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America under President Trump

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3 hours ago, Realitycheck said:

Hillary won the popular vote by over 3 million. Trump is only president due to the archaic College. Something like 60% of Americans do not support the Mango Mutt. 

Who cares, the rules are the rules and Trump campaigned according to what would make him victorious.  Hillary, thought she had it wrapped up and instead of going to Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, she got greedy and went to places like Arizona expecting to not only win, but perhaps run the table.

P.S - I think we're seeing the exact reasons why the EC works.

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6 hours ago, eyeball said:
  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact checked on a per article basis.

Detailed Report

There are plenty of leftist liberal media outfits out there that are in need of having their false facts checked. So many of them lie like a trooper. Chuckle-chuckle.

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4 hours ago, Realitycheck said:

Hillary won the popular vote by over 3 million. Trump is only president due to the archaic College. Something like 60% of Americans do not support the Mango Mutt. 

The electoral college has been around and has been in use in every American election. It must work or else they would have got rid of it decades ago. If the dumbocrats thought that the EC was a bad thing, then why did they not get rid of it when Obamarama and Hitlery were in power and in the White House? They did not. The only reason as to why they want the EC gone now is because they lost the election because of the EC. Such a pathetic bunch of leftist liberal democratic cry baby losers and whiners. This is one great reason as to why the dumbocrats should never ever gain power in Washington again because it is for sure that they will revive the swamp and fill it up with more swampsters. They are just made up of crooks and liars and thieves.

It would appear at this time as though that "mango mutt" prime mistake of yours is not well liked any longer either. Your dear stupid feminist pro- gay leader may be out on his azz after the next election and rightly so. The fool and idiot has done enough damage to Canada already and needs to be turfed out on his azz. Goodbye to a leftist liberal lying loser. I wish that Canada had that "mango mutt" as the PM of Canada just to pizz you off even more. Cool, eh? 

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On 4/25/2019 at 11:56 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


Hell...Obama did far worse than that...returning $50 billion to Iran in a nuclear deal that was not approved by Congress.


Trump's sucking up to Putin and Kim is disgusting. So was what Obama did with Turkey, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran. Doesn't say much for either. Trying to suggest what Obama did makes what Trump has done better or no worse is illogical. They both for different reasons have compromised the US's standing on world stage. They are both stooges to external forces compromising the security of the US and world.

I will concede this. As much as Trump has sold the US out to Putin while masking it with this phony America first script, he has increased US presence in the hot zones with China a very crucial move that  sends a very strong message to North Korea and China as well as his allies in the Pacific unlike Obama.

He appears so far right on his Syria withdrawal move. I concede a lot of USA Defence policy is not Trump's making and he is not ignoring his military like Obama did. I also concede that US foreign and defence policy is complex and none of us know its real agenda and we guess.

I personally believe he is used by te US military-industrial complex network as a puppet to dettract from their real agenda and he has clearly broken away from the FBI and CIA who appear to have been in cahoots with Obama whereas Trump seems to  be relying on US military intelligence not civilian intelligence to make his decisions.

That is  siezeable difference. The US military intelligence network is far differen than the US civilian intelligence network. Clinton, Bush, and Obama were in bed with their civilian intelligence network and held military intelligence subordinate.

Trump has rejected his civilian intelligence network and relies on his military one. This he sucks up to Kim and Putin but is military tougher right now on China that any US goverenment since WW2 if  we are to be fair.

I hate Putin but its conceivable he is not the power people think he is-then again maybe he is and uses Trump as a puppet. Certainly there is chaos between the US and NATO and his European and traditional allies with the exception of Australia which strongly supports his actions in the Pacific.


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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Trump's sucking up to Putin and Kim is disgusting. So was what Obama did with Turkey, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran. Doesn't say much for either. Trying to suggest what Obama did makes what Trump has done better or no worse is illogical. They both for different reasons have compromised the US's standing on world stage. They are both stooges to external forces compromising the security of the US and world.

I will concede this. As much as Trump has sold the US out to Putin while masking it with this phony America first script, he has increased US presence in the hot zones with China a very crucial move that  sends a very strong message to North Korea and China as well as his allies in the Pacific unlike Obama.


In other words, Trump is just another American president with his own foreign policy....and no matter what Trump does, he matters a lot more than Justin Trudeau and Canada's "standing on the world stage".

Israel loves Trump...


