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Crazies stab Derek Chauvin, the cop wrongfully convicted of murder after the lefties incited a race riot

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52 minutes ago, West said:

I've taken restraint training when I worked as a security guard awhile ago. When you have a person who's been caught and are in a restraint they'll try telling you they can't breathe etc. The best way to know if they can breathe is when they can talk. 

Well, thank goodness you're here. The two silly medical examiners who pronounced Floyd's death a homicide and identified the cause as cardiopulmonary compression wasted all that time and money on med school. They should have just called a mall cop!

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2 hours ago, West said:

I've taken restraint training when I worked as a security guard awhile ago. When you have a person who's been caught and are in a restraint they'll try telling you they can't breathe etc. The best way to know if they can breathe is when they can talk. 

Did your "restraint trainer" tell you that a lot MORE AIR is needed to LIVE than to just talk? Esp when under high PHYSICAL STRESS.

IF you can think about it, you will understand.

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9 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Did your "restraint trainer" tell you that a lot MORE AIR is needed to LIVE than to just talk? Esp when under high PHYSICAL STRESS.

IF you can think about it, you will understand.

By the very fact the guy could talk showed he could breathe. This is fact. 

When you truly have an obstructed airway then you can't talk. You just turn blue and pass out

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Did your "restraint trainer" tell you that a lot MORE AIR is needed to LIVE than to just talk? Esp when under high PHYSICAL STRESS.

IF you can think about it, you will understand.

Oh the poor baby was under "PHYSICAL STRESS". Must have been all that fentonyl in his body.

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2 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

“Prisoner stabbed by another prisoner”. 

These headlines don’t catch much attention until it’s a rightwing hero, I guess.  Maybe if the rightwingers were concerned about violence in prisons a long time ago, this wouldn’t have happened?   

No one in modern history has sent more blacks to jail for committing non-serious crimes than Joe Biden has.

The only time the Demonrats are really serious about getting people out of jail is during their own race-riots. 

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22 hours ago, robosmith said:

Do you even know what Karma is? What goes around, comes around. Chauvin would not be in prison if he'd not KILLED FLOYD.

Chauvin ASKED to be transferred to that medium security detention facility from a high security facility.

Your intellectual bankruptcy is pitiful and annoying.

Ya i do know what karma is...I also know what bad justice looks like...there is NO karma in the justice system...just justice, i know imigine that...knowing what was going to happen before it happen is not karma, is justice turning it's head the other way hoping for a different outcome...Like the cop getting injured or killed...

Should have just cut his throat while in the court, it would have saved time,   that is what your proposing right...for karma to take it's course...

I wonder why that is, perhaps he knows this is his new life now, might as well get it over with...once again, your justice system fails the sniff test...


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7 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

“Prisoner stabbed by another prisoner”. 

These headlines don’t catch much attention until it’s a rightwing hero, I guess.  Maybe if the rightwingers were concerned about violence in prisons a long time ago, this wouldn’t have happened?   

Liberals have had 8 plus years in power to make the same choices, but then again liberals can't make choices, as they have shown over and over again....don't worry your turn in the wheel house is almost over, Justin and the NDP gangs will soon be doing their time on the benches for the next 3 terms...

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7 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Liberals have had 8 plus years in power to make the same choices, but then again liberals can't make choices, as they have shown over and over again....don't worry your turn in the wheel house is almost over, Justin and the NDP gangs will soon be doing their time on the benches for the next 3 terms...

This happened in the USA.  

Do you bring up Trudeau in every thread?

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On 11/25/2023 at 6:35 PM, West said:

No it's not at all. Chauvin never got a fair trial due to the threats. 

And actually what the cowardly so called experts concluded was that the drug use and heart disease contributed to the death as well

Dr. Martin Tobin, a world-renowned expert in respiratory physiology, testified free of charge in this trial because after viewing the video evidence he felt so strongly that Floyd had been killed by the police. How is he a coward, exactly? 

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1 minute ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Dr. Martin Tobin, a world-renowned expert in respiratory physiology, testified free of charge in this trial because after viewing the video evidence he felt so strongly that Floyd had been killed by the police. How is he a coward, exactly? 

Far leftist who wanted to solidify a fake narrative that black folk are being hunted down by cops and aren't actually committing crimes but are being unfairly targeted for having black skin. 

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8 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Oh the poor baby was under "PHYSICAL STRESS". Must have been all that fentonyl in his body.

That and being scared to death the cops were going to kill him. Turns out that fear was completely JUSTIFIED. Duh

8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

No one in modern history has sent more blacks to jail for committing non-serious crimes than Joe Biden has.

The only time the Demonrats are really serious about getting people out of jail is during their own race-riots. 

Only a few in modern history LIE more than ^this.

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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Ya i do know what karma is...I also know what bad justice looks like...there is NO karma in the justice system...just justice, i know imigine that...knowing what was going to happen before it happen is not karma, is justice turning it's head the other way hoping for a different outcome...Like the cop getting injured or killed...

Should have just cut his throat while in the court, it would have saved time,   that is what your proposing right...for karma to take it's course...

I wonder why that is, perhaps he knows this is his new life now, might as well get it over with...once again, your justice system fails the sniff test...

Floyd is DEAD. Chauvin spent some time in the hospital. You're right, that's not even Karma.

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2 hours ago, West said:

Far leftist who wanted to solidify a fake narrative that black folk are being hunted down by cops and aren't actually committing crimes but are being unfairly targeted for having black skin. 

Being Canadian, you have no idea what's actually going on in SOME neighborhoods HERE.

