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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2022 in all areas

  1. It DOES mean that you cannot prove (nor disprove) any claims about whether a fetus is 'moral' or 'immoral' to abort. If merely asserting one's opinion matters, then why do we not just leave it up to a Hitler-esk leader to dictate their opinion to us and have us all compelled to nod to him arbitrarily? Why not accept whatever status quo is being asserted anywhere? Your faith in yourself ignrores and disrespects the faith of those opting for abortion as though your own opinion should matter over theirs, let alone my own faith in myself who disagrees with you. I argue with logical appeal; you argue with emotional appeal. Given the 'Left' is already demonstrating doubt by the same standards by the caricatured representative extremes for their EMOTIONS getting in the way, should you not prefer to keep things LOGICAL instead? Government is nothing more than a collective 'moral' legislator that PEOPLE, not gods, create to negotiate and set tentative laws that appeal to the most people. Because everyone has distinct backgrounds religiously, you cannot assume they share the same 'morals'. But even where they exist, religion itself is not proven any less a form of PRIVATE 'government' of one they particularly just gamble is 'good' for creating the label of this being as that which defines 'good' as an arbitrary dictator. [The word 'god' is a biased preference based on the same root as 'good'. It ignores though that evil has to also be a construct owned by this being or it BEGS the question. If God is 'good' just because it declares itself such, it begs why any 'evil' exists at all. "Eve", the root of the term, "evil" [Eve-al(l)] initially meant all that followed God, but Eve was also created by it. So who created 'evil'? If women did (as some propose of Eve as a particular historical figure), didn't God create Eve? Because of the contradictions, religions cannot be trusted as a root of morals but a reflection of what SOME subset of people belief. The creation of the religious Gods themselves are human creations relative to me as an athiest. So why would or should I accept having faith in particular claims that some person decrees is real when I too can just as easily assert that I am your God, and your lack of respect of me is not 'good' because I am the one defining what 'good' (and thus who 'God' is by proxy) means? [Note that God should be an atheist like me if it has no appeal to base its evaluation further than declaring it is so.] ...And I then created this post and at the end of it I saw that it was all 'good'; So it came to be that as the Aten fell to Adam, by Atum the perfect Sol(id) is to be returned to Eden the very next day, (for)Eve(r). And so now I will rest as I grant my Godness to Eve(eryting) fore Eve(ryone) and to carry forth my wishes for Eve(r). And thus, I am the creator of all that is Eve-El(ohim) too! Maybe I'm just too "Nile(istic)" about it all, but Nut(hing) exists above except (H)Eve(n) and (G)Od(den) before it.
    2 points
  2. It's strange that when it comes to a woman's right to have an abortion she should be allowed to have an abortion without question. Let the government mind it's own bloody ruthless business. After all, haven't we been told enough times by the leftist liberal democrats that it is a woman's body and it should be her choice to decide as to whatever she wants to do with her own body and to protect it for herself. No outside influence there allowed. But yet, when it came to the Covid vaccinations, a woman did not have any rights anymore. Many woman were forced to take the Covid jab or else. Suddenly, it's not her body or choice anymore. Either she takes the Covid vaccine jab or else a woman can have her rights and freedoms taken away from her by the government. All of a sudden a woman has no right over her own body and has no choice but to take the jab or else a woman becomes a non-citizen with no rights and freedoms. Where are those leftist liberal democrats now on this one? Suddenly, we cannot find any of those lefty liberals. They all went into hiding. Where is Maxine Waters? But this is what liberalism is all about? Hypocrisy and bullshit. Liberalism believes that a woman should only have the rights that the liberals want her to have. She should have the right to an abortion but she should not be allowed to deny taking any Covid vaccine jabs. Liberalism is truly a sick and pathetic disease. ?
    2 points
  3. Whats insane in the US is they have laws to protect sea turtle eggs but nothing to protect human life at conception. The pro death liberal cult is something
    2 points
  4. At least you’re finally admitting that Republicans are trying to make America similar to Muslim countries. That’s something we’ve been saying about them for a couple of decades now. Abortion is a medical procedure and it is regulated the same way as any other medical procedure. What’s “allowed” is what is determined by medical regulations…NOT CRIMINAL LAW. For example there aren’t criminal laws that explicitly prevent a doctor from amputating your hand to treat a paper cut. That doesn’t mean it’s allowed or that it happens or that silly women will seek it out unless conservative men threaten them with imprisonment. Get it? In Canada we have no criminal laws against abortion but late abortions are extremely, extremely, extremely rare and for very very very extreme and rare reasons that require extensive documentation…not because criminal law requires it but because medical standards do. One of the things that makes conservatives so fascist is their need to criminalize everything they don’t like. In their fascist eyes, the only way to regulate something that needs regulating is to make it punishable by death or imprisonment.
