shit, they way he doesn't conform to societal norms really pushes people off the edge.

He lies, he fires people merely for disagreeing with him, he gave his family powerful jobs in the administration, he randomly undermines political allies and enemies, undermines institutions that support democracy, is a sexual predator, he manipulates situations to benefit himself, his family, his companies, gives millions more to the already rich, golfs on taxpayer money.   Trumpsters support all of that, yet if Trudeau misstates something - deliberately or accidentally, inadvertently bumps a female chest, takes a free helicopter ride to a rich friend's island, visits his quarantined family on a weekend, undermines his own poltical ally (JWR), hires an extra nanny on taxpayer money, Canadian Trumpsters howl like its the end of the world.  

Trump supporters are stupid; Canadian Trump supporters are both stupid and hypocritical.  

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5 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Sure, but how is that relevant?  

Sure they are but how is that relevant?

He lies, he fires people merely for disagreeing with him, he gave his family powerful jobs in the administration, he randomly undermines political allies and enemies, undermines institutions that support democracy, is a sexual predator, he manipulates situations to benefit himself, his family, his companies, gives millions more to the already rich, golfs on taxpayer money.   Trumpsters support all of that, yet if Trudeau misstates something - deliberately or accidentally, inadvertently bumps a female chest, takes a free helicopter ride to a rich friend's island, visits his quarantined family on a weekend, undermines his own poltical ally (JWR), hires an extra nanny on taxpayer money, Canadian Trumpsters howl like its the end of the world.  

Trump supporters are stupid; Canadian Trump supporters are both stupid and hypocritical.  

Complete nonsense.  All of what you've stated is subjective, and none of that is illegal.  Like I've already said, he doesn't follow usual norms, and decorum.  It's not against the law.  So deal with it or seek professional help.  In my opinion Trudeau supporters are stupid.  American Trudeau supporters are both stupid and hypocritical.

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3 hours ago, Boges said:

And again you go to the predictable playbook of only focusing on these alleged illegalities instead of any discussion of Trump. Even if I concede to those illegalities it's irrelevant because the DOJ has done nothing to charge any parties involved. It's a political tactic, not a legal one.


It is both, and quite expected during an American presidential election campaign.   To think otherwise is very naive.

American politics does not stop for anything....not for civil wars...world wars...depressions...or pandemics.

...and Canada loves to watch.

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14 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

It is both, and quite expected during an American presidential election campaign.   To think otherwise is very naive.

American politics does not stop for anything....not for civil wars...world wars...depressions...or pandemics.

...and Canada loves to watch.

I'm still waiting for Hillary to get locked up. 

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1 hour ago, dialamah said:

Sure, but how is that relevant?  

Sure they are but how is that relevant?

He lies, he fires people merely for disagreeing with him, he gave his family powerful jobs in the administration, he randomly undermines political allies and enemies, undermines institutions that support democracy, is a sexual predator, he manipulates situations to benefit himself, his family, his companies, gives millions more to the already rich, golfs on taxpayer money.   Trumpsters support all of that, yet if Trudeau misstates something - deliberately or accidentally, inadvertently bumps a female chest, takes a free helicopter ride to a rich friend's island, visits his quarantined family on a weekend, undermines his own poltical ally (JWR), hires an extra nanny on taxpayer money, Canadian Trumpsters howl like its the end of the world.  

Trump supporters are stupid; Canadian Trump supporters are both stupid and hypocritical.  

Lol geez Di  you are in a critical mood.

I like to think of Trump followers as wrestling fans. They do not really believe the script. They do not take it literally. They see it as a parody. They see him acting out in exaggeration their distrust of being told what to do. He's just what wrestling fans call a "mouth". Those are wrestlers that sound great when interviewed. He's like a Hulk Hogan.  He's a parody to them. Its a wierd world for them. They just assume all politicians are liars so his being one is not the issue-it is who he insults they like. Its a collective madness in one sense, brought on by a history of dishonest politicians.

If you really want to see the distrust of Americans to their government without as much insulting of others, try on Jesse Ventura. If he ran he would be elected tomorrow.

Is Trump stupid. I suspect myself he is a demented loose cannon at times but I think off stage he is laissez faire and has no direct say in anything but fires people deliberately thinking it fuels better work and makes him look tough to play up his ego and image of tough guy. Its a 60's management belief his father brought him up on-humiliate people-keep them fearful to get the most work out of  them-respect through fear. Its not so much stupid as it is dysfunctional. 