Israelis Love Trump More Than Almost Any Other Nation, Poll Shows

69 percent of Israelis express confidence in Trump as president, compared with 28 percent in U.K. and 30 percent in Japan



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On 5/7/2019 at 6:26 AM, eyeball said:
  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact checked on a per article basis.

Detailed Report

This is an example of their work so that you know exactly what your fact-checker is worth:


Indiana Muslims are appalled by a billboard displaying a list of deeds by the Prophet Muhammad even though it is accurate.


Mostly False
About this rating 

What's True

The Muslim Prophet Muhammad had multiple wives.

What's False

There are no historical accounts of the Prophet committing rape or torturing people; he was known for freeing slaves, not "dealing" them. 

What's Undetermined

The age of his youngest wife, Aisha, at the time of marriage is contested; the male members of a Jewish tribe in Medina were executed for treason during a battle, but the number is also contested.

The claims on the billboard were that he married a 6 yr old, beheaded 600 men in one day, he was a slave owner and dealer, he had 13 wives including as many as 11 at one time, he was a rapist, he tortured and killed unbelievers.


That fact checker spewed out utter BS, and was even vague about the part that they said was true -(they made no mention of whether it was as much as 13 total and 11 at once). 


As far as the "What's False" part is concerned:

"There are no historical accounts of the Prophet committing rape" - The wives and children of all the beheaded Banu Qurayza were forced into slavery or became war brides which is essentially the same thing as a slave, and mohammed's own definition of slavery and marriage made raping the women legal. So, it's possible that he didn't actually "rape" anyone himself, but 1,000's of women were "legally" raped by men under his direct command. Does that make it any better? If Trump never grabbed any vaginas but he allowed his soldiers to legally rape women and take them as war brides would that make him a better person? I don't what what evidence exists for mohammed committing rape and I don't think it's even important. If you build an army by promising people war booty and slaves that's actually worse than just committing a few rapes yourself imo. The billboard also says "torturing people". I don't know whether or not he is alleged to have tortured people, but I'd find another fact checker before I believed anything on that site.

"he was known for freeing slaves, not "dealing" them" - Like i said earlier, the wives and children of all the beheaded Banu Qurayza were forced into slavery (or became war brides which is essentially the same thing as a slave). 



As far as the "What's Undetermined" part is concerned

- Regarding his youngest wife - she was a long way from her first period when he married her and some girls start as early as 11. It's true that in some rare cases girls start closer to 20 (not even his proponents say she was anywhere close to that), but she is also said to have been a child bride. Even if she wasn't just 6, the precedent for marrying girls that young has been set and is still followed,

- Regarding beheading 600 Jews in one day - To say that they were all "guilty of treason" is to say that he had absolute power to be judge and jury. It is also said that his men allowed people to live if they converted to islam. So is the sentence for treason beheading or just to be religious? So why not stay Jewish? If it's true that they were allowed to live if they converted is that not the most extreme case of bigotry you've ever heard of? No one disputes that Mohammed was at Medina in command of his army when the Banu Qurayza were all starting to be beheaded (it took a really long time, I don't know if he was there all day). Estimates are anywhere from 500 - 900 "men" (anyone with pubic hair was considered to be a man, so a lot of the "men" would be junior high school age). Let's pretend it was only 300. Does that make it any better? Can you still call it a "lie" if it was only 300?


To say that the billboard was even inaccurate would be a big stretch of the truth. If you read up on the life of mohammed, and what happened to the Banu Qurayza, after the Battle of Trench, you'll have a good understanding of what's on that billboard and how accurate it is. It's impossible to 



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If you are fact checking the media, fact check all of them, and not just one isolated stories that run for a few days. 

For 2 years the bulk of the MSM ran with the story of Trump Collusion with Russia.  It was investigated and there was no crime.  The vast majority of the press got it wrong...…………….. Really wrong.  I believe Daily Caller was pretty accurate on that issue over two years.

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1 hour ago, Realitycheck said:

You may wish to review that opinion with farmers and the thousands in the rust belt who have lost or will soon lose, their jobs thanks to CChumpenomics. 

Perhaps, but I was told by POTUS Obama that none of those manufacturing jobs are Never coming back.  I was told that when Trump was elected that the economy would crash.  The 'Experts' were completely wrong.  

Unemployment is at a 50 year low in the US.  Highest employment numbers for blacks and women.  Trump has been great for minorities and women.

I'm happy for the country.  I'm glad my fellow Americans are doing better.


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2 hours ago, Carlus Magnus said:

If you are fact checking the media, fact check all of them, and not just one isolated stories that run for a few days. 

