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Have You Listened Lately to What Trump Is Saying? He is becoming frighteningly clear about what he wants.

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Have You Listened Lately to What Trump Is Saying? He is becoming frighteningly clear about what he wants.


In our nation’s history, according to former Vice President Dick Cheney, who served in four Republican administrations and was part of the Republican leadership in the House, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.

That Trump would say what he’s said and done what he’s done is no surprise; he is a profoundly damaged human being, emotionally and psychologically. And he’s been entirely transparent about who he is. The most troubling aspect of this whole troubling drama has been the people in the Republican Party who, though they know better, have accommodated themselves to Trump’s corruptions time after time after time. Some cheer him on; others silently go along for the ride. A few gently criticize him and then quickly change topics. But they never leave him.

By now I know how this plays out: For most Republicans to acknowledge—to others and even to themselves—what Trump truly is and still stay loyal to him would create enormous cognitive dissonance. Their mind won’t allow them to go there; instead, they find ways to ease the inner conflict. And so they embrace conspiracy theories to support what they desperately want to believe—for example, that the election was stolen, or that the investigation into Russian ties to the 2016 Trump campaign was a hoax, or that Joe Biden has committed impeachable offenses. They indulge in whataboutism and catastrophism—the belief that society is on the edge of collapse—to justify their support for Trump. They have a burning psychological need to rationalize why, in this moment in history, the ends justify the means.

If I had told this individual in 2016 what Trump would say and do over the next eight years, I’m confident he would have laughed it off, dismissing it as Trump Derangement Syndrome—and that he would have assured me that if Trump did do all these things, then of course he would break with him. Yet here we are. Despite Trump’s well-documented depravity, he still has a vise grip on the GOP; he carried 94 percent of the Republican vote in 2020, an increase from 2016, and he is leading his closest primary challenger nationally by more than 45 points. 

^Here is a guy who truly understands the MAGA CULT, including several Canucks who post here.

Just remember: Trump is a conman. Google John Barron.
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Yes, we get it. You're scared of trump. 

You're scared of trump. you're scared of republicans, you're scared of me, you're basically a frightened little guy.

I think the issue you need to addrBOOOOO!!!!  AHHHAHAHAAHAHAA!!!  Sorry - I couldn't help myself :)  Here - let me get you some clean underwear.....

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5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Yes, we get it. You're scared of trump. 

You're scared of trump. you're scared of republicans, you're scared of me, you're basically a frightened little guy.

I think the issue you need to addrBOOOOO!!!!  AHHHAHAHAAHAHAA!!!  Sorry - I couldn't help myself :)  Here - let me get you some clean underwear.....

The man said he would be a dictator if re-elected.  Believe it. 

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29 minutes ago, Rebound said:

The man said he would be a dictator if re-elected.  Believe it. 

It's so simple to see. This is basically an A/B test for if you're in the Trump cult.

I have resigned myself to his victory and four years of dysfunctional government held back from operating due to legal challenges.

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

Because the only way to stop the left from destroying themselves and everything else is for a strongman to come forward.

F*ck your corrupt legislation.


I believe what you mean to say is "F*ck the constitution and democracy. Bring on the "benevolent" dictator."

Once again turning David Frum into a prophet:  "If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.”

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

Have You Listened Lately to What Trump Is Saying? He is becoming frighteningly clear about what he wants.

^Here is a guy who truly understands the MAGA CULT, including several Canucks who post here.

Just remember: Trump is a conman. Google John Barron.


9 hours ago, robosmith said:

In our nation’s history, according to former Vice President Dick Cheney, who served in four Republican administrations and was part of the Republican leadership in the House, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.

Bah Ha ha Haaa... Dick Cheney. A man who shot his "friend" in the face. A man who lied endlessly in order to get the USA to attack Iraq. Dick Cheney...the ultimate military industrial complex stooge. And you...robo-twit...now put stock in anything the old gasbag says? Boy are you ever stoopid!

So be afraid, all you limp little Tweenkies. Be very afraid. Hide under your favourite table. The big bad Trump is gonna close the border and drill baby drill. Then...he'll likely fire the flatulent arses of Wrey, Garland and several other flatulent Libbies.


Edited by Nationalist
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They think it's a fun game, political entertainment. Push the button and see what happens. Nothing bad can happen because it's guaranteed we have these bells, whistles and horns, see. Romans thought that too. Then, they got Neron and Caligula and all the way to the downfall. The fun game never ends, and always goes in a circle. Not even sad and tragic, just dumb and ridiculous. One could have learned, and remembered. But one needs a brain and a working memory for that... why bother?

