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Bring back capital punishment

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A 19 year old student from Sri Lanka is being charged with the murder of six people who he was staying with.  This is horrific news.  

Capital punishment for murder must be brought back.  If for nothing else but to carry out justice and send a message that this is completely unacceptable.

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Capital Punishment has been rolled back in a few jurisdictions.  I think that people eventually become so distrustful of government and the system that they didn't trust it too not kill innocent people.

I think that the state shouldn't have the right to take your life.

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15 minutes ago, blackbird said:

A 19 year old student from Sri Lanka is being charged with the murder of six people who he was staying with.  This is horrific news.  

Capital punishment for murder must be brought back.  If for nothing else but to carry out justice and send a message that this is completely unacceptable.

Send him to Haiti, and tell gang members he's a child molester. 

The issue will resolve itself.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, herbie said:

Mr "Christian" and self-professed Pro Lifer wants to bring back capital punishment.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

You obviously know nothing about the Bible or Christianity and care nothing about justice and the protection of society.

" 6  Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. 7  And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein. " Genesis 9:6 KJV

"1  Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. {ordained: or, ordered} 2  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3  For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4  For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. "  Romans 13:1-4  KJV

Before you get carried away with your liberal soft-on-crime ideology, you need to become a Christian and believe the Bible.  Then you might make some sense.  Capital punishment for unborn babies is fine with liberals but for murderers, no.

Letting murderers escape with a 25 year sentence (some get far less) and then tormenting the victim's families with parole board hearings every few years makes no sense.  Meanwhile it all costs the taxpayers millions of dollars.  Now we have people being murdered almost every day in Canada and they know there is no death sentence.


Edited by blackbird
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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

A 19 year old student from Sri Lanka is being charged with the murder of six people who he was staying with.  This is horrific news.  

Capital punishment for murder must be brought back.  If for nothing else but to carry out justice and send a message that this is completely unacceptable.

Yeah i'm sure this guy murdered six people in cold blood because he didn't know it was wrong.

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On 3/7/2024 at 3:09 PM, blackbird said:

A 19 year old student from Sri Lanka is being charged with the murder of six people who he was staying with.  This is horrific news.  

Capital punishment for murder must be brought back.  If for nothing else but to carry out justice and send a message that this is completely unacceptable.

The ivory tower lawyers on the Supreme Court won't even allow us to extend the period before parole for mass murderers. They're certainly not going to allow Capital Punishment. And they're in charge, not the politicians.

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On 3/7/2024 at 12:09 PM, blackbird said:

A 19 year old student from Sri Lanka is being charged with the murder of six people who he was staying with.  This is horrific news.  

Capital punishment for murder must be brought back.  If for nothing else but to carry out justice and send a message that this is completely unacceptable.

I can explain in detail if you want me to but to keep it short - it's a very very bad idea to give people like trudeau who misused power over horn honking the power of life and death over citizens.

And once they're dead they're forgotten.

Better instead to bring back harper's life without parole and consecutive sentences (notwtihstanding clause ) and lock someone up for life. No visits from famiily, no chance of parole till he's served a minimum 25 years for EACH murder - THEN we'll consider it.

Death by old age. You may not believe it but it's actually cheaper over all to do it that way even with the costs of keeping them alive, AND you can parade them around once in a while and remind people what happens when you do that shite, AND - most important of all - if it turns out the cops or the gov't fudged the evidence which HAS HAPPENED NUMEROUS TIMES - then you can at least give them some of their life back.

Don't get me wrong. I'd put a bullet in a child molester's head myself and sleep like a baby that night. But you could NEVER be sure the gov't didnt lie,  So - lock them up for life with a bible of their choice and a rubicks' cube and let them go nuts.

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7 hours ago, I am Groot said:

The ivory tower lawyers on the Supreme Court won't even allow us to extend the period before parole for mass murderers. They're certainly not going to allow Capital Punishment. And they're in charge, not the politicians.

The Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms are in control and the Courts, the politicians and you must all abide by it.
Grumble all you want if you don't like it. That's all you can do.


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12 hours ago, herbie said:

The Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms are in control and the Courts, the politicians and you must all abide by it.
Grumble all you want if you don't like it. That's all you can do.


Oh please, Herbie. You aren't that naive. The judges are in control, not the Charter or Constitution. Change the nine judges and the decisions they make on what's constitutional will change, too. They didn't rule that was unconstitutional because it offended the Charter or offended Canadians but because it offended THEM.

As an example, they found that forcing a mass murderer to remain in jail without the possibility of parole for over 50 years was 'degrading in nature and thus incompatible with human dignity' because“it negates, in advance and irreversibly, the penological objective of rehabilitation”.

Okay. But no one anywhere at any time has ever said that rehabilitation is the only objective of incarceration or that it should outweigh all other objectives. Except they decided it does. Even for people who have murdered multiple children. Nor, realistically, has anyone suggested the prison system is particularly good at rehabilitation anyway. 

And in dealing with questions like that we move outside of the area of their actual expertise or purpose and into ideological decisions. THEY decide that rehabilitation trumps all other concerns for everyone. They do that not based on law but based on their own ideological beliefs. 

And in doing that they supplant the authority of elected representatives.

Edited by I am Groot
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14 hours ago, CdnFox said:

can explain in detail if you want me to but to keep it short - it's a very very bad idea to give people like trudeau who misused power over horn honking the power of life and death over citizens.