Not too long ago, a cop at a gas station in the South asked to see a black man's license, and when the guy tried to comply, the cop took out his gun and shot at him. Turned out his hasty compliance made the white cop a little nervous, so obviously shooting was the best solution. That's typical in the South.

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

Being Canadian, you have no idea what's actually going on in SOME neighborhoods HERE.

Not too long ago, a cop at a gas station in the South asked to see a black man's license, and when the guy tried to comply, the cop took out his gun and shot at him. Turned out his hasty compliance made the white cop a little nervous, so obviously shooting was the best solution. That's typical in the South.

Best to act like the cop has a gun drawn at you at all times, and move as conspicuously and slowly as possible.

I have always acted this way which is sad, but only once did my ways make a cop nervous.

IE an alarm went off where I work.

It was a mouse. Really old building.

Tripped the sensors.

I obviously head to my branch as it was early morning anyways, reset the alarm, all is well.

I then get the door chime, telling me someone entered the building. Mercifully all lights are on.

Its a female officer.

I greet her with a smile, and ask her how she's doing, as its too early for me to process the imminent danger. She has her hand above her gun, which was the dose of coffee I needed. 

Keep in mind, am in uniform, so my company logo is clearly on my dress shirt. 

Mercifully she exercised restraint and was quick to drop her hand as I made clear with my body language that I wasn't a threat, as if I get shot, I sue the living daylights out of the city and police force for unprecedented amounts. Multiply that by God knows how much, if it were my next of kin making that call.


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I can understand a cop making a bad judgment call in the blink of an eye. Some people don't realize the stress levels one will experience in a life and death situation with only a fraction of a second to determine an imminent threat, at times.

That makes Chauvin's actions even worse.

He had over 9 minutes to change course. Several while the body he was kneeling on, was now lifeless. In cuffs. Unconscious. What threat is being posed? 

Not even a concern from him. It wasn't until a paramedic arrived, that he does what he easily could have minutes prior, and remove himself from the long neutralized threat.

Sorry, but that's deliberate. That's murder.

I work with police forces, so have an understanding on the lawful and unlawful use of force.

This took the line that is drawn, and shitted on it.

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9 hours ago, West said:

Far leftist who wanted to solidify a fake narrative that black folk are being hunted down by cops and aren't actually committing crimes but are being unfairly targeted for having black skin. 

I will let his words speak for themselves:



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4 hours ago, robosmith said:

That and being scared to death the cops were going to kill him. Turns out that fear was completely JUSTIFIED. Duh

Only a few in modern history LIE more than ^this.


George Floyd was nothing more than a drug addicted criminal. A very unsuccessful criminal at that. Low level street urchin stuff. In short, a loser. 

That's what you Tweenkies used as a symbol for your civil destruction. A loser who OD'ed while resisting arrest. The whole thing is a perfect metaphor for Libbie mentality. Hell they even got a lot of you to hate the skin you're in. Now is that dopey or what...

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17 hours ago, Hodad said:

Well, thank goodness you're here. The two silly medical examiners who pronounced Floyd's death a homicide and identified the cause as cardiopulmonary compression wasted all that time and money on med school. They should have just called a mall cop!

This was a misconception, unfortunately. 

Someone with their breathing restricted will be able to talk, and even breathe.

I have had tonsillitis so bad, my throat was nearly swollen shut.

I could breathe sure, but it was highly restricted. Breathing shouldn't be labored. This mean something serious is afoot. If you start getting lightheaded like I did, or get the "spins" like I like to call it, when you just know you're about to lose consciousness, then you have reached the point of no return. 

I obviously could speak, but my voice told the tale.

I wasn't even considering the hospital, until I collapsed.

Its a horrible misconception.

His voice and breathing was clearly labored. My wife is the nurse, but I don't need her education to know dude was about to pass out seeing how hard he was working to breathe.

Him being a resisting suspect doesn't mean he deserved a horrible death like this.

Insane. You can walk after a serious concussion. Doesn't mean you're fine.

I have had numerous playing competitive sports. Probably explains the brain damage I have. Or at least thats what the wife blames on my horrible memory.

One of which had me collapse, and struggle to get back up, but once up--I dusted myself off as I was normal and kept playing.

In today's knowledge based society, that would be a rather low IQ assessment. Back then, it was spot on. 

No limbs dangling, you're good to go! Tape it up, otherwise.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

That's what you Tweenkies used as a symbol for your civil destruction. A loser who OD'ed while resisting arrest. The whole thing is a perfect metaphor for Libbie mentality. Hell they even got a lot of you to hate the skin you're in. Now is that dopey or what...

The jury did not believe fentanyl toxicity was a significant factor in his death, ie, a person without fentanyl in their system would have died under the same circumstances. 

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2 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

The jury did not believe fentanyl toxicity was a significant factor in his death, ie, a person without fentanyl in their system would have died under the same circumstances. 

You mean the jury of Tweenkies? Marvelous. 

The proof is there for all to see for themselves. As a result, billions of dollars in damage and a crime rate that's exploding.

For what? A human failure.

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29 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

The jury did not believe fentanyl toxicity was a significant factor in his death, ie, a person without fentanyl in their system would have died under the same circumstances. 

Right because if they did they would've faced threats from a mob over a delusion that cops are out to harm black people

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On 11/25/2023 at 9:06 AM, Aristides said:

My son is a cop, he says what Chauvin did was totally over the top. That procedure is only meant to be used for a very short period, not nine minutes. Chauvin also had a history of excessive force.

"Excessive force" these days could mean blunt honesty. Talk about Chauvin's history of excessive force. 

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