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Trudeau's immigration minister Marc Miller announces that he is quintupling the number of refugees Canada is taking from Gaza from 1,000 to 5,000.

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18 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I obviously wouldn't let them die.  But there's a difference in helping people and permanently welcoming them into your society.

We don't know how many illegals we have since the government never bothered to count or check whether people left after their tourist or student or work visas expired or after they were turned down for refugee status. But the number is set to explode because we've now got so many 'temporary' foreigners here, none of them really vetted at all. And now, with the government talking about granting everyone who is here illegally citizenship, it's unlikely ANY of them will leave. Why should they? We have almost no ability to even find, let alone deport them. 


Previous governments devoted so much effort to the walls because they understood that, once someone crosses the border, the tools for compelling their departure are limited. That includes foreign students and temporary workers no longer eligible to live and work here, refugee claimants adjudged to be not genuine refugees, and even tourists who decided to never go home.



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6 hours ago, Nationalist said:

@Michael Hardner had said the Gaza refugees would be no different from the Ukrainian refugees. Well...I happen to know that the Ukrainian refugees are a real problem in the nations that took a lot of 'em. Poland, Czech and Germany.

An ECONOMIC problem, not a crime or terrorism problem. 

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

So again I ask, why didn't we take them in?

You keep asking that like it might prove something. And the irony is you don't even seem to realize that you posed that question in response to the question of why Arab states won't take these people in.

We didn't take them in because the country was very antisemitic back then, which you and everyone else knows. Are you saying the Arab states around them are Islamophobic?

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16 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Oh, I dunno, boss.

Ask herbie, MH, eyeball, Trudeau, etc what muslim values are... I'm sure you'll find that they're the epitome of humanitarianism and altruism. Paragons of virtue. Champions of women's right and religious freedoms. That sorta stuff. 

Probably. But there are 50 Muslim-majority countries across the world and NONE are remotely like that.

So I rather doubt it.

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1 minute ago, I am Groot said:

Probably. But there are 50 Muslim-majority countries across the world and NONE are remotely like that.

So I rather doubt it.

Those guys are speaking from experience though. They all met a guy who was really nice, and that tells you all you need to know about muslims, right?

Some, like myself and apparently you, would argue that 'what people do when they're in a position of power' is the only real way to judge them (like for example what they do with their power in those 50 countries), but herbie will assure you that you're wrong. 


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@Michael Hardner

I'd love for you to write down what you think is the "offer that's on the table for Israel to sign" right now, what offer was on the table in 1948, what offer was on the table in 1967, or at any point between...

What are their options? 

What was the very best offer that they have ever received, to date?

Edited by WestCanMan
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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I can give you a list of 10 ME countries that LOVE the Palestinians so much that they're willing to commit genocide against Israel, to avenge the 500 deaths in "The Nabka", as well as the total number of refugees that they've all taken in over the past 75 years: zero. 

Which has nothing at all to do with Canada's refugee policies yet you go on and n with more posts as if it does.

You should be happy to let them in. You'll have even more people to throw rocks at.

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On 5/27/2024 at 3:26 PM, ironstone said:

These thousands more Palestinians will bring their hate with them, and they will do their utmost to spread it on Canadian soil. They believe the entire world should revolve around the neverending plight of the Palestinians.

Now all that is left is to reverse the ban on semi-automatic weapons.  With the legalization of opioids and alcohol becoming available at more stores plus being able to drink and smoke outdoors it all becomes a lethal cocktail.  Trudeau is building the new Canada.😁

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3 hours ago, I am Groot said:

We don't know how many illegals we have since the government never bothered to count or check whether people left after their tourist or student or work visas expired or after they were turned down for refugee status. But the number is set to explode because we've now got so many 'temporary' foreigners here, none of them really vetted at all. And now, with the government talking about granting everyone who is here illegally citizenship, it's unlikely ANY of them will leave. Why should they? We have almost no ability to even find, let alone deport them. 


Previous governments devoted so much effort to the walls because they understood that, once someone crosses the border, the tools for compelling their departure are limited. That includes foreign students and temporary workers no longer eligible to live and work here, refugee claimants adjudged to be not genuine refugees, and even tourists who decided to never go home.



The WEF globalist plan is to get Canada, as just one white nation, to try and make any and all non-white legal or illegal refugees and whomever else into Canada with the eventual aim of saying to the third world that if you can make it to Canada, you will be giving immediate citizenship. If that is the plan, then we might as well get rid of all of our Canadian border crossings and let the whole freakin world just walk right in.

If the WEF globalist dictator in Ottawa gets his way, we white folk will end up with out a white homeland that we can call our own any longer. We are already seeing the many non-white ghettoes being born in Canada. Many cities in Canada are turning brown thanks to our traitorous pro WEF left wing liberal woke politicians who could careless about white Canada. Eventually, these traitors children and grandchildren will suffer the most. But ask them if the really care? Nope. 

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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

So again I ask, why didn't we take them in?

We did not take them in because Canada (being racist (jews) like most countries at the time) did not like the jews just as most countries then and now...you should be asking what happened to those jews we sent back to europe....But why should you care to ask WHY...you have clearly sided with a terrorist group whos' main objective in life is to KILL all the jews, in Israel and the rest of the world...thats the side you choose...

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31 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

....But why should you care to ask WHY...you have clearly sided with a terrorist group whos' main objective in life is to KILL all the jews, in Israel and the rest of the world...thats the side you choose...

Fu ck off you worthless POS.