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30 minutes ago, Rue said:


I like to think of Trump followers as wrestling fans.

...They just assume all politicians are liars so his being one is not the issue-it is who he insults they like. Its a collective madness in one sense, brought on by a history of dishonest politicians.

If you really want to see the distrust of Americans to their government without as much insulting of others, try on Jesse Ventura. If he ran he would be elected tomorrow.



Point well taken, and I mostly agree, but no, Jesse Ventura would not be elected president.   When we elected him Governor in Minnesota, it was a protest vote and mocking goof on the "system".   Ventura ran for governor because the government was over-taxing his Porsche 930 Turbo....he fixed that as governor and many other car owners benefited.

Ventura could muster a third party run like Ross Perot, but without support from major party machines in many states, he would not prevail.   Even pro wrestling requires the support and cooperation of media and big money.

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I was a never-trumper during his first campaign. I was on board with the things he said he'd do, I just didn't think he'd do them. Then he got elected. Things got done.  Even when they didn't right away, like say, build the wall or drain the swamp he's still at it. I'll support him as long as he continues to get things done. Stuff like his chuckle-worthy tweets are just a perk.

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18 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

This forum is a PRO Forum Rules forum...


Yeah, you wish. Yesterday I recvd a ruuude awakening; This forum is clearly a pro-Dem, pro-Globalism hub.

Check your private msg LOL you won't believe what Admin here pulled on my account

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11 hours ago, Boges said:

I'm not fan of Greta Thunberg. I think people prop her up as someone who tries to walk to the walk as best she can, but her insight isn't really helpful. And then when she's criticized, those same people complain that she's just a kid. Can't have it both ways. 

But neither is someone who thinks Coal is a viable energy source going into the future. Or someone who denies that using more efficient fuel sources is beneficial our society as a whole.

Those people certainly aren't experts. They're arguing purely from a financial perspective not an environmental one. 

“More efficient fuel sources” is something from Star trek, unless you want to build more nuclear reactors. 
Wind farms aren’t a success. Solar energy isn’t a smashing success. What green energy sources are you proposing to replace coal and oil?

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11 hours ago, Shady said:

Just another thing Trump gets blamed for.

New York Sent Recovering Coronavirus Patients to Nursing Homes: ‘It Was a Fatal Error’




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9 hours ago, dialamah said:

He lies, he fires people merely for disagreeing with him, he gave his family powerful jobs in the administration, he randomly undermines political allies and enemies, undermines institutions that support democracy, is a sexual predator, he manipulates situations to benefit himself, his family, his companies, gives millions more to the already rich, golfs on taxpayer money.   Trumpsters support all of that, yet if Trudeau misstates something - deliberately or accidentally, inadvertently bumps a female chest, takes a free helicopter ride to a rich friend's island, visits his quarantined family on a weekend, undermines his own poltical ally (JWR), hires an extra nanny on taxpayer money, Canadian Trumpsters howl like its the end of the world.  

Trump supporters are stupid; Canadian Trump supporters are both stupid and hypocritical.  

OMG, listen to you going on about undermining institutions lol. The Dems turned the FBI into the laughing stock of federal police agencies. That was one of the most highly respected institutions on the planet and they're a disgraced joke now. You couldn't undermine an institution to a greater extent than the Dems have destroyed the FBI.  

You're calling Trump a sexual predator and defending Trudeau's sexual predations lol. What a joke, 1) you clearly don't speak the english language and 2) you're a hypocrite.

Gives millions more to the rich lol, WTF do you think socialism does? Puts some people on breadlines, makes guys like Maduro and his cronies rich. Look around the world and through human history and find me some examples of societies with a healthier distribution of wealth than the US, which are sustainable long-term.

Trump's golf trips are basically free compared to Trudeau's lavish vacations. About 98% of them are at properties that he is at least a part-owner of.   

Trudeau didn't 'bump a lady's chest, he groped a reporter and then apologized because he didn't know that she was someone important. WTF does that even say about him? He has a whole laundry list of bad excuses for that, it's awkward and pathetic, just like the weasel himself. 