Trudeau should have no power over the courts and judges in criminal matters.  Get rid of Trudeau in the next election and bring back capital punishment with new laws that would ensure court cases for murder are absolutely just with no errors.  Allowing mass murders to escape justice is a failure and disaster and puts Canadians at risk and costs millions of dollars to keep them in prison.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Trudeau should have no power over the courts and judges in criminal matters.  Get rid of Trudeau in the next election and bring back capital punishment with new laws that would ensure court cases for murder are absolutely just with no errors.  Allowing mass murders to escape justice is a failure and disaster and puts Canadians at risk and costs millions of dollars to keep them in prison.

Nothing involving human behaviour can be done without errors. 

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1 hour ago, Aristides said:

Nothing involving human behaviour can be done without errors. 

And there are still lots of things we must do that have risks even if the risks are very small.  Fly in aircraft, run the medical system, drive motor vehicles.  Sometimes there are accidents.  Nothing is perfect.

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20 minutes ago, blackbird said:

And there are still lots of things we must do that have risks even if the risks are very small.  Fly in aircraft, run the medical system, drive motor vehicles.  Sometimes there are accidents.  Nothing is perfect.

Ah, just collateral damage.

The advent of DNA evidence has overturned many murder convictions. We don't intentionally crash aircraft or  cars and medical mistakes are made trying to save people, not kill them. You wouldn't want to live in most of the countries that still have capital punishment.

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Posted (edited)
55 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Ah, just collateral damage.

The advent of DNA evidence has overturned many murder convictions. We don't intentionally crash aircraft or  cars and medical mistakes are made trying to save people, not kill them. You wouldn't want to live in most of the countries that still have capital punishment.

DNA is a tool that now proves absolute guilt also.  You didn't mention that.  We never had DNA evidence decades ago.  Now as you say it can prove innocence but you forgot to mention it also is strong evidence of guilt.  There are examples of DNA proving guilt.  A young woman was raped and murdered in a park in Vancouver and the DNA was the key to conviction.

The existence and practice of capital punishment might also save many lives because there might be fewer murders of innocent people.  We need to think of protecting the innocent too.  Potential murderers might think twice before killing someone.  You need to broaden your thinking and not be a one thought guy.

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37 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Maybe he wants them crucified like Jesus was

No, I never said anyone should be tortured.   Use the MAID technique.  A couple injections.  Supposed to be painless and quick. Death with dignity as MAID advocates say.  Most Canadians support MAID and think it is a good way to go.  I disagree with MAID because it is killing, but capital punishment is for duly convicted murderers and is not the same.  If you believe in justice, law and order, you should be supporting it.

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55 minutes ago, blackbird said:

DNA is a tool that now proves absolute guilt also.  You didn't mention that.  We never had DNA evidence decades ago.  Now as you say it can prove innocence but you forgot to mention it also is strong evidence of guilt.  There are examples of DNA proving guilt.  A young woman was raped and murdered in a park in Vancouver and the DNA was the key to conviction.

The existence and practice of capital punishment might also save many lives because there might be fewer murders of innocent people.  We need to think of protecting the innocent too.  Potential murderers might think twice before killing someone.  You need to broaden your thinking and not be a one thought guy.

It can only prove guilt if there is DNA evidence. Capital punishment hasn't reduced murder rates anywhere. 

Why do you want to kill people so badly? Not very Christian.

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5 hours ago, I am Groot said:

The judges are in control, not the Charter or Constitution. Change the nine judges and the decisions they make on what's constitutional will change, too. They didn't rule that was unconstitutional because it offended the Charter or offended Canadians but because it offended THEM.

You are embedded with Qanon conspiracy shit aren't you? And suggesting they should be changed for ones that actually judge on public opinion and not the law itself, turn it into some political shithole institution like in the USA by claiming that it already is. F*ck that idea of electing Judges and Law Enforcement by popular opinion.

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

No, I never said anyone should be tortured.   Use the MAID technique.  A couple injections.  Supposed to be painless and quick. Death with dignity as MAID advocates say. 

Yes, let's avoid the thinking it's morally wrong altogether and run around inventing new ways to kill, like Alabama. simply because that's always been that way and so cannot change. Or in your case because it says so in this particular book, the latter half of which I will ignore altogetherl. Nitrogen? Pushed out the airlock of an orbiting jail? !6 ton weights dropped from a helicopter?

But, but Your Honour, I killed my wife painlessly so it isn't really murder....

Edited by herbie
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5 minutes ago, herbie said:

And suggesting they should be changed for ones that actually judge on public opinion and not the law itself, 


No. He's suggesting that they should be changed for ones that don't judge on their own opinion and use the law itself.

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38 minutes ago, herbie said:

As per my theorem that the more often and loudly they profess to be, and the more they know the Old Testament by heart, the less Christian they actually are.

Jesus said not to put new wine in old wineskins because all is lost

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On 3/7/2024 at 12:13 PM, Michael Hardner said:

Capital Punishment has been rolled back in a few jurisdictions.  I think that people eventually become so distrustful of government and the system that they didn't trust it too not kill innocent people.

I think that the state shouldn't have the right to take your life.

If someone murders someone else, than why should they be spared their own life and get the death penalty? If someone murdered someone you loved, would you not want them to have the death penalty imposed on them? I know dam well that myself and many others would want them executed.

Your true liberal socialist values are showing, MH. There have been many murderers that have been freed after they have spent so much time in jail. They were released years before their time in jail was to be served. So, while they get to walk around free again, the person that they murdered will never be able to walk or be free again. If a referendum were taken today, i will bet you that the majority of Canadians would be in favor of bringing back capital punishment. 

All in favor of capital punishment say yeh. 😇

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