    2 points
  5. for me, that's Dutch Reagan we were in this kind of malaise in 1980 Reagan put Paul Volcker in charge, took the hit to beat inflation then he stood up to the Soviets and brought them to heel then it was morning in America
    2 points
  6. Well I've found this thread hugely entertaining, but Yzermandius is quite dead on. The issue of abortion is not a federal issue but a state issue. That's all the SCOTUS ruled. So you Libbies howling about this as some sort of tragedy, are ignorant of the US Constitution and complete hypocrites.
    2 points
  7. there is no better constitution and it won't be aborted Americans will however abort your opinion on the matter woop woop
    2 points
  8. The Supreme Court violated actual constitutionally protected rights, namely the state's ability to set their own laws in exchange for a made up right to an abortion
    2 points
  9. 6-3 SCOTUS it's a states issue now the Republicans aren't trying to force their abortion rules preferences on Blue States it's the Democrats who are trying to force their abortion rules preferences on Red States though the left are now whining that they can't force their bullshit on Red States anymore the right are not doing the same to Blue States these are the facts and they do not support any attempts to create a false equivalency nor do they support attempts to portray the Republicans as the bad actors of the bunch on this
    2 points
  10. What's with this tongue-bathing of everything Yankee you fucking traitors? Shove the Battle Hymn up your ass this ain't no Republic. There's a spot for you in the Tower of London. And let's not forget: they couldn't even pass the Equal Rights Amendment back in the 1970s. In 2016 they were so against the idea of a women President they elected and actual c*nt instead.
    2 points
  11. I think it's way more accurate to say that in fact the Democrat party has drastically moved farther left in just the last couple of years. Far away from their roots. Calling them socialist is not much of a stretch either. You shouldn't mention slavery without admitting which party was the anti slavery party either, just for the sake of accuracy. Roe v Wade has been around a long time but it should be pointed out that Democrats were not satisfied with that, they wanted to pretty much remove any existing limits to abortion but they failed. Democrat Bill Legalizing Abortion Through All Nine Months, For Virtually Any Reason, Fails In Senate | The Daily Wire It was also pointed out that they could have achieved this during either Clinton's or Obama's first terms , but they did not act. Everyone on the government side should act like adults and strongly come out and condemn violence which we know is going to come. They haven't done it before so I'm not optimistic.
    2 points
  12. Yeah he’s pulled a Harper on that, basically not making it an issue. Pierre is playing it savvy. That’s his big indulgence. On all other issues he’ll have the social conservatives on board. Pierre will play up the freedom and free markets and keep the Alberta energy sector on board. Ford in Ontario is wisely playing the Red Tory centrist card. Pierre has the Quebec-Toronto Laurention BC woke-green challenge. Harper faced similar challenges but Pierre has a French name and he likes talking to ordinary people. Folksy plays well, especially with a good economic message. I think he’s got a good shot.
    1 point
  13. well you will hardly defeat the Kremlin by adopting their methods of suppressing speech the whole point is to be the free world led by the Americans against that sort of thing or at least it was in my day, serving in the First Cold War we didn't censor, only the Soviets needed to do that
    1 point
  14. decorated combat arms veterans called a stand to that is only invoked in the breach when the brothers call for help in dire straits, you feel it in your heart if you don't answer the call, you are a coward that's how I was raised, by the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps, in a Canada long ago
    1 point
  15. Abortion for many women is the only viable option – and I’m not talking rape or incest only. Accidents happen, there are many circumstances that make it difficult for women to carry their babies to term. Adoption isn’t the panacea some make it to be, the stories one hears from the foster care system are oftentimes horror stories. Incest, pedophilia, human trafficking, are baked into the system. But hey, eyes wide shut! Pro-life people focus on and vehemently defend the fetus, but they shun the homeless, drug addict and sex worker. Want to guess the common trait these people share? They were unwanted. If you’ve got the time and interest, please check Mark Laita’s Youtube Channel “Soft White Underbelly” He interviews individuals within our society that America has turned their backs on, ridiculed and seen as untouchable. https://conversations.indy100.com/soft-white-underbelly-youtube-docuseries#:~:text=Boasting over 2.3 million subscribers,ridiculed and seen as untouchable.