"Taking a free ride to an island" is an actual scandal. Trudeau represents Canadians and foreigners shouldn't be giving him lavish gifts. If a realtor or lawyer was to take a gift from a 3rd party in a transaction where their client is a principal, they'd be out of a job, it's that serious. If your lawyer gets caught taking a gift from your spouse while they're representing you in a divorce - game over.  If you're buying a house and then you find out that the homeowner gave your realtor a $20K car just before you bought it, would you wonder if they convinced you to pay a jacked-up price?  If you could prove they got that car as a gift, they'd lose their license to sell real estate. 

Trump bashers are naive and stupid. Trudeau supporters actually are naive and incredibly stupid. He hasn't touched on a single issue as PM and not screwed up royally. 

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23 hours ago, dialamah said:

Trump supporters are stupid; Canadian Trump supporters are both stupid and hypocritical.  


23 hours ago, Shady said:

  In my opinion Trudeau supporters are stupid.  American Trudeau supporters are both stupid and hypocritical.

Actually you are both correct!

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On 5/15/2020 at 6:29 AM, Boges said:

And I'm not even talking about illegalities, I'm talking about incompetence in dealing with this pandemic. 

That's a Dem talking point, and not a real topic for discussion.

FYI Trump banned travel from China back when it was the exact right thing to do. None of the Dems were even talking about covid then. They were all talking about Ukrainian collusion and the Dem primary. THAT'S IT.No covid discussion at all from the Dem party. Almost a full month later Nancy Pelosi was still acting like covid was a big joke. "Come to Chinatown and be a part of this experiment in extreme non-social distancing".

Would you like a chance to express justifiable outrage Boges? Then be mad at the people who said that the travel ban was racist, when it actually saved a lot of lives. Be mad at Dems who TOLD Americans to ride the Subway and go to restaurants like everything is fine after Trump had already had to ban travel from China. Be mad at the WHO for giving the exact wrong advice back when it mattered the most. Be mad at Trudeau for doing absolutely nothing until 45 days after Trump banned travel from China. Be mad that Trudeau just gave the WHO money, despite the fact that every single human being on earth knows that the WHO fucked more than 100,000 people into their graves and cost western nations trillions of dollars in debt. 

Your Mickey Mouse reasons for being mad at Trump are peanuts compared to the laundry list of actual reasons why you should be mad at Trudeau, the WHO, CNN, CBC and Pelosi, to name a few.

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On 5/15/2020 at 9:58 AM, dialamah said:


Trump supporters are stupid; Canadian Trump supporters are both stupid and hypocritical.  

Well stated !!!

But they don't see it that way.  It seems that every insane   thing he does  is just fine by  them.  Such blind loyalty  is concerning........ as it seems they  have stopped   their critical  thinking"   capability..

His latest firing  makes no  sense.  Not that any of them really do.  He  hostility  to  members of the task force is ludicrous.....and only says that he is feeling threatened.  

Of course now he  is  degrading, bashing and  trying to make up some  stories  about Obama.   because Obama   made some FACTUAL   statements  about  Trumps  administration. ( chaos  , disorganized  incohesive .  )  He is a pathological liar.  who has no credibility..........except to his  avid followers.

Too much drama  for a group that should be   objective, professional,   competent  , but sadly that is not the case.


Trump is getting more blow back from the most recent firing......as he should. Sadly....... anyone that crosses him in HIS mind......gets fired or shamed in public. Twitter is his weapon.


The Pandemic  has truly  torn open the curtain  on the  incompetence  of the Trump regime.




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On 5/15/2020 at 7:55 PM, WestCanMan said:


Nope....... that "blame  trump"   comeback is getting old and  ineffective.   If Trumpians had their way..Trump would not be  criticized  for anything. That is NOT reality.  The "blame Trump' things is  used when        they have  no other argument.

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42 minutes ago, Pacifica77 said:

Trump is getting more blow back from the most recent firing......as he should. Sadly....... anyone that crosses him in HIS mind......gets fired or shamed in public. Twitter is his weapon.


Twitter is more than Trump's weapon...President Trump instinctively understands the power of media in general and the direct access that Twitter provides, bypassing the previous gatekeepers in mainstream media.   Trudeau and other politicians also use Twitter (and other American social media platforms), but not nearly as effectively as Trump for his "Trumpian" goals and perspectives.   

Trump's critics really have few other real time options but to respond in kind (using Twitter), further substantiating Trump's methods.  

