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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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10 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Deep down i know you wanted to join the army...come on you can say it...let it out you'll feel that much better. 

You are putting too much pressure on me. I will have to lay down in my hotel room bed and get room service :)

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18 hours ago, I am Groot said:

You're the one showing how excited you are about what happened, and hoping for more of the same,  you antisemitic little c*nt.

Nope, that's you.

18 hours ago, I am Groot said:

I think it's sad but I don't really care, no. It happens all the time, every day, all over the world. Tragedies, slaughters, murder and rape, villages destroyed, people driven off to roam the streets in search of safety. That's how much of the world is outside the West.

I found what happened on Oct 7 particularly disturbing because unlike most of the rest of the world where such things happen, Israel is a Western country. I feel more kinship with such countries. 

Israel might suck on the tit of the west but it's not a Western country.


As far as I can tell, the Palestinian territories are made up of people whose ferocious hate and barbarism has been cultivated by their leaders, including religious leaders, for decades. There seems to be little in the way of civilization among them. The sympathy I see and hear from people in the West towards a group who hold everything you claim to value in utter contempt and would do their best to destroy it if they could is just another example of how brainless and self-hating much of the Left is.

The fact that you don't believe in the western idea of universal human rights shows you don't actually care about western values at all. You're no different from those you hate at all.


People like you want to destroy Israel. But like the Palestinians and much of the Muslim world, you also want to destroy the rest of the West, including Canada.

No just you, specifically.

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7 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

The fact that you don't believe in the western idea of universal human rights shows you don't actually care

But I DO care about the western idea of universal human rights. I just don't care about the way the term has been stretched out by the left lately. 

For example, our supreme court says that imprisoning a mass murderer without giving him a chance at parole after no more than 25 years is a violation of human rights. The Supreme court can go suck a bag of dicks as far as I'm concerned.


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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Where and when have I complained about Israel?

Yes, I said genocide because by definition, what Israel is doing is genocide.

Is English your second language? You apparently are incapable of understanding basic words. Maybe it's that it's three long syllables that is proving too complex for you.

Here's a hint for you: Don't say 'by definition' when you have no idea what the definition actually is.

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2 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

But I DO care about the western idea of universal human rights. I just don't care about the way the term has been stretched out by the left lately. 

You mean you don't care about the universal part. I really don't know why you protest so much. You're a bigot and a racist, just own it.

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47 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Is English your second language? You apparently are incapable of understanding basic words. Maybe it's that it's three long syllables that is proving too complex for you.

Here's a hint for you: Don't say 'by definition' when you have no idea what the definition actually is.

Ahhh, could not answer the question so you become a grammar teacher???

Sounds like you failed again and caught in a lie again LOL

"by definitio

If you say that something has a particular quality by definition, you mean that it has this quality simply because of what it is."
the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Or are you is some 1diotic way saying the Israeli occupation, invasion, bombing and killing is accidental?? LOL
Edited by ExFlyer
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17 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

That's overly simplistic and unrelated to Israel's story. 

FYI the Gazans weren't even muslims the last time that region wasn't ruled by a foreign power. 

What Arabs/Berbers did 4,000 years ago is not applicable to what's happening today. If we all held grudges that long then we'd all be obliged to kill each other, along half the people in our own families. 


The entire saga of the middle east centers on the establishment of a Muslim caliphate. As for Isreal.. the conflict all starts with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. The grudges in the middle east run long and deep. When the state of Israel was formed in 1948... the majority of the population in that geography were what? Arabs/Berbers... who were mostly Muslim and had been since roughly 1200. This is why the conflict keeps going and will always continue. This is much the same as the Europeans coming to what is now called the US and forcing the natives off the land. Only difference is that the Palestinians (arabs/berbers) are better equipped. 