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6 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Ok, I see.  Well whether or not he would publicly say so, my opinion is that he knows that without a two-state solution there will be perpetual armed conflict, terrorism and strife in his nation.  He's not stupid, so he knows this. But a situation of perpetual unrest helps him politically, is my point.
2. Yes, agreed.
3. Yes, Hamas bad.  Agree.
4. No serious person expects Israel to not defend itself.  Before the current incompetent PM, they used their excellent intelligence service to undermine terrorists.

I think your opinion has already been debunked, Hamas and the palestinian people have been in control of gaza city since 2005...what will having a two state solution fix ?  The west bank is controlled by Fatah another terrorist group, which has it's own story but thats not what we are talking about right now.....  Hamas has attacked Israel and right now it's sole objective is to destroy Hamas and it's ability to conduct terrorist attacks, sounds reasonable but you have to do it in a friendly manner..........My question is what makes you think the only solution is a two state solution...

This attack on oct has clearly shown that the walls is not enough to protect the people of Israel, it needs more walls, more security measures, it needs Harden military installations in placed manned 24/7, it needs to contain Gaza population to their own borders...Cut them off from all assistance from Israel...no jobs, no exports from Israel...nothing...Same as the northern border...

Everyone in the world agrees that Hamas is the bad guy here...But the world won't let Israel defend itself, the world will decide when and where this conflict goes...and right now it does not agree with israel that Hamas needs to be destroyed...It favors Hamas 

There are not that many serious persons in the world, because most are saying quite the opposite.....The world is telling Israel how to conduct it's war with Hamas.....and Israel needs to chill out, and let Hamas live , to rebuild and in the future conduct more attacks on Israel........ there are over 60 conflicts ongoing in the world to day... None of them have attracted this much attention as this Hamas /israel one, the ICJ has not ordered any arrest , except for putin and his gang...the UN has not placed any restriction on any of the other conflicts...investigated any of them for war crimes, except Russia...seems like the world hates Russia and Israel everyone else can do what ever they want...You do know that Hamas has thousands of terrorist working for them...numbering in the tens of thousands...explain to the readers how Israel's excellent intel service could deal with these numbers...without deploying their army as they are doing...


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3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Fu ck off you worthless POS.

You've clearly drew a line in the sand where you stand,....on one side we have Hamas a terrorist organization, and the people who gave them that power of governance.... on the other side we have Israel which you made it clear YOU don't like.... so my question is why do you care to ask WHAT happened to them...., when you clearly don't really care about the Israelis people...See from where i'm sitting I'm not the POS...I lived there for 8 months, heard the air raid sirens go off , heard the rockets explode i seen what these terrorist are capable of, and somehow i'm the piece of shit...

You've made your choice...and i've made mine...but i will step up and take responsibility for mine...you just want to call people names...and blame someone else, sure your not a liberal because you really sound like one. 

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On 5/27/2024 at 5:11 PM, Michael Hardner said:

It's refugees, prioritized from a war zone.  No different from what we have done with Ukraine etc.  

So in your eyes all people are created equal, regardless of their past...I think this is how we let in NAZI SS , other NAZI's, lets not forget the Khadrs, and the many other terrorist, criminals etc etc...Maybe we should rethink these policies before we really let some bad people in...

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On 5/27/2024 at 3:16 PM, CdnFox said:




SO.  This should work out well. 

Well, it should make you happy to learn that he says he was misquoted. We're not willing to take in 5,000 Palestinians, after all.

It's 5,000 Palestinian families.



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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:



This said Hamas, and right wing extremists were factors.


A large portion of the Palestinian population, including various Palestinian militant groups, staunchly opposed the Oslo Accords; Palestinian-American philosopher Edward Said described them as a "Palestinian Versailles".[4] The peace process was strained by the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre as well as by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad suicide bombings and attacks.[5][6] Far-right Israelis also opposed the Oslo Accords, and Rabin was assassinated in 1995 by a right-wing Israeli extremist for signing them.[

I think you left out a large portion of the population ...The palestinian people also Staunchly opposed the accords...not just the terrorist elements but the people as well....


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13 hours ago, Nationalist said:

@Michael Hardner had said the Gaza refugees would be no different from the Ukrainian refugees. Well...I happen to know that the Ukrainian refugees are a real problem in the nations that took a lot of 'em. Poland, Czech and Germany

No they are not. Stop listening to Russian propaganda, and look at Canada as an example of where hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians were admitted, and have assimilated into society. You must have seen Ukrainians since 2022. I mean I run into them everywhere, and they cause zero problems. 

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16 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

@Michael Hardner

I'd love for you to write down what you think is the "offer that's on the table for Israel to sign" right now, what offer was on the table in 1948, what offer was on the table in 1967, or at any point between...

What are their options? 

What was the very best offer that they have ever received, to date?

I am willing to bet heavy he can't answer this question accurately. He will predictably skirt around and avoid it.

I will gladly eat crow and publicly admit it, if he proves me wrong.

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13 hours ago, Army Guy said:

...See from where i'm sitting I'm not the POS...I lived there for 8 months, heard the air raid sirens go off , heard the rockets explode i seen what these terrorist are capable of, and somehow i'm the piece of shit...

You sat on your asses while our allies raped little boys then you come in here and accuse me of supporting that.


Fu ck you.

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2 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

I am willing to bet heavy he can't answer this question accurately. He will predictably skirt around and avoid it.

I will gladly eat crow and publicly admit it, if he proves me wrong.

None of the pro-Hamas crowd can answer it.

They think that the offer of singing Kumbaya together is on the table, with some hybrid version of the 1948/current map. 

They have no clue whatsoever what Hamas, etc would actually sign, or what it would look like for Israel, and the chances of them ever stopping short of an eventual genocide.

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