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Who won the debate?

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I've watched a lot of debates. Biden really needed to win this one for a variety of reasons, but he needed to put a few things to bed and one of the most important things to put to bed was that he's not too old to run the country.

Trump did not speak as well as I thought he would. He was kind of all over the map and it's very obvious he does not practice before these debates. But Biden just looked terrible. He frequently got confused, he looked like a pale ghost compared to trump who looked like he had color in his face. Biden often look like he was struggling to stay focused.

Biden was reacting to trump through most of it, trump frequently used his speaking time to come back to a point that Biden didn't want to talk about and gloss over things that Biden did want to talk about and in that way he controlled the flow of the debate.

It just wasn't a good night for Biden. He needed to knock it out of the park and really look like he was alive and competent and knew what was happening around him and it just didn't happen that way. I don't know what was wrong with his voice especially at the beginning but he sounded like he was having trouble even speaking properly, like his lungs were gravelly or something.

Neither of them did particularly well on policy and such. According to trump everything was great and was the best and the most perfect when he was president and the most terrible and most awful and we've never seen anything like it for Biden. Which is what trump does. Biden got confused and didn't really make any hard-hitting points. He often made references which were so vague I'm not sure anybody else would get them. I frequently found myself straining to try and think of what he might be referring to.

I think I have to give it to trump on points rather than a spectacular performance. But Biden just looked like he was at death's door. I don't know who did his makeup but honestly an undertaker could have done a better job. Let's put the pail old guy in a  light colored outfit, comb his white hair back, and then leave his skin pale as ivory. That won't make him look like a ghost or anything.

I don't think that's doing anything positive for biden's polling numbers. I don't think it's moving a lot of swing voters over to trump either but trump is looking more presidential than Biden did by a hair. And Biden needed to win this and he just didn't

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3 minutes ago, Matthew said:

Overall I think the debate was a short-term win for Trump, but possibly a major turning point in getting Democrats to more seriously push for another candidate. If somehow Democrats can capitalize on this moment and pivot to a new candidate, the thanks would go to Trump's willingness to do this debate.

Meanwhile, Trump didn't really do much to improve his own image in terms of competency, honesty, or not being a wack-job. You'd think standing next to an impaired Biden would make you look good by comparison, but no not really.

After Trump vs Clinton and Trump vs Biden, and now Trump vs Biden again I'm really ready for ANY halfway good candidate to be a candidate for either party.


It doesn't matter. You can't run the country like a third world dictator and expect the country to stay together

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1 hour ago, Matthew said:

Overall I think the debate was a short-term win for Trump, but possibly a major turning point in getting Democrats to more seriously push for another candidate. If somehow Democrats can capitalize on this moment and pivot to a new candidate, the thanks would go to Trump's willingness to do this debate.

Meanwhile, Trump didn't really do much to improve his own image in terms of competency, honesty, or not being a wack-job. You'd think standing next to an impaired Biden would make you look good by comparison, but no not really.

After Trump vs Clinton and Trump vs Biden, and now Trump vs Biden again I'm really ready for ANY halfway good candidate for either party.


Biden IS a very good candidate. Off the cuff public speaking is not an essential skill for sound presidential performance.

Just look at how many are impressed with Trump's BULLSHIT because they can't tell he's LYING.

1 hour ago, West said:

It doesn't matter. You can't run the country like a third world dictator and expect the country to stay together

The only one who even wants to be a dictator is Trump. Do you listen to what he SAYS?

Edited by robosmith
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Well this is on CNN's coverage page right now:



Looking at the social media feeds around the country it seems pretty unanimous. 

Biden NEEDED to win this.  Badly.  And I think it's a pretty clear loss. He looked weak and near death and he sounded monotone with zero energy and he looked confused much of the time and a couple of times when he looked down for a while i was wondering if he fell asleep. 

Trump is slightly ahead in the polls right now -  i think we're going to see that gap widen. 

I don't think a lot of biden voters will flip to trump - but i do think a lot of them will stay home election  day.

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7 hours ago, robosmith said:

Biden IS a very good candidate. Off the cuff public speaking is not an essential skill for sound presidential performance.