    1 point
  16. you don’t care and project that lack of care on me foster care issues don't justify abortion nor do they prove conservatives don't care about children after birth just drop that from your lame argument it's just dumb af
    1 point
  17. Women got to be ruled. Men just talk about responsibility.
    1 point
  18. Now and days your race is the most important factor they consider in adoptions. If you are white, you are back of the line. The anti life liberal culture at its finest
    1 point
  19. Ok...now I have to ask... Why are you such a troll?
    1 point
  20. So do you believe that people 'earn' their predisposition to exist regardless of the validity of life they actually live? What happened to compassion for suffering IN LIFE for those who did not CHOOSE to exist by irresponsible parents whom you expect should nevertheless BECOME the loving parents they aren't for their own willingness to choose abortion as an option in the first place? Do you think these immature 'parents' you'd be willing to toss in jail anyways still qualify to raise their unwanted children? You should at least want to know IF the potential parent is opting for abortion so that you can KNOW these are unfit parentally qualified. Then, given these are 'vile' criminals, you'd have to follow up and be sure that loving parents do exist elsewhere to adopt which enters the power of government to be permitted to also judge bad parents versus good ones, something you might also not want government to be involved with.(?) Look, to prove your sincerity, demonstrate your compassion and faith for ALL who suffer and die for ALL clear non-controversial topics that you simultaneously support. I believe that if you count the deaths up, you'd learn that the Right-wing ideals tend to foster more death and suffering of others far more than those who gamble on the sincerity of a women asserting their need to abort. If 99.99 % of gun owners are innocent users, than you should be able to trust that the majority of abortions are done with the same default of faith you grant these folks.
    1 point
  21. For you? Big fat one with spikes.
    1 point
  22. You just hate freedom and democracy, you also hate Iraqi so you don't want them free.
    1 point
  23. Oh my, the forum is full of industrious lunatics this morning.
    1 point
  24. Russia invaded in 2014 and then did it again in 2022 the referendums only occurred after the Russians sent forces in not before they were referendums at gunpoint that's not legit
    1 point
  25. THAN YOU FOR SAYING THE TRUTH. American troops never hurt or injured a single Iraqi. Even today because of the Americans, Iraq has better infrastructure than most US cities. America made Iraq and the word a safer place by invading Iraq.
    1 point
  26. Lmao no it's clear the majority don't want it turned down stop making up bs you fool
    1 point
  27. So they are better off dead is what you are saying. Kinda like Anna Navarro wishing family members with Down Syndrome and Autism were never born... too much work she claims. Such statements should be considered hate speech They were never 'alive' neurologically in the first place. It is only your religious dictatorial declarations of pretentious compassion for some magical 'soul' you think God IMPOSED upon these accidents of nature that grant you your delusion. You have to also explain WHY the fuck it is of YOUR personal interest to care about the FREE CHOICES of others that do NOT infringe on YOUR OWN! You seem to think that your OWN children are YOUR personal a private privilige to rule independent of government but are willing to USE government hypocritically to IMPOSE generic laws that demand that OTHER people's children need to be controlled. You think you are a 'superior' being that knows 'better' than even your own God or that you believe that your God has granted you SPECIAL status of uprighteousness to have exception to rule over others' existence WITHOUT THE LIABILITY that those unwanted children are imposed to be raised in. You think you NEED guns yet hypocritically assert some pretence of 'faith' in a powerful almighty God? Why would the faithful be so unfaithful of the 'free choice' power that their supposed god gives to ALL people? Why do you pretend some faith in something you actually spit at....insulting its own superiority at granting 'free choice'. It is certainly NOT 'free choice' for those pre-slaves you want to see raised on someone else's dime: AND, yet you further hypocritically hate things like government daycare centers. It all adds up to one big fucking selfish con by pretentious spoiled brats who think that the world should serve them simply for their own accidental fortune. You use your religion FOR control of others while justifying your own default behavior as inherently 'virtuous'. Get off your high horses or stop being hypocritical. If you claim to have God on your side, then prove it by ACTIONS that demonstrate that you TRUST in God's supposed 'gift' of free will; You shouldn't NEED guns if you actually believed either! And that love of hunting you need for 'sport' only demonstrative of virtue to the act of KILLLING as somehow still NECESSARY rather than some mere hobby. You guys have the blood on your hands for more destruction and death than any one of those aborting their fetuses have. So PROVE that you have a FAITH in God that you are excusing as uniquely being concerned about unborn fetuses. You fuckwads have a sick fetish about OTHER people's children's preservation uniquely of more concern than whether they might suffer or be torchered AFTER they are born. ??? If you have a non-religious and non-hypocritical justification for your misplaced interests in others' children's existence but not their continous state of impoverishment,, can you express this? Do you think it is MORE virtuous to live a torchered life just because one is alive than to have them snuffed out prior to their capacity to even think, feel, or reflect on what is or is not pain, pleasure, 'good', nor 'bad'?