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5 minutes ago, myata said:

They think it's a fun game, political entertainment. Push the button and see what happens. Nothing bad can happen because it's guaranteed we have these bells, whistles and horns, see. Romans thought that too. Then, they got Neron and Caligula and all the way to the downfall. The fun game never ends, and always goes in a circle. Not even sad and tragic, just dumb and ridiculous. One could have learned, and remembered. But one needs a brain and a working memory for that... why bother?

You remember Caligula? Boy...are you ever old.

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54 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

He technically tried to be in his last run. I don't think he worries me more than another Biden run.

Because you don't believe Trump has learned how to bypass the guardrails which checked him before?

First stop: appoint an ACTING AG, who will be fired on a whim if he doesn't obey the dictator.

Trump has learned to NOT appoint anyone who cares about his reputation.

Of course no one with a good reputation, that wants to keep it, would accept the job.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:


Bah Ha ha Haaa... Dick Cheney. A man who shot his "friend" in the face. A man who lied endlessly in order to get the USA to attack Iraq. Dick Cheney...the ultimate military industrial complex stooge. And you...robo-twit...now put stock in anything the old gasbag says? Boy are you ever stoopid!

So be afraid, all you limp little Tweenkies. Be very afraid. Hide under your favourite table. The big bad Trump is gonna close the border and drill baby drill. Then...he'll likely fire the flatulent arses of Wrey, Garland and several other flatulent Libbies.


You are such a STUPID gnat man, you believe I wrote that article when I clearly did not.

And you're stupid enough to believe that dictator Trump will stop that shit after day one.

Here's a clue for you: the US is already producing OIL at a RECORD PACE. Let us know when Trump approves oil rigs off the coast of Mar-a-Lago. That would show he's serious. But you KNOW that Trump making personal sacrifices is UNTHINKABLE. Oh, check that, you probably don't....

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5 hours ago, Rebound said:

The man said he would be a dictator if re-elected.  Believe it. 

The man says a lot of things. He said he'd put hillary in jail.

You guys seem to think it's remotely possible.  Whats the mechansim for that? He's elected today, and tomorrow he decides to suspend democracy so he.....   what? What button do you press, which law allows for that?

Give me a break. It's as believable as his "angry face" he was so proud of showing on his mug shot for a week or so. :)

He will get in, he will say stupid crap, the staff will keep him in line, he'll actually run a decent economy. And i'm sure whomever wins the nomination after him the dems will say "Woah!! We thought TRUMP was bad but this guy is even WORSE!!!!!!!"

This is how america has landed where it has. The voters need to tell the dems to STFU and stop with all the bullsh*t rhetoric and hatred and misinformation, and they need to tell the republicans to put forward a leader who's not just there to stir the chit.

And just effing get along.  This idiocy is spreading to other countries - you're ruining democracy for everyone

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6 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

My concern is President Trump will abandon the people of the Ukraine. Holodomor 2.0 

He has said he would end the conflict within 24 hours.  Whether or not he could manage that quick a timeframe, the answer points to him mandating a solution which also points to Ukraine giving up territory.  

If they refuse to comply with his solution, he presumably would veto aid to Ukraine and permit Russian slaughter of civilians as Ukrainian defensed expired.

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12 hours ago, robosmith said:

Have You Listened Lately to What Trump Is Saying? He is becoming frighteningly clear about what he wants.

^Here is a guy who truly understands the MAGA CULT, including several Canucks who post here.

Just remember: Trump is a conman. Google John Barron.

Sounds like he wants to drain the swamp, and I can't wait. ;)

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8 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

He has said he would end the conflict within 24 hours.  Whether or not he could manage that quick a timeframe, the answer points to him mandating a solution which also points to Ukraine giving up territory.  

If they refuse to comply with his solution, he presumably would veto aid to Ukraine and permit Russian slaughter of civilians as Ukrainian defensed expired.

This would be my guess.

"russia - take what you've got and no more demands, if they want to join nato they can apply at any time. Keep your 'land bridge' to crimea".

"Ukraine - if you don't stop every single one of us will stop helping. Not another bullet. You'll be dead in a month. Give them what they've got, and i promise we'll help with the rebuilding and arm you to the teeth so this can never happen again. Maybe even let you into nato.

Both win and both lose and it ends.


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17 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

He has said he would end the conflict within 24 hours.  Whether or not he could manage that quick a timeframe, the answer points to him mandating a solution which also points to Ukraine giving up territory.  

If they refuse to comply with his solution, he presumably would veto aid to Ukraine and permit Russian slaughter of civilians as Ukrainian defensed expired.

The only way Trump could end it in 24 hours is complete surrender of Ukraine.

15 minutes ago, Deluge said:

The Ukrainians need to get off wokeness - it's a killer. 

You need to get off the BULLSHIT CRAZY TRAIN.

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