Edited by impartialobserver
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I know that no one will do it because It demands reading long books and examining one's thoughts on a topic but the Cities of Salt trilogy by Abdelrahman Munif should be required reading for most. It is the Mein Kempf of the middle east. The devout muslims absolutely despise this. Why? Small spoiler... it does not paint westerners as the devil

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7 hours ago, Black Dog said:

You mean you don't care about the universal part

No, I said what I mean. Your lies don't change that.

7 hours ago, Black Dog said:

I really don't know why you protest so much. You're a bigot and a racist, just own it.

Those are more of those words you people on the far left like to stretch out. Opposing mass immigration makes you a 'wacist'. Caring at all about your country's culture and values makes you a 'bigot' and a 'xenophobe'. That kind of anti-intellectualism flourished a few years back but thankfully is on its way out the door, along with the politicians who embraced it.

You're free to leave, too. I'm sure you'll be much happier in the middle east, where people are more to your liking. Might I suggest Iran?

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6 hours ago, ExFlyer said:


the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Or are you is some 1diotic way saying the Israeli occupation, invasion, bombing and killing is accidental?? LOL

With the aim of destroying that nation or group. Well, to start with, there is no nation to destroy. As for the people, if Israel wanted to destroy them they could have already killed every man, woman and child in Gaza ten times over. The casualties are actually quite low for urban warfare. When the US went into Fallujah there were four civilians killed for every 1 dead guerrilla. In Gaz it's more like one for one. That's incredibly low because Israel has been making enormous efforts to minimize civilian casualties.

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48 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

When the US went into Fallujah there were four civilians killed for every 1 dead guerrilla.

So Netanyahu isn't nearly as barbaric as Bush Jr was.
Well alrighty then!

It's all copasetic

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12 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Interesting.Who are you speaking of? The ones that attacked on Oct 7 or the ones that have been continually attacking for the past 6 months?

Not picking sides, just asking clarification.

Had there not been an oct 7, there would be no attacks for the last 6 months...there would still be a cease fire...

Sept 11, US was attacked and they continued that conflict for more than 14 years....and killed thousands shit it wasn't even our war and Canada killed thousands...And those Afghans that risked everything for Canadians soldiers were told FU...after being told they would get a free ticket to Canada and citizenship if they helped....they are still waiting...some have already been swept up by taliban forces and executed...more were rescued by ex canadian soldiers with their own dollars...than our government...

Today we have a terrorist organization voted in by palestinians who wage a terrorist war with Israel, who are more interested in killing women and children...and somehow they are what some canadians stand up for... The world has turned upside down...since when has it ever been OK to support terrorism...

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9 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Ahhh, could not answer the question so you become a grammar teacher???

Sounds like you failed again and caught in a lie again LOL

"by definitio

If you say that something has a particular quality by definition, you mean that it has this quality simply because of what it is."
the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Or are you is some 1diotic way saying the Israeli occupation, invasion, bombing and killing is accidental?? LOL

According to the UN one must meet all of the conditions before Genocide by their definition become possible...

The intent is the most difficult element to determine. To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Cultural destruction does not suffice, nor does an intention to simply disperse a group. It is this special intent, or dolus specialis, that makes the crime of genocide so unique. In addition, case law has associated intent with the existence of a State or organizational plan or policy, even if the definition of genocide in international law does not include that element.


* note that it does not include Terrorist groups as they are not protected under the conventions of war. I would say unless you have proof of intent then Genocide is off the table...

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13 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Where and when have I complained about Israel?

Yes, I said genocide because by definition, what Israel is doing is genocide.

Yes, they are all playing a bad game. No favourites in it, all are culpable.

Again, where and when have I complained about Israel and pushed hamas propaganda? Because I said there are no good guys in this shitshow?



Your second post in this thread:

"I am equally upset that Israel has not stopped the bombing and is planning more raids and will not even sit to discuss cease fire. It seems that Israel is doing it's utmost to wipe out hamas regardless of the cost of civilian life."

I had not reviewed all your others before I joined the forum. 

No, it is not genocide. I already explained this to you, and if you remember, that is when you went off on your tangent of nuking them all, pretending like you don't care. 