    1 point
  28. The difference is a majority of Iraqi wanted to be liberated. And today a majority of Iraqi are thankful to the US. Why do you think the most popular baby name in Iraq is George Bush today? Over 500,000 Iraq have George Bush as their first name. You are just spreading Pro Saddam propaganda, as you loved to Call Saddam Daddy and have him penetrate you in the ass. You are an enemy of freedom and democracy for saying Iraq should not have been liberated.
    1 point
  29. Canada should double down their support for Ukraine. Ukrainian are defending Canada freedom and democracy with their lives, so why should Canada not help them? Canadian are coward bitches who should be in Ukraine fighting for Freedom and democracy, but all they do is just send arms. Without Ukrainian courage, the Russian will be in Canada in 48hours and here is what they will do: Shit inside every bottle of maple syrup as you drink your morning coffee ejaculate in your coffee and force you to drink it as you drink Russian semen, Chinese will come and put a finger up your rectum as you enjoy the Chinese finger up your rectum, they will put a pumpkin up there Is that what you want, is that what you want?
    1 point
  30. Yes. He gets away with it by stoking health and safety fear through state-funded media. Instead of focusing on critical bread and butter issues like the cost of living and having efficient infrastructure ant travel, Trudeau plays a sick political game of making people wear masks unnecessarily and operate travel apps to enjoy basic rights. The elderly are screwed. Trudeau cares more about scoring political points by sharing his opinions on US, UKraine, and other external issues. Stop throwing our money, resources, and government time at foreign issues you don’t understand, Trudeau. Fix your economic and constitutional problems at home because they are legion.
    1 point
  31. No. You're a prototypical Libbie who ignores the mutilation of viable babies. Now that we've got that straightened out...
    1 point
  32. Beave...are you ever gonna grow up? The right for the American public to bear arms is right in their constitution. That constitution happens to be the base of their legal system. In order to change that, they'd have to re-write their constitution. Something they are not willing to do. Nobody wants to rule over women. The same constitution does not assign abortion to the federal government. Thus, by express language in said constitution, the states take ownership of abortion rights. It's as simple as that. Now...in states like South Dakota, the state legislature openly ran on a promise to the people of South Dakota, to end legalized abortion in their state, should Roe V Wade be overturned. They won and I'd be willing to bet a lot of women in South Dakota voted for these people. Finally...grow up Sally. Nobody I've seen posting here is a "Putin-lover". We/They are Truth-lovers. The truth is not always a fuzzy new stuffy to cuddle. Often it's like hugging razor wire. But truth is truth. You should try to deal with that Sally.
    1 point
  33. The last time I checked - many job vacancies aren't being filled! Where are these so-called immigrants? Trudeau's purpose is invalid if they don't work!
    1 point
  34. there is no right to an abortion in the constitution the 10th amendment is a right in the constitution you are the one running afoul of the constitution by supporting Roe v Wade not me there is nothing constitutional about Roe v Wade
    1 point
  35. I would agree. They don't give a shir. Nor would you if you were simply trying to survive.
    1 point
  36. I no longer care about this party or that party. The only solution is to get Alberta out of this cartoon.
    1 point
  37. Once again we confuse a women's rights issue with a left/right issue. And MEN with such systematic misogyny to claim the right to decide. Bring on a vote among women only and lose this "states rights" bullshit idea while you're at it, that's the exact opposite of democracy. The USA has sunk into a third world shithole and with yesyerdays SCOTUS ruling all the women marching can legally carry concealed weapons. Just watch the fun begin