Most people agree that Biden had a poor performance in the debate. Being a good debater is not the most important thing for a president although it most certainly helps to sway voters. Joe had lots of time to prepare for this debate and still he repeatedly faltered and looked lost at times. 

Is this the man that Americans want at the helm in times of crisis? Can he fully comprehend what's going on when under pressure and he's surrounded by advisors?

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14 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Most people agree that Biden had a poor performance in the debate. Being a good debater is not the most important thing for a president although it most certainly helps to sway voters. Joe had lots of time to prepare for this debate and still he repeatedly faltered and looked lost at times. 

Is this the man that Americans want at the helm in times of crisis? Can he fully comprehend what's going on when under pressure and he's surrounded by advisors?

Trump was up by 4 nationally at the time of the debate. Let's see how that looks next week.

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7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Well this is on CNN's coverage page right now:



Looking at the social media feeds around the country it seems pretty unanimous. 

Biden NEEDED to win this.  Badly.  And I think it's a pretty clear loss. He looked weak and near death and he sounded monotone with zero energy and he looked confused much of the time and a couple of times when he looked down for a while i was wondering if he fell asleep. 

Trump is slightly ahead in the polls right now -  i think we're going to see that gap widen. 

I don't think a lot of biden voters will flip to trump - but i do think a lot of them will stay home election  day.

Funny how the left in this forum can’t admit that Joe lost, when CNN and most Dem talking heads are saying it.  The debate was rigged in Joe’s favour.  No audience.  Tight speaking/microphone rules.  Friendly ‘host’.  

On the right they are suspecting that Joe was allowed to twist in the wind to make it more obvious to the Dem establishment that he needs to go.  Count on this:  the Dem convention in August will be a free for all, and it might even be the end of their chances in ‘24.

All of the extremist freaks will turn it into a $hitt show.

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32 minutes ago, sharkman said:

Funny how the left in this forum can’t admit that Joe lost, when CNN and most Dem talking heads are saying it.  The debate was rigged in Joe’s favour.  No audience.  Tight speaking/microphone rules.  Friendly ‘host’.  

On the right they are suspecting that Joe was allowed to twist in the wind to make it more obvious to the Dem establishment that he needs to go.  Count on this:  the Dem convention in August will be a free for all, and it might even be the end of their chances in ‘24.

All of the extremist freaks will turn it into a $hitt show.

I mean, Joe did say that women are being raped by their sisters. Maybe they are out trying to find an actual case where that happened?

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19 hours ago, Rebound said:

None of us need to listen to either of them speak to select the definitive winner.  Biden won by a mile. 

Biden ALWAYS wins for the hard-core minions. 

Let's see what dems on shakier ground have to say about the talking corpse:


52 minutes ago, myata said:

America lost it.

No, just the democrats lost. America will win once Trump is back in the White House. 

Edited by Deluge
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10 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I've watched a lot of debates. Biden really needed to win this one for a variety of reasons, but he needed to put a few things to bed and one of the most important things to put to bed was that he's not too old to run the country.

Trump did not speak as well as I thought he would. He was kind of all over the map and it's very obvious he does not practice before these debates. But Biden just looked terrible. He frequently got confused, he looked like a pale ghost compared to trump who looked like he had color in his face. Biden often look like he was struggling to stay focused.

Biden was reacting to trump through most of it, trump frequently used his speaking time to come back to a point that Biden didn't want to talk about and gloss over things that Biden did want to talk about and in that way he controlled the flow of the debate.

It just wasn't a good night for Biden. He needed to knock it out of the park and really look like he was alive and competent and knew what was happening around him and it just didn't happen that way. I don't know what was wrong with his voice especially at the beginning but he sounded like he was having trouble even speaking properly, like his lungs were gravelly or something.

Neither of them did particularly well on policy and such. According to trump everything was great and was the best and the most perfect when he was president and the most terrible and most awful and we've never seen anything like it for Biden. Which is what trump does. Biden got confused and didn't really make any hard-hitting points. He often made references which were so vague I'm not sure anybody else would get them. I frequently found myself straining to try and think of what he might be referring to.