For 2 years the bulk of the MSM ran with the story of Trump Collusion with Russia.  It was investigated and there was no crime.  The vast majority of the press got it wrong...…………….. Really wrong.  I believe Daily Caller was pretty accurate on that issue over two years.

Those networks have been factually wrong but they have been bang on target emotionally, and that's all that their viewers care about.


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17 hours ago, Carlus Magnus said:

If you are fact checking the media, fact check all of them, and not just one isolated stories that run for a few days. 

For 2 years the bulk of the MSM ran with the story of Trump Collusion with Russia.  It was investigated and there was no crime.  The vast majority of the press got it wrong...…………….. Really wrong.  I believe Daily Caller was pretty accurate on that issue over two years.

Show me one MSM article that said Trump colluded with Russia.  They only pointed out all the evidence of it, which was all true.

You're full of shit and you have nothing.

Edited by BubberMiley
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1 hour ago, Carlus Magnus said:



And what in that report is untrue? They reported on Schiff referring to substantial evidence of collusion within the campaign. Just not the evidence required to secure a conviction against a sitting president. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen and it doesn't mean that people in the campaign won't be charged with anything, and it certainly doesn't mean MSNBC was wrong to report on what was happening.

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1 minute ago, BubberMiley said:

And what in that report is untrue? They provided substantial evidence of collusion within the campaign. Just not the evidence required to secure a conviction against a sitting president. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen and it doesn't mean that people in the campaign won't be charged with anything. See Donald Jr. today.

A. You said, "Show me one MSM article that said Trump colluded with Russia."  I just did that.

B. A 2 year investigation by Special Counsel Mueller, his 20 lawyers and 40 FBI Agents say both you and Adam Schiff are full of shit.



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3 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

And what in that report is untrue? They reported on Schiff referring to substantial evidence of collusion within the campaign. Just not the evidence required to secure a conviction against a sitting president. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen and it doesn't mean that people in the campaign won't be charged with anything, and it certainly doesn't mean MSNBC was wrong to report on what was happening.

Schiff has been the biggest liar in North America for quite a while now. He was saying that they had almost enough for impeachment a year and a half ago. It was supposed to be just around the corner. Over and over again. Just soooooo close. Now there's nothing to release.


Guess what? There are many Dems who have access the the unredacted report. They're not referring to anything specific that proves collusion. They don't say it's there. They just insinuate that since something is redacted Trump HAS TO BE guilty. It's an epic farce. Several media giants in the US collapse if the depth of their dishonesty is laid bare. This accusation of redacted proof is the last straw by a drowning man

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47 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Schiff has been the biggest liar in North America for quite a while now. He was saying that they had almost enough for impeachment a year and a half ago. It was supposed to be just around the corner. Over and over again. Just soooooo close. Now there's nothing to release.


Guess what? There are many Dems who have access the the unredacted report. They're not referring to anything specific that proves collusion. They don't say it's there. They just insinuate that since something is redacted Trump HAS TO BE guilty. It's an epic farce. Several media giants in the US collapse if the depth of their dishonesty is laid bare. This accusation of redacted proof is the last straw by a drowning man

Here's the executive summary of the Mueller report (redacted). Read it and say whether you think it's possible the guy DENYING RUSSIAN INVOLVEMENT during the debates didn't know what was really going on.


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52 minutes ago, Carlus Magnus said:

A. You said, "Show me one MSM article that said Trump colluded with Russia."  I just did that.

B. A 2 year investigation by Special Counsel Mueller, his 20 lawyers and 40 FBI Agents say both you and Adam Schiff are full of shit.



A. It didn't say that. It reported on Schiff's findings and suggested the CAMPAIGN colluded, which is likely and still being investigated. And Mueller's report backs that up. You just haven't read it. Otherwise  you would be too ashamed to even talk about it.

Again, go to town:


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4 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

Here's the executive summary of the Mueller report (redacted). Read it and say whether you think it's possible the guy DENYING RUSSIAN INVOLVEMENT during the debates didn't know what was really going on.


1) If someone says "I have proof that Bubber Miley committed a crime" it's not collusion or any other crime for me to agree to look at it. You could make a better argument that it's my duty.

That's just common sense. 

2) Russians did what they do. They spread discord in the US. You're still working to achieve their goal today, 4 years later. Stalin would call you useful.

3) They targeted Hillary. No one has proof that Trump asked them to. Period. That's what's required for there to be collusion.

If I put out some FB posts to help Hillary win, without her asking me to do it, would that mean that she colluded with Canadians?


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