    1 point
  38. The guy can’t get pregnant. You knew that didn’t you? Maybe guys shouldn’t be preaching to women.
    1 point
  39. the electorate limits choice not FPTP FPTP is free, unrestricted and open just because you don't understand why the electorate votes the way it does doesn't mean their choices are restricted it means they prefer different choices than you you not being able to see why is not grounds to change the system
    1 point
  40. Ahh the best laid plans of mice and men. Putin moves another piece on his chess board. Queen to queen’s level 3. Squeek squeek
    1 point
  41. That was Hitler's excuse for invading the Rhineland, the Sudetenland, the rest of Czechoslovakia and Poland. If we had opposed him in the Rhineland, he would have stopped. The point is that the Ukranians want to keep the Russians out. It is their country, not the Russians'. We have a clear objective. Help the Ukraine send the Russians home. We didn't compell the Balkan states or Poland to join NATO. They asked to join. If Putin takes Ukraine, will he then go after Lithuainia? If he does, NATO is obligated to defend Lithuainia. That means war with Russia. That means a few hours of conventional war, followed by an all out nuclear exchange. The war would be over in a few hours and within a month, most of the human race would be dead. Stopping President Putin in Ukraine will hopefully prevent that.
    1 point
  42. That is not a verifiable perspective and is not what Russia has done. Russia could’ve wiped Ukraine off the map in 48 hours. I don’t know their full objective and either do you. I don’t see the value in prolonging a war without a clear objective. If the US invaded Canada their own constitution would require democratic representation. Perhaps a better analogy to the situation in Ukraine is to consider how the US would feel if Canada decided to join the Warsaw Pact and our government started receiving arms and funding from Russia. You need to read about the Ukrainian attacks on Crimea, Azov Brigade, civil war in Donbas, etc. Clearly a line must be drawn against Russia, but what is it? We don’t know.
    1 point
  43. More info sent to us from that customer from earlier:
    1 point
  44. Guess this is where you eventually wind up when everyone and his dog can get a gun. Good object lesson for the rest fo the world.
    1 point
  45. I did post a link earlier about the CO2 emissions from the shipping industry vs those from ICE cars. Here's another one. The 16 biggest ships produce more pollution than all the cars in the World | LNG Transfer I'm wondering why they are focusing almost totally on ICE car owners and doing little or nothing about shipping. Maybe it's the usual thing, go after the low hanging fruit approach. Fighting alleged man made global warming might be done in a smarter way than just going after cars. If the 16 biggest ships in the world produce more emissions than ALL THE CARS IN THE WORLD, surely it would be smarter to refit a relative handful of ships for a fraction of the cost and go nuclear. Why Now Is The Time For Nuclear Cargo Shipping - CleanTechnica
    1 point
  46. This issue is festering, and people would rather screech about the Jan 6 non-insurrection, or some other nonsense about Trump. Nicaragua has announced that they are allowing the Russian military into their country for “humanitarian” missions, etc. Is there anyone left on the left in this forum who can think critically? This places the Russian military 1600 miles from the US border.
    1 point
  47. We are from a nation that has invented the phone, penicillin, and the Canadian arm, we invented tactics for a war that are still being used today after more than 100 years, and many more. And Carbon taxes are the best we could come up with...and if that is not lacking in imagination, then the government promises to give you back more than you put into it...And here is the rub, gas prices are higher now than at any time in history, or carbon prices could account for... and we are still driving like the taxes did not make a difference. Sorry Queen your explanation of voluntary taxes had my coffee come out of my nose... deep down they are all voluntary are they not don't like your income tax bracket stop making so much, don't like GST stop buying stuff, don't like taxes on your tires stop buying tires... Here is an alternative, lets invest in a new source of energy, new batteries for cars, nuclear power, let's do something, anything except tax the shit out of me, and then pretend to give it all back, and not do a damn thing about climate change. a lot of people drive a great distance to and from work every day, buying fossil fuels is not a choice right now, I live in the country, and in the winter due to the amount of snowfall i need a 4x4 truck, to get to work, or use a holiday, I only get 20 holidays a year, and last year we had 30 snow days...If I don't get to work I don't get paid...I know tough shit, your problem...We just spent 450 billion dollars on a pandemic in one year, why can't we spend the same amount and fix climate change... ya I know crazy shit right...Just turn the oven on now and get it over with.
    1 point
  48. Ya, Fauci has super powers and was responsible for a world wide pandemic all by himself, just to get at Trump.. Doesn't it make sense that they would do a simulation with a virus they were concerned about?
    1 point
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