You keep saying there are no good guys, but I have yet to see you directly criticize Hamas by name and for what they did on October 7th. You keep criticizing Israel, and then when your arguments get picked apart, you resort back to the generic they are all bad comment acting like you don't care. 


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1 hour ago, herbie said:

So Netanyahu isn't nearly as barbaric as Bush Jr was.
Well alrighty then!

It's all copasetic

Want to know what the civilian casualty rate was in Aleppo? How about Grozny? Seoul? Beirut in the Lebanese civil war? How about the civilian casualties when the Canadian military fought its way through Sicily and then up through Italy?

Urban war causes civilian casualties. There is no way to avoid them.

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15 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Want to know what the civilian casualty rate was in Aleppo? How about Grozny? Seoul? Beirut in the Lebanese civil war? How about the civilian casualties when the Canadian military fought its way through Sicily and then up through Italy?

Urban war causes civilian casualties. There is no way to avoid them.

And what is worse here is that Hamas deliberately embeds their military with civilians to use them as human shields. They use Hospitals to hide in, to run command from, to store weapons, and fire rockets from schools or near them... so when Israel dares to blow them up... they can play on the ignorant sympathy of the world to cry about how awful it was that some kids were blown up or a school destroyed. 

No, it was Hamas that endangered them. 


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4 hours ago, I am Groot said:

No, I said what I mean. Your lies don't change that.

Again, just own it stop being such a pu$$y.



Those are more of those words you people on the far left like to stretch out. Opposing mass immigration makes you a 'wacist'. Caring at all about your country's culture and values makes you a 'bigot' and a 'xenophobe'. That kind of anti-intellectualism flourished a few years back but thankfully is on its way out the door, along with the politicians who embraced it.


Lol imagine thinking your gutter racist bigotry is "intellectualism" instead of just the basest, lizard-brained slop in history.


You're free to leave, too. I'm sure you'll be much happier in the middle east, where people are more to your liking. Might I suggest Iran?

Why would I leave when I'm the only one of us who actually believes in western values.

Oh and also: Iran isn't in the middle east you stupid c*nt.

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On 4/25/2024 at 9:52 AM, WestCanMan said:

They had their own land. They had Gaza 100% to themselves.

From a modern statehood standpoint, there has never been an independent Palestine. At no point has the region not been under siege since Israel became a country. Sure at points, they've been granted limited self governance, but Israel has never granted them sovereignty or freedom. That "land" includes coastal waters that have been under Israeli Blockade. They never had it 100% to themselves.

Israel would certainly like to neutralize the threat a free Palestine would pose to them, but they don't really have any moral justification to do that by pre-emptively invading a foreign territory just because that territory's citizens hate them.

And Israel has never stopped committing acts of war against that territory for a single moment. The territory has been blockaded and sieged pretty much non stop since Israel gained statehood. Any act by Palestine against Israel could be considered a war crime, but it's not terrorism.

Israel is the stronger party by far. None of Israel's Territory is under Palestinian Occupation. They could end the war whenever they want. Israel doesn't want Peace.

Many find the idea of a Palestinian state in its current form objectionable, but the world does not approve of invading Iran or Saudi Arabia or Pakistan just because you don't like the way their countries are run, why is Palestine any different?

Hamas is quite detestable, but it's easy to sympathize with the defenders in a war. With the average age of the territory's citizens, there likely isn't a local Palestinian alive today who hasn't been under attack by Israel since the day they were born.

So even if hamas is undeniably morally worse than Israel in a vacuum, the circumstances make Israel the undeniable villains in the conflict.

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On 5/6/2024 at 2:17 PM, impartialobserver said:

Maybe they would and maybe they would not. Either way, the current situation is unsustainable if someone truly wants peace. At present.. it is simply a matter of lather, rinse, and repeat. 

This assumes the Palestinians and their leadership want peace.  History just doesn;t back this up, going back a century.  Peace for most of the them means Zionism and the Israeli state is eradicated from the reigion and 100% of the land is back in control of Muslims.  They will never, ever accept a 2-state solution longterm.