I think I have to give it to trump on points rather than a spectacular performance. But Biden just looked like he was at death's door. I don't know who did his makeup but honestly an undertaker could have done a better job. Let's put the pail old guy in a  light colored outfit, comb his white hair back, and then leave his skin pale as ivory. That won't make him look like a ghost or anything.

I don't think that's doing anything positive for biden's polling numbers. I don't think it's moving a lot of swing voters over to trump either but trump is looking more presidential than Biden did by a hair. And Biden needed to win this and he just didn't

There wasnt much substance from either candidate. 

Biden is fine with using valuable taxpayer resources to target his political enemies and spends more on a war in Ukraine than he does in many areas across the government. 

Trump couldn't answer a question on childcare or at least wasn't coherent. He could've said putting more money in their hands with tax cuts and allowing them to negotiate with employers was his solution to a complex issue. Also could've done q better job explaining why nonstop immigration is driving up prices.. supply and demand 

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20 hours ago, Rebound said:

None of us need to listen to either of them speak to select the definitive winner.  Biden won by a mile. 

You are high on meth.

Biden looked awful. He got lost a lot. He lied. And LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP called him on those lies.

It was probably the best debate I've ever seen Trump in. He just ruled.

I was surprised at how professional the CNN mods were. They basically just asked questions and stayed out of the debate.

Right now, the DemoNazi party wants Unelected Joe OUT of the race. If the election were held today, the Nazis couldn't possibly manufacture enough illegal votes to push Joe over the top.

Trump is going to win this Fall. And America will have dodged a bullet.


10 hours ago, West said:

It doesn't matter. You can't run the country like a third world dictator and expect the country to stay together

KKKlinton did. Saddam Hussein Obama did. Unelected Joe did.

Three administrations of HITLERS.

The country is a lot more resilient than you might think.

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19 hours ago, robosmith said:

If Trump loses, IT WAS RIGGED; believes NO ONE.

Or Biden was drugged with stimulants.

Or Biden used an AI voice generator. LMAO

Trump kicked that senile unelected pedophile's ASS. And he did it on CNN.

Now the DemoNazi party wants another candidate.

Forget Joe getting elected. Most of America is wondering if he'll  live long enough to see November.

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11 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Trump kicked that senile unelected pedophile's ASS. And he did it on CNN.

Now the DemoNazi party wants another candidate.

Forget Joe getting elected. Most of America is wondering if he'll  live long enough to see November.

Not if you let him anywhere near Hitlery Clinton

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18 minutes ago, West said:

Not if you let him anywhere near Hitlery Clinton

That's true. Joe didn't look suicidal last night, but...

10 hours ago, robosmith said:

Biden IS a very good candidate. Off the cuff public speaking is not an essential skill for sound presidential performance.

Just look at how many are impressed with Trump's BULLSHIT because they can't tell he's LYING.

The only one who even wants to be a dictator is Trump. Do you listen to what he SAYS?

You are delusional. Your favorite NAZI lost the debate last night.

Biden is not going to be reelected. He may not ever live  that long. 

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13 hours ago, robosmith said:

Trump is winning by number of LIES hands down.

Of course that was expected. 🤮

Everything Trump said last night was fact. Unelected JOe was the liar, and Trump was sharp enough to call that senile son of a b!tch on EVERY lie.

Trump put that pedophile in his place. And this November, there aren't enough fake votes to manufacture a victory for that Nazi.

It's going to be Trump in a landslide, just like when he kicked Hitlary's ass.

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7 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Modern day politics is like this.

Party X supporter when Party Y candidate is President: He is a dictator. He is running this country into the ground

Party Y supporter when Party X candidate is President: He is a dictator. He is running this country into the ground


Modern politics of LOSERS.

Dictators? With a grab ass Congress all over the map, an out of control  court system overturning everything? Dictators?

That's more along the lines of the 19th and 20th Centuries.

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Just now, BeaverFever said:

Once again disproving the mainstream media:CNN conspiracy bullshit

Well, exactly... There's another post by West that says we're experiencing a Coup D'etat... of someone not in state (?) by setting up conditions for the debate that work against him.

This in the wake of the worst TV performance since (and before) Nixon in 1960.   

The terrifying thing to me is that when Trump's policies fail, they will accept whatever false reasoning he submits for it without reservation.

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