Accordingly, Trump is able to drive his message and reap rewards from any ensuing chaos.    The Trump haters still have not figured out that they just give him more oxygen by engaging Trump at his level. 

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35 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Twitter is more than Trump's weapon...President Trump instinctively understands the power of media in general and the direct access that Twitter provides, bypassing the previous gatekeepers in mainstream media.   Trudeau and other politicians also use Twitter (and other American social media platforms), but not nearly as effectively as Trump for his "Trumpian" goals and perspectives.   

Trump's critics really have few other real time options but to respond in kind (using Twitter), further substantiating Trump's methods.  

Accordingly, Trump is able to drive his message and reap rewards from any ensuing chaos.    The Trump haters still have not figured out that they just give him more oxygen by engaging Trump at his level. 

I’d have to agree that Trump understands media and knows how to wield it.  Mind you, so does Trudeau.  It’s why he won the election.  Let’s see if Trump’s media savvy will be enough to help him win this time.  

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Trump's behaviour moves well beyond a Conservative/Liberal conversation it's about decency, intelligence and decorum. 

It is a lot more than just that.  He is combustible, and  emotionally  unstable.    but everyone is too frightened to even consider  that....... because of how volatile. he can be.

It is sad .....  as he has crippled  the role of  the US  on the world stage. He spends  too  much time   picking a fight with others,   over reacting to criticism,   and getting his revenge.

and now that Obama has spoken some truths about the Trump regime...... Trump   has Obama in his  cross hairs. Another missed opportunity....... to  speak to the graduating  classes    and offer inspiration,  encouragement,   and support as they  plan their future  Words of wisdom From the POTUS   could have been  so memorable.......particularly in  a time of crisis.

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29 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I’d have to agree that Trump understands media and knows how to wield it.  Mind you, so does Trudeau.  It’s why he won the election.  Let’s see if Trump’s media savvy will be enough to help him win this time.  

 Yes.... both men  are media savvy.  The difference is that Trump  messaging is  negative.   Trudeau is more positive........ and realistic  except when he  is evading  the question.:o He is becoming a master at that. Totally different personalities ........so  one cannot really compare them.

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17 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Twitter follower count as of 5/16/20:

Barack Obama >  117 million

Donald Trump >     80 million

Justin Trudeau >      5 million

Yes, but elections are national affairs.  Twitter is definitely Trump’s medium.  I think Trudeau is more of a camera guy.  He uses television and photography.

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Just now, Zeitgeist said:

Yes, but elections are national affairs.  Twitter is definitely Trump’s medium.  I think Trudeau is more of a camera guy.  He uses television and photography.


True, but Canada is more fragmented for "national" matters, particularly Quebec.    The U.S. has coastal states vs. interior, but the lines are not as clear for Trump's messaging, which also relies on the backlash energy from blue states.    Trump knows how to manipulate this landscape (most recent example is the GOP win and flip of a congressional seat in California).

Most would agree that Joe Biden is clueless when it comes to social media and digital platform messaging.

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On May 15, 2020 at 9:58 AM, dialamah said:

Sure, but how is that relevant?  

Sure they are but how is that relevant?

IMHO it is very fair to say that you, yourself, already showed us how you feel it is relevant to President Trump's behavior. When you appreciated this unfair statement, so much, that you said it needed to be repeated:


Trump's behaviour moves well beyond a Conservative/Liberal conversation it's about decency, intelligence and decorum


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9 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


True, but Canada is more fragmented for "national" matters, particularly Quebec.    The U.S. has coastal states vs. interior, but the lines are not as clear for Trump's messaging, which also relies on the backlash energy from blue states.    Trump knows how to manipulate this landscape (most recent example is the GOP win and flip of a congressional seat in California).

Most would agree that Joe Biden is clueless when it comes to social media and digital platform messaging.

Interesting that you cite Quebec, which has led the Canadian charge to return to work, despite having half the country’s C-19 deaths.  Brazen?  Wise or foolish?  Trump just said, “Vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back.”   Quebec’s Legault is on that wavelength.  Does it put economic interests above health interests or are the health outcomes better if we get back to work and transition out of the extraordinary public spending required to keep people at home?  Whoever gets people back to work fastest with the best overall health outcomes over the long term wins in any country, state or province.

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