These are children playing in the sandbox and unable to share.

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14 hours ago, I am Groot said:

With the aim of destroying that nation or group. Well, to start with, there is no nation to destroy. As for the people, if Israel wanted to destroy them they could have already killed every man, woman and child in Gaza ten times over. The casualties are actually quite low for urban warfare. When the US went into Fallujah there were four civilians killed for every 1 dead guerrilla. In Gaz it's more like one for one. That's incredibly low because Israel has been making enormous efforts to minimize civilian casualties.

Playing word games to defend your lack of knowledge LOL

They certainly have tried.

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12 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Had there not been an oct 7, there would be no attacks for the last 6 months...there would still be a cease fire...

Sept 11, US was attacked and they continued that conflict for more than 14 years....and killed thousands shit it wasn't even our war and Canada killed thousands...And those Afghans that risked everything for Canadians soldiers were told FU...after being told they would get a free ticket to Canada and citizenship if they helped....they are still waiting...some have already been swept up by taliban forces and executed...more were rescued by ex canadian soldiers with their own dollars...than our government...

Today we have a terrorist organization voted in by palestinians who wage a terrorist war with Israel, who are more interested in killing women and children...and somehow they are what some canadians stand up for... The world has turned upside down...since when has it ever been OK to support terrorism...

Look, you know my rake on the middle east situation. Trying to convince me otherwise is fruitless and a waste of time.

Insinuating that I support terrorism is an insult and a complete falsehood.

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11 hours ago, User said:

Your second post in this thread:

"I am equally upset that Israel has not stopped the bombing and is planning more raids and will not even sit to discuss cease fire. It seems that Israel is doing it's utmost to wipe out hamas regardless of the cost of civilian life."

I had not reviewed all your others before I joined the forum. 

No, it is not genocide. I already explained this to you, and if you remember, that is when you went off on your tangent of nuking them all, pretending like you don't care. 

You keep saying there are no good guys, but I have yet to see you directly criticize Hamas by name and for what they did on October 7th. You keep criticizing Israel, and then when your arguments get picked apart, you resort back to the generic they are all bad comment acting like you don't care. 


Yes, I said that. Are attempting to claim that is a complaint or is it an opinion or observation?? I am entitled to both, without picking sides.

When I criticize, I criticize both sides with comments such as "there are no good guys" in this conflict. As I have also said, both sides have culpability in this.

I have never criticized Israel without also acknowledging that Oct 7 was an attack.

You ain't gonna convert me to judaism or muslim. Both have overzealous ssues. IMO. LOL

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10 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Lol imagine thinking your gutter racist bigotry is "intellectualism" instead of just the basest, lizard-brained slop in history.

Thanks for providing more examples of the way the far left catastrophes everything. Like if someone tells a slightly non PC joke they're now as bad as Hitler. It's like you people are all a bunch of over emotional teenage girls.

10 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Why would I leave when I'm the only one of us who actually believes in western values.

Your every post shows you despise western values, and everything about the West and its culture and history. That's why you want to tear it down and replace it with... well, you really don't know but you know it will be better because you and yours are just so incredibly noble and selfless! 

10 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Oh and also: Iran isn't in the middle east you stupid c*nt.

The Middle East (term originally coined in English [see § Terminology][note 1]) is a geopolitical region encompassing the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, and Iraq.


Everything about what Iran does and how it identifies is aligned with the middle east. That's why so much that's going wrong there is funded and organized by Iran. But I recognize reality is anathema to your types. Honestly, leave. You'll be happier away from evil westerners. And especially away from white people. You don't belong here anyway. You don't like Canada. You don't believe in Canada. You want to destroy it. You'll be happier somewhere else.


Edited by I am Groot
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28 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Playing word games to defend your lack of knowledge LOL

They certainly have tried.

TIL that using words is 'playing word games'

Would pictograms make you more comfortable?

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